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Posts posted by BTM_Pix

  1. 8 minutes ago, 7 Lakes said:

    Would it be possible to mount 30mm 1.4 ART Sigma on Ursa Mini Pro? Maybe there is a Sigma to Canon converter?

    Unfortunately not.

    Sigma do one to let you use them on Sony, complete with autofocus.

    Intriguingly, I've also found a third party one that lets you convert them to be used on Fuji, which makes them a bit more interesting to me.

  2. 1 hour ago, Ed_David said:


    400 iso doesn't look that bad!  Highlight roll off is unfortuate - not a smooth flattering curve at all.

    Its a bit of a torture test with the light here at that time of day in combination with those shiny spoons and reflective table top so I could've been kinder to it to avoid the cliff edge drop highlight drop off but at least you get to see a bad case scenario of it ;)

    Its never going to match the DR of a number of cameras but it makes up for it in other ways and its capable of some subtlety in different conditions.

    *Disclaimer, these are old jpegs blown up so the quality suffers accordingly when viewed supersize on this upload.

    Collage 4 (1).jpg

  3. 40 minutes ago, 7 Lakes said:

    I wish SD Quattro had the interchangeable lens mount, so I could use my 18-35 f1.8 Nikon mount :)

    I think you may see the Sigma mount version being bundled with the SD Quattro before too long. 

    The current SD Quattro c/w 30mm 1.4 ART bundle is around £800 so with the 18-35mm being £280 more retail than the 30mm 1.4 then £999 would seem right as a bundle.

  4. 16 hours ago, Ed_David said:

    where can I see some dynamic range charts or tests?  I can't find any.  Also want to see what it looks like at 200 ISO and 400.  More curious about the APS-H model, since a larger sensor, maybe better in low light (at least to get to 400 ISO, that's all I need)

    Seems like dynamic range or low light capabilities haven't gone up much - might be better to get the older cameras - really interesting review.

    There is a 10 page argument about it (without a single photograph) here if you've got the patience for it.

    https://***URL removed***/forums/thread/3650127


    I took a couple of shots for you at ISO400 on my DP0 which is the fixed 14mm version of the SD sensor.

    The DR issue (as hotly debated in parts of the DPR thread) is one that partly comes down to what can be measured and what you can use based on what you can do with it in Sigma's RAW editor.

    The RAW editor gets a lot of abuse (and not without foundation it has to be said when compared to stuff like Lightroom and Aperture) but its not dramatically worse than Hasselblad's Phocus app for example but at least you can open their files in something else, unlike Sigma's. Well, you have the DNG option now in the Quattro range and there is a freeware app who's name escapes me that can open the .X3F files but Sigma's open app is the key to getting the absolute best out of the files as they're the gatekeepers of the Foveon voodoo! Yes, its slow, but so is the pace of photography you will largely do with these cameras so its no big deal to me. Its not like I'm dealing with a DSLR where I've been machine gunning my way round a sports field and its more akin to film photography where you come home with a couple of rolls of 36 exposures.

    Anyway, so here is an illustration that I shot for you (at ISO400) to show you what's possible DR wise and the key to this is the X3 Fill Light function which will bring back a ton of shadow information so you know you can ETTR and recover usable info

    The top picture is the JPEG from the camera to show how it was shot and the bottom one is after using the X3 Fill Light.



    Next is a comparison between ISO200 and ISO400 as I needed a coffee after looking at those old ruins (what do you mean, I see one in the mirror every day).

    With the Quattros, the native ISO is 100 and AFAIK there is a drop from 100 to 200 but its not so marked between 200 and 400. Basically, once you've taken the hit by moving away from 100 then you might as well take the extra shutter speed/aperture opportunities on offer by shooting at 400 ;)

    Top picture is ISO200 and bottom is ISO400 with 100% crops from each to show the untreated noise in both.


    This final one as a way of comparison between the current and previous generations is from my DP1m which is the fixed 19mm lens compact with the Merrill sensor.

    The native ISO on the Merrill versions is ISO200 rather than ISO100 and as with the Quattro's you can shoot ETTR (as per the original shot top left) and the use the X3 Fill Light function to bring out the shadows (top right) and then take it from there to do more colour work or black and white conversion.



    If anyone wants to have a play with it themselves then I've put the original .X3F file here and you can then go over to Sigma's site and download their SPP software to edit it with.


    As everyone says, these cameras have as many quirks and limitations as they do different models but if you're prepared to accept them then you're getting a hell of a lot in a compact form and price.  

    I started off with the DP2m and if I had to have just one then I think that is the sweet spot for me in terms of size, focal length (stitched comps for faux wide angle are great from it) and price. 

    Well, price is only ok for now until @Mattias Burling does one his reviews on it ;)


  5. When I heard about this, I wasn't sure how well it would perform but from reviews I've seen there does seem to be some actual sorcery involved.

    Considering what you can adapt to M mount cheaply (i.e. everything !) this is pretty intriguing.

    Does anyone have one?


  6. I know that we like to go for low cost solutions but in this case, because easy reliable chroma key is going to be so vital to what you are doing, I'm going to recommend you have a look at the Reflec system.

    It has been around for years (it was originally a BBC development) and has also been ridiculously overpriced for years but at the end of the day it does produce good, easy, reliable keying without you having to do anything elaborate lighting or setup wise, which is vital if you are working on your own or with a small team. You can set this up in a few minutes and if you had to then go somewhere else and set it up again and get exactly the same results. 

    Basically, it is a piece of reflective material which fires the light from an LED ring that you mount around the lens straight back to the camera which gives you a pretty perfect key without having to worry about lighting the background and the bi-LED versions of the ring mean you can switch from green to blue background instantly. 

    It is not absolutely perfect but it is a very easy solution to work with and it means the time and expense of lighting the backdrop can be better spent lighting you.

    There are a bunch of different versions of it to suit cameras from palmcorders up to broadcast ones and a lot of different sizes of the background material (including a pop-up round version like a reflector) but something like the Deskshoot Lite kit would be fine with a Panasonic GH camera.

    If you hunt around on eBay you can find kits for around £800 and even less. There are also a few knock off versions kicking around as the fabric itself is based on (for which you could read possibly identical) to one made by 3M for safety clothing.

    As I say, its not cheap but as what you are doing is solely based on chroma key then it might actually be worth putting money into this rather than say going big on a lens as for your application, my view at least, would be that your audience would spot the deficiencies in the keying long before the lens.


  7. That was a close one.

    I walked in the shop and Satan himself was stood there with two Leica SLs at "oh hang on" prices so I had to get the Fuji quick and get out.

    Anyhoo, what I mainly miss about England is the ready availability of secondhand lens bargains and of bacon and sausage sarnies so it seems entirely appropriate that the first picture I took with one should be of the other.



  8. 11 minutes ago, GnK Studios said:

    well thats a alternative but its really a gamechanger to not have to mount it on the tripod because focusing can be done from the rocker on the camera. thanks for the insight tho!

    I don't think you get arrested for not putting it on the pan bar its just the usual place for it ;)

    There is a benefit there for not physically touching the camera to reduce shake and it gives you the option of someone else pulling focus remotely as well of course but neither of those might be applicable to how you're working.

  9. This is ridiculous, it was one of those automated e-gate jobs so we still don't have a winner !

    We now go on to the hotel receptionist gender then.

    At this rate it'll be Bruce Jenner and I'll have to buy both.

  10. 1 hour ago, Andrew Reid said:

    I am sure we must have been on Park Cameras at the same time, I saw that as well. The refurbished body only was an amazing price as well for £599 but I couldn't find the 30mm F1.4 anywhere for less than £350.

    I have the 18-35 but not the 50-150 in Sigma mount. I had it once in EF mount but took it back, not that it wasn't amazing... was just a bit too big for my liking and breathes a lot...Was trying it out on the 1D C in 4K with the 1.3x crop and it didn't vignette.

    Maybe I could sell you my Quattro if I ever upgrade to the H? I was tempted, not so much for the extra megapixels as the extra sensor space.

    I think Park Cameras had a Quattro H body for £1129... bit cheaper than WEX at £1350 and was tempted by that until the Hasselblad popped up.


    They had the SD and the 30mm as a bundle for £799 in their summer sale and I thought it'd still be available so I could get it when I was next over (ie now). Wrong!


  11. 7 minutes ago, GnK Studios said:

    wow. well the fact that it works with EF lenses and smart adaptor is cool. i was planning on investing in good MFT glass. so maybe perhaps it works great on native glass. ive seen pretty decent AF footage from the camera with panasonic lenses so i know its capable of smooth focus pulls.


    ive heard of these LANC controllers on ENG cameras. I donthave much ENG experience except at my church, so your saying this LANC switch can program focusing in it? and how do you mount that thing? lol

    It will mirror whatever you have assigned to the zoom rocker on the camera.

    It mounts to the tripod pan bar 

  12. Well here's ironic..

    I found the H3D for you because I was trawling Park Cameras as they had a deal on for the SD with a 30mm but they've stopped it !

    I've got the 0 and all 3 of the DPm's and I wanted to hate the SD so I didn't have to buy it but tried it and , well, you can guess the rest.

    I'm not sure people are feeling the benefit of the H version versus its extra price and, for me, I'd have to pair the SD with the 50-100 to make it make sense in terms of filling the gap as something different to what I've got from the rest of the range.

    The big problem with that is finding anyone with a Sigma mount version of that lens to try it.

    I don't suppose you've got one have you?

  13. 8 minutes ago, Andrew Reid said:


    Smaller and lighter than expected, really no hassle to use.

    The shutter is ridiculously loud.


    No excuse not to get that cheap 50-110 now then, you know you want to !

    The mirror delay is a good option when you're hand holding to offset any issue with the slap/thump/seismic event of the mirror.

    You might want to get familiar with cleaning the sensor by the way as it draws in shite like no other camera I've ever known. Possibly due to the air displacement caused by the shutter ;)

  14. That is exactly the problem isn't it that the complete set would be showing me a bit too much ankle if I got the 85.

    I thought it was God giving me a sign but it might well have been the other fella!

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