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Posts posted by carlic

  1. 4 minutes ago, lucabutera said:

    Hello Pavel, thank you for your interest.
    These days I'm tightening commercial agreements with suppliers of parts and artisans.
    I would like to reach a selling price as those metabones 449.00 / $ 499.00 each.
    This is a great price considering it is built by hand in Italy and you can mount almost all the best full frame lenses on the market.

    Luca, I am a mechanical engineer from Slovenia and have a lot of connections for cnc part manufacturing since I design industrial machines.
    Maybe we can try to work together to possibly cut the price down even more?

    I also own an NX1, and have acces to a bunch of canon glass as well.



  2. On 6. 8. 2016 at 3:38 PM, lucabutera said:


    A tenth lower and slamming into the sensor, a tenth farther and slammed into the lens.
    Find the right setting to infinity focus it seemed impossible, and some moments I was throwing in the towel with canon EF mount to return to Nikon.
    All this for 0.05 of a millimeter (Canon EF mount is definitely the final flange focal distance limit).

    Is the lens really that close to the sensor? Is there any risk of damaging it?
    Do you make your own glass or is it repurposed from another speed booster?


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