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Everything posted by BTM_Pix

  1. I know what you mean, its a completely ridiculous post isn't it? I mean, obviously he'd use the time machine to go back and not cast his daughter in Godfather III.
  2. In all fairness if he'd have been able to get hold of a C700 in 1979 then I'm pretty sure he would have spent most of his time zipping about in the time machine he'd used to aquire it rather than pissing about making films. Maybe you should get a C700 do a reboot of it with a more modern man sensibility to the dialogue. "I love the smell of lip balm in the morning" and "Charlie don't surf with Firefox no more since the plug in debacle" would work.
  3. I have tuned the outer wheel behaviour a bit more now so it is a more progressive ramp up. I'll do another video next week.
  4. It can actually run on an iphone so I suspect it will be OK. There is a decent user forum on the LumaTouch website that might yield the answer for you regarding your particular ipad. It is definitely worth the price as far as I'm concerned. Something to bear in mind is that V2.0 will be a free upgrade but the price of the app is going to rise quite a bit because of all the new functionality so if it does what you need I'd get it sooner rather than later. I'm also making something else new for it as well...
  5. Not much plausible deniability about whether you have opened the case if you sent that in for repair. Although I strongly suspect whoever did it would be fine with doing his own repairs anyway.
  6. The drive itself is USB3 when connected to your PC but the port for external card reader devices like the one shown there is USB2. For my application using it in LumaFusion that bothers me less because the determining overall speed factor is the wireless transfer which is slower than USB2 anyway.
  7. https://www.newsshooter.com/2019/05/08/bmpcc-4k-modified-to-add-articulating-flip-screen/
  8. Just as an FYI, I have used MPB a lot and aside from the range of products and good prices, I've always found them very reliable in terms of the accuracy of descriptions and delivery.
  9. Its nowhere near as cheap as @Emanuel got his for, but MPB have one for £209 https://www.mpb.com/en-uk/used-equipment/used-photo-and-video/used-compact-system-cameras/used-panasonic-compact-system-cameras/panasonic-lumix-dmc-gx80/sku-821421/
  10. I think the RavPower FileHub is a very good all round flexible solution for general use. We used to have something made by Kingston years ago primarily for long journeys where we had a load of films and music on a USB stick and we could each watch or listen to different content on our tablets but as it had an ethernet port I also used it for work to create a private hotspot for wireless file transfer from my cameras to my laptop in stadiums that only had wired internet. For media sharing on trips we now use a Sandisk Connect Wireless USB stick Its a much more convenient form factor and powers/recharges from a USB port. I have just ordered the 4TB version of the WD Wireless Pro ostensibly for use with LumaFusion as it is supported directly within the app so that you can be viewing the content on it (or connected devices via its USB port) within LumaFusion without having to copy it all to the iPad camera roll first so you can get on with editing faster. It then imports the sections of the clips that you are actually using in the background and then can output the entire project back to the Connect Pro drive when you are done. I am not expecting blindingly fast transfer across the wireless ( and I know that @Robert Collins is very underwhelmed with his ) but for my specific application of using it with LumaFusion, that tighter integration with the app should actually make it overall a little bit faster but certainly a provide more convenient and less clunky workflow. Well, thats the theory anyway. I'll let you know the reality soon !
  11. A bit more info here from the Newsshooter feature about it. https://www.newsshooter.com/2019/05/07/use-your-shuttlexpress-controller-with-lumafusion/
  12. In screen settings in the setup menu, go into PREVIEW EXP./WB IN MANUAL MODE and you can switch the exposure preview off.
  13. BTM_Pix


    I'm now wondering whether the sensor cleaning frenzy I went on a few weeks ago was actually just out of focus birds in the images
  14. BTM_Pix

    Sports videography

    Professional sports events are heavily rights restricted so the use of images is limited strictly to genuine editorial use only.
  15. Most of Panasonic's 4K cameras even the consumer ones also have a pretty neat live crop mode to fake zoom and movement. The downside is that they are done in only two preset time periods so extending that out to a joystick control for manual operation would be a great option or even just making the time period fully adjustable would probably make it far more usable.
  16. The implementation costs are virtually free compared to even a couple of years ago and the possibilities with the flexibility it offers are amazing for low cost broadcasting. Even things like the app versions that turn your smartphone into an NDI camera could be a game changer for on the spot remote reporting. What it can do inside something like vMix is incredible particularly when you consider you can have this sort of capability on a laptop. When you consider the extent of the patchbays, switches and interfacing you'd need just to handle the input and output source routing that he has at his disposal in this video it is pretty mind blowing to old gits like us! Then when you add in a Vset3D system, which also uses NDI for its inputs and outputs, on the same network you can be integrating a realtime virtual set system for the price of another gaming computer and the $350 price of the software.
  17. As NDI is a compressed format, its role for most people on here will primarily be for wireless monitoring. The purpose of NDI is a low loss, low latency method of distributing signals within a network infrastructure and it can handle anything up to 4K60p with latency of 1 frame. Once you have encoded the signal (and standalone Newtek HDMI>NDI converters are around $450) and it is inside your network it can be displayed and/or processed by any device on the network capable of reading it as though it was a physical connection. For our monitoring application that means that we can display it on a mobile device, a laptop or a dedicated monitor in the case of the Ninja V or multiple combinations. The distance over which we can monitor the signal from our camera is only limited by our network infrastructure. That this can also extend to cloud based NDI solutions means that that reach can as easily be global as it is local. The real power of NDI is for live production where you can cheaply and easily create multi camera and multi source productions without the need for big hardware switchers and complex infrastructure for bringing in cameras and remote sources. For example, software switcher/production systems such as vMix (which people typically run on gaming laptops for portability) have plug-ins that see and use any NDI source on the network it is attached to as though it was a physical input so now you aren't limited to how many cameras you can use by the physical USB/Lightning ports you can attach converters to. You also aren't limited by how you have to use those inputs either in terms of cable length as once you have converted the camera signal into NDI at the camera end then you can run the signal without loss to the other side of the world if you want to. And this capability is being used with cloud NDI to remotely produce multi camera events from hundreds of miles away without huge trucks in the stadium car park or satellite links. NDI can also be used as an output format for computers so that these can be used as sources for graphics etc without having to use scan converters and again can be brought in from anywhere in the world in broadcast quality with minimal latency. NDI can also be used as an input/output format for Skype so remote guests can be brought into shows directly. So, whilst wireless monitoring is one application of NDI, it really is the tip of the iceberg of what it can do A bit more of a primer here from Epiphan who incorporate it into their producta. https://www.epiphan.com/blog/ndi-ndihx-network-video-production
  18. I'll do a post about it next week. There is a version of it for the Pocket 4K and one for Panasonic.
  19. As he's using electronic lenses on it, what he really needs is a wireless controller that does fine and coarse focus control, stores and transitions between focus points, controls the aperture as well as Record Start/Stop and mounts on one of the rails. I've been using one for a couple of days now and its quite good.
  20. Highlight controls can be, the histogram is part of the cyclic Disp button press sequence. Its a bit less cluttered than that one, which I'm guessing is a Panasonic one.
  21. I suppose it depends on the individual. For me personally, having the controller under the right hand for transport control, clip marking and inserting is far more natural than dragging on a screen. The frame advance with the jog wheel and the jump to next/previous clips are a big win as are the shuttle and play/pause controls because nything that stops me accidentally touching the wrong part of the screen and dragging a clip instead of moving round the timeline counts as a big win! You can see from the reaction to the new BM keyboard (if you ignore the price ) combined with the new Clip page that a combination of tactile surface and simplified interface can be a productivity win and I kind of see this with LumaFusion as being in the same vein. As an FYI, here is the actual prototype unit with its default key map, although this will be user definable in the production version. I have finally run out of the electric blue filament for my 3D printer so I was able to print this one in black!
  22. From what I understand it will be somewhere roughly halfway between those two figures. My point really isn't about the VLOG but the audio interface, as when someone has paid £300 for that to improve their audio I think that it would be appropriate to include the uncompressed audio upgrade in with that too. It seems a bit odd that the premium audio accessory for a camera should then still have to rely on a picture related upgrade to actually realise its potential. As the camera can detect that the DMW XLR1 is attached then it could easily act as a dongle just to enable the uncompressed audio. Maybe it does? Has anyone got and S1 and DMW XLR1 that they can verify that with?
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