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Simon Young

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Everything posted by Simon Young

  1. What do you mean with any of the above? He says in the video that he’s normally using nd filters, hence his shutter speed stays at 1/50th but when he want to shoot videos he then has to remove the nd an increase the shutter speed. He would like two separate settings in camer that you could switch between. Maybe there are ways around it, he just hasn’t figured it out. He also states that he is very much a hybrid shooter - video is prioritized to him when it comes to mirror less cameras. He says that he does find the Nikon a lot more useful to his preferred specs than the x-t3, which lacks ibis.
  2. This german speaking dude has done the most extensive testing of the Z7 so far. He put the camera to work during two weeks. The talking head part in this video is shot with the S-lens, 35mm at f2.0. Focus sticks to his face like glue. It’s shot without an ND filter, hence the wonky motion cadence, in auto white balance and standard color (not flat). He says he prefers the Canon and Fuji skin tones but that the Nikon is probably more accurate but that this footage might look strange because he’s very sunburnt after climbing mountains in Switzerland. He’s praising the view finder and the lcd-screen, very responsive it seems, but he’s not too keen on the size of the house (too small) the size of the glass (too big albeit very sharp) and he’s very disappointed that there are no separate video settings - it’s cumbersome to constantly change exposure settings manually between video and stills. Other than that he overall thinks it’s a very fun camera to use, but in the end suggests those who are not invested in the Nikon system to wait for next generation.
  3. Very impressive subject tracking with the Z7 methinks. Works beautifully. And the rolling shutter also seems well controlled. I’m getting more and more anxious to see what the Z6 will bring in terms of video.
  4. Sooooo judging from the 50 or so clips I’ve managed find showcasing the Nikon Z7 in video all I can see is a great image with brilliant autofocus, especially the face detection. And if you expose it correctly it almost looks like Kodachrome in motion. Nikon USA has also confirmed the 4K internal bitrate to 144mbps, not 100 as previously reported.
  5. Didn’t see any banding in that one either, and I’m not even buying the camera. Fucking bunch of whiny spec freaks in this thread. Like charbax who is extremely disappointed that the x-t3 doesn’t have EVERYTHING HE NEEDS.
  6. If you need 17 batteries a day you’re clearly doing something wrong. Snowbro is clearly a dudes dude who likes to point out flaws in a 1500 dollar CONSUMER TOY. I really don’t understand all this camera bashing (except for the Eos R where it’s merited).
  7. That face detection in video looks so much better than on my a7riii. And the colors as well. The color tonality balance has always been amazing on the Nikons, even better than Canon, which are pressing too heavily on the reds for my taste. If the motion cadence is anywhere near the d750 when shooting at 180d, we are golden.
  8. @Snowbro only time I have seen any banding is when it’s shot in f-log and heavily graded without knowing if it was even shot in 10bit or with what codec. Please don’t buy the camera. Bro. Please.
  9. I find your concept of “mojo” hilarious. Even funnier that you think that this turd with a horrible highlight roll off has “mojo” and the Nikon Z:s don’t. Please.
  10. @Jimmy he’s either a troll or just plain ignorant. He ABSOLUTELY needs 4k60p WITH NO TIME LIMIT
  11. So huge question mark regarding the exfat update, coming from you without a source. And @Charbax you come off as a spoilt little brat. Don’t buy the camera. It’s not for you. Buy the Eos R.
  12. MdB is clearly a true Canon fanboy. I’m just worried about the rolling shutter on the Z6 FX. If it’s fine it’s gonna be amazing.
  13. If the Z6 has a decent rolling shutter in FX it’s an instant buy. MdB you’re a wee bit daft aren’t you?
  14. Nice to see that it’s not cropped in 4k24p, as you reported earlier ?
  15. I don’t care that much about ibis since the Fuji lenses have such good OIS, but it’s a shame they still split up the files in 4gb chunks. Especially considering the 400mb/s bitrate. But what a fantastic camera. The output is beautiful.
  16. There’s no information about that anywhere online so unless you’re using one right now you’re just making things up.
  17. Tomorrow the x-t3 is supposed to be announced with 40k60, 10bit internal and ETERNA. If it doesn’t have a crop when shooting 4K it seems to be a much better deal than the new Canon. 1.7x crop ??
  18. Here's the behind the scenes from the music video – I don't think they talk about using it in crop mode. 90 percent of it was however shot with autofocus.
  19. The X-H2 is going to be special for sure
  20. That’s crazy. If the rolling shutter is well controlled and there’s a longer internal record limit than 15 min without overheating this is a very competitively priced video monster.
  21. And oddly enough they still seem much more pleasing than the ones coming off of my a7rIII. Isn’t that something.
  22. The Z6 and the Atomos Ninja V might be the best compact documentary setup in 2018-2019 for quick delivery.
  23. I really hope that Is from the Nikon Z6. Looks pretty special to me, beautiful Nikon colors. And that 1080p is SUPER CLEAN. I’m mostly worried about the rolling shutter by now. It would also be shitty if it doesn’t support exFAT32 and splits the file into 4gb pieces.
  24. This guy shot the whole thing with the Nikon Z7. For those of you who don’t understand German: the talking head parts is shot with the kit zoom at 70mm, autofocus with face detection on, flat profile. Looks promising... great skin tones and the focus doesn’t seem to shift. After 20 minutes of internal 4K recording, the battery was at 90%.
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