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Posts posted by BTM_Pix

  1. I'd have struggled to understand a fair amount of the answers without the subtitles if it was a podcast to be honest ;)

    I was actually considering at one point if maybe they shot it on 5Ds because the cameras themselves would've been provided by the hosts. If this was the 'old' days of the Soviet Union (which I think Putin wishes it was), security concerns would've meant them not allowing new fangled technology in. Mind you, it was also a pride thing then too where they'd use their own versions of the western technology that they'd copied and often enhanced. MIghtn't have been a bad thing these days, imagine it :

    "You use our new Canonski Shest MK DVA. It is like your Canon 6D Mark 2. But made of cast iron. And has 4K"

    Putin's personal photographer also uses Canon so perhaps he felt more at ease seeing those cameras around him. Looking at his personal photographer, I'm sure I'd feel at ease too if she was around....

    If I was into conspiracies (which of course I am!!!) then maybe the look was also a deliberate bit of propaganda done to not beautify the subject and his surroundings. 

    You could take that one way - which was to make Putin more relatable - or the other way to make him and his surroundings all look a bit shabby and low end.

    Its like whenever the BBC have a news item or documentary that includes TV adverts they always seem to get the advert, record it onto VHS, put it by a huge magnet, dub it onto another VHS where the tracking is fucked and then get a VHS camera to record it off a TV that they found in a skip. The message obviously being 'Look and behold how horrendous and grubby TV advertisements are compared to our beautiful images. Please keep giving us your license money so we don't have to sully your screen with this garbage'.

    Whatever the reason though, after just starting to watch the first episode, I think the content trumps the technical for me. 

  2. 26 minutes ago, jonpais said:

    Someone here said I shouldn't use analogies to audio when discussing video

    Whoever that was is going to be apoplectic when I post my upcoming essay "Canon and Nikon as viewed through the prism of the template for competing Japanese technology duopolies established during the transition from analogue to digital synthesisers in the period 1979-1987"

    Well, pentaprism at least.


    If you want to monitor audio from your camera but it doesn't have a headphone jack then a little lateral thought will get you here.


    Plug this into the HDMI socket and it will extract the audio to a 3.5mm jack socket at which point you can then use a similarly cheap and small battery headphone amp to monitor it with or if you want to be all fancy and wireless you could use a Bluetooth transmitter like this which are all over amazon for about £12


    Good thing about this - apart from sticking it to the man and not having to buy the next model up to get such a fundamental feature - is that you are listening post the camera taking it in. External pre-amps are good by offering you headphone monitoring but its before the camera has taken it in so can give you a false sense of security.

  3. Unbelievably, the shop had an actual Panasonic rep in who was eager to help me evaluate the G80 so I had to think on my feet.

    "Can I just see how the focus tracking works when its being controlled by the app compared to my GX80?"

    "Of course"

    "OK, you go over the other side of the shop and I'll put the app on and then you walk towards me. Slowly".

    " OK....Is this far enough? "

    "No. Further away".

    (Faintly) " How about now?"

    "Yes. Now walk back really slowly"

    (pretend to study app screen while sending commands)

    "How did it do?"

    "Its the same as the GX80 so I'll stick with that for now"


    What's also the same on the G80 and the the GX80 is that VLOG doesn't work on it either.

    I have an idea about a clue in the GH4 that might shed some light but don't hold your breath.

  4. 3 minutes ago, jonpais said:

    @BTM_Pix Or at least a much larger grip than on the X-T2.

    If there is any company that will have a massive standoff amongst its users about adding anything video related (even an optional larger grip for more battery life and XLRs etc which you wouldn't be obliged to buy) its Fuji.

    The poor man's/smart man's Leica purist vibe is strong in that community!

    If they produced what I think they should (basically a video oriented mini RED) there would be skinny latte spat out over beards in Starbucks the world over when the news broke.

  5. What would concern me about Fuji doing IBIS is that the lens corrections they currently do are far from seamless without adding movement into it.

    Could end up like a lava lamp.

    Would've liked to have seen them take a chance on form factor as well instead of putting it in an X-T2 style box.

    Something a bit more modular like a slightly bigger BMMCC (or even XC10) where you could have then have the EVF as a separate mountable addon etc. 

    Otherwise its just going to be a bit of a me-too with nicer colours but a less flexible mount.

  6. 2 hours ago, Andrew Reid said:

    Yes and Canon will never build an F1 car, they have resigned themselves to uninspired reliable work tools and even the odd exciting office photocopier!.

    It was Ross Brawn at Ferrari who made them reliable by putting good technical structures and procedures in-place, like post-race debrief sessions, parts compliance, better standards at the factory, etc. and Michael Schumacher was just a technically gifted driver, I sometimes think Schumacher gets too much credit for turning around the team when it was actually Brawn and the existing backroom staff.

    Hang on.

    Its a Brawn F1 car sponsored by Canon.

    Proper grassy knoll territory now ;)



  7. It works out at just on €3000 but you do get the world's most expensive HDMI cable and Sony NP batteries included.

    With the BM summer specials on the Video Assist, there is a potential saving of a few hundred if you just get the camera and cash back but I don't know if the VA supports the 4K60p.


  8. 4 hours ago, CommonSimpleFilms said:

    I just shot this video here with the GX85 + Cine-D: https://www.rode.com/myrodereel/watch/entry/4364

    Posted a separate thread for it here too :)

    Thanks so much @BTM_Pix for figuring out this little mod / "hack"!

    Glad to see you've put it to such really productive use.

    Best of luck with the contest.

    52 minutes ago, Anaconda_ said:

    Would it be worth making a new topic called 'Looking for GH4 owner on firmware XX' since GH4 owners might not be reading through 23 pages of about modding the GX80? I mean, I don't read through the Samsung Hack topics, because I don't have that camera.


  9. 8 minutes ago, IronFilm said:

    A better buy then than the Focusrite 2i2? As it is cheaper, and has more inputs. 

    And double the outputs and inserts as well. MIDI too if you need it.

    Its a bit more of an all rounder in terms of capability because of that. You can assign the additional ins and outs as aux sends and returns inside the NLE, use the inserts to patch additional outboard like limiters in and the MIDI side can let you drive the NLE from a cheap controller so its a bit more of a hub than a straight 2 in/ 2 out like the Focusrite.

    Doesn't matter a dime of course if it sounds like shit but thats all in the ears of the beholder so you'd need to A/B them yourself.

    Here's an A/B that someone has done but its still subjective because of the test not using the same mics or environment or source as you might yourself so take it with a variable amount of salt.


    28 minutes ago, IronFilm said:

    Sounds like a horrendously expensive USBPre2 in the end!! :-o 

    Should've maybe got a USBPreNup...

    Too soon?

  10. 10 minutes ago, sanveer said:

    What exactly does the capture mean and how can someone unfamiliar with the process do it?

    Your answer may expedite the process and maybe inspire a layman to help.

    While I have hacked the GH2 and the GX85 after your instructions, I am not sure what you mean by the 'capture' reference. 

    Maybe if you outline it more easily, it could help with the good work. 

    Its already been described in the thread a few times?

    The camera is connected to the smartphone app, which is also running a separate app (Packet Capture) which captures the messages passing between the smartphone app and the camera when you adjust settings.

    We can then see what message the app sends when you adjust the shutter speed etc.

    Or in this case, it would be when you enable VLOG and in the case of the DVX200 the master pedestal level.

    The issue is more to do with finding people with the camera and firmware needed than the actual process itself.

    The forum poster that had access to the right combination is currently MIA

  11. That sounds utterly bizarre if you're having to pad the mic and turn the input level down.

    A slight difference between the camera may be understandable, but not to that extent.

    For it to be that hot it almost sounds like a line level signal going into something expecting a mic level signal.

    Its the sort of issue that sounds unusual enough - and I have had a bit of a nose about and haven't seen it anywhere else - to have it checked out.

    To support your case with the dealer/Panasonic, set this test tone off on your laptop or monitor speakers and record it with identical settings on both cameras.

    You'll then be able to see definitively what the difference is in dB when you look at the file in an NLE.


  12. 5 hours ago, PeterGregg said:

    I can't prove how many trucks actually arrive at significant events, but they pretty much have the biggest presence there, with Nikon being a close second. Finding a Sony, Panasonic, Olympus or Fuji service station/desk is a pretty hard thing to do.

    In my experience, when they are both at an event they are there in roughly equal force.

    However, I've been at quite a few events where its only Canon (usually when they're there as a commercial partner) but can't recall one where its only been Nikon.

    The others may have a similar presence for the broadcast side but not for stills.

    It'd be a cushy gig manning that desk if they did have one though.

    It'd be rather like working in the office in this ad.


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