Lee Kelly
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Everything posted by Lee Kelly
I must say, I was a little disappointed by some of the condescending posts in this thread. The guy was just passing on a safety notice about particular lenses that have a cult following but could actually be quite dangerous to young organs. He wasnt trying to sell a product to protect anyone or any other kind of promotion and was arrogantly cut down by enthusiasts (at best) when he actually took a more scientific approach and was acting on advice from people who specialise in radioactivity. Regardless of what else in this world gives us similar values of exposure, I dont think this info was handled very maturely. You guys could have easily just said, something along the lines of, 'thanks for the info Jr. I love my lens and will keep using it but thanks for looking out for us.' This forum should be more supportive of its members and not falling into troll territory.
I would suggest that you worry about your actual real world life and relationships, more than what strangers on a forum think of you. Sure, if your name has been dragged through the mud online, a simple google search will uncover that and you may end up having more strangers believe the hype but again, really? Do you really care what strangers think? Its not like this particular issue for this guy is going to affect his life too much. Its Egypt for starters, while most of us are NOT in Egypt. Its not like people are going to throw rotten fruit at him in the street or spit in his face! It saddens me to the core that so many people in this day and age put as much emphasis into their online presence as they do, often at the demise of their physical reality. Here I am getting involved with this rubbish while my kid wants to go see the new Finding Dory film. Geez I wonder what should be more important. Goodluck to all the victims but I think we know nothing will come of this. Write it off as a bad experience that brought the EOSHD community together. Some talented PIs in here. Head out and see the sunshine instead of critiquing photos of the sunshine online. Just saying...
All you perfect humans who are concerned with peoples feeling on a forum need to lighten up. Nobodys life is being ruined. Its a forum mostly used by hobbyist lens enthusiasts. Unless you are a 15yr old kid being called names online, I dont think we need to worry. Not that making jokes about kids being bullied online is appropriate but I just dont get that stuff??? Must be a generation thing? Maybe all the ecstasy parents around my age took in the early 2000s did have an impact on their kids because when I was at school we would all be pricks to eachother and none of us ended up hurt enough to end our lives. Point is, this is the internet, hardly real life. Its a forum booo hooo. Fact is someone who uses this forum has a name associated with fraud and some of us find this interesting with the main idea of getting to the bottom of it, mostly in the hope the account holder is innocent and the scammer gets punched in the dick and nobody else makes the same rookie mistake and gets scammed like this again. There is no witch hunt or lynch mob, its an online forum. His actual friends and family will still love him.
Of course, innocent until proven guilty is the PC response in this day and age. Of course if this kind of potential account hack happened to any of us, we would want to defend our good name too. My rant and promise of violence may be considered a bit archaic or Barbarian (no offense any Barbarians out there...) but whether it was $1 or $1000 a wrong has been done and in my book that is not cool at all. I dont think the true account holder needs to be responsible for refunding the victims, unless he does have a sneaking suspicion that the fingers pointed at his grandson might be close to the mark. If I was hacked and someone fell victim to that fraud, its not my job to fork out my own money to fix it. I am as much of a victim and having someone access your personal information can be seen as far more invasive than losing a bit of money. Its only money. I share a common problem in this day and age where we believe people sharing a similar interest and sharing that interest in friendly banter on a forum makes us friends. Sure I am friendly but to send someone money via a VERY commonly used method by scammers without any kind of buyer protection is just silly. Sorry for the victim of the scam but you sent the money with no security. A mistake that we can all learn from now. A positive to come from this mess. Egypt is a dangerous place, make no mistake and if the true account holder who may have been hacked finds out who did it, I dont think someone like me is going to be as scary as the local repercussions. I just HATE thieves more than ANYTHING and have always decided that if I catch someone stealing from me, they will pay a hefty price. The world is small and as you can see, some forum members with a bit of time on their hands and some swift key strokes can find anyone. One more thing that doesnt add up. The account holder in one point suggests he doesnt like the idea of a scammer knowing his identity or something along those lines but then decided to provide his 'home address' and personal income potential on a forum which he also considers a possibility as the source of the hack??? Anyone???
Im not a rich man but if I ever get scammed by someone like that, I would VERY happily spend the $1000 or whatever to fly there and find the guy and scare him VERY well. That is not a threat, it is a promise. Scare/beat the shit out of/take every dollar he has and then enjoy my holiday. We had a recent Tax scam here where I was called by 'the taxation dept' saying there was a warrant out for my arrest for tax evasion. This happened just after I had made some purchases and perhaps the sellers did not declare the full value on customs forms (naughty sellers!) At first my heart sunk. I thought it was legit. My wife googled around a bit and discovered it was a new scam. They leave you a phone number to call to sort out payment (to avoid further legal action of course) so I called and pretended I was really sorry and wanted to make it right and can I come in to their office with a cheque right away. Geez I wish he gave me an address... Not too many instances when I believe in violence but if you steal from me I will hurt you and take everything you have and leave you crying on the floor naked. This kid needs some time on the floor naked and crying. Whos keen for a trip to Egypt?
In Australia, Sydney anyway, we shoot with Alexa 99% of the time. There was a period where the 4:3 was very popular with gorgeous panavision anamorphics. The Amira came onto the scene for a few minutes but most camera assistants hated it. Menu is tricky to get your head around on the first few uses especially when youre under the pump not to mention there is no 'dumb side' like on a normal Alexa. The mini has been really popular, especially with all the gimbal and steadicam jobs. Next popular would be Red Dragon. I guess for the most part it comes down to personal preference and also ease of use, especially in the post side of things. Arri has great images, easy to use and post is a simple process. Lots of producers are scared off by Red and this is due to post houses not being up to spec to handle the files. I own a Dragon myself and when you know what to do and have the correct processes in place its easy as can be. Plenty of the post houses were having to transcode files to work with the NLEs and that is just rubbish these days. It meant the post timeframe was drawn out, and more expensive and that put people off. Red Dragon is awesome in the right hands.
Hey Rich101, I have been sourcing a few of your lenses second hand and have one that I think will be awesome on the pre 36. I have ordered some rings to make it work but obviously would have loved an optimised version from you directly but understand you are super busy so didnt want to feel rejected when you werent able to reply to an email ha ha my fragile ego ha ha The leicas could be awesome so maybe ill have a look at those... Also trying to buy a Kowa Bell and Howell 2x and looking to build a nice little set of taking lenses for this as well. I shoot on Red Dragon.
hmmmm it would be cool to have a couple of focal lengths that kind of match well but make the most of the iscorama. The search continues. Helios make some other focal lengths right?
S35 sensor size, what would be the ideal taking kit. Helios 58 seems popular. Mir 37mm? Jupiter 9 85mm? Tair 11 135mm?
I was sifting through 50000000000 forum threads via a search and saw a post by someone (maybe one of the experienced guys) suggesting there was a trick used to find 'the sweet spot' on a dual focus setup. Does anyone remember that post??? It was something about setting your taking lens to inf and then rotating attachment focus ring til the background or bokeh looks right or something and locking that position in and then using your taking lens to focus??? Maybe I am tripping?
Hey guys, Anyone have a FF58 they dont use enough to justify? I am looking for a couple, to see which would suit my needs and happy to discuss with anyone considering sell theirs.