Dropped by to say thanks to Andrew Reid and everyone on this sub-forum for generously sharing their knowledge ... and add that I think the NX1 is still very relevant in today's market.
Here's my story, I was looking for a small and light B Cam for a Red Dragon and decided to spend the last month really getting to know the NX1 because I like how close the out-of-camera images look to the Red. I advocate for not heavily grading DSLR images and trying to get as close to what I can in-camera ... playing to the DSLR's strengths and avoiding its weaknesses, like codec and bit rates. I shot this with the NX1 and a DJI Mavic as a test, all images are ungraded, straight out of camera and through Premiere's and Youtube's compression ...
. Samsung NX1 with Canon EF 35mm and Samsung NX 16-50mm PZ.
. Beholder DS1
. DJI Mavic
. Vasile hack 180Mbps
. Master Black Level +10
. Gamma DR
. Custom Profile R0.90/G0.92/B1.10, Sharpness-10, Contrast-5
. Smartrange on
. DIS on
PS. I had trouble with focusing but have figured out how to assign peaking to the speed dial now, haha, should help.
PPS. the DIS does work well but occasionally does some funky things so I learned that it's important to review the footage carefully.