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Everything posted by webrunner5

  1. I have used small tripods handheld at times for years and years. A Gorilla Pod is a Tripod like it or not.
  2. B for the dog, J for the water. Where you been? Welcome back.
  3. webrunner5

    S1 Anyone?

    Here is a pretty good picture from DPR that shows the size difference of the S1.
  4. Nothing to see here as they say. He is still trying to justify the decision. I think he screwed up, he doesn't. Oh well.
  5. Oh my God that brings back memories. Thanks for the great video.
  6. But they have a very nice output. So go for it if you can get one for the right price. The original one, which I have, has a A7s look to if if you like that look. I find it more Filmic than the newer ones. It is Gritty looking, which to me is good. Sure the old CS is off, but that is what makes it great.
  7. I hope you have small hands. I could nor even use mine because the Aperture ring just about kills my finger on it.
  8. I may be wrong but I can't think on Any camera that did 1080p on tape, even high end Sony Broadcast cameras. 1080i well yeah. The CCD ones did @ 24p maybe 25p, but not on tape. And I used and have owned a bunch of them over the years. Still have few. But I have been out of the loop for the last 10 years since I retired. Only talk to the old timers in Broadcast occasionally.
  9. Yeah CCD sensors seem to have the best output by far, but are Really terrible in low light. I am surprised there is no real advancement of them after all these years. Seems mostly or all of the Mini DV ones are 720p or less. So even those now are pretty bad. At the time they were pretty impressive lol. I remember when S video was jaw dropping, all 550 lines of it. And spent thousands of dollars to get it. I am not sure why my wife didn't divorce me lol. I remember bringing home a Panasonic S Video editing deck used from an live auction for 1500 Dollars and saying guess what Honey! No sex that night trust me.That was like 1984. The money I have spent on video is staggering. The equipment that my daughter has in California has to equate to 100,000 dollars easily in this day and age. I could open a studio with what she has even in this day of mine. From cameras to tripods all tucked away safe in cases custom built for them. Just too many businesses at once. There is only so many days a week. And now that i am retired I quit, end of story.
  10. That is some beautiful footage no doubt. I wonder how much is enhanced by the editing? Would be nice to see OOC footage. Looks like a special camera though. That footage is about as good as it gets for the money.
  11. I think people now make more money from Patreon than YouTube these days. Apparently YouTube has really cut back on payments. All kinds of hoops to jump through now. Plus with Patreon you get the see the video days before it hits YouTube, often times with bonus footage..
  12. webrunner5

    It's eGPU time!

    No your choice is to dump slow ass Apple laptops, and buy a PC box or Laptop. I don't edit on any of my Apples Laptops. What is wrong with gaming benchmarks? They use the Fastest CPU, Fastest GPU, and the Fastest Memory. So for editing you are going to use the slowest of all of that? You can go on BMD website and see what they recommend and it is perfectly suited for gaming. A fast, powerful computer is a fast, powerful computer no matter what you use it for.
  13. webrunner5

    It's eGPU time!

    Well we don't know yet if it isn't up gradable. It has a Type C port which is the same as a Thunderbolt 3 port, so a lot is possible with it down the road. The new IOS is so new I don't think even Apple is sure what the end game is on it. All I know it is absolutely amazing even in it's present form. I have a few Bug reports to give to Apple. But overall it is a great software update for how radical it is. I just don't see how large company's can't utilize it's potential. Other than GPU, which Apple in general sucks ass about, this thing is among the best item Apple has in it's price range by far. And I have nearly every thing Apple makes it seems other than the Garbage Can or their full sized Monitors. Neither worth the asking price performance wise. Great ideas, but too much competition these days for me to drink the Cool Aide. As I see it Apple is going to have to re invent the Wheel or this iPad is going to eat their young as they say, it is that good.
  14. webrunner5

    It's eGPU time!

    Yes it will, but North America seems to be super far behind the rest of the world in it. We seem to have been behind here network speeds for years and years. But America and Canada are huge countries to connect everyone to. So will we have it soon, I doubt it. They had to Make the TV industry move to 4k here, and even then it dragged on for years before it actually happened. Doing 8K like Japan is, Heck I will be dead before that happens here lol. Pretty crazy for me to realize China will have it maybe before America. Wow how times have changed. I will give China credit, they are going full steam ahead with a lot of stuff. The Western World seems to be just content with sitting with their thumb up there ass lol. When I was young Foreman, Managers would stand all day and look at you working. If you slaked off you were fired. Hardly that way now. You want to have stuff you need, or needed to work your ass off to get it.
  15. webrunner5

    It's eGPU time!

    And if you can't afford a "Expensive" iPad Pro at 1,100 Dollars why the heck you into video? You can't spend more money than doing video. It is a Total money sink. You are ALWAYS sucking hind tit on it. It is not for the meek. Sounds like you need a better job if you think 1,100 bucks is expensive. I make that much a week tax free take home, and I am retired. If you work your ass off all your life you can benefit from it. Maybe where you live it is not as easy, who knows.
  16. webrunner5

    It's eGPU time!

    The new OIS for iPads is really getting close to what a full blown MBP is. I am amazed what they are doing. I never thought they would do what they are doing. Apple has had a big drop in iPad sales over the years. Maybe they are seeing the light as they say, and thinking since Smartphones are so powerful now people are going to pass on laptops, let alone Desktops?? I see zero reason even to carry a 13" MB when you can have a iPad that is just as good, or close to it..
  17. webrunner5

    It's eGPU time!

    I have the 256GB one. Only one they had. I haven't done any editing on it in Resolve because there is as of now no Resolve for an iPad. But since the new OIS is out now in Beta form, which I have in it, down the road I would not be surprised BMD might make it for them. It has more horsepower than my MBP 2015. And yeah 5G is sucking ass here in the USA. I am not holding my breath for it lol.. If you work for networks, which I have, they are not buying 2000 dollars rigs from Best Buy, or just Bob building them down the street. I kind of know a little about that also.
  18. webrunner5

    It's eGPU time!

    I have the latest iPad Pro. I think I know a lot more about it than you do. I think you are clueless. Cloud editing is going to be the next big thing. Is it good now, no, will it be, yes with enough Bandwidth. And there is not many Benchmarks for Editing GPU's, CPU's because the average person could NEVER afford one. You are talking 50 thousand Dollar outfits. 10 thousand dollar Monitors. 200 thousand dollar consoles. 100 thousand dollar Raid systems. Crazy stuff. If it wasn't for gamers you could Never afford a decent GPU. They are what drive the market. It isn't Bob down the street that drives anything computer wise. 99% of the people in the world are totally clueless about computers.
  19. webrunner5

    It's eGPU time!

    Hey the RX 580 is not a bad card for the money even today. But the older ones are a waste of time. I have NEVER been a fan of AMD anything. I have had a few years ago, and they were a joke. There is a reason they are so cheap. You have to overclock the hell out of everything they make, and they die a quick death because of that. Heat is your worse enemy on a computer. They Never bench what they claim out of the box. MSI stuff is the Only thing I ever buy GPU wise, and Intel CPU wise in years. Anything else is a crap shoot. I have built at least 40 PC's or more for my self, my son, and others in my family and for friends. I kind of know computers. I am a gamer and so is my son. I have a Degree in computer science. I have been doing video since you were probably in a crib. I suck at Post but hey, years ago you were not payed to do it all. That is why they have 20 people or more on a shoot. That is the reason why @IronFilm is a busy person. And I taught my son, my daughter how to do it, and my son is probably better at it now than I am. But I am not out of the loop on this stuff even at my age. Not everyone knows all this stuff I realize that. And I don't want to have someone on here buy a outdated GPU that is on paper worse or no better than what they already have in their Desktop or Laptop. Nobody in this day and age has tons of money to throw at this stuff. So they need to find the best they can get for the money. But GPU's, CPU's die a quick death in this day and age as tech and 4k, 6k, even 8k advance. Nobody can keep up with the latest, but you surely don't need to waste money on older outdated stuff. I am trying to help, am I an expert, well maybe not now, but I know a lot more about this stuff than the average person does. YMMV.
  20. webrunner5

    It's eGPU time!

    Holly crap that GTX 1650 is old as the hills. It is 6th from the bottom on this list. I don't think you know anything about GPU's. https://www.gamersnexus.net/hwreviews/3465-dead-on-arrival-nvidia-gtx-1650-video-card-review-vs-rx-570
  21. webrunner5

    It's eGPU time!

    You are suggesting to hundreds of people on here to buy an outdated, in this day and age, useless GPU. And you don't want me to get upset with you throwing someone that is not too great at understanding this stuff under the bus. That is a pretty interesting. And unless you have the newest MBP with a Serious eGPU they Are a waste of time for 4k editing or above in Resolve. FCPX well sure, it is designed not to be a GPU hog. My 2015 MBP is a dog using Resolve editing 4k. My son's 3 year old Razor laptop Kills it.
  22. webrunner5

    It's eGPU time!

    A Radeon 560x in that test is slow as Dog Shit. You can't be serious! My 95 year old mother would piss a bitch if I gave her one. https://www.videocardbenchmark.net/gpu.php?gpu=RX+560X&id=4052
  23. I think for what we are into the PK4 is hands down the winner. Lot more real options for serious work. For just a hobby, I think the XT-3 is pretty unbeatable. I am finding on the EOS M ML is a big pain in the ass for dependability. Each build you try is just a total re learn, and a shot in the dark. Frustrating, and well, not a lot of fun as an overall experience. For the money well sure, but why spend your life F ing with something when you could just go out and shoot something in a normal manner and be done with it. Are you Really ahead? In this day and age you can make almost anything look like anything if you have skill.
  24. webrunner5

    S1 Anyone?

    That Vespa Club video was like being there in person. Super well done. Thanks.
  25. Ahh, you are getting old. Welcome to the club.
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