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Everything posted by Django

  1. well familiar with his antics.. i don't think anybody listens to him for photography tips/advice. or any advice period. same thing for ken rockwell's site. more like a colorful view on gear. although both do have in common a vast knowledge and appreciation of vintage glass.. which i respect despite the over-zealous attitude & borderline fanboy talk. i'm in the Fuji/Nikon camp though so i guess i don't mind it too much, lotta stuff he says makes me giggle too (in small doses, dude posts like 5 videos a day!?)
  2. i like angry photographer but he knows zilt about video.. hell he's using a 80mm macro lens to do weird pans on buildings..?! anyways in my very brief testing of H1 yesterday, IBIS seemed really on point.
  3. smartphone users take snapshots.. as do point & shoot camera users. chances are people investing in a FF A7 series are serious about photography (wether enthusiasts or pro) hence indeed buttons & overall ergonomics being of importance. touch screens are cool and a welcome addition, but when you're eye is on the EVF/OVF, nothing beats dials, wheels & buttons imo. especially when shooting manual. wrong again pal. Pros want best of both worlds, they want the performance & ergonomics of DSLRs along with the advantages of mirrorless (EVF, IBIS, no mirror slap, no AA, more AF points/spread, adapting lenses, better video etc) with the added benefit of weight/size usually still being inferior to flagship DSLRs. And with every body generation going in this direction, more pro photogs (or simply DSLR advocates) are switching over. That being said the majority of pros are still clinging on to DSLRs for performance, durability & ergonomic reasons. In any case I welcome this direction from Sony/Fuji and predict A7iii will sell like hot cakes, in fact it is currently already the number one best selling mirrorless camera a week only after it's announcement: https://www.amazon.com/Best-Sellers-Electronics-Mirrorless-Cameras/zgbs/electronics/3109924011 Seems like they're not off to a bad strategy..
  4. Had a very quick go at one today during lunch break.. i'm in love with Eterna.. however RS seemed kinda bad (not A6500 bad but noticeable) any solid numbers yet?
  5. Believe it or not but Fuji has stated the larger body is in part to accommodate the new IBIS system specifically developed for H1. There are videos showing said mechanism, it isn't the most compact. Sorry but it seems you actually totally missed the point. It's not about bigger is less amateur. It's about tougher build quality, and better weight balance for bigger lenses as well as enhanced handling with a deeper grip and to serve multiple uses including gloves etc.. As for your stats, pros may be declining but amateurs tend to aim more & more towards high-end.. also last time i checked Fuji/Sony/etc still sell a vast array of prosumer/consumer bodies..
  6. 100fps (4x slow mo) seems a bit cleaner than 120fps (5x):
  7. the small sensor - large body of the XH1 is what allows the class-leading IBIS system Fuji has developed. some people do prefer bigger dslr form factor. especially when using larger/heavier glass as it balances better. it's also to note X-H1's uses a thicker full alloy magnesium construction with increased weather sealing. basically, they're aiming it at pros.
  8. 4K downscaled from 5k. 120fps average (some aliasing/moire). looks more like user error, as @pszilard test above shows much better AF using correct settings. btw, still confused about if H1 has dual axis level indicator as above test shows single axis (as on XT2)? Assuming X-H1's FHD is identical to XT2's then it's not as good as D750's since there is pixel binning and aliasing on jagged lines.
  9. Don't know if this is user error or early firmware but in this test the H1's AF is miles behind the XT2's and basically fails which of course doesn't make sense.:
  10. sounds like you guys are talking more about post-production wow factor tricks than actual camera inherent mojo.. it seems shooting super-slomo at super shallow DOF + a LUT gets instant mojo approval yet i believe there's also mojo on the hardware side. not that many cams have it imo.. it's a mix of color science, motion cadence, dynamic range, sensor type etc.. obvious mojo cams to me are Alexas, BMPCC 2.5K, 5D3 ML Raw, 1DC, Digital Bolex, D750, Fujis.. of course one shouldn't underestimate the lens pairing either..
  11. Chris & Jordan just commented about skintones in their live A73 Q&A: "green-magenta cast on everything" "WB was correct, strange tint issues on skintones " "Sony still far behind in color science": glad to hear i'm not the only one seeing this..
  12. Specs are killer but I can't get over that yellow cast in mixed light shots (including all over Max in his review). Looks like AWB is still crappy. Or is it just the color science? both? I know Andrew talked about the new HLG profile giving more Canon like skin tones in a A7R3 article? wish there was a bit more talk about this and footage examples of how this improves the Sony color science issues. Again this is my main gripe with Sony's as I simply can't afford to lose time in post correcting each shot nor do I often have time to use color checkers, custom WB & adjust profile color settings when shooting R&G.. To round it off, I assume these issues Max listed last month are still present:
  13. @j-oc How is the 2K (FHD 17:9)? I assume no crop but is there any less binning artifacts than regular 1080p? shame Natural Live View on Flog doesn't act as a "view assist". I'm pretty sure Johnny from C5D had said so in his initial H1 review..? as for the dual level indicator, so you can confirm it has pitch & roll? cuz all the H1 videos i've seen seem to only show the green horizontal roll indicator?
  14. @jonpais Yes, you can see it briefly in operation in the last video on the previous page (H1 launch event) at around 5:45. touch focus even seems to work when using the EVF.
  15. @j-oc: Congrats & bon appetit! i'm curious about the touch to focus, if it can do a smooth rack focus? does natural live view on F-Log apply a view-assist like function to preview footage? also can't find anywhere in the manual if the H1 has dual-level axis level indicator (like GFX50) or single-axis like XT2?
  16. sorry but no, he didn't say 8-bit isn't the right tool for his intended use, he claimed "fact remains these aren’t the requirements for any serious and aspiring professional in this industry" which implies 8-bit cameras cannot be considered serious professional tools for videography. i find that statement indeed offensive/inflammatory/ignorant. as for the point about soderbergh, it was just to illustrate that "standards" don't mean much even in cinema. and btw he isn't the first to do it. george lucas shot star wars AOTC on a 8-bit Sony in 2002 as pointed out here recently. movie grossed $650 million. anyways, the fact remains if you need a 10-bit camera, it's either GH5 or 10-bit video camera. not much point debating it in any other current mirrorless/ dslr thread imo.
  17. To be fair, Sony have been listening and their latest gen bodies/batteries are narrowing the gap between consumer/prosumer. Also instead of cutting off a bunch of features and pricing the cam at 1400/1500. Sony actually gives you a lot of their flagship specs for "only" $2000. It's a smart strategy. People think they're getting a bargain when they are going to be spending a lot more for the entry-level model than previously.
  18. No offense but this is BS. There are a lot more than a few people making money with 8-bit cameras. From YouTubers, to wedding/corporate/commercial videographers, R&G, indie film etc.. one could argue 8-bit is "the normal thing". Not sure what you consider the "industry" but there is now a whole new digital platform outside of broadcast television that doesn't care about any old "standards". (which btw is what.. BBC/EBU standards?) Even cinema doesn't really care.. Soderbergh's next movie was shot entirely on iPhone 7+ and just premiered at Berlin Film festival last month.. Anyways i sense trolling.. because we all know only a single mirrorless/dslr camera exists on the market today that shoots 10-bit internally. So.. just get that or pony up for a pro video cam. Easy.
  19. please fellows, lets not encourage shit-posting.. some people are genuinely interested in this camera.. X cinema page up on Fuji's site with a bunch of new videos shot on H1: https://fujifilm-x.com/cinema/
  20. jeepers creepers...WTF?! some commenters see to think "it's caused by light reflecting off the phase detect sensors" .. so basically the on-sensor AF system is at fault here?!
  21. I beg to disagree.. while every camera will handle things differently, the XT2 is the first camera that consistently nails just about any artificial/mixed lighting i've thrown at it.. inversely, Sony's tend to always have this ugly yellow cast (A7S was greenish) that requires fixing in post. it's no secret and as you know Andrew has made extensive examples displaying zombie skin tones and such in his EOS profile promos.. i don't know another camera brand with such wacked out SOOC color science..
  22. That's the thing though, many times when run & gunning you don't have time to manually set WB or use color checker or dive in to change settings for every changing scene. This is when AWB & accurate color science becomes vital and where my experience with Sony has been poor..
  23. @Don Kotlos You're entitled your opinion of course but I'd have to say you are in the vast minority if not the first person i've ever heard claim Sony to have the best color science!
  24. All of those shots are done outdoors in daylight conditions, where Sony struggles is in artificial/mixed lighting. Trust me i've spent years on all systems. I guess in between Canikon it could be somewhat subjective but for sure Sony always lags behind in this department...
  25. @Arikhan thanks as an ex-sony shooter i'm well aware of these fixes. fact remains that with Canikon/Fuji the skin tones look right SOOC. it really baffles me that after so many camera releases Sony still haven't perfected their overall color science and AWB (although indeed i hear A7R3 improves on this). it's the one hang-up i got with Sony. otherwise solid specs for the price.
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