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Everything posted by Arikhan
@lucabutera I understand...I still will NOT put out something NOT corresponding to my personal criteria. So, be patient, please. As I understand, you are impatient, I will send you an (crippled) DNG example from an early release from last year. I will post it tomorrow afternoon, so you could get a first idea about my work. @All Stop bashing, insulting and any other conspiracy theory, you ALL will eat your words. It's fine and normal to be sceptical...But after reading some postings of this thread, you will come to the conclusion of "lynch mob". As said, NOW I do this for my integrity in the eyes of people knowing my identity. That's all. My interest in sharing my EXPERIENCE and HowTo is completely gone. Cheers
Hehe...The video I have will proof you LYING - and will CLEARLY proof the provenience of the screenshot. Anyway...Your aggressive and insulting tonality are a brazenness - but hey, it's internet... @lucabutera - I'm curious what you will say, if viewing the video on Vimeo. It seems you don't care about your reputation when convicting you for false claims. Your good work with the booster doesn't qualify you for false claims in connection with my footage. This discussion - insults, conspiracy theories, false claims, etc. - is dull. Noone forces me to do this here. After delivering the first charge of h265 vs RAW and uploading the "false claim video" to Vimeo to proof Lucabutera false claims, I will be out here. @Matthew Hartman will post the upload link to the footage and the Vimeo link for proofing Lucabutera false claims. You will get 5-6 seconds of "classic" 4K NX1 H265 (incl. specifications) 5-6 seconds of 4K NX1 DNG footage, both shot in exactly same conditions to compare (incl. specifications) "The vertical image is a picture [...] You can not get a 1800 x 1200 pixel from a 4k or UHD video frame!" - said Lucabutera. This is a blattant false claim. Just split the coming Vimeo-video in screenshot frames and you will find the screenshot scene posted here I was not after appreciation, fame, or money. Not even after furious insults and false claims. Many of the guys insulting me are prisonners of their own, small parallel universe - full of boredom, cynism, envy and hate. Go out and get a live. And try to stay polite and open minded.
Please check: [ ] - I am aware, this is a screenshot from a video and it's a JPEG [ ] - I simply don't care about context or compression facts, I want just to say hello. Please go to this permanent loop: while (true) { System.out.println("I am an expert"); } I always appreciate expert opinion and advice:
No necessity to be sorry...It's your first impression / personal preference. Please consider the used lens. When putting this Zeiss on any other camera without AA filter and a high MP count and stop it down, I'm sure you would say the same. That's what this lens is used for: top resolution/detailed landscapes, architecture, etc. And - depending on your personal preferences/expectations - you could every time apply an unsharp/blur mask to the footage in post. But: As I said at the beginning of my claims, I use the NX1 at this time mostly for product and architecture photography and videography up to ISO 200 max. For every use case, where I need insane detail...It's just my personal preference these days... Yes - (50fps | 1080p). The limits are: 1. Existing capabilities of the Samsung hardware and 2. Enough time to scrutinize this and do a workaround for it. Just take a look at the excellent work of the "NX1-Hacker-group" here in this forum (Vasile & co): They got stunning results and very useful mods for NX users. I didn't take a closer look yet at their methodology and principles of work, but I could bet, this is not the end of story. The truth is, you just need much time to do this and most such called "hackers" (better use: skilled coders) are simply NOT interested in "hacking" cameras.
Full ACK - no problem. I can do with my cameras whatever I want. But problems could begin when making it public... There are some hardware modifications (at least at the moment) too...So...But that's what I told you at the very beginning. I said: "I opened the box"... Workflow is as simple as I said when revealing the properties of the screenshot: It's a workflow @Mattias Burling shared on YT in 2014. Nothing new there. It's a common DNG workflow.
This. Thanks for mentionning. BUT...Personally, I stopped shooting it over ISO 800. This puppy shines at 100% when it gets enough AND great light. From the right direction. But, at the end of the day, this is a matter of personal taste and preference. You'll see the differences between ISO 100-200 and 800+ when I'll post some studio scenes. Under ISO 200, this camera is really hard to beat, when it comes to detail, microcontrast AND color rendition (with the right lens on it).
Thanks. It was you @Andrew Reid who made me to buy this camera years ago. It was specially the Lisbon video...You were one of the guys not wining and criticizing the H265 (at that time not such popular in this industry), but encouraging people to give this camera a try. Thanks a lot. Andrew, just give me some time to work on this...I tried to explain a few things and got provoked and insulted - because people probably not understandung what I mean. I'd like to share the work first...Above this, there are some serious legal aspects to consider - and there is no answer yet from a lawyer society specialized in this issues... When this is done, I will share the RAW footage for evaluation. Please consider, I am a one man band when working on this - and got a live with many friends, family, sports, shootings, etc. After university-entrance diploma examinations, I will have some more time to spend on it. Be assured, I'll share my results here. BTW: Zero interest in financial compensation when working on this.
Yes. At the moment I work much with 24fps, as after some changes, I got unregular frame skipping when doing 25p.
@kidzrevil + @lucabutera Here is a screenshot from an early release. UHD | 25fps | 1/50 | Manual WB (blue hour like human eye sees it) | Zeiss O 28mm 1.4 at F7.1 | edit in post: slight WB correction | File edited with Premiere CC | Workflow recommended by @Mattias Burling --> here <--
Yeah...It's not a necessity but the hunger for "more and more" driving us in the arms of gear manufacturers or some "hacks". Tech passion, curiosity, hope...It's simply the challenge making things interesting, yeah... I never said this ("doubling the power of NX1"). I ONLY said to do 4K RAW. If this would "double the power" of the NX1, is something everyone has to judge for himself. For me (!) it's great.
This is what Sony engineers call "Japanese walk phenomenon". No need to fix phenomenons... This! We could call this kind of anti-consumerism "Global Sony re-mapping" (GSR)...Many first movers would get into trouble, if refusing immediate buy....
Why? The NX gear you already own (I saw 2 of the NX1 in the other thread), doesn't limit you at all - unless you are a coal mine, tunnel or night-life documentarist, shooting permanently in horrible lighting conditions (without the possibility to light up your scenes / models), where the NX1 doesn't shine. Or a Hollywood DOP or blockbuster filmer - but in this case there are some production cameras, beeing probably a better option than a NX1. Getting out by day some hours and taking some beautiful shots with your NX1, could probably satisfy you more than the belief you were limited by gear. I'm not a physician and don't aim to give any medical advice, but after some hours of challenging shooting, you could sleep better at night. I would just try to get more shooting fun than better/more gear or specs. Have fun. BTW: @Matthew Hartman will get his hands first on some samples. After discussing, criticism, proposals, I will put the footage down here, so you guys could take a "first look" and evaluate it from your POV. Technical or even workflow aspects are not as important as aesthetical/IQ considerations for the first...
Last post now: I see, there are many questions and much to explain. My programming skills also seem to be better than my technical explanations. But one of the forum members offered me help and it would be better letting him to help me. It's not simple to explain technical stuff I'm involved with to other people. I wrote many assumptions/questions of forum members down, so I can answer them accurately after exams and after posting some examples, so people could see, what we talk about. "Abstract talk" only can get stodgy sometimes...
I do it with RAW. But to see the effect, it works also with JPEG - because of the compression, of course not so great. You can stack multiple images with RAW / JPEG, etc. to get a much better result than with a single image, but you can get the maximum of DR with multiple RAW images only. Sorry of probably beeing unclear. You can test this effect - as I said - with JPEG and RAW. It's up to you...But you will get the most when shooting RAW. BTW: When shooting RAW at base ISO of 100 (NX1) under ideal conditions, you don't need to stack - because at these settings you touch the maximum limits of DR of the NX1. It makes sense to stack with ISO 200+... When stacking JPEG it makes always sense to stack multiple images, because of generally decreasing compression artefacts and detail loss in your resulting image...
@Pavel Mašek It seems to be a misconception out there...You can't increase DR endlessly - this would be a perpetuum mobile and so...impossible. At the end of the day, output DR is limited by the maximum DR-capabilities of the sensor. By stacking together you can only get more and more near to the DR limits given by the sensor - and get more maleability in post by gathering useful information to work with in highlights, mids and shadows. So, that's a kind of optimizing and NOT increasing. Only sensor manufacturers can increase the DR capabilties of a sensor...
But for now...I'm fighting with Keynesian & Marxian economics, globalization BS, European integration and so on for my exam tomorrow. Not funny at all...
Guys, a community always can have some more useful ideas than a single person. The problem is the technical implementation and the workflow after getting the results you want. One more problem could be the legal aspect... As the processor of the NX1 is very powerful, I invented a workflow called IDOB - Image Data Optimization Blocks. It can combine 2 RAW images and output a single DNG file (16 bit) with a convenient amount of data (much less than a single RAW) but with a tremendous amount of DR. And it fits in a modern workflow with Premiere or Davinci..... This ground principle is not my invention: When putting (stacking) more images together (even shot under same conditions = similar EV) you will get a single superiour image with great DR and tremendous possibilities to work in post. Just try it: Go with your camera and shoot in quite dark conditions JPEGs in burst mode (even without EV change). Stack them in post to a single image together. Do some post work on it and compare this result with a edited single picture...By far more details and DR...Have fun...
I'd like to answer your question by quoting a Samsung manager - his claims are exactly saying all you need to know (without speculating) about possibilities / limitations of this beast: <cite> I wanted to come back to the data-readout speed. Is the camera actually capable of recording video at 240 frames? JK: No. DE: Oh, because the codec isn't fast enough to compress and format it? JK: Actually, we just didn't implement that functionality, but the DRIMe V and the sensor could do it. When the guys in R&D were working on the Samsung Auto Shot feature, they recorded live 28 megapixel, 240 fps "video" to help with the debugging. We didn't see there being an application for that, at least for very, very few people. </cite> Article --> here <-- (September 2014) Please take time and read it very carefully - in 2018 it's still a stunning piece of technology, undefeated in many ways...Many features are already therein... So, no doubt - it can be done. At 28 MP. Period.
Hi guys, After taking a look at you posts, it's exciting to see how every of you would do it. Some of your thoughts were mine at the beginning of this long way I've done. To tell you a bit more about it: The biggest advantage of my method is the great maleability in post. It's absolutely the same as working with other professional RAW formats. @All - to say a little bit more...The speculations on data rate transfer limitations are not useful - because I've "opened the box"...Now I have partial direct access to the heart of this beast... But please consider, "heart surgery" is not as simple as it sounds - specially for a small guy like me...And it could possibly imply legal issues... @Juxx989 Cynism and giving up when disappointed don't make films or fotographs. Please consider, that BM manufactures professional productions cameras with multiple codec options. XLR, NDs, etc. Not comparable with a modified hybrid camera - even when it's a great one. There's a great difference between playing around and reliability & professional features (not IQ only) of a dedicated professional camera.
I have economy exam on Wednesday. So, to answer you in your language: BTW: Are animated GIFs the future of conversation? I hope not...
@Attila Bakos You are completely wrong - more on monday @Mokara You are on the right way - that were my original thoughts too, one year ago. Very logical and structured way of thinking AND not bad maths...more on monday... Sorry, no much time to spend on this but just got an alert on an article mentionning the NX1...Normally I'm tired to read the SAR-bullshit but now one of the Sony plastic garbage collectors is laughing on Samsung... Quote: /// Samsung has yet no goal to make APS-C or FF Image Sensor for the photo industry. Their focus is on smartphone cameras and automotive industry. Still, their NX1 camera was ahead of times in many areas, pity they did quit. Oh and by the way, back when they had their NX system Samsung was bragging that they would become number 1 in the camera mirrorless camera industry. It didn’t work out well. /// Comparing facts & the economical power of Samsung vs Sony could help avoiding such statements...But there are guys out there who refuse any intellectual challenge...Powered by Sony plastic brain - without any backside mental illumination...Innovative but dumb statements... DISCLAIMER: It's all about self criticism. I've buyed this garbage too, but I've learned out of it...
Nope - No improved RS No sound (at the moment) No 30/48/50/60 or higher fps Same miserable failure in low-light as generally known No DIS (but lens stabilization + AF working) No overheating encountered (till now) Not coming before or on April first... ...but the undefeated detail and sharpness king for 4K beauty shots in controlled light and daylight scenarios...and ridiculously maleable in post, even in the eyes of professionally working picky VFX and grading experts...
Record time is unlimited. There are other limitations though... Photo buffers are mostly limited, even on pro line cameras. But our phantasy and ideas are UNLIMITED... And now let me go back to learning for exams. Spending too much time with fiddling and shooting is NOT good for my graduation.
Yep, he also gave me great advice with Nikon. He is definetely an expert.Very rare nowadays, where social media puppies spread their half knowledge around.
Yeah...I am very excited...Working on this for 7 months now... After exams I will have the time to do a usable workflow description and HowTo. I hope, it will be useful for the community. BTW: I think, @BTM_Pix will like it too, this guy is unbelievable in fiddling with electronics...