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Everything posted by BTM_Pix

  1. Definitely one for fans of Airplane that one
  2. BTM_Pix

    Sigma FP

    To be fair, the Sigma Photo Pro software has moved on a bit in the five years since that video not least with the addition of GPU acceleration although it is still slow in relative terms. Some comparison stuff here : https://sigmaphotopro.com/sigma-photo-pro-performance/ There is always the options of doing batch conversions to tiff or dng if you want to have minimal contact with it. Yeah, the only time I've used one with any of mine was specifically for long exposure shots. I'm curious how you get on with the H as I opted for the regular one because it was so much cheaper and I'd read that full coverage of the H sensor was an issue with the APS-C ART lenses so some of the extra resolution was wasted anyway. I've always had a nagging doubt I went the wrong way though as, of course, I never did end up buying the 18-35mm etc in SA mount and the M42 lenses I put on it would cover it anyway.
  3. Funnily enough, that shirt he's wearing means the dalek is actually only the second weirdest item in that frame.
  4. To be fair, I specifically said native lenses in the original post and also referenced the TechArt adapter. I have one or two of those non Z glass Nikon lenses myself.
  5. I've got one and I have to say its pretty nice. I don't have a fancy phone so it acts in lieu of that for holiday stuff and although the video is the main story, the quality of the stills are actually quite good. One complaint I have with it is that it seems to have a habit of reverting its settings out of the Pro mode which is a pain in the arse. I never use it with a phone so maybe that has something to do with it in terms of sync or something but its intermittent. I've just got some magnetic ND filters for it as it definitely becomes a bit too camcordery in bright light. The hyperlapse stuff is fun and the stabilisation is good in terms of being a tripod substitute and some slider type moves but walking with it is definitely going to give you some bumping unless you are disciplined in doing the silly walk. As I use it on holiday, the fact I'm wearing shorts is enough to make me look ridiculous without doing that as well. It struggles a lot in quite low light of course but these grabs are from footage I did in less than broad light and its does an alright enough job for what I'm using it for, especially considering the convenience factor and the tricks it can do. 1
  6. Lets cross over to Harry Callahan for his thoughts on this one.
  7. Whoever shot those two pieces will be wetting themselves in anticipation of the Sigma FP letting him plaster the Teal and Orange on at source.
  8. Judging by the discounts and cash back incentives on virtually all of the brands, I don't think any of them are having a particularly bumper time sales wise. The problem for Nikon is that the L mount is building momentum through the upgrade of the S1, the announcement of the FP, the availability of the new Sigma lenses, the release of the S1H, the upcoming Sigma FF Foveon announcement and I suspect the new Leica SL isn't far off being announced now either. None of that makes the Z6 a bad camera of course but Nikon need to wrestle some of that momentum back and a statement on when the upgrade is actually going to happen would be a start. There's probably never been a better time NOT to buy a full frame camera though as within a few months Sony might be along with something that could blow everything out of the water, the Sigma FP might just be the full frame version of the original Pocket Cinema camera or the S1H might tick every box of being a full frame GH5s, or... if none of those things come to pass then the deflating prices of the S1 and Z6 etc will have no doubt continued anyway and they will become fantastic bargains, particularly used.
  9. Now we're talking ! I didn't realise you wanted the precision option Simplest would probably be a velcro cable tie behind the clip on the transmitter to strap it to the mic then. Old minds think alike
  10. The simplest way to attach something to a mic is to just use an additional basic mic holder further up the body of the mic. That will give you an adjustable arm to then attach to something that will hold the transmitter. Then unscrew the brass mount and put one of these thread adapters in the base of the holder. This will give you a standard 1/4" 20 screw which you can use to attach this expandable phone grip into which you can put the transmitter. Now, the snag to this is that the minimum opening size of the phone will likely be too wide to hold the transmitter. My one for example has a minimum opening of 52mm which is 8mm too wide for the transmitter. However, this is an easy and permanent fix as you can just glue (or epoxy for maximum DIY hacking cred ) additional padding material to either end of the jaws to reduce this minimum opening distance. You can use anything but some cut foam or polystyrene will be ideal. If you add 8mm of material at each end then you will have reduced the minimum opening to 36mm which will mean that the expandable jaws will then clamp the transmitter tight. Total cost is about £9 (£4 for the mic holder, £1 for the thread adapter and £4 for the phone holder).
  11. I got quite nostalgic there seeing those vintage cars as I regularly went on Sunday trips to the beach in one of those as a child. Sadly, it was the Ford Anglia and not the E Type Jag ! Got to admire a man with the self assurance to still be able to dole out a suspicious "what on earth are you up to?" look at someone else when he's the one casually taking his Dalek for a walk.
  12. BTM_Pix

    Sigma FP

    Slashcam refer to the crop as being in the specification "The Sigma fp will be equipped with a 35mm Bayer sensor with 24.6 effective MP exposed at the back (so not with a Foveon sensor like the Sigma Quattro). In the technical data for the camera, however, a crop of 1.5 is mentioned, which will most likely be effective in film mode." If you look at the specification, the crop (or Clop as its spelt in the document ) is actually mentioned in reference to still formats rather than video. So the crop reference is purely there is to indicate the resolution you will get in stills mode when you attach an existing L mount APS-C lens like the Leica ones or Sigma's own upcoming crop lenses. I will have to resist all urges to refer to this as Jurgen mode when I attach an APS-C lens to it.
  13. I think they need the actual release of the ProResRAW update to happen pretty soon. Probably by their own traditional measure of "how are we doing against Canon?" then Nikon might well be satisfied as the Z series has largely received a better critical response at least than the R series though who knows what that translates to in sales. They can't live in that duopoly vacuum any more though. In the time its taken them to not get that update out, Panasonic have moved the game on significantly on the S series and Sigma have given the whole L mount situation a big boost not just with the FP announcement but with the lens announcements. This is Sigma's lineup for release by the end of the year 20mm F1.4 Art 24mm F1.4 Art 35mm F1.4 Art 50mm F1.4 Art 85mm F1.4 Art 135mm F1.8 Art Where are Nikon's native Z lenses to match that lineup and at what cost ? The politics of the L mount alliance probably means that those lenses might remain L mount exclusives for a while as well. Obviously, ProResRAW isn't going to move the needle any for sales to stills people but if nothing else it will get the Z series a re-boost in terms of attention with all the YouTube videos from the "Hey whats happening, its your boy Fred Knows Zed" bros. The TechArt adapter should have been the icing on the cake for the Z but without the actual release of ProResRAW its still all a bit "jam tomorrow" for a lot of video people. I don't know which end the issue is coming from thats delayed it but I have to say Atomos have also not released two of the three AtomX modules for the Ninja V yet either.
  14. BTM_Pix

    Sigma FP

    It is this cable. The SD Quattro has a dummy battery set but this one is a DC cable that plugs into that port on the camera. No spec on it as yet.
  15. BTM_Pix

    Sigma FP

    Yeah, I think for anything remotely serious it will be difficult to see (no pun intended) beyond it not having an EVF. Presumably from a stills perspective Sigma look at it as an RX1 type of offering with interchangeable lenses but how close it gets to that FF compact concept when you whack on a lens on it is debatable as its only the 40mm f2.8 that is anywhere near being an appropriate size but is a bit slow and a bit not 35mm! With m mounts then its far more appropriate but that then causes its own issues manually focusing without an EVF. They claim to have a mitigated a lot of the issue with only having an electronic shutter according to Yamaki but yeah that sync speed is useless. [In announcing the camera's development, Sigma CEO Kazuto Yamaki acknowledged the rolling shutter effect but said 'the sensor used has a very fast reading speed. It is able to shoot without major problems in most shooting scenes.'] Ah-ha! Its on the lesser seen right hand side of the camera.
  16. BTM_Pix

    Sigma FP

    I think those things will come pretty quickly from 3rd parties through the openness that Sigma have to share things like the downloadable 3D models of the chassis as well as opening up the spec for external control. The 3D model thing is great as it will allow 3rd parties to really shape solutions like grips to be tightly integrated and prototype them quickly. With any luck they'll have those available even before the camera ships so people can get on with it. The strap lug design they've got on it where you can unscrew them and they have 1/4" 20 threads underneath ready to attach stuff to is a really smart idea. As for power, they do list a DC barrel adapter on the page but I have to confess that I've got no idea where it connects to the camera ! Sigma do actually make a dual battery grip for the SD Quattro and the FP uses the same battery so its not beyond the bounds of possibility that they could release one themselves. It look enormous (and it is!) but thats as a by-product of it matching the form of the camera. The actual business part of it could be made to fit the FP.
  17. BTM_Pix

    Sigma FP

    Thats my boy ! Yeah if its only through HDMI then they can fuck off and take these shitty low capacity batteries with them.
  18. BTM_Pix

    Sigma FP

    I think logically it will be in that sort of price bracket and probably at the lower end of it. It doesn't have an EVF and for stills shooters they will be expecting it to be at least as cheap as a full frame mirrorless that does like the Canon RP or even the Sony A7ii. My concern would be that Sigma have set some optimistic prices for most of their other cameras at launch but those cameras were always going to be niche so hopefully the economies of scale with this one will change that. I hope so anyway as I'm already doing the "Well, I've already got so many of the BP-51 batteries already that it almost doesn't make economical sense not to buy it" justifications to my better half I might be in full on justification mode here but I'm pretty ambivalent about it recording RAW internally. In the context of it being a modular camera anyway, using a Samsung T5 drive or whatever to record to is perfectly OK by me for a few reasons. The first one is the capacity aspect and the second is actually about then just being able to attach that drive to the computer and start editing it instead of having to tit about with card readers. Those drives are also a bit more readily available if you're out and about than having to track down CFAst or ultra fast SD cards. The other reason is a bit more philosophical in that I think the FP is a stills camera and it is a cine camera but its not necessarily a hybrid. The modularity of it, to me at least, means its a sensor in a box and you dress it accordingly or not dress it in the case of when you want it to be a stills camera. As a cine camera, I envisage it having a grip that incorporates more power but also has an SSD slot and you just attach that as one piece at which point what is internal and external recording is a bit of a grey area if you know what I mean. For example no one considers a RED to not record RAW "internally" but the reality is that it is doing it externally internally and this would then be exactly the same. I think that is why Sigma were making a big issue about opening it up to accessory manufacturers as a way of having much better integrated solutions than having to cobble together rigs. To be honest, even if I was ostensibly taking it out to use as a stills camera and thought that I might want to record some raw video then its no hardship to have a T5 in a pocket should the need arise. In point of fact, if Sigma put in a file transfer page to move stills on to a T5 directly from the camera then I'd always have one with me anyway because, again, that whole card reader thing gets old for transfer particularly if you want to edit on a tablet. See, I told you I was in full on justification mode
  19. Compressor supports ProResRAW now so I would guess that would be the best bet for batch conversion. https://support.apple.com/en-gb/HT202204
  20. The firmware release notes are here but make no reference to it https://pro.sony/en_KH/product-resources/software/1237493297313 At the risk of sounding blindingly obvious, is it possible that the menus only appear if you actually have a compatible recorder attached to it ? Here is the full instructions for the Odyssey but the Sony end should be the same irrespective of what the recorder is so you can ignore the Odyssey part of the document. https://vmi.tv/upload/pdf/FS700-Setup-Guide_v2_11_110-19Aug2014_1409134165.9053.pdf
  21. BTM_Pix


    A side by side comparison of them
  22. Not sure how much use its going to be but here is the manual https://pro.sony/s3/cms-static-content/uploadfile/26/1237493032226.pdf And here is a step by step tutorial about using it with a 7Q
  23. Have you not got one of these universal precision screwdriver kits ?
  24. I certainly think there should be some sort of "Dedication To The Spirit Of The Competition" award for someone who takes a hacksaw and pliers to the camera to try and improve it!
  25. Yeah, I suppose its one way of sending a message - "Buy me out Jim or I'll show them that it records as well" I'm eagerly awaiting the next episode but he needs to get on with it as he is still leaving that doubt in the air of regarding whether the mags that he is actually selling do contain an extracted firmware. What he really needs to be doing of course is fabricating an SSD side panel for the RED ONE !
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