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Everything posted by BTM_Pix

  1. Please don't waste your time posting responses to this arsehole. His entire posting history consists of inserting those same dodgy links into threads that he has started.
  2. The price has been almost cut in two and it is now $5995. No idea whether this is because it wasn't selling, or to bring into line with the newer Sony and Canon offerings or whether they are going to release a 16K version but it is now a very, very interesting option. You can say what you want about no one needing 12K blah blah blah but the (extreme) re-framing and stabilisation options offered by the 12K image are very practical and it ticked an awful lot of boxes anyway with its internal ND, ProRes and BRAW, professional I/O Its not going to be for everyone of course as the "I want a full frame camera with IBIS, e-ND, sentient Autofocus and small enough to shove up a mouse's arse" fantasies are in no way going to be met here but for those who do have a need for a camera of this type, its now put the cat amongst the pigeons in that area with this price drop. Theres is a very comprehensive run through of it here from the good people at CVP : EDIT <STRUCK OUT THE PRORES THING AS IT DOESN"T HAVE IT>
  3. Slightly later than planned as a couple more things were added but AFX v1.7 is now available. There is a quick run through of the new FOCUS RECORDER here : The full release notes for AFX v1.7 are below : (All camera types/Blackmagic Cameras With v7.3 installed) New "FOCUS RECORDER" function to enable the real time recording and playback of up to two minutes of focus movements. The "FOCUS RECORDER" is accessed through the newly expanded "AFX ADJUSTMENTS MENU". New "GLOBAL OFFSET" function to provide -20/+20 cm adjustment to compensate for mounting the AFX in a different position from the original calibration point. This function is global so affects all lenses and is in addition to the individual offset available when loading a lens. The "GLOBAL OFFSET" is accessed through the newly expanded "AFX ADJUSTMENTS MENU". New "TURBO" option added to "CALIBRATION MODE" types to allow calibration at 50 ("PRECISION"), 25 ("FAST") and now 15 ("TURBO") points. Please note that although the AFX interpolation functionality obviously generates additional focus positions between these calibration points, it is recommended to use the PRECISION mode to provide greater accuracy with very wide aperture lenses. Navigation between "CALIBRATION POINTS"can now be both forward and backwards by pressing the A button on the R1 to move forward and the B button on the R1 to move backwards. Current "CALIBRATION TRACK" can be cleared and reset to its initial starting point by pressing the LOWER TRIGGER on the R1. Navigation between manufacturer names in "CAMERA" and "LENS" fields can now be both forwards and backwards by a SHORT press of the A button on the AFX to move the the next name and a LONG press of the B button on the AFX to move to the previous one. Inverted screen mode status is now stored as a global preference and recalled on each boot.
  4. The live video walkthrough of the QuadLock functionality is here The AFX v1.7 firmware update will be released on Wednesday 21st and includes a possibly interesting new focus function.
  5. You need to be in Focus mode rather than Control mode. For the P4K, you can toggle between the two modes by either a short press of the B button on the AFX itself or a long press of the upper trigger on the R1. (Page 23 of the User Guide by the way 😉 ) The current mode you are in is indicated when you are on the Control screen (left) by "C" or "F" below the shutter angle and if you are in the Focus screen by the T0-T3/N transition value being shown next to the aperture display in the bottom right hand corner.
  6. The rear LCD is fucked so be my guest and I'll claim it on the insurance ! Being a purist, not being able to chimp with it doesn't bother me and just adds to the retro experience. If I was a completist, I'd probably send the SD card off to someone and wait a week for them to send it me back before I could look at the images 😉
  7. I was thinking that the TechArtPro E to Z adapter could give it a lot more lens options but then found this on their product page. I'm guessing if it doesn't work with the Z50 then it won't work with this new pseudo-Df either. Sigma making their f1.4 APS-C primes in Z mount might make it more interesting but they don't seem in a hurry to do that so without a lens lineup this doesn't stack up to Fuji's offerings. And I say that as someone who absolutely loves his Nikon Df. The price isn't far off what you can picked up a used Z6 for these days either. But.... The TechArtPro adapter that does work with the Z50 (and presumably this one) is the Leica M to Z adapter so that would make it interesting for someone who wants the compact retro experience with appropriately sized primes to match but with the bonus of the adapter now providing them with AF as well. With a bunch of cheap adapters this also extends that functionality to other vintage lenses (including old Nikkors too of course) so it could well find a niche there. Hang on, I might have talked myself into getting one !
  8. There could be. There could be one that we may release based on something that we previously did for the PBC but didn't release.
  9. Man alive, the people who thought it was an actual cat let alone his particular cat.
  10. Blimey. That R6 was buzzin so much it could've joined the Happy Mondays.
  11. Did you try the Catalyst Browse post stabilisation on any of the a7Siii footage ?
  12. There are a number of F mount to E mount adapters with full autofocus available that would give you a path to Sony without sacrificing the lens collection. Similarly, there are also E to Z mount adapters so that you could then share E mount lenses with your Z6. That way you could use the budget to really push the boat out and get a Sony A1 to give you a bump that you are after in video (8K I'm guessing would be a client pleaser from a marketing perspective) and it also does ProResRAW but also you'd get a big bump in stills with its 50mp sensor. You could then also get that Sigma 105mm in E mount and be able to use it natively on the A1 but also with the adapter on the Z6. I think if you went this route then you'd get the immediate bump that you are looking for but also be able to hedge against the release of the Z9 as I'm guessing Nikon is really where your heart is and you're not yet ready to fully abandon ship just yet. Far cheaper too as it would be half your budget.
  13. Not sure the marketing department would be keen on having to make do with their coke being of the repurposed Tesco variety though.
  14. Bag? Singular ? In true YouTuber style, you'll have to market your own merchandise like this one - "Camera Bag - The Andrew Reid Edition"
  15. The calibration offset has the potential to generate confusion for some users - and hence more support requests - if they inadvertently left it set on its last position so it will remain dynamic on lens load.
  16. Fucking hell. Its UK only so I'm glad I can't get back in for a while ! This is covered in Chapter One of my new e-book "The Gear Addicts Guide To Relationships - If All Else Fails, Ask How Many Pairs Of Shoes She Has" "Honestly, they were empty. I knew you wouldn't believe me so I took this photograph to prove it. I didn't have my camera to hand so I popped into BH to grab one."
  17. Staring at my collection of unemployed HC lenses as my H3DII is broken and breaking out the justification excuses...
  18. The invert display option will be saveable in the next firmware update. With regard to the offset, are you referring to the offset option on lens load ?
  19. You might be thinking of the minor diversion in the GX80 Cinelike D thread where someone wanted to build a slow motion photo booth-ish type of device and monitor whilst still shooting. The solution I proposed was to use a FlashAir card in the camera as this can be recording the file but simultaneously be accessed by another device over wifi to begin playing it whilst is still recording. So a cheap SBC computer like a Pi with a network media player on it and a screen would be able to monitor it and then re-stream it if necessary online. Can't remember whether they went ahead with it in the end or whether they are just still waiting for the file to finish playing back.
  20. Led by the newspaper columnist fired from the Times for making quotes up from his own godfather, who then went on to fabricate stories about the EU at the Telegraph that seeded Brexit and has somehow ended up being the actual Prime Minister. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2019/jul/14/boris-johnson-brussels-bashing-stories-shaped-politics As for Kelvin Mackenzie, this clip where he gets a taste of his own medicine from another journalist after the real "truth" of his role in the despicable lies told about the Hillsborough disaster and stood behind for 20 years were fully exposed tells you all you need to know about him. The ongoing collusion between the UK government and Murdoch is very well illustrated in this chart from the Press Gazette in February showing meeting with government ministers by publication.
  21. It is a regular 3.5mm 4 pole (TRRS) jack cable so something like this 0.3m one is fine. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Braided-Auxiliary-Headphones-Tablets-Headset/dp/B08F2DYYY5 If you are using a Nano motor, the motor end is a 2.5mm 4 pole so if you want to avoid using the adapter then you can have a custom length cable made with the 3.5mm on one end for the AFX and the 2.5mm on the Nano end.
  22. Like the original Pocket6K, there is a far bigger argument for it having an MFT mount. You can still have electronic control of EF lenses with non-speedboosted adapters, you can have a windowed mode for the native MFT electronic lenses, the manual MFT lenses like Voigtlander and Meike etc all cover the s35 sensor and of course, with the shallower mount, you are able to put PL mount lenses on it. It makes it a lot more sense for P4K owners to upgrade to/replace/augment their setups as well. Like JVC found though, trying to undo the pre-conceived notion of the relationship between the mount size and the sensor size being absolute is a bit of a tough sell. To be fair, Blackmagic also have their higher end cameras with EF mount so from the point of view of the Pocket6K being a B cam for those it makes sense. I'd be interested to know from which direction the majority of the Pocket6K sales are coming though, as A cams for Pocket4K/new owners or B cams for Ursa owners. Going the sidefinder route like Sigma have with the Fp so that all three flavours of Pocket could have had benefited from the new EVF would have been nice.
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