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Grégory LEROY

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Posts posted by Grégory LEROY

  1. Hello,

    I've noticed a change in color temperature when I tweak the contrast setting on my Nikon D5500.

    I set the WB manually, same WB setting for both camera and here is the result:

    Standard Nikon color profile, Contrast 0, sharpness 0:



    Nikon standard profile Contrast  -4, sharpness -4, contrast and sharpness edited in premiere afterward, but I didn't tweak the color temperature at all:



    How do you explain that the 2nd picture is more yellowish? Does tweaking the contrast level in camera impact the WB?

    I prefer the 1st picture look (Nikon standard profile), as a result I don't touch my image setting anymore.

  2. 1 hour ago, Shirozina said:

    P20+ is 16mp - as you say probably not the sweet spot. I'd be looking at a P45+ for my 500/c but then if you haven't got a set of lenses it gets expensive. 

    So the 500/c is still a good investment? I don't really care about the mp. People said the P25+ is better but I don't find it anywhere in Poland. Lens mount of the 500/c and the recent haselblade are the same right?

  3. Does it really worth it to invest in an enthusiast video camera (like GH5) if I only deliver on youtube and facebook (even worth compression)? Should I stick to my cheap nikon D5500? My business is growing, I really want to upgrade but it seems useless because of compression limitation, not mentioning that less than 15% of the monitors are  Full HD in Europe.

  4. 18 hours ago, jonpais said:

    @Grégory LEROY I'm also a bit confused. I thought you were training men to fight back in the event of a terrorist attack, but then later in the program, you tell the reporter how men need to be men, how men need to fight, that in some way this military training is to compensate for their social immobility in France. It also seems to me that a mere month of Skype interviews or emails is insufficient to weed out individuals who may have less savory motives than defending themselves and their loved ones from extremists. Are you a trained psychologist? Do you even do criminal background checks?

    Edit: Also, Gregory, I usually don't volunteer to reveal my millionaire status to people unless asked. ?

    My sentences were cut, they don't make a lot of sens but if you had the whole thing, it would.

    I've talked a lot about immigration and what I like in Poland but nothing was kept in the final cut.

    I ask ID and health certificate (or shooting license). Sometime, I ask private investigator to "scan" participant. (can't give you more details, it's confidential) 

    Psychology is just a tool among many, I can feel the guy talking to him, spending time with him the day before the event.

    this millionaire thing, yeah, it's a mistake, at least girls know it ahah

    17 hours ago, jcs said:

    Right on, we don't want to promote counter-violence, which is violence. We want to promote peace through education. Remember the Rulers are playing the Divide & Conquer game: let's opt out and promote peace, while focusing our efforts on policy to prevent the manufactured conflict from growing in the first place.

    I would agree with you if we were a living in the 40', we're not, we're poisoned by a soft and hypocrite education promoting multiculturalism, passivity and other dangerous things.


    8 hours ago, Thpriest said:

    It's attention seeking by a poor little rich kid under the guise of offering a smidgen of info on what the documentary was shot on. 


    I'm not looking for attraction personally, I want to promote Hussard.

    8 hours ago, PannySVHS said:


    Footage doesnt look anything C1,2,300 like.

    What´s this post have to do with the love for the arts? I don´t see that. Thread is dubious.


    I'm an artist, I have only 1 one year 1/2 of experience but I really believe hussard is art.

    10 hours ago, Thpriest said:

    It was an interesting and well made mini documentary. 

    I feel sorry for the guy who went through the attack on the Bataclan, he's clearly suffering.

    Gregory comes across as a complete twat, a spoilt brat who wants to play at being some kind of twisted French Rambo. To much money and time and a lack of morals and braincells.

    The rise of extreme rightwing thoughts and thuggish groups is just as worrying as any Islamic terrorist threat. You only have to the USA to see where letting these idiots get out of control gets you. The vast majority of the terrorism they have suffered there has been commited by armed rightwing groups who are defending whatever nonsense they have in their tiny brains. It's time the vast majority of society stood up to these thugs and their mouthpieces. I have Polish friends who are about to emigrate from Poland as they are so fed up of this shit and these morons. 

    What is clear is that society does need to find some kind of purpose other than the pursuit of money (for greed or survival), nationalistic or religious nonsense. There are a lot of bored and unhappy people out there just looking for something....anything. For some the escape might be drugs, their work, tv but for others it's violence. It's a real shame 

    Better don't show your face

    11 hours ago, enny said:

    I was Born in Bosnia former Yugoslavia i was 14 when civil war erupted in my country this video reminds me of Serbian Cetnik and Croatian Ustase religious hate group that collaborators with the Nazi in WW2 that rounded up Jews, Roma, gays ect for the Nazi to be send to concentration camps. And that one night in 92 they come for my family just because we happen to be Muslims they rounded up every man of the age of 17 and they wore never seen again they did this all over my town i remember it like it was yesterday. Don't tell me bullshit that you are here to save your self from jihadis terrorist. You have hate and are paranoid and think that every Muslim is after you just like cetnik and ustasa thinks, they think that they have to protect the mother the land from the current threat. You will not fight Jihadis face to face like in Syria, but as always will sooner or latter will target innocent Muslims, Jews, gays ect or who ever you disagree with. Who volunteered to come to Bosnia to kill it was Serbian soccer hooligans, Russian hooligans, Greek religious nut bags and they did exactly the same as you preparing training for some Muslims apocalypse by training with guns like a Rambo, sooner or later when you live in that world of hate and fear you will end up regretting it whens something tragic happens. I lived in a war zone for over 3 years almost lost my life for being Muslim lost family members and friends seen them being taken away in to local hills and never seen them again who did it it was my Serbian neighbors 4 houses down who come at night with guns took my brother and father away but it was my Serbian neighbor who saved my life it was Serbian farmer who brought us milk and bread at night under sniper fire so us kids can eat. When i see this video it sacred the shit out of me because i know where it leads i seen same rag tag military uniforms with some military emblems and religious crosses home made staff like Gregory in this video marching and walking at night through my town when the opportunity come. 25 years its been since the war and to this day I have PTSD not as bad and guns is not the way to regain control of your life after traumatic experience you need help from a professional. And if you think oh shit he is Muslim let me blow your mind my wife is Polish and she is Catholic we have 3 kids with Catholic names been around guns, tanks, artillery seen dead bodies it does not make you a man it just gives you PTSD 2 years down the road thanks god for my wife and family without them i am nothing . Peace and love people for one another that is what we need not more guns and fear



    Can you sum up in two lines pleas?


    I'm very proud of this last video, I shot it with a Nikon D5500. I have about 1 year 1/2 of experience shooting video. I'm sure you guys think it's not art, but I believe it is: 


  5. and my project. Pleas check it out:

    They shot it mainly with canon C200 (mkI) and canon 35mm 1.4L (mainly)

    You can see me doing some photography, etc...

    If you guys want to video shoot Hussard next event for fun, do no hesitate to email me at infos@hussard.pl. There will be a lot of interesting people to meet.

    Atmosphere is cool, no as tense as you might think watching the Vice report.


  6. Hello,

    I mainly deliver in 1080p/50fps.

    Do you guys have some comparison shot? GH5 1080p is supposed to record at higher bit rate + you can record 4k50p then converted to1080p.

    But I'm curious if there's a massive difference, will my client see it? (on youtube)

    Thank you.



  7. On 02/12/2014 at 7:23 PM, Guest 560a4aedcb80685284629074497fdc75 said:

    I just ordered one of these to try instead of the Ultra Contrast (because it was so cheap) on my shiny new GH4: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B001U8885U/ref=ox_sc_act_title_5?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=AJ1X1FSMF7YWQ


    They are a combination of the UltraCon and Tiffen's Digital Diffusion FX (which reduces digital sharpness a bit). I got grade no.4, because they didn't have grade 3. I hope 4 isn't too strong. Presumably the effect on contrast will be the same as the Ultracons. Tiffen official info: http://www.tiffen.com/pressreleasehdtvfx.html


    I'm really looking forward to giving it a try. I think the Ultracons are a great find for Panasonic cameras in particular, because they completely negate the over-sharpened, contrasty, "videoy" look they are always getting accused of having. They make MFT glass much more attractive to me now as well.


    The other thing I'm wondering - and think I'm seeing in the videos posted here (which look awesome btw ) - is, as well as increasing 'perceived' dynamic range (not real DR though) and improving highlight rolloff, do the ultracons not also dispense with the dreaded Lumix shadow-noise problem to some degree? I assume that because they effectively put more light into the shadows, the sensor isn't having to go so close to the noise floor. Of course you can always pull these 'brighter' shadows down in post to get more contrast, but the noise won't be there so much. Am I right about this? Doesn't this make these filters more useful than, for example, a flat profile or log curve, which uses the sensor to put more brightness in the shadows? Macroblocking won't be improved much though I don't think.

    £72.87 cheap????

    On 21/01/2015 at 5:43 PM, sam said:

    Here is a 2015 test comparing different strengths of Ultracon, low con etc... Some of the filters look drastic, but If you open multiple browser windows side x side and pause the test on Clean, Ultracon, lowcon etc.. you can make a better comparison.  Keep in mind small vs large viewing screens and different focal lengths change the strength of a filters look.  I use Schnieder Digicon a bit, as it lowers highlights by adding black specs in the filter.  As you can see in the test, it is almost like an optical log.   I also have used Hollywood Blackmagic to take the digital edge off, but it isn't included in the test.  Curious how it compares to Glimmer Glass?   http://vimeo.com/116316115

    How can we watch your video?

  8. On 30/10/2014 at 11:42 AM, Inazuma said:

    Nice test :) I don't think you needed to sharpen it though. It makes the compression artefacts stand out too much.




    This is my entry for the HitRecord competition by Joseph Gordon-Levitt. The objective is to take cinematic, handheld footage of your city. And it needs to include some walking shots as well as a shot with the camera on myself.


    The afternoon and early evening shots were done on Saturday when I received the Ultra Contrast 5 filter. As I mentioned I think it's a bit too strong and so used the #3 for the rest of the footage which I took over the next few days.


    Really like the image I get with the filter on. Just a shame about my terriby shaky hands :p

    Nice video, the best shot are delight. Is the Tiffen Low Light Ultra Contrast recommended to shoot at night? 

  9. On 20/10/2014 at 1:47 AM, andy lee said:

    that low contrast look can also be achived with the right lenses that have that look .


    one that is very very good for this is the Tokina RMC 28-85mm f4


    its cheap on ebay - it has very very low contrast and very low saturation - they just made it like that for some reason !

    it looks great and I use it to get this look via the glass - not using filters on my good lenses


    Now its a useful lens as it covers a good useable range 28 for the coverage , 85mm for the close ups and 50 0r 40mm for the rest !

    you can shoot an awful lot on this one lens!


    stick it on a speedbooster so you have Super 35mm field of view with it.

    it also then becomes a very good f2.8 !!


    On 25/10/2014 at 8:34 PM, Inazuma said:

    So I bit the bullet over the week and bought the filter. From what I had read the filters work by spreading the light around the image, which is different to simply using a low contrast lens I think. And besides that, I don't want to add another lens to my collection when I already have three superb ones.


    I started with Ultra Contrast 3. It had good effect but I thought I'd go further so this morning I received the #5.


    The filters have an immediate effect of making the image look way more filmic. The reason for this is that really do spread the light around the image - but it's not so simple. They take in more ambient light and thus ambient colour. The result is that you get a much more balanced picture in terms of colour and tonality. These filters really are something magical.


    I have been shooting a fair bit with them over the past few days and will be putting together a video, but for now here's a few images:


    No filter, Standard iDynamic:




    With FilmConvert:




    Tiffen Ultra Contrast #5 (no iDynamic):




    With FilmConvert and some additional saturation.




    Each filter costs just over £100 for the 77mm sizes. I do recommend getting the strongest one (the #5). After further consideration I think the #3 is a better choice because the #5 washes out darker midtones too readily.

    You rock! Your post are very interesting and helpful. On amazon, the 77mm  filter is so expensive, the 52mm is so much cheaper. Do you know if there's some alternative brand other than tiffen? They seem quite expensive in Europe. can we stack those filter to avoid buying Ultra 1, 3, 5, etc...?

  10. 18 hours ago, webrunner5 said:

    I think a restaurant, bar is about the worse place I have ever tried to shoot video in. I bet @noone can chime in here about that. Lighting is All over the place Kelvin wise. Unless you set up a section that you can Stage a shot in, maybe other than where the cooks are, which seems pretty consistent lighting wise, you are asking for trouble. Plan ahead, is all I can say. And use a camera that has a Ton of DR, you will need it.

    The booths are dark as heck, the bar is light as hell, reflections on mirrors at the bar, TV's suck to film, can't use 24fps, waitress opening doors in and out, maybe people lighting cigarettes, going to the restrooms, etc, Wow, is all I can say. And if you have a lot of different nationalities involved in there, Oh boy, that is fun in dark areas.

    Hint, Hint, take a LOT of footage so you can salvage some of it!

    thanks for you opinion. I've booked the vip part of the restaurant + the ambiant light is very dim, I think it be easier.

    18 hours ago, jcs said:

    Shot from just past 2:42, skin tones look a bit off:


    Adjusted by reducing color temp and magenta (Adobe Camera Raw as a filter),


    Adding a warming filter (not perfect but looks more natural to me than original):


    Are you guys shooting full metal jacket indoors (to keep lead out of the air)?

    Thanks for your color grading advice. Can I find this warming filter on premiere?

    15 hours ago, jonpais said:

    I enjoyed your video, but I'm wondering - where did the detail of his face go? It looks like it was photo shopped or something...

    Edit: I see jcs just pretty much nailed it. I really like to see skin texture, let alone color.

    Screen Shot 2017-05-03 at 2.50.44 PM.png

    Strange, I think it'soversharpen caus I forgot to decrease the sharpening to 0 when shooting. But Nikon 1080p is a bit soft, I agree

  11. Thank you guys for your advice. On my last video, I used a 5500K LED light (no modificator) as backlight. I put my camera WB as  tungsten so the LED turns blue . For the key light, I use a larger 3300K LED light with an umbrella (softer light). It's a pretty amateur and inexpensive set up, but what do you think of it? What should I modify?

    For my next video, I plan to shoot people having fun in a restaurant. Are back light relevant? Are LED light relevant as back light? I don't like to gel them cause they look inesthetic when on fields.

    Here is a video of my last presentation (light set up at 2:42). I plan to put some led light on fields next time. Shot with Nikon D5500. Activities 100% legal. Don't hesitate to give me some tips to improve. Thank you.


  12. Beginner question: Why is there systematically big back light source in most of music videos?

    Is it only for back ground separation? I suppose there's some key light in front of the band in addition to the back light right?

    Don't hesitate to share your experience.

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