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Everything posted by Duplex
I think I'm going to mainly use the 12-35 for establishing the location and then use the 50mm (with a normal adapter rather than the speedbooster) for any details. As I've said it's all a huge (and fun) learning curve because it's so different from stills photography!
I think I'll grab a couple of torches, clamps, stands and reflectors and see how I get on! I'm assuming bouncing the light will be best? There's a lot more to think about than with stills photography, but this is all part of the fun.
Those look great. How successful could I be with a couple of reflectors and torches? I guess it's all part of the learning curve! This is interesting! This is the type of thing I need to learn!
Would something like this and a reflector or two be any use? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/311579926654
I've seen some LED light sets, but I'm sort of out of budget at the moment, and the only ones I could realistically afford are the cheaper Chinese copies, and I'm not sure how much use (or how safe!) they would be.
I'm going to be embarking on my first proper video project with my GX80 soon, which will be making short films of abandoned houses and other locations. This is already my main subject photographically and I'm keen to use video to give a greater sense of the wonderful atmosphere I feel when I'm exploring these places. This will mean shooting in less than ideal conditions as for obvious reasons these places are generally pretty poorly lit. This isn't an issue for stills photography, but I'm inexperienced when it comes to video in general and I'd love some advice and guidance on how to best tacklethe lower light areas im inevitability going to encounter. I currently have a GX80, 12-35 2.8, and a generic (cheap copy!) Canon FD mount focal reducer with a 24mm 2.8 and a 50mm 1.8. I have also ordered a 25mm 1.4 CCTV lens (more for fun than anything else). I also have a tripod, Velbon PH-368 head, and a cheap Neewer slider. I will be using Davinci Resolve to edit although I'm still learning with regards to editing as well! I know none of this is high end kit but it's all I've got and I really want to make the best of it! So does anyone have any tips, advice, guides etc? All responses are much appreciated :o)
I was using the transitions wrong, I didn't realise that you needed to overlap the clips for them. I've found out now how to use them, and also to use the simpler fades, and everything's running fine now.
Please ignore! I've realised what I was doing wrong!
This is right on the money. For me, I could have spent more getting a somewhat higher end cam, but being on a budget ( and being purely a hobbyist) I would rather have a mid range camera with a few different lenses, than one high end camera and only a kit lens. Although the 12-23 is actually a great wee performer! It's very easy to get caught up in the gear side of things. I spent way too much money and time on cameras for still photography over the last few years, thinking that better kit equals better photos and while obviously it's a contributing factor in certain areas, it really comes down to the skill of the user in 90% of situations. Now that I'm more focused on trying to learn video, I'm determined to do it to a budget because as I mentioned it's purely a hobby. M4/3 often gets slated, certainly in the photographic world as there is a huge amount of gear snobbery, but I actually don't mind because there's nothing more satisfying than showing a great picture and then explaining that I didn't need a huge full frame DSLR and £1000 lens to take it!
I downloaded Davinci Resolve on the advice from this forum and I hae to say I'm very impressed with it especially for a free program. The only issue I've found so far is that when adding a simple crossfade transition between 2 clips (HD from a GX80) the transition really lags when playing on the timeline. When exporting it renders perfectly so in wondering if there are any tweaks I cam make to speed the timeline up. I have Davinci Installed on my SSD but the actual video's are loading from my standard drive. Ive tried playing around with the Smart cache option but it''s not made any difference. Is there a way to lower the res of the timeline but still render the final product in the original res? I'm using a an i5 4690K (stock speed), 16GB RAM and a GTX 970 GPU. Any ideas?
I downloaded it last night, and it seems to run ok ( I've a fairly decent gaming GPU so hopefully that'll help). From what I can see the only thing that the free version can't do that I may have use at the moment is noise reduction, as much of what I intend to film is of an Urbex nature ( abandoned buildings etc). However I've just picked up a cheap generic Canon FD speedbooster on Ebay so I'm hoping that I'll be able to get a couple of cheap fast primes which should help in low light. Resolve looks more than enough for me at the moment, although coming from a photography/Photoshop background I'm sure it'll take a while to get used to, but hey thats half the fun! I also need to learn how to actually get the shots as well! I'm finding very quickly that making a film of something is a completely different process that capturing it in pictures! Any resources out there to help with that aspect of things?
Thanks! That Davinci Reslove looks great! I don't plan on exporting anything bigger than 1080, the only reason I'd be using 4k at the moment is for editing options.
I've looked at getting Premiere Pro CC, but it would be out of my budget to get it. I currently just have the Photography sub from Adobe, Premiere would have to be got as a separate program and I can't justify the cost of that at the moment. This is why I had thought about a cheaper standalone program instead. Would Premiere Elements be a better choice than using Photoshop? I could pick it up fairly cheaply I probably should have mentioned that I'm trying my best to keep costs down as this is purely a hobby. I've been looking into using cheap vintage lenses with the GX80 and I'm delighted to see that that seems to be a popular option.
HI all. I've jus moved from a DSLR to a Panasonic GX80. I am a competent enough photographer but I want to get into video making much more as I've found it to be something I really enjoy, hence getting the m43 camera. So i have a couple of questions. Firstly what's the general opinion of using Photoshop CC for editing video (bearing in mind I already own it and am familiar with it). Would I gain anything by buying a cheap standalone program (power director or premier elements for example)? Also if I was to shoot a low light video in 4K and then re-size it to 1080 will this also decrease any noise present? Apologies if these are daft questions, but I'm coming to this as a photographer so I'm not sure how much of my knowledge will translate to video! Thanks.