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Everything posted by webrunner5

  1. I am talking the Broadcast people using the Sharp. Not Bob down the street. And all the big boys will probably have 8K cameras at the Olympics, even little 8K cameras. That is what sells cameras to people. If you see reporters using the smaller stuff people will run out and buy it. They are not going to run out and buy a Sony just because they are shooting the stuff with a ENG camera with a Box 96x lens on it. And Japan has been broadcasting some 8K stuff for awhile. 8K TVs are available there, have been. All these company have to make something happen, they are all losing customers faster than they could have ever imagined a few years ago. They have to get people to buy the latest tech. Where do you live in Outer Mongolia? I can go down to Best Buy right now and buy a 8k TV. Well I Could afford to buy a Few models lol. https://www.bestbuy.com/site/tvs/8k-tvs/pcmcat1552503373763.c?id=pcmcat1552503373763
  2. Yeah they are a great camera, no an unbelievable camera yet in this day and age. Mercer just bought a BMMCC which is the micro version of it. That and the BMCC all have that same look. They are a great leaning tool. But they are all manual everything in a sense, terrible battery life. But have a Cinematic, creamy look to them that very few Affordable camera have. And they do Raw, and ProRes. That is what makes them special. They have a s16mm sensor in them. So there is a lot of old movie camera lenses around you can use for the,m. Most people use a Speedbooster on them and use Nikon lenses mostly. They have a m4/3 native mount I don't know if I had the money and wanted to get into BMD cameras I would try to find the first edition 4K PK4 with the cDNG in it. They are a lot more advanced. They don't have the same creamy look, more sharp now, but still a great learning tool, and a great more modern output that is in now. But for 400 dollars or less at times the original BMPCC is a incredible Cine camera for the money.
  3. webrunner5


    Your just coming up with excuses. That is what separates the men from the boys. That is why some peoples stuff stand out. They make shit happen no matter the problems or difficulty. Nothing good or great is easy to do. Using a VND filter is really not a good way to go you have to admit that. None of them at any cost is as good as single glass NDs. And yes the Tokina 11-16 is a nice lens. But I would not call 22mm on a m4/3 body really wide in this day and age. Once I bought my 16-35mm for my Sony A7s I seen the light as they say. I might as well have welded the lens at 16mm I was so impressed. And even that is not super wide in these days.
  4. You are telling me in this day and age that there could be No footage using a Mirrorless camera added to the mix in this present time? That every camera has to be some big clunky camera. Yeah 4 years ago at the summer Olympics I might believe that, but this one, that might not be the case. Sure the main feeds will be big clunky cameras but all of it, doubtful. I would not be surprised the little Sharp 8K camera will be running around capturing stuff you really can't get with a ENG camera stuck in your face. Maybe even a 8K Sony A9 mk II or hell the A7s mk III for all we know doing some of it also. And that camera was announced nearly 2 years ago. Probably developed over 3 years ago. That is a Long time ago in this day and age. They probably have an even newer version out by now. But who knows. We will find out in a year that is for sure..
  5. I actually liked it. Well I didn't like the people in it lol, but it did better in low light than I thought it would, and it has an old school look to it. Not bad. Might have won the EOSHD 200 Dollar challenge!
  6. Well this might give you some idea what it is and how it is done by certain sites. Most all of the sites have had to update their equipment, because the older tests seems way off compared to an Arri Alexa which is probably the king of the hill DR wise. Realistically between 14 to 15 real stops of DR. They are really one of the few that states the truth. https://***URL not allowed***/the-cinema5d-camera-lab-is-back-dynamic-range-tests/ http://www.xdcam-user.com/2013/11/whats-the-difference-between-latitude-and-dynamic-range/
  7. If just doing over and under exposures would Truly represent real DR a lot of sites and company's could save thousands, probably 100rds of thousands of Dollars of measuring equipment. All that does is highlight recovery potential. And that assumes that Zero is a perfect exposure. DR tests have really nothing to do with perfect exposures. Just a test from pure Black to Pure White with out blowing stuff out. Zero to one Hundred in a sense. And no real cheap ass way to prove that.
  8. webrunner5


    I really have never been a fan of 50mm. Too flat looking. I like 40mm, 42mm better. I would go the 20mm f1.7 myself. I always liked the Sigma Foveon sensor cameras. They use 44mm, 45mm as their normal 50mm. More natural looking than 50mm. It is what the human eye sees. I have always figured if it looks good enough with my normal eyes for me to stop and take a picture, or video, I want to see it in print the way I saw it in real life, not exaggerated, otherwise why would I have stopped in the first place. Now if you are taking shots of Lions, well that is a different story lol. ?
  9. Yeah but what LuT did he use, what grade? The lens alone didn't do what we see in the end result.
  10. webrunner5


    Just buy the Olympus 7-14mm f2.8 lens and be done with it. Once you go Really wide you are hooked. For Video wide is a no brainer.
  11. I am pretty sure Mattias, even at his age, is about 10 times smarter than you at this stuff, and a hell of a lot better at what he is doing. You can come on here and act like some smart ass, but what you are coming across as, is a dumb ass. The people you are knocking are some of the best we have on here. Sometimes it is just better to keep your mouth shut, and not show what little you Do know. I have not seen you say one F ing intelligent thing since you have been on here.
  12. webrunner5


    That is pretty amazing to be honest. Well done.
  13. How do you know what it is even going to be?? Sony as of now has No 8K camera other than the old F65 sensor, even the Venice is not one. So they are not going to let Sharp and others out do them. They Have to come out with something. https://nofilmschool.com/Sony-8K-Sensor-Rumors
  14. I know the screen goes black when you have a G7 hooked up to a external monitor if you are using HDMI., Maybe it does the same with WiFi??
  15. I see nothing wrong with the colors. Looks pretty realistic to me.
  16. Sony is going to Have to come out with a 8K camera of some kind for the 2020 Summer Olympics. Maybe the A7s mk III might be one?
  17. OK it is a Computer GPU Codec. It is not a video camera Codec per-say.
  18. We have to remember H.265 is Not a Codec. It is a Compression Scheme. Big difference.
  19. I would imagine if we blow up Any footage that big we will see something from just about any camera. With YouTube compression silly stuff does happen. I think we need more "proof" as they say.
  20. One of his videos in After Effects.
  21. I have a 30" 2K monitor and I see nothing but good looking footage.
  22. He makes a good point about who really needs 150MP anymore. There are probably 12 people that make money using one, and sure OK you can hang a Large shot on your wall, but that is about it. They are becoming sort of a Dinosaur in these days. Nobody is really interested in another Polar Bear picture, on and on in this day and age. Times have changed.
  23. Well with the trend now in video for really wide angle lenses, unless you are Really trying to isolate something AF for the most part is not needed. And I , like you, don't mind some stuff out of focus unless it pulses, and then that is a real fingers on the chalk board thing for me.
  24. Well he Does have question marks after the title lol.
  25. It has been around awhile. Some Smartphones are using it now. https://www.digitalcameraworld.com/features/what-is-a-time-of-flight-camera
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