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Posts posted by BTM_Pix

  1. No camera footage unfortunately but a good report from an attendee at a presentation that Panasonic did in Hamburg.

    What I find interesting seeing it in this context is that when you actually see it in people's hands, it looks a lot more compact than I was imagining it was.

    Surprised that if you want wifi control that you need a separate dongle. Its the same with the JVC LS300 but I'm surprised its the same with Panasonic because its integrated into every camera they do. Hopefully like JVC this will be able to use any old £6 dongle rather than something expensive and proprietary.

    I'm curious about this camera now.

    On the one hand, it has probably been helped with recent news about Canon's C200 updates which most people have been underwhelmed by but has the recent news about the GH5's updates done it any favours?

    Odd situation that it now goes to IBC - where it finally shows what it can actually do - having more to prove against one of its own products than its competitor in some respects.

    Its odd enough that it makes me suspect that its possibly going to be pant wettingly good.

    Is anyone on here genuinely interested in buying one ?


  2. 1 hour ago, kaylee said:


    amazing. stuff like this honestly makes me feel better about myself bc youre sooo smart. btw just wondering – when were you shooting the tour de france? i read tyler hamiltons book about lance lol

    Haha.....if I was that smart I would've accepted that my Mr. Bean demeanour wasn't conducive to being out and about in public wielding heavy equipment !

    At least I and the newspaper buying public get to have souvenirs of the mishaps though such as (top left to bottom right) - Apologies for the low res but they're just grabs off the agencies preview page.


    • "The road I crashed the motorhome on"
    • "The last shot the camera on the tripod took before the farmer tried to steal the tripod"
    • "The last shot taken with my Samyang 8mm fisheye before I gifted it to a fan"
    • "The shot taken with my remote camera actually in motion, spinning backwards after being kicked by a police motorcyclist"

    I did a few stages of Lance's ill advised comeback Tour but only started covering it more comprehensively from 2012 onwards as there became a market for it in the UK when all of our curiously asthmatic British riders started to win it.

    10 minutes ago, IronFilm said:

    I read that, and I'm very jealous of you! I'm a big fan of the TdF

    So am I.

    Unfortunately, its not a very big fan of me ;)


  3. My most (very) recent one was shooting an entire goal celebration sequence on the 'grab camera' (basically a backup with a wide on it that we have on the floor in case of crowd/arty/players coming over the ad board shot opportunities) of probably 40 frames of the scorer deliriously celebrating a vital goal right into the lens and then discovering I had no memory card in it.

    No, really.

    I've had a few mishaps with long lenses in the heat of battle.

    One being falling down a grass embankment at the Le Mans 24 hour race while carrying a Sigma 300-800 over my shoulder and tearing my shoulder ligaments. It was hour 1 of the race so I had another 23 of shooting to go in excruciating pain. The residual damage from that is the reason for my pro mirrorless experiments.

    Another was spinning a Nikon 400mm f2.8 AF-I on a monopod from behind my shoulder (we have them pointing backwards rested into the shoulder for quick access) a little too fast and hitting myself on the side of the head with it. The reason I quote the full name of that lens is that its the heaviest 400 f2.8 that Nikon have ever made (just under 7kg) so it was quite a knock. 

    Being hit with long lenses is quite an occupational hazard though in big games when we are so bunched together but thankfully most people have got the more modern sub 4kg varieties!

    I could write a good few thousand words recounting my mishaps while shooting the Tour de France, which would include but not be limited to, a head on collision in a motorhome on a mountain, being punched by a police officer, being hit by collapsing metalwork when a team coach crashed into the finish line, having a fight with a farmer who was trying to steal my tripod and the time I was running really late and was waved through a checkpoint by a steward only to see the entire field bearing down on me in my rear view mirror as we hurtled towards the finish line.

    I have also routinely forgot things.

    Like batteries, monopods, remote triggers, memory cards.

    And that I'd taken two lenses up to the very back row of the Nou Camp to do a wide stadium shot, meaning that someone got a very nice gift of a fisheye when they took their seat for the game a few hours later.

    In my defence for all these mishaps, it is a very frantic and pressured working environment and things like this are inevitable.

    Especially when you are as incompetent and accident prone as me ;)


  4. 1 hour ago, Evgeny Magata said:


    I personally only have one account here and never have been on dpreview so i have no idea what you are talking about, but if criticism of a purposely vague product presentation on kickstarter gets you all paranoid already, thats funny.

    There are two users appeared on here called "Evgeny Magata" and "evgenymagata" both of whom have only posted about this project.

    Are you Evgeny Magata Snr or Junior? 

    Paranoid? Haha, yes that is funny to be fair. Just to clarify, I'm not paranoid as I don't really give enough of a fuck about this to do more than a Roger Moore slight eyebrow raise.

    I probably would be paranoid if there was someone called "btmpix" posting more or less the same content as me though. All on the same thread. At the same time. But that's just me.

    I didn't say YOU had been on dpreview so, by your own measure, if me mentioning someone who had gets you all paranoid then that's funny.

    Just to be on the safe side I'm putting you and lowercase you on ignore as I really can't be arsed debating something with someone with such an obvious agenda. 

  5. Curious that you'd start two accounts purely to cast aspersions on a specific project.

    I have no connection to this project whatsoever but I can't see the issue even if someone HAD just bought an off the shelf component and wrote optimised code for it and packaged it as a new product. Its the same process as camera manufacturers who don't make their own sensors use so what's the problem?

    In point of fact, it is better for the end user if the company behind this project do source the hardware and bundle it with their software instead of offering a software only solution as you're getting a guarantee that the whole solution works as designed. The Achilles heel in this respect won't be the input device but the hardware its running on as there is as much variance in android phones as there are variants. 

    As I say, I have zero connection to this project (and I'm pretty neutral about it as a product as well) but can't understand why you'd have such a problem with their approach to such an extent you'd create two profiles on here to cast aspersions on it.

    I could have this completely wrong of course and your intentions are purely as a public service to warn everyone here of what you describe in your post as a "borderline scam". If so, its to your credit that you'd join here specifically in response to this project to do that and it'll be good to have you add more posts with either of your accounts to contribute to the community about other stuff.

    Interesting and purely coincidental I'm sure though that your view of this specific project being a scam are also echoed so closely on DPReview by a poster formerly known in these parts. He seems to have a real bee in his bonnet about it too. And if there is one person who knows about scams.....



  6. 3 hours ago, Andrew Reid said:


    But as a gesture of goodwill they should release a development platform camera for enthusiasts, which has a full SDK supplied with it on digital media, an open OS for Magic Lantern to fully develop the functionality, and to make features like raw video bullet proof reliable. And Canon's consumer division will NOT offer support for it. It's supplied as-is and not sold in regular shops to regular Joes.

    It would take minimum effort for Canon to do this and reap HUGE PR rewards, but they won't do it because A) not imaginative enough and B) it isn't a billion dollars of sales to pros.

    Something akin to the automotive world like Shelby or AMG or Brabus etc where tuned versions of base products could be produced, sold and maintained as separate products by independents would be good.

    A low rent version of Panavision for prosumer cameras if you will.


  7. 18 minutes ago, Márcio Kabke Pinheiro said:

    Will be in London only in September, probably no chance - craved for this lens in the past, not so much now, but...

    Did not know CEX, another good London stores recommendation, beside the more known ones?

    CEX deals in all electronics so more geared towards phones,laptops, iPads etc but sometimes they have a bargain photo wise. The rule of thumb usually with them is the higher the price the more chance you have of a bargain as they don't usually have the clientele looking to buy it.

    They are in most UK cities and are popping up in other cities in Europe.

    Directly opposite that particular CEX store is ApertureUK where you can get some great bargains and you can generally haggle a bit more off. Always worth a browse if you're around there (just off Oxford Street)

  8. OK, this may or may not only be relevant to someone in the UK and even then maybe someone in London but here goes....

    One of the drawbacks of the internet is that its made nosing about in 2nd hand shops less fun as the staff just search for the item on eBay before they price it so its quite rare to find a real bargain but all the more exciting when you do!

    This lens has a bunch of drawbacks but optical performance is NOT one of them.

    The first drawback is that its for 43 rather than M43 so you'll need an adapter.

    The next one is that its AF performance in video with M43 may not be all that.

    The last one is that is a big chunk of glass so stealth and lightweight it isn't.

    So, what is it?

    Its this, the Olympus 35-100mm constant F2.


    It is just a superb weather sealed 70-200mm equivalent and here are some examples from it


    It is listed at around £2300 at places that still have one but this one I've found is much cheaper.

    Much, much cheaper.

    I saw it a few weeks ago when I was in London and meant to post the details of it then but got waylaid and forgot all about it but I was walking past the same place today (CEX) and it is still in the window.

    If you can't get there in person, you can buy it off them online.

    At £650 its a bit of a steal IMO.

    And from my experience at other branches of CEX, if its been on display for a few weeks then you can haggle a bit to get more off so if you are in central London it might be worth a try.

    In the interests of fairness though, if you have bought it make sure you mention it here to save someone a wasted journey !

    And I shall end this public service announcement with the link !


  9. 10 hours ago, PannySVHS said:

    A Merrill in combination with its fixed lens is a winner in price image ratio

    The price of them has gone up a bit over the past couple of years. The mint Buy It Now DP1m,DP2m and DP3m from Japan are around about £450 now on eBay but biddable ones go for around £300-350 which although dearer than they were is still a bargain for their performance.

    The DP2m is the best compromise one to start off with IMO. 

    This contact sheet is from a wander about yesterday with my DP2m and looking at the EXIF were taken over a period of just under 25 minutes. I mention that because that was a long enough period to burn through a battery so its for good reason that these things are one of the few cameras where the manufacturer puts two batteries in the box!


    SDIM1717 and others.jpg

  10. 2 hours ago, AaronChicago said:

    Has anyone used the Quattro DP0? I love the double wide frame look. It's pretty much the digital version of the Hasselbad Xpan.

    The couple of ISO400 test shots I did for Ed above were from the DP0.

    These are a couple that I've done with it in the 21:9 ratio in both orientations.



  11. This has been my life in the last 2 hours....

    "I must sort out getting that time lapse app for the RX100 so I can do the total eclipse later"

    Goes to camera

    Sets up wifi painfully with on screen keyboard

    "Account? Of course you want me to set up a Sony account you personal detail gathering junkies"

    Set up account on computer after having to do at least half a dozen of those bastard Captcha things

    Put debit card details in....Declined

    Text from the bank asking what I'm up to and that they've helpfully blocked the card until I tell them

    Sort out the bank, card unblocked

    Try again....Declined

    Try again....Declined

    Bit of lateral thought, go to Amazon and buy instant code for Sony Network

    Put code in....done

    Buy app 

    Test app by putting it on balcony to do some moving clouds

    Return to it after 30 minutes and nearly burn my hand off as its pretty much molten lava with a lens attached

    Playback results....not bad

    Search the NASA interactive map to find out what time I'll need to be setup

    Discover that its only going to be visible in America.....



  12. 54 minutes ago, Davey said:

    Tried to explain how to walk with the camera, smoothing out jitters by walking as if you have crapped yourself

    When the time comes for someone to make an automated steadicam, my money is Honda dominating the market.

    That robot of theirs always walks like its had an accident.

    "Yeah, I'll be back to shoot the scene in a sec lads. Just got to change my undies..."


  13. Following on from @mercer thread about mixing lenses, I thought I'd just do some quick grabs from different lenses for.....well, something to do, because its Sunday morning and I'm bored.

    I thought I'd do a mishmash of a few typical different types, vintages and price ranges that you might adapt and some native ones so you can see how they'd match (or not).

    Apologies for such a boring test scene but it seemed apt for such a boring test but it has enough elements to work with.

    So, here are the 12 lenses and the various adapters for our test camera which was the Fuji X-T20.



    We have the following in C/Y mount

    • Contax Zeiss Vario Sonnar 28-85 f3.3-4
    • Contax Zeiss Distagon 28 f2.8
    • Contax Zeiss Planar 50 f2.8
    • Contax Zeiss Sonnar 135 f2.8

    We have the following in Nikon mount

    • Nikon Series E 28 f2.8
    • Nikon 28-105 AFD f3.5-4
    • Nikon 24-70 f2.8 G
    • Sigma 35 f1.4 ART

    We have the following in M42 mount

    • Helios 44 58 f2
    • Carl Zeiss Jena Floktagon 35 f2.8

    And we have the following native lenses

    • FujiFilm 35 f1.4
    • Fujifilm 60 f2.4

    From this we can compare a somewhat matched set (the Contax Zeiss) with some cheap and old to expensive and new not matched set (the Nikons), some old and very cheap (the M42s) with new and native from Fuji. I have also done a couple of shots at different focal lengths from the Contax Zeiss and Nikon zoom.

    All shots were the same exposure at f4 based on the slowest lens in the group.

    All shots taken from the same position with the exception of the Contax Zeiss 135 f2.8 which, well, you can guess why that was from further away!

    All shots are JPEG straight out of the camera and no post matching has been done.

    Shot order (starting at 1 in top left and ending at 16 in the bottom right)

    1. Contax Zeiss Sonnar 28-85 @ 85mm
    2. Contax Zeiss Sonnar 28-85 @ 50mm
    3. Contax Zeiss Sonnar 28-85 @ 35mm
    4. Contax Zeiss Sonnar 28-85 @ 28mm
    5. Contax Zeiss Planar 50mm
    6. Contax Zeiss Distagon 28mm
    7. Nikon Series E 28mm
    8. Nikon 28-105 @ 50mm
    9. Nikon 24-70G @ 70mm
    10. Nikon 24-70G @ 50mm
    11. Carl Zeiss Floktagon 35mm
    12. Helios 44M 58mm
    13. FujiFilm 60mm
    14. Fujifilm 35mm
    15. Sigma 35mm ART
    16. Contax Zeiss Sonnar 135mm

    I can put the individual files up at some point (not now, I'm going to the beach) if anyone is still awake and interested enough.

    12 Lenses.jpg

  14. 49 minutes ago, mercer said:

    Great points, thanks. I always think I should get a color chart, but then I don't ever actually get a color chart. I wish one of the companies made a color chart and slate in one. I don't have a slate either... man I suck. 


    You could consider an app instead like this one that does both (and focus chart too) . No shop visit required, just download and go ;) 


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