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Everything posted by gt3rs

  1. Canon in camera NDs for example are not VNDs but are normal NDs so you don't have these issues. On the opposite Canon EF-RF ND adapter is an VND filter, and you have all these issues. The more range the VND have the more problem at the extreme they bring. In my experience, and I have a few of them, the price does not really make a huge difference. If you want the maximum quality normal NDs is the way to go but of course less practical but changing the ISO impact less the image quality that VND.....
  2. Also, most flashes at full speed are rather slow so funny enough buying a A9 III for overpowering the sun with its base iso 250 would not help that much. You lower flash output to sync faster you gain not that much. Maybe more flashes will optimize for shorter duration something that there was no need until GS.
  3. After 11 pages of answers and great suggestions @Jedi Master come up with wait, I forgot to tell you that 70% of my needs are still.... incredible.... hope you had a lot of fun because I'm not amused at all.... so unrespectful of other people time.
  4. Above 100mm IBIS become less efficient but if the lens has IS you can handheld, I regularly handheld 400mm
  5. Other than 120fps that is 4k only, everything else I shoot in RAW so is 8k (R5c has cropped RAW too but I don't use it as I prefer to crop myself). I'm a fan of RAW as it can be graded more heavily without breaking apart, good colorists (not like me 😉 ) can do great with 10bit log material, me less so. I also like that I don't need to set the WB upfront especially when I have zero time for setup or mistakes. I take a lot of stills out both horizontal and vertical, so the resolution helps. Also with 8k I can frame it a bit more loose and have some safety or is some case adding camera movements when the camera is fix like a fake panning, I add a bit of fake camera shake in Resolve to have it more natural. I normally deliver in 4k. I do archive in 8k.
  6. Official NDs filters https://store.insta360.com/product/ace-pro-nd-filter-set?c=2649&from=accessory For example motorsports (Cars, Buggy, etc) applications is where you want to disable digital stabilization and add ND filter. Nothing worse than stabilization correcting the car movements and lack of motion blur. Inferior DR did you see a scientific test that measure the stops, if yes can you please post it as I'm curious. You seem to be very knowledgeable but your examples that you post are not what I would call "action" so not sure that claiming that this is not an action cam feels right. In between the avalanche of useless YT review there are some pieces that show the potential of the camera. From what I could see so far: Gopro 12 + 10 bit log + MAX LENS MOD (this for POV makes a big difference) + integrated mounting + a bit lighter + replaceable lens + 2.7k 240 + a bit better stabilization Insta360 Ace Pro + overall, it seems a bit better image quality. + low light + 2x "lossless crop" + 8k 24 (wish was at least 25) + better software + stats from Apple Watch + HDR mode seems more usable. In daylight it seems to me that the RS 1inch is still the best one and is now quite old.
  7. I posted many times that since I have 45 mpix/8k cameras no more vertical shooting. As I can deliver both vertical and horizontal version of the same pic/video to customer. Coming from 1D III, IV, 1Dx, II, III I really don't miss the grip I prefer to save weight for handholding and gimbal and change more batteries.
  8. I cover a lot of ice hockey from U20 to pro league. The 100-300 2.8 is imo THE hockey lens if you don’t shoot through the holes. Here we don’t have holes in the plexiglass, we shoot through glass and/or plexi or if lucky from in-between the benches. The range is perfect to cover the full field with a 45mpix camera. I started shooting ice hockey with 1Dx + 70-200 2.8, then added another 1Dx + 200-400 F4 and now 1 body only R5 + 100-300 2.8. I always handhold as in hockey there are so many interruptions that I have no problem handholding for the whole match. Interesting fact is that a R5 + 100-300 is only 400 grams heavier than 1Dx III + 70-200 III. Here a couple of Saturday game: Some more examples of the 100-300
  9. What kind of sports do you cover? Imo you should choose by lenses not bodies as 3 years ago Nikon had nothing, now they have two of the best cameras but in 6 months from now? My standard kit R5 R5c RF 100-300 2.8 RF 28-70 2 RF 16 2.8 1.4 tc I have also RF 70-200 2.8 but I use it basically only on Gimbal now as the 100-300 covers a better range. I'm thinking of changing 70-200 for the 24-105 but I'm not sure I like the 100-200 range on gimbal. I also have the RF 100-500 that I use for Freeride and MTB where I'm skiing or on a bike so the 100-300 is just too heavy. I also have the 2x TC but I use it only for daylight horses' competition on big fields and for airplanes/wildlife.
  10. So you have EF lenses… then why you simply just buy a used R5 + adapter and try out, worse case you can resell the R5 for a small loss. EF lenses works better on R body than on DSLR.
  11. You can't really go wrong with both systems. Today Z8 is probably the best bang for the bucks. I shoot with R5 and R5c since the release I'm very happy, you can search my posts here tons of discussion. R5 overheating is a thing of the past, this summer I was shooting under the sun 8k 25 RAW with on top an iphone 13 pro max in 4k... and the iphone shut down due to overheating and the R5 kept going... Having said this I think we will se a new R5 early next year as is now more than 3.5 years old.... so not the best moment to buy it. I think R1 will also show up in first half but who knows. R3 is an amazing camera but I don't want to go back to 24mpix and non 8k video. My preferred one is the R5c but once you decide Nikon vs Canon we can go deeper in the differences. Canon has some unique zooms that you may find interesting for your job: RF 24-105 2.8 (optional power zoom) with one lens you maybe able to cover most of your need. RF 28-70 2.0, I love this lens, no more primes to carry around, switching lens, etc. Sold all my primes other than a el cheapo 16 2.8. RF 70-200 2.8, some love it some not due that is an extending design, but is super small and light weight, I use mine on gimbal quite a bit. RF 100-300 2.8 cost a fortune but is great for sports. With two super expensive lenses and a 1 TC you can cover almost everything 24-105 2.8 100-300 2.8 If you even plan to acquire or rent cinema cameras, canon RF mount lenses may be a better choice than Z lenses as both Canon and RED have, and will have cinema camera with this mount.
  12. In their older cameras that I have (GO2, RS, 1 Inch) they have Log profile but is 8bit only and not particularly great. So not sure I would count on it. It would be great. The 8k 24 is a strange story as apparently reviewers are not allowed to post 8k 24, only one so far did it. Looking forward to see some real work and not these YT reviewers madness.
  13. Are you serious, on top of dismissing people skills, dismissing what they want to capture, giving advices how people should spend their money, now you are even the judge to whom we should listen and whom not? You seems fairly recent here, so I'm sorry if I missed your appointment to forum moderator 😁
  14. Ok I'm convinced, in camera AI motion blur not usable... already in Resolve is a bit of a hit and miss but this example is really not good at all.
  15. This was a joke for @IronFilm as he normally never compromise on audio but tends to find the most economic options for cameras. And it make sense with his profession. Btw the Swiss state TV, biggest view share in Switzerland, 1.7B USD yearly budget and yet they use tons of RODE GOs and not a single Pocket 4k... so for some professionals GO are good enough but this is a complete off topic. On the 4/3 the only real force is Olympus, my bet is that Panny will slowly move away and focus on L mount same for BMD, DJI did it already, Insta360, Kando they don't offer any 4/3 anymore and the others are small players. Again only time will tell who is right and who is not. Is GH6 really having the success of previous versions? I don't think so, the S line is more compelling now so how long they will keep it both? The safest bet imo today for Camera mount is E mount (Sony) or RF mount (Canon & RED). You get from entry level to top of the line cameras. The safest bet in lenses is still probably EF, but with the trend of relaying more on AF, adapting EF lenses to non Canon bodies is not always a perfect match. Another trend is all the focus breathing compensation, digital optical correction, etc.. that needs lens metadata and compatible profiles, for some will make photo lens more attractive for other is not an important point at all like the OP for example. One good example is the FF RF 24-105 2.8 power zoom, parfocal thorough AF motors, there is not much in the same category in cine lens and they cost 10x... is not really an apple to apple but is an interesting trend to watch: https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1729470-REG/fujinon_600022978_premista_28_100mm_t2_9_pl.html
  16. As already suggested by a few of us the C500 II ticks many of your boxes, just keep in mind that the PL mount for C500 II is 1600$ as you plan to use PL lenses and that in a near future there will be a new model with RF mount that is more flexible as you can use adapters for various mounts. I bet it will be 8k FF but more expensive. Another point is personally for landscape I'm not sure that entry level cinema lenses are better than top of the line photo lenses.
  17. Maybe is good to go back to square one and ask what are the important aspects for a camera for shooting landscape? These are imo the ones that I would care the most: DR Sharpness NDs Slowmotion (60 fps maybe enough) Lowlight, if doing time-lapses, night sky etc. RAW if he wants to play a lot with WB in post Battery life Maybe transportability And these is what I would care a bit less: Shallow DoF RS AF Audio Gimbal compatibility Form factor EVF TC port @Jedi Master should do a similar list and prioritize the list. Then we can help in identify, considering his budget, what camera is covering these at best. Then I agree with the suggestion that he should rent it first.
  18. For me is more make sure that I buy only things that I 100% confident that I will constantly use or that are not available for rent if I need it just for one project. And more so if I don't use them enough resell them asap. My TCO of not super useful accessories seems bigger that the TCO of my cameras and lenses
  19. Looks interesting, curious to see the 8k 24fps quality once is available, the 2x zoom sensor crop seems kind of ok so I expect the 8k to be quite good for this type of camera. Also curios to see how the "AI" motion blur works compared to do it manually in Resolve. From the first videos around low light it is still not great but much better than any other action cam on the market. A pity that it seems to be missing 10bit log and user replaceable lens. I wish they would also offer an add-on even wider lens for POV like the MAX MOD 2, very useful for MTB, Ski and Snowboarding. 8k at 25fps would have been nice too as it is only 1 fps more so probably doable, maybe with firmware?. As @eatstoomuchjam mentions insta360 studio and I also add the iOS App are the best from any action cam manufacturer and they continue to improve them.
  20. All recent C cameras including the C70, other than C200, have XF-AVC that is a really good 10bit codec with a good balance in size and quality. If I recall correctly is based on h264. Is imo a better capture codec than h265 10bit. The most common NLEs can edit XF-AVC natively.
  21. Wow now you are even a life coach..... 4000 for you maybe a lot of money for others maybe pocket money... but sayin that he cannot take advantage of a better camera I find it again rude and not called for.
  22. Just search the forum I posted tons of frames over the last few years.... Btw you don't seems to get the point here: why you are judging others skills and needs? This post is the same you want to judge my skills and how arrogant it is. Did I ask yours? No I'm just saying you seems arrogant in telling others what is enough for them.
  23. You guys imo are missing the point , he has the funds and maybe is instead of buying a good drees, smoking 2 packs of cigarettes per day, buy a very expensive car, and so on he wants to buy the best camera that it is in his budget and enjoy it. Now if you are saying that the pocket 4k has only 1/2 stop less DR, similar low light, similar functionality and is in the ball pack of a C70 ... then I call myself out of this discussion as then we can say iPhone 15 pro is also in the same ballpark. Checks real measurements, is more than a stop just for DR! Why if I HAVE the money and I could buy a C70/C300 III get 12.8 (tested stops of DR vs 11.6 of the Pocket) and get a nice 4k 120 image settle for something less? It makes no sense. You need to make dept for this the it is a completely other story. Again can he achieve the goal with a pocket 4k? Yes. Can he get a better image and better functionality like onboards NR with other camera that he CAN afford? Absolutely. So why settle to something less great if you have no problem to afford it. If funny how people judge the skills and "wasting money" for others without knowing them. I think is fairly rude for @PPNS to tell to someone that he is wasting his money and that for him a pocket 4k is already too much, do you guys know him? Did you guys saw his work and can you guys judge his potential learnings and growth? On the 4/3 imo is a dead train. Only time will tell who is right. But why should you use a more expensive FF or S35 cine lens on a smaller sensor. The other option buying 4/3 lenses and then you realize you want to move up to a better camera even within BMD and guess what there are no better cameras with a 4/3 sensor (debatable if the GH6 is). So there we go, what you saved up front you will need to invest in time and effort to resale and hope to get enough back to buy other mounts lenses. Let's see in a few years who will still produce 4/3 cameras. Actually BMD released in 2023 fantastic cameras NOT with a 4/3 sensors and a couple of entry level studio cameras refresh with 4/3.... in a couple of years I'm ready to bet no more 4/3 from BMD... DJI did not release any 4/3 camera or drone recently, and insta360, Kandao don't sell any 4/3 cameras. @IronFilm telling people to buy pocket 4k in 2023 is like me telling people to buy RODE wireless GO (the original one) you will scream at me 🙂
  24. Wow are you judging other's skills/craft just by reading their posts? Just because he does it for hobby it does not mean that he cannot get the best out of his equipment. There are so many great work done by hobbyist and quite a few times better than "pro" that are just lazy and do the minimal work to get the job done... Pocket 4k is really not a compelling camera in 2023 with so many other better choices. Why if you can easily afford would you pick a Pocket 4k instead of a C70? Again less DR (1.2 stops), no internal NDs, miserable battery life, 4/3 sensor, limited low light capability, and a mount that imo has zero future. Imo buying a pocket 4k now is more a waste of money than a C70.
  25. Why would somebody that seems to have the budget for a cinema camera + cine lenses settle for a 4/3 (imo dead mount), limited DR, poor battery life and no internal ND instead of a C70 / C300 III etc? He wants to go with cinema lenses so the 4/3 is not the best choice for that. DR seems a factor to me for landscape and internal ND seems useful for that use case, he also wants to stay out very long so the battery is also an issue of the Pocket. Could he get the job done with a Pocket 4k? Sure. Is a good choice for him taking in to account that he seems to have the budget and he is passionate? I personally think a better setup would make sense.
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