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Posts posted by BTM_Pix

  1. The Cinelike D response that you are seeing is similar to when it is applied to the LX100. It does something but it isn't Cinelike D. And the something that it is doing isn't particularly appealing! My feeling about it is that there is possibly some combination of highlight/shadow curve that can be set so that when you apply the Cinelike D command it actually does replicate how it looks on the other cameras but I've never got round to it time wise to explore it further.

    The V-LOG repsonse that you are seeing is is accepting the command but just reverting to Standard rather than actually actioning it to be V-LOG.

  2. I think I should buy one quick before they realise what they've done here and discontinue it.

    Can't believe how much is in it that could torpedo sales of their higher end models.

    Maybe it does signal the impending belated arrival of Nikon and Canon into FF mirrorless but nonetheless this is a serious offering in its own right.

    With the E Mount release news from Sigma as well, the whole Sony system looks a lot more interesting to me personally this morning. Fuji's long lens roadmap only has 200mm f2 on it (which isn't enough even on a crop) and at a higher price than the Nikon/Canon equivalents so I've run out of road with them. Sigma's long stuff is actually more than capable so if their conversion to E Mount service extends to non-ART lenses as well then Sony have definitely got my attention now.

  3. 49 minutes ago, Jonesy Jones said:

    Can anyone think of a phone solution for me?

    I hate touchscreen. I'm 6'6" with pretty large hands and all these phones are designed for high school girls. I can't hit the buttons with my fingers. 

    I've tried going to a flip phone, which I love, but in the end the camera, maps, and dictate to text are invaluable commodities of the smart phone. I always end up back at the smartphone even though I hate the touchscreen. 


    I wish Apple had an 8 bit mode for their iOS where all the buttons were 5 times larger. I could care less how pretty the OS looks. I just want to be able to hit the intended button 100% of time.  Is that too much to ask? 


    Maybe one of the custom launchers might work for you?

    They're primarily designed for seniors but they're equally practical for de-cluttering and making things more useful for those of us who only use a few apps.


    As for hybrids, the BlackBerry Key One gives you a good option of Android and real keyboard.

  4. 14 hours ago, BTM_Pix said:

    The whiteboard and diagrams put me off watching it but I think I've got the gist of what's going on.

    The GX80/85 doesn't have the shutter angle control but that might not be a dead end.

    The two ways to possibly do it would be the usual trick to fake the message coming from Panasonic's app and hope the GX accepts it but this would rely on it being available in the app in the first place so if someone with a GH5 could confirm that then that would be a start.

    The other option potentially would be to send it shutter speeds that were 'in the cracks' and see what happens. The shutter speed commands are formulated in a particular way with the shutter speed as you would recognise it (50,125,250) etc combined with another number that is sequential but reduces by 8 (or something, I havent got my laptop to hand) between each step. Maybe, there is some mileage in seeing if changing the second number to something less than a difference of 8 is a way to set it between the cracks.

    So, in summary, the answer is a hesitant maybe but I haven't got a GH5 and I can't look at the other method until I'm back off this trip next week.

    Well, that escalated quickly.

    Thanks to Saturn in Berlin leaving a GH5 unattended I was able to do a quick sniffing session and the app does indeed control the angle increments so I now have the command to do it.

    Its a bit of an unusual structure so I suspect the camera needs to be in the specific mode to accept the offset parts of the message but its something to go on when I get back. I'm not convinced it will work on the GX but you never know. At least I can include it in the device for GH5 owners if nothing else.



    2 hours ago, Grimor said:

    Welcome back, master!!! Hope everything was OK and nice to see you again !!!


    Yes, I've been busy with real work but also with making big changes to the controller.

    2 hours ago, zcream said:

    Any luck so far with the 4K 200mbps mod ?

    No, the camera hears the command and then does absolutely nothing to action it.

    Might as well tell a teenager to clean their room.

  5. 21 hours ago, Nathan Gabriel said:

    There is a recently discovered fix for the panasonic autofocus on the gh5/gh5s based on adjusting shutter angle. Any chance we can use this hack to adjust shutter angle on g85/gx85?


    Here's the autofocus fix:


    The whiteboard and diagrams put me off watching it but I think I've got the gist of what's going on.

    The GX80/85 doesn't have the shutter angle control but that might not be a dead end.

    The two ways to possibly do it would be the usual trick to fake the message coming from Panasonic's app and hope the GX accepts it but this would rely on it being available in the app in the first place so if someone with a GH5 could confirm that then that would be a start.

    The other option potentially would be to send it shutter speeds that were 'in the cracks' and see what happens. The shutter speed commands are formulated in a particular way with the shutter speed as you would recognise it (50,125,250) etc combined with another number that is sequential but reduces by 8 (or something, I havent got my laptop to hand) between each step. Maybe, there is some mileage in seeing if changing the second number to something less than a difference of 8 is a way to set it between the cracks.

    So, in summary, the answer is a hesitant maybe but I haven't got a GH5 and I can't look at the other method until I'm back off this trip next week.

  6. 35 minutes ago, IronFilm said:

    What do you imagine a X-H10 would be like? What would they cut?

    If you look at the X-T2 and X-T20 as the barometer for it then its just slightly less of everything in each department.


    Less robust, less custom functions, less magnification in the viewfinder, less FPS, less boost functionality as it doesn't have the grip, no F-LOG, less record time and so on.

    But if you can live with that, you're getting the same image for a hefty saving. 

    The compromises they've made on the junior model are smart ones and don't make it any less usable (i.e. they haven't buried everything in menus) and its small form factor is actually a plus for me for some stuff. 

    So, for me, if they could just continue that process of giving you most of the good stuff into the H range then I think if they made an X-H20 that had IBIS, the new film emulation and F-LOG external then that would be a good compromise. If they made you buy a grip (which they don't make for the X-T20) as a dongle of sorts to unlock F-LOG internal and higher frame rates then it would offer the option to add a bit more if you needed it without cannibalising sales of the bigger one unduly.

    They need to get people in the game really and like the GH5 has a lot of ex G7/GX80 owners who traded up then Fuji need to build that pathway as well as its still not a goto brand for video shooters and whilst its very competitively priced its a big commitment if you're already invested in another system.

    For anyone who is looking to get into the system, the X-T20 at some of the used prices I've seen them going for is a bargain.

  7. The battery grip gives you the headphone jack and extends the record time to 30 minutes like the X-T2 though.

    It boosts the AF performance and reduces blanking time as well and having the extra 2 batteries are a bit of a must if you're using it heavily.

    I was a bit skeptical at first about it for my X-T2s (read 'annoyed at having to pay more money') but its been a boon and the extra advantage is being able to take it off when I don't need the extra horsepower and making the camera smaller.

    Another bonus is it has the 9v input for external powering.

    I'd consider it a must have if you were buying the X-H1 to be honest.

  8. 26 minutes ago, Mattias Burling said:

    Regarding af cinelenses. One of the companies that makes electronic follow focuses are planning to implement AF in them. 

    That means AF in every single lens ever made.

    I meant to ask you this before but on a related note have you ever tried the Techart Leica M to Sony E AF adapter by any chance?

    25 minutes ago, Django said:

    @BTM_Pix  fyi XT2 doesn't shoot DCI 4K, 200mbps codec, 120Fps or has got Eterna film simulation. Besides i can see couple gimbal shots which may have IBIS on..

    True and I'd completely missed that it was shot using the Eterna preset. Not sure about if it was recorded using the 200mbps codec or externally though. 

    Anyway, the IBIS thing is covered well enough for me in that other video that I've just noticed further up in the thread.

    I really need to pay more attention before posting ! :) 

  9. Don't get me wrong, I'm not decrying them showing it off to its very best advantage but, come on, the actual camera itself is almost incidental within the context of the overall production setup they've got going on there.

    Not only might it as well have been the X-T2 and been indivisible (as it informs us of zero about the two main differentiators) but it might as well have been something from their competitors as well.

    Maybe there is another film floating around from them that shows it in a more relatable context ?

  10. There's no question that the technology is enabling a lot of people to make some very pretty looking stuff now.

    But if you dig into a bit, its debatable whether that actually translates into them being able to produce cohesive work for clients on time and on budget and dealing with all that that entails.

    You see stuff on Vimeo and YouTube that is pretty amazing but you often note of course that its a passion project about something or someone or somewhere that they have a particular feeling for. 

    How they would fare when they're asked to bring that sort of vision and feeling to a corporate film about solvents is another matter.

    More people will be be fancying their chances as Its unquestionably easier to make images that look professional but I think its still quite a leap to get to the stage of being able to be produce that sort of level consistently where you can be considered to actually be a professional.

    Its definitely a case of many are called but few are chosen.

  11. 4 minutes ago, IronFilm said:

    I dunno, the Tascam DR60Dmk2 is only a teeny bit more expensive and gives you the benefits of being a recorder as well.

    Yeah, it was for a very simple live application and for Panasonic FZ2000s so I wasn't fussed about it recording and just wanted something small and cheap so this looked ideal until I actually saw it mounted to a camera.

    Attaching that to something like the FZ2000 would look a bit, well, you know ;)


  12. Speaking of Marantz getting their clunk on, I was actually quite interested in their PMD-602a to add XLR inputs to a couple of cameras.



    It certainly looked a bit nicer on paper than the Saramonic equivalent and at £100 its actually 30% cheaper.

    And then I saw a demo video of it actually mounted underneath a camera.

    And not some small mirrorless job either....


    I think their marketing department is going to need to adapt on of the honest advertising campaigns that they had in Dudley Moore's film "Crazy People"


  13. 4 hours ago, ntblowz said:

    Wonder when is it gonna be commercially available

    "With the technology, it is possible to capture images at 8K resolution, even in high contrast scenes, such as a field under strong sunlight and shaded spectator seats under a stadium roof."

    The example Panasonic gave in that line is very likely a hint that it'll be the 24th. of July 2020 as if this render is accurate then they'll need it for the back straight  ;) 


  14. 42 minutes ago, Andrew Reid said:

    Did anyone actually ready Terry Gou's comments word for word at Nikkei?

    Are you saying he's making shit up?!

    Well if he's getting into the making shit up business then he's picked the right company to do a joint venture with ;)

    I think his goal of partnering up with RED and making a very, very affordable imaging system is easily within reach for him.

    What he'll still have to deal with though is it ending up being stupidly expensive again when RED insist on putting it inside a case forged from some rock that Elon Musk brings back from Mars complete with titanium fins and platinum exhaust pipes. They'll no doubt do two versions with different resolutions called SHOCK and AWE.

    You have to think that if its going to be truly affordable in the sense that we want it to be then its a collaboration that might not ultimately end up being in a RED branded product.

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