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Grégory LEROY

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Posts posted by Grégory LEROY

  1. On 21/04/2017 at 4:33 AM, Chrad said:

    The field of view of the GH5 in video mode is about 1.3x wider than the RX100 in video mode. APS-C in video mode has a field of view 1.35x bigger than GH5.

    This is almost the same as the photo mode field of view difference of 1.33x between APS-C and M43. The difference the proportions of the sensors make is very minimal.

    If you're not talking about DOF, it's totally psuedo-scientific and neaningless. What you're referring to is a property of the DOF, and if it applies to M43 then surely it must apply to S16 as well.

    I trust my eyes, not specs sheets, m43 have this kind of weird robotic look to my eyes. Of course a talented videographer can produce beautiful things with m43 but the average footage I'm watching on youtube have this weird look.

  2. On 16/04/2017 at 8:18 PM, Chrad said:

    So deeper DOF = artificial?

    Where does super 16 fit into thos equation for you?

    I've never talked about DOF, I think the artificial look is about in-focus out-of focus transition. I'm only watching m43 footage on youtube.

  3. On 29/11/2016 at 3:24 AM, Inazuma said:

    Yeh turning them to -2 (the max) funks them. -1 is OK.

    Nothing of interest yet. Just this short video testing out the bokeh and flaring characteristics. I am returning the WR and keeping the f1.4 btw. The clutch focus is really useful and it has a nicer skin colour rendition imo (less orange). 

    You can underexpose and then bring up the shadows.  See my earlier post http://www.eoshd.com/comments/topic/20213-the-4k-fuji-x-t2-is-here/?do=findComment&comment=161905


    Yeh the XT2 is a big step up from a D5500 in terms of video ergonomics (EVF, focus peaking) and detail (inc. 1080). Colour and tonality is a little more subjective of course. I just did some quick comparisons for you. The image quality in each 1080p mode is the same (24, 25, 29,97, 50, 59.94 fps) and the rolling shutter seems the same too. For me the main thing that lets down the system is the lack of a stabilised f2.8 16-50mm. I have emailed Metabones last week asking if they plan to make an EF adapter, but have not received any reply so far. 

    There are also a few minor glitches with the camera here and there. Like sometimes there will appear to be lag on the screen until you half press the shutter. And sometimes when taking a photo, it takes it using the electronic shutter and with a brighter exposure than dialled in. I'm hoping Fuji sees feedback like this and makes a firmware to address these issues. If you are listening Fuji, please get in touch!


    Edit: Well what dya know... new firmware just came out http://www.fujifilm.com/support/digital_cameras/software/firmware/x/xt2/index.html

    Sounds like it address the overexposure issue I just mentioned and also adds a LOCK function!

    Tank you very much for your feedback Sebastian, I am following you on youtube.

  4. On 19/09/2016 at 10:12 AM, Inazuma said:


    I spent a lot of time with this camera over the weekend, including shooting one small awards event with it. On Saturday I shot some tests and last night I did a load more in a controlled environment, alongside the Nikon D5500 :)

    I've uploaded all the raw videos to YouTube. Enjoy https://www.youtube.com/user/sebcastilho/playlists

    (Please excuse my voice)

    I'll be using this channel now to upload more tests I've done with this camera and others I've had in the past.

    Great comparison, I own the d5500 (amazing camera, nice color esay to grade, good slow mo) and I'm thinking to invest in a XT2. There is color shifting when we increase the ISO of the d5500, isn't it? the XT2 colors doesn't seem to shift. have you done some 1080p/60fps comparison? It would be very interesting caus 1080p/60fps is more suitable to shoot some action video (less rolling shutter, movement more pleasing). Are you satisfied by the XT2? is it a big step up the D5500?

  5. Hello guys,

    I want to "smooth/fluidity" the movement of shooting drill, I don't want to do slow motion.

    To do so,  I plan to shoot 50p with my little nikon d5500.

    I have two questions:

    - Should I shoot in 1/50 or 1/100?

    - Can I insert footage (interview) shot in 25p in a 50p project?

    Thank you.

  6. On 24/08/2016 at 4:34 AM, IronFilm said:

    What was it for?

    C300 mk1 vs a7S mk2 fit very different niches. 

    LOL! Bet that was hard and took you ages on a long travel all over the internet before you found that ;-) 

    It was the C300 mkI. in the end, I'm really happy of the color look of my little Nikon, I will keep shooting on it.

    I'm a beginner in video but my eye is quite sensitive to color. Sony Slog has weird green magenta reflexion on the skin, it take to much times to color correct.

  7. 7 hours ago, Geoff CB said:

    I've been working on some custom S-LOG settings that I enjoy. Will post here this afternoon.


    Amazing Geoff, I'm waiting for them, you're the man. I will send you the final result.

    On 21/08/2016 at 11:16 PM, tweak said:

    I will come to restaurant if you're offering ;) :glasses:.

    You're from Warsaw?

  8. I see an hipster friend tomorrow, he will try to fix my color issue. I will publish a trailer of what I'm shooting. I'm not technician like u guys. I sell military/anti-terrorist training, I need a tool easy to use, producing images easy to grade.

    On 21/08/2016 at 8:08 PM, sina_html said:

    I previously had the same feeling about Sony Slog 2. But recently I realized that the problem was my workflow not slog2.

    Here is my recent experience, testing A7R2 in slog-2 with Adobe premiere witch gave me good looking (not necessarily accurate) colors:

    - first I applied a color transform matrix to convert sgammut to rec 709. take a look at this post:

    - then I tried to add contrast and saturation with lumetri color. I was Kind of happy with the results but then I tried applying Adobe's Slog 2 SL LUT (in lumetri effect, basic corrections) and found out that it game me better results and I no longer needed to manualy add saturation, just contrast.

    So in a nutshell: Apply channel mixer effect > Apply S-log 2 SL lut > Add contrast.

    I also tried Resolve, first i applied Resolve's own Sony S-log 2 to Rec 709 1D LUT (from nodes panel) then found that I need to bring down the Gain quite significantly (I dont know why it happens) and then added a little bit of saturation and it gave me comparable result with premiere workflow.

    I was aslo recording both internally and externally to a shogun, I found that shogun files needed a data range adjustment before starting the above workflow. you can read about this adjustments in here: https://***URL not allowed***/fix-crushed-blacks-on-sony-a7s-and-a7s-ii-external-recordings/


    C0014 Graded.jpg

    Thank you for your advice, I'm going to follow what you have written.

  9. 2 hours ago, Antonis said:

    Use a proper Slog to Rec709 lut Leroy. 
    And maybe look up a tutorial or two on how people grade their Slog footage.
    That should solve (most) of your problems. :)

    I've watched hours of tuto and Im' already working with rec709. Colors sucks, I have way better color with nikon flat profile.

    2 hours ago, Damphousse said:

    What is your experience level?  There are multiple threads on this forum about working with Sony cameras and various workrounds/workflows.

    I am a relative novice.  I have never worked with Sony gear.  But I do own a Canon T3i and a BMPCC.  They are very different and how you expose, color correct, and grade the output takes quite a bit of thought.  The BMPCC results blow the Canon T3i out of the water when handled carefully but the the results out of the T3i color wise are obviously much easier to achieve straight out of the camera.

    I just find it strange that you are posting on a forum with so much information about how to handle Sony cameras and files and yet you are asking advice from one guy at a rental shop.  I mean search the forum or start a thread and you will get tons of advice from various sources.  When you rent the camera test out two or three techniques and decide what you like.

    Honestly I would never use an 8-bit prosumer codec with a log profile without heavy testing and tons of reading and advice.  It's been mentioned so many times on this forum that 8-bit prosumer log is more trouble that it is worth for many situations.  I stopped using flat profiles on my T3i.  If you really know your camera and are a wizard with Da Vinci Resolve then be my guest.  But an initial outing?  No way.

    I have 8 months of experience shooting with my Nikon D5500. I don't shoot because I'm a video lover, I shoot because videographer refuse to shoot my military activities. I will never shoot log ever, I have no time for this kind of bullshit. 

    1 hour ago, Damphousse said:

    Yeah after an bunch of googling I found this...



    Thanks but I don't want to spend money on this shitty camera I will never rent again.

  10. Hello everyone,

    Are Sony engineer smoking crack? I rent the sony A7SII camera, shoot some SLog2 footage and oooh my god it's horrible..Skin tones look like corpse, sky look like on LSD and those file are impossible to transcode.

    Can you share your workflow to color correct those horrible colors on DaVinci resolve? Any free LUTs to recommend to me?

    Thank you


  11. 1 hour ago, Geoff CB said:

    Why don't you import them into Resolve and turn on proxy's?


    Thank you Geoff, it seems to work. I would invite you to the restaurant if you live in Warsaw. Now, I have to deal with sony horrible colors..Why all this hype around sony A7SII? Skine tones, sky, those colors are horrible!

  12. Hello everyone,

    I have to color correct those horrible sony A7SII file.

    I first use the qualifier tool to correct the sky color. Then, when I want to correct the skin with the same corrector, it automatically apply the sky correction to the skin.

    How can I correct the skin regardless of the sky?

    Thank you.

  13. Hello,

    That's been 3 weeks I'm trying to transcode and grade n DaVinci XAV-C files shot with son A7SII (I hate this camera, I hate this codec). I've spent more than 30 hours in trying to transcode in DNxHD unsuccessfully (no 4k preste in adobe encoder)

    Eventually, I've transcoded the file in Apple Prores 422 HQ with final cut pro X.

    But then, one more time, Davinci don't hollow me to color grade the file.

    What should I do? What setting should I set in Da Vinci?

    Thank you

  14. On 03/07/2016 at 5:26 PM, Django said:

    I played with one last week... man that rolling shutter has got to be the worst case ever.. i was getting all kinds of jello on slow movements! and i'm not even one to complain about rolling shutter in general.. along with the overheating this camera is imo borderline defective / unusable for most applications it seems geared towards. yeah it's got 4k, good AF & s-log but kinda worthless considering the other issues. i mean what's the point of such a portable camera if it only handles static shots on sticks?! should have at least included IBIS to perhaps reduce the jello or something. i'm dumbfounded by this unit. 

    @Grégory LEROY : oublie l'A6300 pour ce que tu fais.. d'ailleurs c'est quoi au juste?! rassure moi, ce sont de vrais militaires??! pas l'air très safe ton truc.. :confused:

    J'ai loué le sony A7SII pour tourner un documentaire. J'ai détesté cette camera, combien de fois j'ai voulu la détruire et qu'est ce que je galère pour transcoder les fichier XAVC S et pour coloriser ces couleurs horrible!!! Bref je ne veux plus entendre parler du sony a6300. Je hais Sony, je produit 20 x plus vite avec mon nikon (oui 20 x)

    Ce ne sont pas des militaires. En Pologne, il y a la culture de la defense civile. On ne se repose pas sur l'Etat. Le soulèvement de Varsovie de 1944, ce sont des civils. Les français aurait 1/4 de leur courage, on ne serait pas là où on en est actuellement avec les attentats.

    d'ailleurs, les videastes français ont refusé de travailler sur mon projet, ce sont des fiottes de hipsters, c'est pour ça que j'apprends et produit tout depuis quelques mois


  15. 6 hours ago, Geoff CB said:

    I'm going against what kidsrevil said, if you shake the camera for added "intensity" like you did here the A6300 image will look horrendous.

    Thx, unfortunately shaking was not intentional, I'm tall and I wanted the camera to be in the action so I handheld it at the level of my hips without any stabilization. I will wait for the Fuji XT2 report then.

    1 hour ago, kidzrevil said:

    it doesn't prevent it, it like "masks" it. The wider the focal length the harder it is to see the rolling shutter artifacts but if you shake the camera back and forth like a mad man then RS is to be expected like @Geoff CB said

    Thanks for advice

    On 30/06/2016 at 3:23 PM, BrorSvensson said:

    also have an lens with OSS helps

    Yes but I've heard (and seen) OSS bring unnatural movement...

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