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Posts posted by BTM_Pix

  1. 1 hour ago, jonpais said:

    As far as I can tell, no custom white balance in video mode. Of course, no zebras either. Still a ways to go before I can take the Fuji seriously as a video camera. 

    Set it in stills mode to one of the 3 custom ones and then you can select that one from the Q in video mode.

    Daft that they couldn't make it follow through to the video mode for setting but it seems to be because it uses the shutter button.

    You can go through all the motions exactly like when its in stills mode but then there is no way to set it when you have the square over an area you want as the shutter button does nothing!

    Unless it uses another button to set but I can't see which one it would be and, of course, I can't possibly countenance reading the manual ;) 

  2. 1 hour ago, mercer said:

    By page 5 it starts getting really interesting. Hmm.

    When I woke up yesterday, I had no intention of buying any Zeiss lenses, but then I saw those deals.

    I have the 28 f2.8, the 50 f1.7, the 135 f2.8 and the 28-85 f3.3-4 which I've built up over a few years if I see them cheap.

    The one I've been after for a while is the 85 f1.4 but never found one cheap enough to make me cave in!

    Until now....

    Well, until tomorrow at least.

    I've found one in London but the same place has also got a used Fuji 23 f1.4 for a silly price and which would probably be more useful (but I could easily persuade myself otherwise !) so I've been agonising over it as I can't get both. To break the impasse, I thought "I know, I'll put my Sigma Art 35 f1.4 on the X-T2 with the Lens Turbo and do a few shots and see if I can dissuade myself of needing the Fuji so I can get the Contax Zeiss....."

    I took the Lens Turbo out of the ever growing box of adapters I've acquired, went to put it on the camera at which point one of the elements promptly dropped out and smashed on the floor. 

    I don't know if this is God's way of telling me to get the Fuji (because there'll be no speed boosted Nikons for a while now) or the Contax Zeiss.

    He was telling me to get both wasn't he?

    Yeah, lets go with both.

  3. 8 hours ago, mercer said:


    Do you know how the 35-70mm f/3.4 is?

    The flickr pool for that lens is quite interesting.

    The first few pages are dominated by a single shooter (seemingly on a holiday to New York) and the processing is not to my taste but its all shot on A7Rii so its interesting to see from a resolution perspective.

    The content gets a lot more people-y towards the bottom of page 6.

    It's a shorter range than the 28-85mm that I've got but its a bit smaller, lighter, sharper and usually cheaper....

    I'll see you on ebay ;)


  4. 2 hours ago, Nikkor said:

    At pixel level the shadows are horrible, but I found the highlights to be much more forgiving on these old sensors, and when playing around with the tonal range I find that the images look less HDRish. So overall it looks better to my eyes.

    I used to compare stuff I did at the time with my D800 and H3Dii-39 and the word that always came to mind was 'smoother'.

    Only in terms of the output was it smoother though as it was a clunky fucker to use!

  5. 1 hour ago, lenny87 said:

    Well at least i can zoom in more in post as i am filming always in a green screen room.

    So as far as you know there a re no technical disadvantages?


    In all likelihood, no.

    However, you should test it with the specific camera and lens combination you are going to use it with.

    If you need to stop the particular lens down so that the edge sharpness is acceptable (as the main point of interest will no longer be in the centre of the frame in this orientation) then you might negate the advantages by introducing more noise etc.

  6. In the dim distant past, Newtek used to demonstrate their Tricasters at tradeshows with the cameras in portrait mode for this exact application.

    The logic was that using SD cameras in that orientation was giving them the equivalent of HD resolution for the limited area of interest that they required for their task. This worked well to not only save a bunch of cash (HD cameras were exotic at the time! ) and showcased their real time scaling and rotation capabilities for their virtual set system.

    The same situation doesn't apply now but using the same logic would give you an 8K equivalent I suppose ;)

  7. This was asked about in another thread but might get lost within it so I'm putting it here in case anyone else needs a solution.

    The issue that was asked about is that when these cameras (might affect GH5 too but I don't have one) are under wifi control, the rear screen switches off after about 5 minutes and is there a workaround for it.

    Now that I've stepped away from the tapas and had a look at it, the answer is yes there is.

    Or, in point of fact, yes there are as there are 2 ways to address it.

    1) If you are near the camera, put your thumb over the EVF momentarily (providing you have the correct auto sense LVF mode set) and this will bring the rear display back.

    2) Any command it receives over wifi will also wake it up again so press something benign on the main screen of the app like the peaking function etc and this will wake it up.

    For a non-intervention method, you'll have to wait for the now almost mythical controller I keep threatening to foist upon you which will have a similarly benign command sent to be used as a keep alive function every 120 seconds or so to stop it going to sleep in the first place.

    But until then, 1 or 2 will work for you.

  8. At that price, I'd buy it now and worry about the subtleties later !

    You'll get your money back and then some all day long if it doesn't bring enough to the party for you.

    But with the LS300 it's going to give you 4K60p recording and edit ready ProRes, neither of which the camera can do so its a hell of an upgrade for €400 just for that alone. And that's before we get to it as a monitor to make up for the joke of an EVF that JVC have seemingly recycled from an old 'What The Butler Saw' machine for the LS300. The exposure aids on the Assassin are also an absolute boon when using JLOG.

  9. 11 minutes ago, Andrew Reid said:

    I am in the UK at the moment so thought I'd search for things to do :)

    I think one of the 80mm F2.8 might be a good option because the camera body is already 2kg and the zoom will take it close to 4kg! The 80mm is tiny however and I do tend to use 50mm equiv. focal lengths a lot.

    I had thought about getting the 50mm F3.5, as that pretty much gives you the look of 35mm medium format and 50mm full frame in one lens... just from a crop in Photoshop to get the full frame 50mm look.

    The dream lens seems to be 100mm F2.2 but starts at £1450 on eBay.

    The lenses have leaf shutters... Warranty says they will be guaranteed for 100,000 shots and should last close to 200,000 if you're lucky!

    You'll never regret the 80 even if you add a few other lenses later on.

    The 50-110 is so enticing because it hits all three of those focal lengths but, yes, it is at the expense of it being a bit of a brick. Although in my working world of lenses its positively lightweight ;)

    At 1.4fps I've never felt in any danger of any of my HC lenses not outliving me !

  10. 21 minutes ago, Andrew Reid said:

    That's not bad is it?!

    Bought the Park Cameras H3DII-39.

    The lenses, not sure what to do... How much is the 50-110mm usually worth?

    Haha....I do enjoy a bit of decisiveness!

    Its usually worth double but I think that one is a bit beaten up.

    On the other hand, MPB are a solid outfit so I'd 

    a) Expect the description to be accurate.

    b) Them to describe it as sold as seen if it was fucked.

    I'd give them a call about the warranty and how much service they think it'd take to get right. Its a good opportunity at that price as the lens is not far off being a variable prime.

  11. I just don't understand why they haven't done a swappable version.

    The swap on an Epic between PL and Canon mounts takes a few minutes with an allen key and even with RED doing their macho bullshit styling and etching everything in BOLD CAPITALS on it can't get it to be over $700 (although inevitably they have also an operation-desert-storm-kevlar-titanium-and-granite version of it for a gazillion quid).

    The bottom line though is even doing a swappable version is all a bit of a wheel re-invention as having an MFT mount on it from the get go just gives you more options. They could've gone as far as bundling it with a Metabones smart EF Speedbooster and I think everyone would've been happy.

    It won't stop me buying one as I wasn't going to anyway so maybe they have listened to the right focus group from that perspective !

    5 minutes ago, mercer said:

    I think you're more interested in the possibilities of a future AF200 and not an EVA1.

    I am too.

    Now you're 'over' IBIS the future AF200 for you is the current LS300 ;)

  12. One thing you do have to watch out for when attaching every lens in the known world ( ;) ) to this thing is ND wheel.

    Because it protrudes forward of the mount, attaching lens adapters which have a tripod foot on them requires taking the tripod foot off. In the case of the Metabones smart EF booster, which someone at the factory must have used the tyre gun from an F1 team to bolt it on with, this involved me having to take a hacksaw to it. No, really.

    With the Aputure Lens Regain, you have to be really careful removing the foot and then replacing it when its on the camera as it contains some flimsy wiring.


  13. 5 minutes ago, IronFilm said:


    How are you finding it, now you've been shooting with it for a while?

    I'm mainly finding it staring at me saying "why aren't you using me?" unfortunately.

    The intention was to use it for the tournament assignment I've just done but it took a complete backseat to the stills work to the extent that it and all its supporting gear actually got shipped back home midway through as it was becoming a logistical burden hauling it round with me!

    I've got the new firmware on it at least so as soon as I've had this little holiday it will be getting put to work for the new season so watch this space.

    What I can say from all the testing I've done with it is that the sheer versatility of this thing in using native MFT, B4, PL, Canon AF, Contax Zeiss, M42 and Nikon lenses is that you'll get no arguments from me about what mount Panasonic have missed a trick not putting on the EVA ;) 

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