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Everything posted by ninetto

  1. Jeeez-Louizzz, can't the computer nerds leave anything alone? Of course they shortened the other film, WORKERS LEAVING THE FACTORY because it seems the attention-span on internet, even with the attrocious silly-yee-oldie soundtrack added, simply is not adequate enough to reflect on what one is seeing... or not. Illusion fetishism at its worst.
  2. Hmmm, so you are saying it was OBL`s engineering education that lead to the ground-breaking idea to allegedly use box-cutters as weapons on the airlines? As far as your claim that the mis-named "security services" were "not ranged against the possibility" of airplanes being used as missles, just google "blue sky paper" or read this: "Bush famously received a top secret brief titled “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.” that described how Osama bin Laden had long sought to hijack planes and that New York was a possible target for an attack. source: SLATE/Politico "
  3. "Leftist useful idiots" did not put firearms into the hands of y'all insane American gun freaks: as you might know, more people in the USA were killed by infants with guns than by terrorists. Another funny thing: those "leftist useful idiots" in Germany (run by a right/conservative CDU gov) who "opened the floodgates" to people whose countries were bombed and destroyed by the USA/NATO: they happen to have scored extremely high marks as a country most admired by the world. Which brings us to the question your idiot USA president once asked: "why do they hate us so much?" Perhaps you should examine this question too and realize maybe one factor is because the USA has killed over 20 Million people in 37 nations since WWII? That makes you "feel safe"?????
  4. p.s. The amount of cropping using the E-stabilisation can be seen in the difference of window-panes (in the test in my previous post): without E-stab it looks to me like more that 5 1/2 panes fit in the frame. With E-Stab "on" the camera crops in so that less than 4 1/2 panes are in the frame. Totally (un)scientically estimated at about a 15% crop. That makes your max wide-angle with the kit zoom a 14mm (= ca.28 mm) instead of 12mm (= ca. 24mm) for what it's worth, with the e-stabiliation ON.
  5. @mercer: check the specifics in the test/prev. discussion - the test was not so much for 5-axis IBIS which also has never caused me any problems but with the "E-STABILISATION", an extra setting in addition to the IBIS setting (see manual page 146). This in fact caused the strange jitter, that evaporates as the E-stabiliser kicks in again, as you can see from the test. It is this unpredictability, in addition to the cropping, that is the reason I will be keeping the e-stabiliser OFF.
  6. OKAY, here is the quickie test, regarding e-stabilizer or no. Agreed, this is insane to hand-hold 135mm with tele-converter ON (effective=270mm!), but I wanted to try to push the stabilizer to the max. Result is really quite good, but the e-stabilizer caused "tremor-artifacts" as it freaked out in the 2nd take - I was holding the camera with elbow propped up on the window sill continuously and NO, this is not an earthquake region. So I will stick to advice previously given by Andrew and others; leave the e-stabiliser OFF!
  7. Well, as-they-say... "ignorance is bliss". If you are happy with what you have, stop reading here. Curious about all the various theories, I just did an extreme quickie test, hand-holding both a Canon-FD 135mm, and then the Lumix 14-140 zoom at about 135mm, With the E-stabilization on, there was a sudden glitch: when holding the camera very steady, propped on a window ledge, the e-stablization caused a kind of sudden delerium-tremors. Strangely enough, as long as there was some minimum panning, it was ok, but when the image was steadiest, the E-stabilization seemed to freak out. This did not happen when the E-stabilization was turned off. Agreed, this is an extreme case: how often would you try to hand-hold 135mm, but there you have it. The potential for "artifacts" with the E-stabilzation are definitely there, where it was not a problem without e-stabilization. I will try to post the quickie test tomorrow.
  8. OK, I take a stab at an answer, since posting Panasonic's own table only caused additional confusion. Perhaps the key lies in Panasonic's use of the word "HYBRID" in their chart. I.E. that in the chart, where only "BODY" is listed for non-OIS lenses (not using E-stabilization), they really do mean 5-axis IBIS... just are not calling it that (for whatever marketing/translation reasons)?
  9. seems to be a bit of confusion here, or unclear wording of the manual. A quick look at page 146 seems to imply that "5-axis-hybrid" stabilization is available for non-OIS lenses only when "E-Stabilization" is set to [ON]. (See *) Up until now I hadn't played with this setting. It was "on" for my Canon-FD lenses and I was pleased with the stabilization... but with it off the stabilization seems to work quite well too. Hmmmmmmmm... what is Panasonic trying to tell us? I understand that the "hybrid 5-axis " (+ E-stabilization) adds digital cropping to OIS-Lenses, but what is the deal with non-OIS lenses?
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