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Everything posted by webrunner5

  1. Well like I have stated I am a Patreon supporter of 6 different people. But what I have seen is now they are pumping them out left and right to make more money. Sometimes the content is good, sometimes it is pretty damn week, and instead of a 12 minute video it is like 6 minutes. So I am beginning to doubt my support for a few of them. I can see why they do it, but it seems ehh, not kind of ethical.. Unfortunately, as usual, the human race sort of sinks to the bottom of things not the top on average. So yeah it is sort of becoming a crap hole like everything else.
  2. Sort of like one of our Supreme Court judges, Justice Potter Stewart, "I know it when I see it" is a colloquial expression by which a speaker attempts to categorize an observable fact or event, although the category is subjective or lacks clearly defined parameters. @ Wiki. He used the phrase in 1964 to define what really was Pornographic in a case with Hustler Magazine.. I like the definition of... gee just look at the output of the Original BMPCC. ?
  3. Well the trouble is a Husband and a Wife don't really understand each other either with Politics. I had 3 pretty big time businesses. I voted Republican, if memory serves me right, all the time I had them. But I am sure my wife with the kids in mind probably voted Democrat in the same time frame. We never asked each other how we voted. That Is a private thing. So even within close families there is division, and arguing best be left out of that if you want to stay married LoL. There is unfortunately no real winner either way in elections for all, not with this bickering Congress we have today in this country. It wasn't nearly as bad years ago. They Used to go drinking and play cards together, now Good Luck with that happening! Now I know they are not all bad, but the leaders on Both sides seem to be brain dead. They are out for their own good not the peoples good.
  4. Good points. I guess we will soon see. Yeah tech is moving at a scary rate as of late. God only knows what is possible anymore.
  5. I think a lot of Nikon's performance is not so much a "different" Sensor, it is the processing After the Sensor that is the difference. They are adding Their Color Science, Their base ISO on and on. Nikon and who ever, even Panasonic is not going to brag about their camera has a Sony sensor in it, they are going to say say it is Their magic sauce, and that is all after the fact of the Sensor. Sony is not making 5 different FF sensors, they are doing 1 or 2 at most. It would cost a Trillion dollars to have all those different Fab lines. Sony is Not going to build a whole new Fab line for what few sensors Nikon is going to buy for a D850, get a grip. It might be in this new Mirrorless one also?? But I would think they have to be different for a DSLR and a Mirrorless. That is the main reason Canon and Nikon don't change their high end stuff only every 3 or 4 years. They milk the Tits off of the Sensor to get their money back to build a new Fab line years later. Hell Canon used that same crappy ass 18mp sensor for like 6 years or more. Since Sony sells millions of sensors they have the cash to upgrade their Fab line all the time. Money talks. And yeah, Sony MADE the sensor, not Nikon.. Sure there has to be a collaboration between the company's needs, not everyone wants the same things. Dave Etchells Mod Didaskalos • 19 hours ago "I need to preface these comments with the note that I have absolutely no knowledge of any of Nikon's relationships with semiconductor fab providers, so the following is just educated guesses, based on common industry business models... That said, it's very common in the semiconductor industry for companies to design chips (of all sorts, not just sensors), and then pay "fab" providers to produce them for them. Semiconductor fabrication facilities are insanely expensive, with a billion dollars being pretty much the cost of entry, and costs of $3-4 billion not at all unusual. With that kind of cost, you have to run an enormous volume of manufacturing to get a payback on your capital. This has led to a business model that often splits the design of chips from their manufacture, with a number of companies offering "fab" services to many different customers. In these case, the customers provide the photolithography masks that define the circuitry on the wafer, through all of the different stages of the fabrication process. (Ion implantation, oxide growth, metallization and insulation layers, etc) The fab company then simply uses the provided masks to run wafers through their factory. The fact that the D850 sensor has a Sony marking on it suggests that Sony did the manufacturing for it, but that wouldn't be at all inconsistent with Nikon designing the circuitry. I don't know anything about the inner workings of fabs, but it seems like any wafers going through a semiconductor fab would need to have an identifying code etched into them, as a fail-safe identification method that would distinguish one batch of wafers from others within the facility.) Again, Nikon didn't share any information with me about who they use for fabrication, so I have no direct knowledge of any business relationships involved, but given the markings on the chip, it seems likely that Sony provided fabrication services for the D850 sensor, which Nikon designed".
  6. I told you to buy the Ronin S but nooo LoL. As to the Monopod I have no clue how tall you are? You don't need one that is really higher than your head unless you are going to stand on a ladder all day or on steep hills! The longer it is the heavier it will be. But better too long than too short. Sort of like the Ronin S,, better to be too big than not big enough. That grip, hell you are going to need a Grip, and 2 Land Rovers just to carry all your stuff. You better be as big as I am or you are going to be Huffing and Puffing LoL. ?
  7. I would think you could zoom in post easy 2x and even more. So yeah I would go with the 1" one. And how often would you even zoom anyways without it looking goofy? I am not too sure zooming with movement is a good idea anyways. They are really never perfectly still even when hovering. But I can't say I have seen it used often, or at all I guess. So...
  8. Yeah it is way more a negative experience than anything positive coming from it. But that is sort of what younger people do to learn and experience things, and to discover that it is more harmful than useful in the long run. The trouble is that no one really changes their mind on a subject, you just dig in your heels further. Oh well.
  9. Sort of a interesting rig Cine Ma has on Facebook.
  10. I must admit that is the temptation of Christ thingy. ?
  11. Yeah, but I hope it doesn't end up as a Ban Fest LoL. I mean we are allowed Not to post on it, so why the hell not. ?
  12. YIKES LoL. Killer grade on it though. Man, crazy how good a BMPCC can be. If this 4K one is even the same Mojo with better battery's and a better screen that will be a worth buying it just for those reasons, not even counting 4K!
  13. I don't see how Nikon could afford to develop 4 new mirrorless cameras and keep up with updating the D5, D500, D7500. They are not a large company with deep pockets. Unless they are just going to throw in the towel on DSLR's?
  14. Nope, can't be done yet. But they are working on it looks like. https://magiclantern.fm/
  15. Correction, he didn't say it was going to be the D750 replacement, just that picture was way off size wise what it probably will be in reality.
  16. Well this is about the only Sony Venice I can afford. ? https://www.adorama.com/wc259400.html?gclid=CjwKCAjwhevaBRApEiwA7aT537z56z-_n5OiCHjB3dsWmOOPe8atSSl9vyB_YxeOoE3WDIQUiIXcERoC4OMQAvD_BwE
  17. Yeah but to risk your Very first venture into Mirrorless FF with a unknown sensor, wow that would take some big you know whats to do that I think. ?
  18. But like @Django said this new mirrorless might be their new D750 replacement when I think about it.
  19. I think Nikon's biggest problem is they are waiting to long to release new cameras. Now that may change in the near future. But Why no new D750, etc. Sony spits out something it seems every 6 months or less. And it is something exciting to boot. I have always been a Nikon fan, but thy have to pick up the pace. Things change way too fast now to rest on your laurels.
  20. Yeah I don't see how Canon, Nikon is going to have all these great abilities in their new cameras to start with. Surely some of it is protected with Patents?
  21. I think it is too late for Nikon anyways.
  22. Yeah but bigger grip, bigger body, bigger battery = bigger weight also. You reach a point you might as well stay with a DSLR. I know that is not the Only advantage of a Mirrorless, but I don't want a 1DX mk II sized mirrorless. I like how I can strip down my A7s with just a small prime on it, and I can stick it in a light jacket pocket. Or a man bag on your side. Ehh, not too popular here in the US! It can be a damn small package. I use this neck strap below a lot and just tuck it under my arm on the side and it is almost invisible, with this 55mm lens on it. https://www.ebay.com/i/273336114732?chn=ps https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1169303-REG/peak_design_sll_1_slide_camera_sling_strap_lite.html
  23. Very true Maybe LoL. Hmm is that wording possible? I kind of hope Nikon makes a bigger body to be honest. For most men, especially in the USA it is on the cramped side. My RX10 is so small grip to lens wise I can't even use it at all.The aperture ring on the lens is like a Bastard File on my finger! My A7s seems to Just barely fit size wise. So Clearly Sony didn't think this country was their main market I guess? I am sure it was sized for the Japanese market and it works great for them. I really think with 4K 60p Sony is going to have to come up with a bigger body. Probably Nikon sized to be honest like that picture. But yeah that is the exact looking battery grip on both. Highly doubtful that is real. ?
  24. For someone my size that is a nice body. But it is, if true to specs, nearly as big as a D850 DSLR. I t may be too big for the mass market. Even the lens looks pretty huge. Hmm.
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