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Posts posted by BTM_Pix

  1. 7 hours ago, Orangenz said:

    Oh that would be sweet.

    This is for the A6500 but its applicable for all cameras that use Play Memories so will work on RX10/RX100


    6 hours ago, jonpais said:

    @BTM_Pix I think the answer is, most have never shot video with these cameras. Same with the higher end models: one man I know here who owns a Sony a7r II, he's never shot video with it,  and a buddy of mine here who's got the X-T2, has never shot a second of video. I seldom come across any casual shooters who are even remotely interested in shooting video.

     Ahhhhhh....great point.

  2. There is something in the overly reduced contrast levels and noise interaction.

    I'm definitely going to create an automated test routine to produce an evaluation video file with different permutations.

    The snag is that at 2 seconds per permutation, even eliminating unreasonable combinations, it will still clock in around the 3 hour mark.

    We might need to watch it in shifts.

    Although we could probably have a decent crack at the Tate Modern putting it on as an exhibit.

  3. On a serious note though, considering this is a consumer camera and all, how does this overheating not utterly trash Sony with the wider public if its so endemic?

    Even in their own domestic market it must be a massive problem surely? I haven't been to Tokyo or Osaka for a few years but whenever I was working there in the summer it wasn't exactly tepid so I don't get how consumers would just put up with it to be honest. For enthusiasts, they will accept stuff like this because they are getting a bargain in relative terms so will work around it. But for a consumer this is an absolutely top end camera that they'd surely expect to be able to use without a second thought? I can't imagine consumers are shy about just putting it in record and leaving it running while their little angel or pet performs their party piece. And running. And running.

    Unless they all had Samsung smartphones and think 'no,no,I think you'll find the RX100 runs a little cool'.


  4. 8 hours ago, Hugues Canadaa said:


    @ BTM_Pix, Thanks for the explanations, so I can restore to the standard profile with the restore command, but it doesn't respond to cine D tho.

    Is there any other profile that I can try?

    EDIT: I tried all three flavors of Vlog but it didn't worked, I think I'm forced to use the standards profiles


    Stick around though as the other stuff for hardware control of focus and so on will work for it so that might be of some benefit.

  5. The camera will be cooled with all the water balloon popping action for at least the  first month.

    I presume external USB battery pack will mitigate the heat issue a little? 

    If it doesn't then I'm going to have to buy it a little fan as this is the weather forecast on my local TV most days 


  6. If anyone is looking to get one then Jessops include a voucher for 500 free 7x5 prints and a 20x16 canvas if you buy an A7Sii from them.

    That's the sort of deal that you'd never get if you bought an Alexa.

    Possibly the most Alan Partridge special offer since he was pushing Rawlinson's doing slightly damaged chocolate oranges.

  7. 27 minutes ago, IronFilm said:

    Just get yourself a RX100 II dirt cheap, and keep the other money saved up for when the RX100 XVII comes out next year after next.

    I was on the verge of something similar but then @Orangenz sent me an hfr clip of him popping water balloons on his RX100 V and it was all over.

    I was simply powerless to resist after that.

  8. 36 minutes ago, Amazeballs said:

    You are awesome man! So will it work on the device like this?




    they are both Bluetooth though. There are tons of similar controllers for 2-5$ everywhere. That would make my gimbal workflow so much better, incredible!

    upd: so you already confirmed that it will work on the previous page. Do we need to modify those devices somehow? How do you make them work with a camera via wifi?

    Patience, patience ;)

    All will be revealed when its finished.

    The hardware module part of my system  does the WiFi part and I can interface to that with USB, wireless (as in the controller from the video) and Bluetooth.

    As I said in the other thread, I'm collecting a few different controllers (in about an hour actually) and at least one of them will be suitable for what you want. Bear in mind as I said at the start of this thread that the reason that the cinelike d happened was as a byproduct of me researching to make a hardware controller. And specifically one for a gimbal so its all in hand :)


  9. 55 minutes ago, Amazeballs said:

    BTM_Pix you are the man! I just watched your video with your wifi controller prototype for Panasonic cameras! That is so awesome!

     Would you like to create a separate topic for this? Cos I am eager to contribute, test and discuss. I have a dream of archiving a smooth remote pull focus on Panasonic cameras, using something like this, clipped to my Zhyiun crane as a second handle (btw that thing costs 5$).  %D0%9D%D0%BE%D0%B2%D1%8B%D0%B9-%D0%93%D0

    Or we could start from making a separate app for a smartphone. 

    There already is a separate thread for it.

    It will be updated when I'm back from my trip next week. I'm picking up some different controllers in the meantime so there will be other options.

    The smooth focus pull is being tuned but don't expect miracles with those lenses. If you go over to the other thread there is an early demo of just lens control (focus and zoom) on an LX100.


    And another thread regarding a side development for profile tuning but which also shows a different control surface example.


  10. 12 hours ago, Hugues Canadaa said:

    I did, but the web page tells me that my body isn't supported when I do "Handshake", it returns "err_non_support", is there a way I can bypass this security?

    Also, "deploy" is saying "err_param"

    edit: connect is saying "ok" tho, and I can connect no problem, only that "handshake" and "deploy" doesn't work

    If the camera says Under Remote Control on the screen and then you can see an image on the LCD then it is connected and under remote control.

    The Handshake is mainly for the newer cameras where it needs a security check so may be unnecessary on the G6

    To check if its actually talking to the camera, select a profile other than standard on the camera (like B&W) and then hit Restore on the HTML page. All that does is tell it to select the Standard profile on the camera. If it does change it then the camera is definitely connected and responding to commands. If it then doesn't respond to the Cinelike D command then unfortunately that means the camera can't support it.

  11. 6 hours ago, Orangenz said:

    My v5 has neither of those. Is there a v6 out with them?

    I don't think there's a better compact and the line has stayed at the top for what, 6 years now? The video colour comes right with the eoshd settings. 

    For video note that it overheats after 5 min, short battery life, no (or very little) stabilisation. But super camera though. And I mean S UU PP EERRRR


    See what I mean?

    The whole process got me so rattled that I started mixing up my internal arguments!

    I'll end up getting none of them at this rate.

  12. 6 hours ago, jonpais said:

    That's an excellent tutorial (as far as I can tell, since I don't own the GX80/85), and I especially appreciate hearing his thoughts beginning at 5 min. 

    Yes,form factor is worth the premium and this comes back to a point I made in another thread (which was ridiculed as the rant of someone who knows nothing about how cameras work IIRC) about how real modularity should be offered by manufacturers.

    The form factor of the GX80 is its appeal so why should that preclude it having an audio input as a an additional bolt on accessory if people want it or to pay a small fee to unlock cinelike d or the additional bit rates that we know it can do?

    Panasonic already have done both of those things before with mic input boxes that interface through the hotshoe and paid VLOG updates so why not across the board? Sony have gone the whole hog with an actual app store for unlocking additional functions as well as a couple of attempts at sensor in a box products so maybe it will come

    The paradigm is already there with computers and particularly smartphones so its not exactly like its an alien concept for consumers to buy a core product and pay to add on specific functionality that they need. It doesn't stop them then replacing the core product periodically either so it doesn't stifle future sales of that either. Using that old story about if you built a Ford yourself by buying all the parts as spares then it would cost more than buying a Rolls Royce then they would likely make more money as well. 

    Anyway, I'm ranting again now !

  13. 45 minutes ago, Andrew Reid said:

    Find the one that responds to protocols over HTTP and get that one :)

    I know what you mean though - I have the same dilemmas, in the end Mk IV has stood the test of time and I didn't feel upgraditus coming on... The A6300 and A6500 on the other hand, I regret buying.

    I think I've decided on the Mk V.

    Figure if I get the Mk IV then I'm already in pain over paying north of £700 for something like this that I might as well roll over completely.

    I'll order spare batteries for it off Amazon now. That usually does the trick for pushing me over the edge!  

    And, yes, I'll also be installing their app in readiness to see what we can do with it.

  14. 27 minutes ago, jonpais said:

    Nice. How do you transfer the files to your phone? I'd like to try that myself.

    You can do it (slowly) off Panasonic's app if it can hold the connection long enough.

    Otherwise, Apple's "how much????" SD card reader is the way to go.

    If you are looking at doing stuff mobile then I'd recommend taking a look at something like this RavPower device though.

    Its a multi function unit that can act as a card reader, USB host, wireless router and battery bank.

    With a device like this you can connect an iPad, iPhone, MacBook etc simultaneously and share, copy and backup files from SD cards and USB hard drives between them.

    Even just for travelling for sticking a ton of films on a cheap sd card so you can watch films on your iOS device without having to clog up the phone's own limited and expensive memory with them makes it a great buy. And if you're travelling with a partner or kids or whatever you can all watch different ones simultaneously on your different devices.

    And also for travelling, if you find yourself in a hotel that only has an ethernet connection (getting rarer but still happens) then you can use this to create your own wifi hotspot.



  15. More of a vent than anything and I know Panasonic are just as bad but....

    All I wanted was a little travel camera.....

    I thought to myself "I quite fancy an RX100 IV. Genuinely pocketable, vloggable, a bit of slo-mo (which I don't really have), slog2 so it can be pushed a bit more.....and I can have a play about to see if I can get my hardware controller to be Sony compatible too"


    And then I started the, "Mmmm....the mark V though, better IS, touch screen"

    "Yeah but its so much dearer"

    "We're into A6300 territory there"

    "But then if we're going there, why not go a bit further and get the A6500"

    "No lenses though"

    "Yes but we've got a few Canon ones and they can be mounted cheaply. And with AF too"

    "Stop it now, its getting really expensive and way out of what we wanted"

    "OK, RX100 IV then"

    "Mind you, the RX10 III does all of that and more and has a 600mm equivalent lens"

    "Yes but now we're back in A6500 price range"

    "OK, how about the RX10 II, its way cheaper and has NDs"

    "Great idea. Not pocketable though"

    "OK, RX100 IV then"

    "You'll regret not getting the V though"

    "Shut up, its too much to be paying for a tiny sensor as it is"

    I've been like this cat for about a week now. 


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