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Everything posted by BTM_Pix

  1. Oh that it were. Oh that it were. And Brabham want to fit a fuck off big hoover on the back
  2. I was struggling to think of what to shoot but I'm definitely going to use that title now to make a James Bond film where he goes after a deep state conspiracy to rig elections.
  3. Sounds about right. Only from the date that the rules have been finally thrashed out though. So...end of December it is then.
  4. Last query from me then.... If the budget for the camera is £200 and a reasonable lens expectation would be another £70 can we use a £270 fixed lens compact? Or, more specifically, can I use my LX100 or Cinelike D hacked LX15
  5. It works with any lens that the camera can drive so that is all the native MFT lenses but also EF lenses if you have an adapter (like the Metabones smart ones) that the camera supports. There is a switch module, a joystick module and a generic GPIO module. They can all be assigned to different functions so switches could do aperture or ISO up/down, joystick could do focus on one axis and aperture on another etc etc. The GPIO module is intended to let you trigger record from a pulse input such as a custom cable or even a radio trigger and also to be able to send a pulse out to trigger external equipment such as an audio recorder when the camera is in record. With regard to price, they will be appropriate to the cost of the PBC itself so expect between €20-25.
  6. A quick peek at one of the expansion options for the PBC. This one is a focus controller where the focus range of the lens is mapped to one full turn of the control. Obviously, ignore the electrical tape thats holding it together. The production version will be using gaffer tape.
  7. The problem with speedboosters is the budget aspect of it I suppose. Feels daft in the spirit of things to exclude cheapo ones when they can add so much to a cheap camera but by the same token if you've already got an expensive one then you could argue it makes the overall cost of the package outside the spirit of things. That would mean anyone who has got an expensive one will have to buy a cheapo one to keep in the rules which seems a bit unfair. Optically, there isn't a massive difference between them (certainly not relative to price) so its probably less relevant in that regard than the price of the ND filters people will be using so you'd then end up having to have a rule for that as well. I think if they are allowed then it should be irrespective of how much they cost.
  8. I think Canon's running ML are not allowed. A standard EOS-M is a contender as would be the EOS-550D (or whatever its name is in the US).
  9. Yeah, I think if you've already got one and it could be bought in working order for £150 on eBay on a Buy It Now or from a used dealer like MPB then thats fair enough. Just have people declare beforehand what they are going to use with a link to where they can buy it for that price if they already own it.
  10. I think he'd have a Charlton Heston/NRA moment with that one.
  11. Absolutely not in my experience. The battery level indicator on the camera has such a vague and usually inaccurate grasp on reality when used with their own battery that it could well become Brexit minister in the new cabinet.
  12. It would be easy enough to make a multiple choice poll on here to let everyone vote on the various options. And don't forget to include the options for which camera @Andrew Reid has to give up as the prize for the winning entry !
  13. They do exist but whether financially they are viable versus what people would expect to pay for them is another matter. This is one system where you either buy their own USB sticks (at $35 per pop for an 8 gig !) or buy a credit license from $9.95 per disk to encrypt your own. If you source cheap 8 gig sticks then the total cost price is going to be around £12 so it would be hard to make too much of a profit on them compared to how much you'd make at the same retail price if you were using DVDs. https://www.truscont.com/usb-copy-protection/buy-usb-online#credits
  14. I think people are probably just pondering it at this stage until there is a definitive call on the rules. I suggest using our friend's MPB as the price guide for what cameras can be used as they are a good mid point between used retail prices and one off bargain eBay prices. So if the rule was that any camera that was available on there at say £150 or under was allowable then I think thats a reasonable bench mark. There are more than enough pedants on here that will destroy the spirit of what this is about arguing over receipts, exchange rates and relative cost of living weightings per geographic area otherwise
  15. I've nothing against DVDs at all. Aside from the production time, production cost, delivery mechanism, their fragility and how easy they are to copy It was just a suggestion in response to the OP asking for an alternative to them. The video is embedded in the app by the way so is offline and requires no key
  16. You can encrypt them but as soon as you give the legal owner the key then there is nothing to stop them duplicating the file and giving someone else the key. You can host it online behind a paywall but having to go online every time to view it won't be appealing to consumers and, again, the login can be shared. The app route is the option that gives you the most protection because it is directly delivered to a single device in a form that isn't easy to duplicate. The app can be designated in the app stores as a family sharing app so everyone in the family can share access to it on their own device which I guess would be appropriate for the content that the OP is producing if it involves parents and kids.
  17. They have an S5 Pro for £131. Got a minor issue with a faint line which only appears at f11 onwards which doesn't particularly scare me. Mmmm.....
  18. It was Kipon that announced one but no further news as of yet. https://www.kipon.com/en/articledetail.asp?id=139 The TechArt adapter stacked with a Sigma MC11adapter (or any other EF>E adapter) will achieve it if you need one in the short term. With the adapter only being 2mm stacking it with another one isn't going to be too unduly cumbersome and I would hazard a guess it won't be dissimilarly priced as a total package with an MC11 versus the cost of the dedicated Kipon one.
  19. WEX have a raft of used Nikon D200 and D3000 bodies for under £70. As the last hurrah of the CCD in Nikon'd DSLR's I'd say they are an interesting proposition for something cheap but different. I'm in London next week and I might well pick one up. https://www.wexphotovideo.com/used/#esp_category_cf=Model&esp_category_filter_Manufacturer=Nikon&esp_category_filter_Model=D3000&esp_category_filter_Model=D200 I'd absolutely clean up in that category if it was the other way round !
  20. Sorry for the OT about Bruno.... With regard to batteries, I haven't really got many horror stories about any 3rd party batteries but I'm surprised there have been issues with Wasabi as I've had good luck with them on multiple different camera types. If you are looking for a compromise between original batteries and unbranded then I'd have a look at Duracell of all people. When the D500 was released and could only use original Nikon batteries, I bought a couple of the Duracell versions as I'd read a report that said they were compatible and they have been absolutely flawless. I've since bought them for X-T2 and again they've been perfect so, for me, they offer a solid brand version of the originals at a reduced price.
  21. By the way, one slight drawback here is the price variation in different markets. Most notably in Sweden where some of the prices I've seen him get gear for means that @Mattias Burling might well end up shooting his $150 entry on an Alexa
  22. Love this idea. And when we've completed that one..... I'd thought about something similar when people were getting nostalgic for the GH2 but more in the way of a "chain camera" if you like. We have a GH2 with one lens (kit zoom would be fine) and a vari ND and a mic. First person has 24 hours to shoot something with it then posts it to the next person who has 24 hours and then sends it on etc. Make a common theme such as "where I live" and limit it to 2 mins finished pieces each and we'd end up with a very interesting worldwide glimpse into the EOSHD community.
  23. Tomato/Tomato to some degree but as he has stated it was a deliberate "artistic choice" for it to look like that then it was the technical choices that had to serve the aesthetic rather than than the aesthetic being a by-product of the technical choices. I learnt this lesson the hard way when failing to achieve a Kraftwerk aesthetic on my last album by using a mandolin and a French horn. Well, as I say, he's impressed quite a lot of people with that choice judging by the comments, many of whom find it to be very evocative for them of the work of Philip Bloom. I'm not really au fait enough with the entire canon of Bloom's work to know whether he ever had a Handycam period so I don't have sufficient insight to challenge that.
  24. The real time depth detection, tracking and object recognition demos I've seen with this of live video (HDMI>CSI converters) can form the basis of an AF system that I think will be integrated within a commercial product within 18 months. Obviously It won't be this specific SBC as its just a consumer development/tinkering board (although it does itself have the potential to be the basis for an outboard system) but the principle will be the same. How is that for a bold prediction
  25. Interesting response from the creator to the negative comments about the highlights. Its not an artistic choice that I would have made but there are enough very positive responses to it from commenters on YouTube to suggest many others thought it was the right one. Interesting.
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