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Everything posted by BTM_Pix

  1. Though that in itself is pretty telling and confirms the suspicion that having the actual product and using it in anger is largely incidental to many of those cranking out that sort of content.
  2. Maybe, but I'd have put the a9 in that same category too though and that had the usual suspects all over it when it was launched. Sign of a different time as well of course but the current COVID situation hasn't really slowed the number of the first day "reviews" of other cameras (including their own a7C as an example). They are also going after the well heeled consumer territory with this camera too as I hadn't really appreciated myself until the past couple of years just how much money was being spent on the flagship Nikon and Canon bodies and the associated long primes by amateur bird and wildlife photographers. In the current market situation, thats a way bigger target than pro sports photographers thats for sure. As I said, I don't necessarily think not having a raft of "hey guys, smash that like button" videos all appearing simultaneously is a definitive sign of anything sinister but its a notable difference to me at least. Maybe Sony are just as sick of all that bullshit as many of the rest of us are.
  3. The 8K being 4:2:0 is one catch if 8K is the primary reason for buying it and the mechanical shutter is still on the low side for one of their target markets compared to the big two's flagships. With regard to heat, the 30 minutes limits are there but who knows in reality how much variance there will be in real use in different environments. One thing that is quite interesting is that this launch has not been backed up with the flurry of 'Embargo has passed, prepare the gurning thumbnail and lets get my "comprehensive review"of the camera up NOW!' YouTube videos. I think that might well be Sony being mindful of what happened to Canon with the R5, as running the same overheating tests that they were eventually forced into doing after so not including them in their initial breathless "reviews" of the R5 it would now be mandatory for any credible reviewer. That doesn't necessarily mean there is anything suspicious in the a1 regarding overheating but by keeping the camera out of the hands of YouTubers (even if by way of extending their publishing embargo for a couple of weeks) then Sony will at least be able to keep any possibility of it being the talking point about the camera for a while and killing the launch buzz!
  4. I think that is probably too high a figure. From my reading of posts on here, I'd put it at 89.27% max. The distinction between the X-H1 and the X-T2 was wide enough when they launched it but two years on, Fujifilm would have to do something dramatic like put RAW and TC etc in it, for an X-H2 to sit above the X-T4 in the same way. Which would be great, of course 😉
  5. Far be it from me to say they deliberately crippled the A9 but they are certainly included this time. https://www.sony.com/electronics/interchangeable-lens-cameras/ilce-1/specifications /// PICTURE PROFILE Yes (Off / PP1-PP11) Parameters: Black level, Gamma (Movie, Still, S-Cinetone, Cine1-4, ITU709, ITU709 (800%), S-Log2, S-Log3, HLG, HLG1-3), Black Gamma, Knee, Color Mode, Saturation, Color Phase, Color Depth, Detail, Copy, Reset ///
  6. If you went for the TechArt then a cheap M42-M adapter stuck on it will give you autofocus capability for them. It works far better (in stills at least which is what you say is your primary use for it) than I'd imagined when I bought it.
  7. I've got an A7Rii so make that 3. Hard to see anything better value at the price if you are already invested in E-mount, particularly if stills are the primary use. If you are using manual focus lenses with it, I'd definitely recommend looking at getting the TechArt PRO adapter as it will give you pretty good AF capability for them. Its designed for M mount lenses but can be used with pretty much anything by stacking a "whatever your lens is to m mount" adapter on top. It comes into its own with small M mount lenses like Voigtlanders as its like having an autofocus high res Leica M with an EVF and its overall size isn't that much bigger either. Battery life isn't great of course but they're small enough (and cheap enough) to not be worried about carrying a few spares.
  8. A funny and very pointed piece by Fujifilm. "We don't negotiate with hobbyists."
  9. I'm going to start a company making cameras that are purpose built for intrusive doorstep photography of autocratic leaders. Hasslevlad.
  10. After spending a bit of time with @Andrew Reid last year looking at his GFX100, it definitely put itself at the top of my "forever" camera list and one of the pleasant surprises was how much frame coverage was possible with the various FF lenses that we put on it and how adaptable it was in terms of AF adapters for not only EF but Nikon F, which would be a big factor for me. Obviously the price of the GFX100 was eye watering (relative to FF but not other 100mp MF cameras !) but if I squinted a bit I could still see it as "affordable" if not a flat out "bargain". To now be able to get the imaging part of the GFX100 in a smaller and lighter form factor for 40% off is huge.
  11. There was a lot of chatter last month to suggest this may be happening sooner rather than later. With Tokina and Viltrox doing AF lenses for X mount, I can't see why Sigma won't be far behind so it might actually happen this time but I think the same chatter was around in 2018 so take it with a pinch of salt.
  12. Well then... GFX100S highlights are : Weighs 900g, so 500g lighter than GFX100 in a 30% smaller camera body Shutter and IBIS re-designed from GFX100 6 Stops of IBIS Faster AF, speed of 0.18s with PD working at -5.5EV, improved face detection is now 50% faster New film simulation called "Nostalgic Neg" $6499 and available next month Not seen the full spec sheet but video looks to have been left untouched from GFX100 but that remains to be confirmed.
  13. Time to see how much they've taken off the GFX100 to get to this much cheaper GFX100S. Some lenses will be announced too. Watch along at 14:00 CET EDIT >>> Fujifilm of course, not Fujfilm as the title suggests !
  14. Still don't understand why they don't just make an optional combined battery grip and fan system for video use. For a start, moving the batteries out of the main body and into the grip would alleviate some of the internal heat. An exhaust system could then be incorporated into the connecting stork of the battery grip that opens up an aperture in the battery chamber of the camera with fans in the grip taking care of cooling. That would maintain the weather sealing and satisfy stills shooters who don't want to pay for any extra video oriented features that they will rarely use, particularly ones that add bulk and noise. And of course, anyone who is using this camera for video is going to need all the battery power they can so its a win win for them. Of course, when I say I don't understand why Sony don't do this, I mean from the customer's perspective but from their own point of view I think its pretty obvious why they don't.
  15. My "precision" soldering skills would be more suited to welding pipes but there are kits like this available if you want to get some practice. So you gain experience of soldering different types of components to boards but as its building towards a finished item you also learn about the circuit. They are available on Amazon but have a ridiculous margin added to them but if you go to aliexpress then you can buy them for a couple of euros and often less depending on what type of one you get. Just put "soldering practice" in the search bar at aliexpress to see the different ones on offer.
  16. If they can tame the bad aspects in most situations, and it looks like they have done a lot to do that with this one, then after spending more than the cost of this camera replacing the mechanical ones in my D series cameras over the years then good riddance as far as I'm concerned !
  17. At £6500.00 its the same price as what it would be to get into a D6 or an EOS-1DxIII so if I was still in that business (not that there is much left it anymore after COVID) then it would certainly be an alternative but whilst they make a lot of the electronic shutter, the mechanical one is still only 10fps so lags behind the other two. They seem to have made strides in controlling the side effects with the electronic shutter though so that might not be the issue it once was with the A9. Its unfortunate for Sony that they look to have finally got it all together with a pro sports camera system (now they also have the lenses and networking workflow for liver editorial) to take the other two on properly just at the point at which the target industry is on its knees, save for the big agencies.
  18. The devil will be in the recovery times no doubt.
  19. The stills spec was impressive enough but Its an absolute monster on the video side as well. 8K, Cinetone, 16bit RAW out over HDMI. They've even put some cooling in it 😉
  20. No idea what it will be but watch along from 16:00 CET
  21. BTM_Pix


    Its not the best full frame camera that I've got for photography but its certainly the best one that can also shoot RAW video and fit in my coat pocket that I've got, so in terms of a real hybrid then thats the benchmark I suppose. Having no mechanical shutter is going to show up negatively from time to time and the 1/30th flash sync would kill it if I ever did any flash stuff too. The lack of EVF is the bugbear, more so as my eyesight hasn't exactly got better in the past couple of years but against that is that the screen is good in bright light and the focus peaking works well too. In terms of hybrids, Sony missed a huge trick with the A7C by not putting 10 bit video in it as that would've made it a big contender for being one that ticked enough boxes sufficiently well. I think the ultimate hybrid is likely to be announced on Wednesday by Fujifilm with the GFX100S, albeit it at a "well it should be for that price" level. For stills, at 100mp, you're never going to run out of road but it all depends on what they've cut out of the GFX100 on the video side. If they retain the same video specs then 10bit internal with ProRes RAW when you want it is a great combination. In the same vein back at a more realistic price point, a used Panasonic S1 is pretty compelling though. Fotodiox do an EF adapter with AF for L mount that includes a variable ND so that's another option now too. Yes, it works fine. All the Foveon cameras thus far have been APS-C so whilst Sigma have been trying to bring a FF version out it has been getting put back so I wouldn't rule out a new L mount APS-C Foveon based on either the SD Quattro or even in an Fp case, which would give them a home for these lenses. With regard to Leica owners, the context is that for not much more than the price of the cheapest of Leica's own crop lenses, you can buy all three of the Sigma ones. And they are significantly faster at f1.4 than most of Leica's offerings and as fast as Leica's fastest one which is almost double the price of buying the whole set of Sigmas. So, this Leica owner, at least, is not going to ignore that kind of value !
  22. BTM_Pix


    Yeah, the Sigma LVF-1 loupe I have for my DP0 doesn't fit due to the buttons underneath the screen on the Fp and having not been outside the door for months I've not been able to get or have any need for the LVF-11. (this is code for "not been able to find one cheap enough secondhand" obviously). As a lash, I've used an arm to mount the LVF-1 upside down on the Fp as it does fit that way up so with a £6 pistol grip and the Baveyes adapter, here is my Medium Format(ish) 4K RAW Super8 camera.
  23. BM said they have a supply issue with one of the keys on it so back orders should ease up after that.
  24. Have a look at a product called Clampod Takeway T2 which has been designed for pressing balconies, rails and tree branches etc into makeshift mounting points when travelling.
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