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Everything posted by BTM_Pix

  1. What ? Thats not scorn and derision, its the absolute reality of the situation when this party has an 80 seat majority. Lets not forget that in September 2020, they used that majority to pass a bill that would allow them to break international law. And then used that majority to vote down an amendment to the bill that would have required "ministers to respect the rule of law and uphold the independence of the courts". Considering all of this was set in motion while still a member of the EU, how did any of that require the UK to leave the largest trading bloc in the world? More to the point, how will the uncompleted elements fare with even the government's best case scenario of a 5% reduction in GDP with the deal that they negotiated compared to the one we had ? How are the airport and the port going to be impacted by the UK leaving the bloc too? Hostile environment in the UK, more restrictions on travel from the UK to the EU and the painful import/export process of being a 3rd country to its nearest substantial market is a concern, I would've thought. I'm guessing you're from Teeside, so more of the £180 million pounds that region has had in funding from the EU in the past six years would certainly have come in handy over the next years to support these and other initiatives. Whilst it is great news for your area to have had the current Conservative chancellor making the trip up there with his cheque book, a previous Conservative chancellor had a cunning plan for my city when they decided that there was no point trying to win us round to "their" way of thinking and hence not worth their effort and called for its "managed decline". It was the EU investment that provided the money for Liverpool to recover, not central Government, and that is why we voted to Remain and continue to reject the Conservatives. I honestly hope it works out for you and they don't subsequently shit on your region but, unfortunately, that 80 seat majority they were handed means we don't even have a two party system to oppose them even if they do. Incidentally, we also have a Metro Mayor of our Region but it hasn't stopped the funding cuts from central government, both pre and post Covid-19, so devolution is not a panacea. It just passes the buck of which library or meals on wheels service to close to someone else other than the government. Cheers and good luck.
  2. Sadly, we are all going to get what they voted for too. If there was ever any doubt about the contempt and disregard for the consequences of their actions that this Conservative government has then Jacob Rees Mogg's response to being scrutinised about the piles of rotting fish that are being amassed on quaysides as supply routes to the EU collapse should close the book on those doubts once and for all. How any working class person could ever have looked at him and thought "Yep, he's my guy, he has my interests at heart, there's no way he is pursuing Brexit for his own ends" is absolutely unbelievable. Particularly when his Dad literally wrote the book on the opportunities that chaos can create. His own self serving hypocrisy should've been a big warning sign as well
  3. The bottom line is that if someone voted to leave in 2016 and then voted Conservative in 2019 to "get Brexit done" then that person now better hope and pray that their domestic policy requirements align precisely with those of the Conservative party. Because from here until 2024, that person is going to get exactly what the Conservative party determine that they are going to get and no more. And with the 80 seat majority that they helped deliver for them, they have ensured that it will be unopposed. If anyone is in any doubt about how that might work out, then a quick glimpse of their voting records should prove enlightening.
  4. This poll was, of course, taken, after watching his performance in office for four years so not indicative of any correlation between Brexit voters feelings about him in 2016 when obviously he wasn't actually in office yet. In any case, neither UKIP nor the Brexit party won a single constituency in the UK general elections either, so using UK constituency voting intention is not really even a useful indicator of a link between Brexit and, well, Brexit. Particularly when you consider that Nigel Farage, the undisputed high priest of Brexit, has never been able to win a parliamentary seat in his whole career despite seven attempts over a period of two decades. Where you will find a link between Brexit and UK voting is, of course, is when you look at the election record of UKIP etc in the European Elections where due to those utilising proportional representation rather than first past the post, the number of votes cast as a whole is reflected in the number of seats awarded. So UKIP/Brexit Party etc can get fairer representation in the parliament that they were demonising than they can in their own parliament. Which is all a bit awkward really isn't it ? It also blows a big hole in the lack of "sovereignty" as well as surely the EU would have insisted on the UK adopting proportional representation too ? So, of course, the UK has always had sufficient "sovereignty" to determine its own election processes irrespective of being in the EU or not and could also have chosen to establish this fairer method of distribution of seats in it own parliament. This would have afforded the supporters of the UKIP/Brexit Party etc a genuine stake in shaping domestic issues. But of course, the reason that proportional representation will always be voted down in the UK can be found in the result of the 2019 general election. The Conservatives got 43.6% of the votes cast in the country and were rewarded with 364 seats (56% of the total seats). Whereas between them, the Labour & LibDems got 43.7% and received only 214 seats (32.92% of the total seats). It was framed as a Brexit election but with the way the constituency boundaries have been re-drawn over the years it delivered an 80 seat majority that means the Conservative party can now basically rule by decree. Under proportional representation, they wouldn't have had a working majority even with the support of parties allied to Brexit such as UKIP etc. So the bigger and actually more damaging impact of Brexit isn't just Brexit itself, as damaging as it is to wilfully impose economic sanctions on yourself, but that it has now delivered at least five years of unopposed space in which the Conservative government can impose policies that will be no friend to the working class. There were many legitimate grievances from working class people that voted to Leave in 2016. Unfortunately, they were aimed at the wrong parliament.
  5. Providing Fujifilm don't completely cripple it then I'll be having a fire sale to get the upcoming GFX100S. If it is too compromised then I'll be having an inferno sale to buy a used version of the original GFX100. And then switch the internet off.
  6. I wish! Should have splurged out on one of the knockoffs years ago? But would like to read more reviews about them. Careful, I seem to remember the last time EasyRigs were brought up on here we ended up with about ten pages of a forum version of this ....
  7. Well, in the UK, as you can see from this ad, they were as equally associated with tobacco as they were with booze. I don't know whether it was just a random selection that determined if they turned up to rescue you with either brandy or tobacco or whether it was a more bespoke service depending on your needs like a forerunner (or pawrunner in this case) of Ubereats or Deliveroo.
  8. I think Renault did show a concept version based on it a while back. Meanwhile, this guy took matters into his own hands.
  9. These two delivering the vaccines in those little barrels would be the heartwarming finale that we all need for the disaster movie that has been 2020.
  10. We did consider it but decided against it. The calibration file is unique to the combination of camera, copy of the lens (plus any adapter such as speedbooster etc) and position of the sensor at the time you did the calibration. With all of those variables in play, it is far from guaranteed that you'd find a calibration file that someone else had made that would work 100% with someone else's setup so it would cause more issues than it solved. So for that reason, its not something that we will looking to incorporate. Plus, the calibration process only takes a few minutes anyway and is a one off per lens as its stored in the AFX's internal database so, as well as being more accurate, its actually far quicker to it than it would be going to a website, finding a suitable calibration file and flashing it onto the AFX. Having said that, there is possibly some benefit for owners of multiple AFXs that they use with the same models of cameras and lenses to be able to transfer calibration files between them so that could be something that could potentially be incorporated in a future firmware update.
  11. The literal translation for them is Firmino Mane Salah.
  12. I think I might have something in my eye after watching that... Feliz Navidad. Our usual festive trip to Sierra Nevada is sadly off limits this year due to the regional border closures but on Wednesday we will be able to move across municipality borders again so like a true ex-pat I will be out buying British biscuits from the grocery store that has remained off limits for the past month! If you think the child in your film is excited you want to see what I'll be like armed with a few packets of chocolate digestives.
  13. Might be worth looking at this service as it seems to tick the boxes for what you need. https://screenlight.tv/ The free account seems like it will suffice as you only have a single project.
  14. As expected, they were 24mm f3.5, the 35mm f2 and 65mm f2. Good to see them releasing more lenses for L mount at least that are compact and good value for money in the style of the 40mm f2.8. The 35mm f2 is definitely going to find a home on my Fp. Presentation here :
  15. BTM_Pix

    Sony ZV-1

    Hang on, yeah I was being an idiot and not reading the whole thing. Recording capacity obviously does not equal recording time !
  16. BTM_Pix

    Sony ZV-1

    No max record time, some AF restrictions and you have to slow it down in post yourself. /// EDIT //// Fidel Castro was notorious for his long speeches but according to Sony's spec the ZV-1 can record for 13 HOURS so you'd be able to capture two of even his longest efforts. Card capacity and spontaneous combustion are likely to be a bigger issue with that though. 4K at 60mb will give you over 8 hours on a 256 gig card. https://helpguide.sony.net/dc/1910/v1/en/contents/TP0002870058.html ///// IGNORE ALL THAT Maximum recording capacity rather than continuous recording time.
  17. Are they in dire straits because, by courting influencers, all the other companies are getting their money for nothing and their clicks for free ? * I'll get me coat.
  18. NAB was always the worst of the ones that I used to do over there. I'd always be the one arriving on the setup day with a prototype module that we hadn't been able to ship in time from the UK or spare parts and unless I could conceal it about my person then I had to hand it over to have it delivered to the stand by "official" methods. This once resulted in two grown men having to transport a 1U rack module (consisting of one small PCB and mainly fresh air) that I had been relieved of at the entrance three hours previously. I'll never forget the sight of the pair of them carrying this 2kg object on to our stand holding one end each without batting an eyelid at the absurdity of it. Having said that, the advantage of not being able to move anything bigger than a jack plug yourself was that, unlike European shows where we all had to get involved in humping the consoles in and out of crates and positioning them, we could quite happily wash our hands of it and just let them get on with it!
  19. Sad news indeed. The problem is that with floor space at €400 per square metre before you've so much as put a piece of carpet down let alone build it out and staff it then spending €100 a pop on DHL to round trip a loan unit to thirty YouTubers that are hungry for gear to review is a no brainer for them. As most products are lucky to have a buzz that lasts beyond two weeks of initial excitement anyway then doing it this way lets manufacturers own these short periods rather than having to share them with every other new product launch as they would at an exhibition. UK visitors to European exhibitions also make up quite a sizeable portion of the overall attendance (15% at IBC for example, second only to the 18% of the host country) and that is about to get far more complicated after 1st of January. The days of popping over to Amsterdam or Cologne on EasyJet and waltzing through immigration and being at the RAI or Messe 45 minutes later with your grubby paws on new cameras will sadly be a thing of the past as you'll need a visa to get in to the country in the first place and a work visa if its a trade show.
  20. It is available here and begins shipping in January. https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/afx-autofocus-adapter More information here including the link to the discussion thread here https://www.eoshd.com/news/exclusive-cda-tek-announces-afx-module-for-lidar-autofocus-featuring-tilta-nucleus-motor-drive-and-blackmagic-pocket-cinema-camera-compatibility/
  21. Some new L (and E) mount lenses being announced by Sigma next week. These will be 24mm f/3.5, 35mm f/2.0 and 65mm f/2.0 apparently.
  22. M Motors require an interface cable but you do not require any for Nucleus N motors as these are included with the AFX.
  23. Yes, the AFX supports the Nucleus Nano wheel over BLE and this can be bridged to the MMX.
  24. Was very curious about seeing comparisons those where an M1 MacBookPro was outperforming an Intel MacBook Pro with egpu and wondering what would happen if you put an egpu on the M1 but alas it doesn't seem to support them. So unfortunately there'll be no Steven Wright moment.
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