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This is available for free, new 3D LUT for BMPCC4K (inspired by the industry standard Arri - Rec709) The LUT is currently available for Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera (BMPCC4K, BMPCC6K, orig. BMPCC) I've been bothering a lot of different LUTs for a long time... until I created my own http://tondadamborsky.cz/2020/03/19/lut-for-bmpcc4k/ BMPCC4K has warmer colors i recommend u bmpcc4k - WB set slightly to minus (-300,500) than other cameras or orig.Pocket (BMMCC) I hope, you will like it. I tried to keep the max dynamic range, and natural skin color.
Yes, GH5 has worse colors than BMPC4K, we agree on that. (Maybe there is a mistake in my English, sorry) GH5 is the best in the like709 profile with modified knee, colors are most realistic with easy sorting. I've been using GH5 for nearly three years 1000 times I've tried all possible settings, but the best skin color gives me like 709. BMPCC4 has a much larger dynamic range than GH5, I wish BM returned to the Fairchild sensor. Or try Ursu 4.6k (but money ?) don't get me wrong, I know very well what BMPC4K and what he was devised for, My main complaint is that the good old Fairchild colors are gone, and I prefer to keep the BMMCC. I would like to draw the attention of future buyers. On old cameras, editing was extremely simple, on the new BMPCC4 it takes me more work to get the picture where I need it.
Yes you are right, GH5 is the worst in colors, just as I write. But the old fairchild sensor gives me the best color and easy color correction. The new pocket 4K is exactly in the middle between GH5 and Fairchild. Everyone likes a different machine, that's okay. I write purely my findings.
No, the look is different, the new pocket 4k is worse... today's test: BMMCC - best colors and overall look , a little noisy picture, but the noise is pleasant. Moire problem. But overall he is the winner! (Slowmo 60p) at ISO 400 is slightly cleaner in the shadows. (Native is 800) . It is not a modern clear picture, but as a best film emulation. BMPCC (orig) - same as BMMCC but only 30p (a little more noise and moire than BMMCC) BMPCC4K - worse colors and overall picture is shifted to yellow-red? sharp highlights rolloff ? the picture is far more difficult to correct and color than the old pocket ? the picture is cleaner , but it gets a "video look" , The shape of the body is terrible. I gave a second chance and really didn't ... I put it back. GH5 - The best tool for run & shot - Worse colors than BMPCC4K but not much, excelent IBIS ! , battery life, adjustable display and viewfinder. Very economical codec for all day shooting. It's a winner if you need quick and comfortable shooting. It is a modern clear picture. Winner for RUN & GUN Shooting So everything stays the same, I keep GH5 for modern picture style, BMMCC for film emulation project. BMPCC4K - not necessary ?
today's test: BMMCC - best colors and overall look , a little noisy picture, but the noise is pleasant. Moire problem. But overall he is the winner! (Slowmo 60p) at ISO 400 is slightly cleaner in the shadows. (Native is 800) . It is not a modern clear picture, but as a best film emulation. BMPCC (orig) - same as BMMCC but only 30p (a little more noise and moire than BMMCC) BMPCC4K - worse colors and overall picture is shifted to yellow-red? sharp highlights rolloff ? the picture is far more difficult to correct and color than the old pocket ? the picture is cleaner , but it gets a "video look" , The shape of the body is terrible. I gave a second chance and really didn't ... I put it back. GH5 - The best tool for run & shot - Worse colors than BMPCC4K but not much, excelent IBIS ! , battery life, adjustable display and viewfinder. Very economical codec for all day shooting. It's a winner if you need quick and comfortable shooting. It is a modern clear picture. Winner for RUN & GUN Shooting So everything stays the same, I keep GH5 for modern picture style, BMMCC for film emulation project. BMPCC4K - not necessary ?
I still consider it a better picture (OG BMPPC). For more than a year I have been waiting for a video from BMPCC4k that would excite me
Sorry, but the picture is really bad, grading is terrible.. it is my opinion
from today I use only GloryHolycircle aspect ratio ?
the best documentary shots I do when my camera can't be seen.
Orig. Pocket with orig.Nikon battery = 50min-60min. If i imagine BMPCC4K with NP970, i'm glad i have a real POCKET! ? with 2x stabilized lens and mic, and still in the palm of your hand...
my recommendation is: definitely not selling GH5, it's currently an irreplaceable worker, ideal to have on the shelf: GH5, BMPCC4K, and old BMMCC ?
here's simple cheap music video, BMMCC - Tokina 11-16 , Sigma 18-35 , Vitrox EF
The color of GH5s is such a sony reddish, therefore, I prefer color GH5.
I didn't want to say it first ? and yes, it looks like some camcorder... AX55 ? ?
it's not my video, but I wanted to show, The GH5 is great after three years of launch , and basically has no direct competition! (usable colors, good dynamic range, great battery, excellent stabilization, 180fps, 4K 10bit internally, unlimited recording, no overheating , dual slot SD, articulating screen, great sound internal mic or DMW-XLR1E, and much more) no other run & shoot machine will give you that!
I would like to see this chart for the original pocket. There must be lights in iso800 min. 8 stops.
I guess it's best for you, wait for GH7 ?
If you're happy, use it.... But I don't like it, I don't see Alexa there at all, I'm sorry. I can only see the great saturation of contrast and lookGH5 ? Best colors and skin tones on GH5 gives profile like709 and HLG, but you get beautiful skin tones from V-log is impossible! At BMMCC keep just BozBMDFilm's Rec709 Utility LUT, and it's, beautiful skin. (https://bulentozdemirfilms.wordpress.com/downloads/bmcc-bmpcc-bozbmdfilm-to-rec709-lut/)