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Everything posted by BTM_Pix

  1. If you buy a used package, the 45mm f2.8 is usually a fairly negligible part of the overall price as most people bought it in a kit so its probably worth having for the additional money. The reviews for the new f1.4 primes in L mount are very thin (to non-existent) on the ground but there are abundant reviews and flickr samples of them in other mounts to have a look at. From my experience of the 30mm on MFT and the 56mm on E mount they are great value for money.
  2. So.... It's obviously no secret that alongside developing the AFX add on, we've also been busy creating a version of it with an interesting additional feature. More development details will be announced about it when the AFX is available for pre-order. In the meantime, here are some examples of the additional feature. Can you, erm,"detect" what that additional feature might actually be doing?
  3. Yes, you can set it manually but there is an auto setting which detects them and does it for you. The three new fast Sigma primes will also do you well then if you want native lenses and don't mind shooting crop.
  4. I know it does. Its the 10 bit internal to SD card when its in APS-C mode that I'm referring to as a new feature.
  5. I remain hopeful that Sigma will do some more compact f2.8 primes like a 35mm and a 24mm and even an 85mm. Big, heavy and expensive was the order of the day for L mount lenses when it was only Leica making them and the current offerings have, by and large, carried that legacy on. With the fp and now the more compact S5, that needs to change. Ironically, the biggest winners in L mount recently have been owners of the Leica TL/CL cameras thanks to the three new compact, fast and inexpensive APS-C primes from Sigma. I was hoping that the latest fp firmware update would take advantage of these lenses now being available and have a 10bit internal RAW APS-C video mode but it wasn't to be. I have two of those three lenses in different mounts and based on their performance on those I'd buy all three in L mount if Sigma made that mode available on the fp.
  6. For the world's smallest full frame stills camera it has very good video capabilities. And for a full frame RAW shooting video camera it has very good stills capabilities. Its not the very best stills camera that I've got and its not the very best video camera that I've got but if you told me it was the only camera that I could have then I wouldn't cry myself to sleep about that by any means. If you accept the obvious like no EVF, no IBIS, less than stellar AF and look on it as being an interchangeable lens version of the original Sony RX1 but with a 4K full frame version of the original BMPCC available at a flick of the mode switch then a good time can be had by all. I've been using it with cheap compact M primes like this 7Artisans 35mm f2 in these shots to keep it small and it is another thing to bear in mind that it can get a bit unbalanced with the larger L mount lenses, though not the 45mm f2.8.
  7. Fuck off with inserting spam links into other people's posts. Again.
  8. I will post something on Monday probably that gives a hint of it in operation. With regard to tracking, just to clarify that the first version does have AF-C so will keep lock as a subject approaches or moves away in the focus zone. Obviously I think you should buy all of them 😉 For manual focus lenses you will need a version with the motor interface module so you will have to sit tight for that one for a while longer. There will be a motor version option of this one following not too far behind.
  9. Unlike contrast based AF systems, the lock speed of the AFX system remains consistent across different lighting conditions. The benefits of this are particularly apparent in low light or low contrast situations where contrast based systems will have to hunt to achieve lock. These examples compare the performance of the internal BMPCC contrast based AF with the AFX to illustrate how each system deals with different challenging (too challenging for YouTube's shitty compression by the looks of it) low light and mixed contrast scenes.
  10. What format did you shoot in ? I did a 10 bit vs 8 bit comparison with mine a couple of weeks ago and to paraphrase Alan Partridge the 8 bit was certainly competitive.
  11. Panasonic have had to go hard on this today to wrestle control of YouTube back from this week' dominant content on there. I'm referring of course to the historic event of Hanna&Kotaro going to visit Aty for the first time. The merging of two of the major otter franchises has been massive and I for one am there for it.
  12. It is reminiscent of the amount of exceptions in "What Have The Romans Ever Done For Us?" !
  13. There are now L mount adapters for pretty much all lenses, including PL amd medium format speedboosters. For EF, Sigma do the MC21 adapter but the new one on the block that is of particular interest is the Fotodiox one which also has an integral variable ND in the mount. For anyone with a lot of EF glass, thats an attractive option as it turns the L mount cameras into the mythical true hybrid with ND. How good the AF is with the adapter is unknown to me though. I'm going to get one for my fp to find out.
  14. I'm just on the phone with Shill-U-Like arranging the flights and accommodation for Hawaii for their top 20 influencers so I'll let you know as soon as the date is fixed.
  15. Thanks for the heads up. I'm guessing it must something specific to Portkeys because I've just tested that lens (presuming it's the Panaleica one) with the PBC in combination with both the Nucleus Nano and the AFX and focus control is fine with v6.9.6 It wasn't working when I first put the lens on to test it but in my defence have you seen how small the AF/MF switch is on that lens and how difficult it is to see its in the MF position when you haven't had a coffee 🙂
  16. In his case, after his Barnard Castle escapade, it should probably stand for Observable Ophthalmic Deficiency Analysis.
  17. There is a massive difference between marketing and unregulated marketing. Not just in terms of the accountability for accuracy but also, in the case of marketing content posing as editorial, for the disclosure of its funding source and so by extension its impartiality. A very alarming trend from the UK Government over the past year is to "market" its message through newspaper's websites such as The Daily Mail with articles such as this one that support its position on an issue (in this case sending kids back to school) and on the face of it these would appear to be genuine news stories. Its been shared 271 times from this source alone - which would mean its exponential reach is many multiples of that by now- and I would be willing to bet that those sharing it or those having it shared to have either not noticed the small "Sponsored" tag or chosen not to care because it supports this position too. Now, I think its absolutely horrendous, though not surprising given the cast of characters, that the actual Government is using advertorial practices like this to push its messages. However, despite it being deeply unpalatable, it is nonetheless still subject to real enforceable regulation so the "Sponsored" tag has to appear on the link to the "story" and the funding source stated in the introduction to the piece itself. So, when YouTube videos are regulated in the same way and that regulation is as rigidly enforced as it would be with traditional media then we can talk about it being marketing in the same way but not until then, however well meaning and seemingly "transparent" some content providers are about it. If you put up some content on YouTube with copyrighted music then you'll know about it before its even finished processing because there is a direct financial interest involved in policing that and it can be automated. With, at the last time I checked, somewhere in the order of 400-500 hours of new content being uploaded to YouTube every minute there just isn't the technology or manpower available to interpret what is and isn't sponsored content so it relies on an honesty system from the creator and a policing system driven by users reporting it. Considering the whole aim of advertorial is to make an advert look exactly like editorial, then its not difficult to see how an unscrupulous creator could exploit the system and as the unwritten rule of advertorial is on some level to dupe the consumer of it why no viewers would have known it had happened and therefore report it. I don't think people have any problem whatsoever with watching content that has an ad break in it. The real problem is when people are unaware that they're watching an ad that has a content break in it.
  18. Olympus pro range of MFT lenses have it and some of the premium ones such as the 12mm f2.0 and 17mm f1.8.
  19. You'd have to ask Andrew as I only supplied a lens and some swearing to that video. Licensing is a real minefield, more often than not with different rights holders for the actual music and the particular recorded version of it you want to use and different rates depending on use type. YouTube do have some options to keep you legal and avoid takedowns on their platform so a guide like this is a good starting point. https://www.lifewire.com/legally-add-copyrighted-music-youtube-1616424
  20. I think that is just to address BM's v6.9.5 firmware killing the general compatibility with Viltrox rather than adding the focus stuff. V6.9.5 was a bit of a nightmare as it also killed Bluetooth operation of the cameras but BM have now released v6.9.6 yesterday to resolve it so maybe Viltrox will now have to patch their fix to back to what it was ! Be good if you or anyone else who has one could have a quick test of it though as I get a lot of enquries about what adapter to get for my focus controllers so it would be good to offer a lower cost option than the Metabones.
  21. One thing to bear in mind about the Viltrox adapters - unless they have upgraded their firmware recently ? - is that unlike the Metabones ones they don't support electronic focus control on the P4K. So, touch AF won't work for example and nor will any add on adapters that interface with the camera's focus control functions. Might not be relevant if you have no intention of using any sort of electronic focus control but worth bearing in mind if you do. If anyone does know if there have been any firmware updates from Viltrox recently to enable it though then please chime in about which models as I have a vested interest in knowing which ones they are !
  22. Though it was perhaps better known as Eating Trifles in most UK school dinner halls of the era.
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