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Everything posted by BTM_Pix

  1. Have a look at converter solutions such as this which run it over Cat5e/6a/7 to get 50m runs https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07H8Y5JF4 They are only 1080p but so is the switcher so thats not an issue. It needs power at the camera end but its only USB so there are a gazillion solutions for that. The IR transmitter might be relevant if you use Sony or other cameras that have IR remotes because you'd then be able to control camera functionality such as focus/zoom remotely. You could also do a similar thing using SDI converters at either end but they need power at both ends and even at the low end they are double the price of this £35 per channel option.
  2. Or do what this legend did with a GoPro and an old ENG camera.
  3. Do you have a Nikon to EF adapter to see if that then causes the same issue with the Nikon version ?
  4. There will be a new production run soon. As above. We have just released AFX v1.5p, so if you put that on your unit and triple click the B button on the AFX it will toggle the display inversion.
  5. If anyone wants an insight into the other side of this unvirtuous circle then launch a product and watch the emails pile in. From the straightforward "can I have a free one if I do a review on my YouTube channel?" to the full on "I will say its great on my YouTube channel if you give me a free one and a cut of the sales" and all points in between. On sites such as this one below, you can register to boost campaigns for products that you have absolutely no idea whether work or not or even if they will ever be delivered and earn money from other people taking that risk : https://kickbooster.me/marketplace/ Sites such as that one are referenced in almost every solicitation email we've received regarding the PBC and then the AFX so its obviously all part of the game. Is everybody at it ? Its unlikely but there are clearly enough people who are very much at it so as to bring the whole thing into disrepute in my opinion. There is clearly a space then for someone to do absolutely straight reviews that demonstrably have no financial aspect to them whatsoever either through advertising or affiliate links. The problem with someone doing that is that there are so many people with vested interests in these inanimate objects - whether financial or emotional - that you then end up with this at your virtual front door if you are critical of it. On that basis, who the fuck would even be arsed doing it ?
  6. No, it is independent of the sensor plane so it can be mounted as required as long as the relationship between the position it was in when calibrated for the specific lens is maintained when you then use the lens. However, if you do want to move it, there is an option when you load the lens from the database to apply an offset and specify the direction of it. As well as the supplied R1 compact controller, there is a preference option to use the REC button of the Tilta hand controllers to toggle AF-C on and off. You can also use the wheel to control focus manually in conjunction with the AFX's AF functions. So if you use the AF-S function, for example, to snap to a focus position then you can trim that with the wheel such that the wheel will take over when it reaches the focus point where the AF function has just driven then lens to.
  7. COVID safe motor control examples using a Meike 25mm mini cine prime on a Sony A6500 with Nucleus Nano motor.
  8. On mobile I don't get the option for the auto translate but I do on a desktop browser.
  9. The auto translated subtitles are actually pretty decent to be able to follow along. For fans of Aty, one of the locations they shot in this video looks suspiciously like one of the waterfall areas that he frolics about in.
  10. The fp is by far the more spiritual successor to the original BMPCC than the BMPCC4K and 6K are. Same advantages, some of the same drawbacks. To the BMPCC it adds full frame, 4K, reasonable autofocus, better low light, better storage, an even more adaptable lens mount and now an EVF. If you were into the BMPCC and want all that you had with that and a whole lot more then the fp should probably be on your list to check out unless your needs have changed in the meantime. Similarly, I personally love the Leica T in combination with the Visoflex 020 EVF as I can have it both ways in terms of using it with the LCD or with the EVF and I can put tiny M mount lenses on it as well as electronic lenses. Again, as with the BMPCC, the fp shares the same same advantages and some of the same drawbacks. To the Leica T it adds full frame, RAW video, 4K video, far better autofocus, better low light and better storage options. In the intervening years since I've had the Leica T, the L mount range of lenses has of course come round to meet it and there are now a boatload more lens options now and at a far more affordable price. I've been droning on for a long time about how really good it is having the tilt capability of the Visoflex 020 on the Leica T and now it has come to the fp. So, again, If you were into the Leica T/TL and want all that you had with that and a whole lot more then the fp should probably be on your list to check out unless your needs have changed in the meantime. I love both of those cameras so, for me, the fp is just their logical conclusion (or close to it) so I love the fp too. Is it just limited to people who love those two cameras ? I don't think it should be but I do get why not only does it not appeal to those looking for an alternative to the usual suspects but that its appeal to others can seem quite bewildering. Sigma could probably do with adding a feature in to the fp that would be enough of a differentiation for people to say "Mmm...the Sigma can do <insert feature here> though so that is a big plus in its favour" and even up the spec chart a bit more. I think if that added feature was ProRes (regular not RAW), preferably internal but to SSD if not, then that could be the one to shake things up. Even then, though, it will likely not be for everyone and I think thats a good thing for everyone in terms of manufacturers not all producing very similar cameras.
  11. Hi Can you contact us for support on admin@cdatek.com and I will troubleshoot this with you. Thanks
  12. Would you prefer cash or PayPal 😉 Thank you though, thats very kind The Nano motor as is just driven with 5v, from a standard USB power pack for example, is surprisingly decent dependent on the lens that you are using. With the cine primes from Meike like we have here is absolutely perfect. In this multi motor setup we've got it running with a RED cine zoom but we can only use it on the iris and focus as the zoom ring is too tough for it it drive so we have to use the Nucleus-M motor for that. Tilta do a P-Tap to USB cable for it that gives it about a 50% increase in torque so with that it would probably not have an issue. The downside to that though is it becomes a bit more bulky in terms of the power source so if you can drive your lenses with the standard 5v then it is a much neater setup. The problem with using older manual focus lenses is when they have stiffer zones in them and for that you do need more torque. You can just buy the Nano motor on its own but its a good deal when bundled with the Wheel as the wheel does come in useful with the AFX too as we use it to control not just manual focus but give you the option to switch in and out of AF-C mode using its REC key which is quite convenient. With regard to focus gears, there are a lot of resources about how to 3D print your own and Tilta do a range themselves but this company makes custom ones for specific lenses. This is their Voigtlander page https://followfocusgears.com/collections/voigtlander I have never used them so take it as info rather than endorsement !
  13. HDMI 1.4 onwards has a bi-directional data link so the settings can be read by the EVF from that without appearing in the "visible" video signal. Unless I missed it, they probably could have done with confirming that the EVF is compatible with the original (it is btw) instead of switching to that weird stop animation mode video! I think they should've called the "Powder Blue" colour mode "Scandi-Noir Mode" or gone the whole hog and called it "Saga Noren Mode".
  14. Presentation starting today at 1pm CET. From the leaks, the Fp-L has some very interesting specs.
  15. Everything ships together mate. So we've had to get a bigger box to put all yours in!
  16. Novoflex do one for the Leica SL but it is limited in terms of the lenses you can use with it and it is AF-S only. https://www.novoflex.de/en/products-637/lens-adapters//adapterfinder-products/leica-sl-t-tl-tl2-cl-mirrorless/adapter-nikon-e-type-nikkor-lenses-to-leica-sl-cameras.html?rgerg=38 Such is the loose nature of the L mount "alliance", it doesn't do AF with the Panasonic cameras. As with their EF to L adapter which, despite its age and Novoflex certainly not being a member of the alliance is more compatible with the SL than the Sigma MC-21, I would guess they are tricking the SL into thinking it has a specific Leica lens attached to it so this isn't compatible with the Panasonic cameras. As with the MC-21, the reverse is also true with Fotodiox's EF to L mount AF adapter with variable ND which has warnings not to use it with Leica cameras so it seems the options that adapter manufacturers have is to tweak it to work with Leica and lose compatibility with the other L mount cameras or vice versa.
  17. This is a roll your own solution where you can get the type of ends that you need at each end of the ribbon. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Ribbon-Cable-Multicopter-Aerial-Photography-D2/dp/B08KNYLL33
  18. These ribbon types are available in various lengths. Start at €13 https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32673491728.html If you are looking for a more local supplier, these type of cables are usually available from RC/Drone shops for connecting cameras to transmitters.
  19. I'm concerned that four methods of showing you its in record just isn't enough. So I'll be waiting until SmallRig or Tilta release their Marine Flare Launcher cage add on for it just to be on the safe side.
  20. Unless they have changed something in the protocol versus the P6K then, yes, it will be.
  21. I am dull enough to get my fun through utility though so it works on both levels for me. I've decided that the German word for people who get their fun through the misfortune of others who have over tightened their glass balcony clamps and caused the destruction of said glass balcony should be "Shardenfreude".
  22. Until recently I'd have said my most useful piece of equipment was my untethered glass balcony clamp.
  23. The multi-interface shoe is also capable of supporting an EVF as Sony did with the RX1 and the RX100M2 so it would be interesting to see if a new version of that appears for this camera.
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