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Everything posted by BTM_Pix

  1. You could likely do it on the one card and it would just lose the last recording on that one but if you try it with two first to just make sure it doesn't fuck the entire file table on the card.
  2. Yes, thats how we would envisage it working. We potentially have a mechanism to swap between them too so you could flip between regular six and custom six live. The handheld controller that is included with the AFX gives more potential for easier control of things like levels due to the thumbstick and the controller will be supported in the next PBC firmware update for PBC irrespective of if you have an AFX.
  3. Its what I would call "expected but annoying behaviour". There is a quirk with the HFR setting from the camera in that it doesn't provide frame rate it in its initial status until it you toggle it on the camera. As there is no specific function in the spec to indicate it is in HFR mode, we have to do it with a workaround. When we boot, the camera doesn't mention if it is in HFR mode and as we use the incoming frame rate value to do the workaround (to make sure you get the same ones back when you toggle it from the PBC) this is an issue. So what you need to do with the HFR then is to toggle it on the camera after the PBC is connected and then from that point on it will toggle properly from the PBC. Its a bit of a pain but its the only way to get the HFR to toggle remotely. There will be firmware updates for the PBC as they are needed to support new add ons such as the AFX and the mystery "other" AF adapter so other controls can be added. The audio functions are quite well supported in the API actually so adding a Phantom toggle, input type selector and levels wouldn't be an issue. If I don't run out of time before the AFX release then I'll certainly add them to that firmware update. The custom screen is under consideration anyway but might not make it into that one.
  4. If you have two cards, it might be worth testing recording clips on the first one until you get close to the limit then inserting the second and doing the battery pull while its recording to that one. If it resets the clock if its shut down in a disorderly way while recording as has been observed then you'll only have lost that recording and not your real ones from the first card. Ifit turns out that this sacrficial recording on the second card only needs to be for 30 seconds or whatever then that might be a viable practical workaround. On a £4K camera.
  5. Whoah..... Who had "It was the Japanese government" on their "Canon would never do this to us" bingo card ? Although I have to say that such a cartel may well have been behind the "Why the fuck do these manufacturers not put mic inputs on their compact cameras?" mystery.
  6. That moment when you are appreciating the recognition but then you, of course, remember that in no way whatsoever did you ever advocate this at all yourself but merely suggested that other people might advocate this but not you. It was definitely other people m'lud 😉
  7. "Silver haired click weasel" (C) Theoria Apophasis
  8. It depends on which is the least amount of face to lose, having to unlock it and admit they'd locked it or canning it altogether to avoid having to admit that. You'd think they'd just go with the numbers, take it on the chin, just fix it and carry on selling it but you just never know. Although having said that its not even entirely certain whether they would actually get much backlash. People will let a lot of things slide to get the features a fully unrestricted version of this camera would give them and of course, in the modern world, as long as they tough out the first few days of any backlash then by and large everyone forgets anyway. Everything that I targeted from the API in the testing app was based on that premise as both @Andrew Reid and I knew it was unlikely to be strictly temperature based but the subsequent chase down was necessary to prove it as definitively as its likely going to be proven outside of Canon. I still don't think that will stop everyone talking about the temperatures though 😉 Canon muddied those waters with their original limit list when describing a specific temperature which set off all sorts of tangents with different anecdotal reports from differing environments. All of that was a red herring but even "60 jpegs in a fridge" doesn't quell the "I used it to shoot 300 RAW files in 12fps burst mode whilst pouring molten lava on it and it didn't overheat" reports. So I think it will go on for a while, particularly in the vacuum that Canon have left for it to do so by not making any sort of comment whatsoever. I'm starting to think those people who have experienced all these outlying run times and unhindered performance with their R5s might actually have faulty ones 🙂
  9. So they've replaced the "Cripple Hammer" with the "Temporary Incapacitating Hammer" ? Its a possibility. Earlier on in this saga when the denial was high about the R5 I said we'd reached the "Pining for the fjords" stage of the Dead Parrot Sketch. I might have to revise that now and say we might only be at the "He's not dead...he's just stunned" stage 🙂
  10. About having to manually put all your settings in... Imagine if someone had already written an app that uses Canon's API for testing this overheating and that could also reset all those settings in one go when you haven't used the battery reset workaround that I certainly never advocated using?
  11. That is certainly in line with the sort of thing I'm not talking about. It's likely a smaller battery in the R5 so it would likely require a smaller version of what I'm sure we can all agree that I'm absolutely not talking about.
  12. I am absolutely not saying that someone who had an R5 could use a good old fashioned CR2032 battery eliminator in the camera then bring it out through the camera enabling them to provide a switchable power source to it to effectively remove/re-insert it without taking the camera apart each time they want to reset the recovery time. I'm absolutely not saying that. Someone else might say that. But, just to be clear, I'm not saying that at all, OK?
  13. Remember this ? So, again, I find myself thinking that tonight's tweet is a very funny way to spell "Boy we were wrong about this and our sincerest apologies to Andrew for trying to incite you all to pour scorn on him when he raised this on day one". Shameless.
  14. There will be a development announcement of it before the pre-order begins for the AFX so people can see which one of them - if any - will be more suitable for their use. Price and lead time is the benefit of the AFX as for some people the combination of additional focus tools it brings to the Pocket cameras might actually be all that they need and the second unit will be a couple of months behind. It is very, very different and whilst it is initially for the Pocket cameras it is a more universal product. As I say, both will be known before any pre-orders happen for the AFX so it will be easier to evaluate for individuals then before any commitments are made.
  15. Unless the shooter follows the subject then, no, only in the central zone. As I've mentioned further up, this is one of two AF units we will be releasing and the other one will be more suited to what you need, albeit at a much higher price point.
  16. If you are in AF-C mode it will follow whatever is in the central zone. If you watch the first video, the clip with the SpiderCal focus chart is maintaining focus on it as it approaches the camera.
  17. A (very) brief example video showing the difference between the AF speed and behaviour when using the Pocket4K's own integral AF functionality versus using the AFX in AF-S mode. No hunting required.
  18. I imagine at this point that he's relieved to be running any test that doesn't involve a thermometer, a fridge or an oven.
  19. You might want to have a look at the Expodisc. Pops onto your lens to get 18% grey for white balance but you can then also use it as an incident light meter too. They have videos on their YouTube channel showing how to use it for WB and ones like this about using it to meter
  20. Thanks. The AFX is a multi-client BLE server in its own right so it can report the distance simultaneously to other units aside from the PBC. So there can be an option for an additional display only unit (or have the PBC in that mode if you don't want to use it to monitor camera settings) or it can be used with an app to enable you to use your own preferred display size.
  21. Thanks Yes but it has a spread so it depends on distance to subject. Again, depending on subject distance and the focal length and aperture, you can grab focus using AF-S by aiming the camera (or turning the unit if you prefer) to the subject at the edge of frame and there should be enough latitude for it to be in focus. It is all situational though so, in general, it should be considered centre zone only with the additional option to grab and lock focus of an edge subject or use the thumbstick to manually tune focus. Its a set of additional tools rather than the magic bullet but as I've mentioned there are actually two AF units coming and the second one is very different both in terms of functionality and certainly in price.
  22. Agreed. Its got more more than a whiff of this about it. Particularly the having to take refuge in a fridge aspect.
  23. Ah, OK. If that is the question then, aside from the thumbstick on the handheld controller, the answer is currently no. However, the Moza iFocus hand wheel is a slightly cheaper option than the Tilta so if we get hold of one then we'd likely look at incorporating it.
  24. Thinking about it, I'd go as far as to say that he's talking in such cautionary terms about the video features as though he were describing them as being some sort of "use at your own risk" modification like Magic Lantern rather than an actual finished, manufactured, retail product from a world leading brand. It is utterly, utterly weird.
  25. I like ProAV as a company to buy from and their videos about products are hype free and informative. However, I think that video is a misstep by them and there are some presumptions in there from them about how you could use it that won't leave them with a leg to stand on when people want to return them. I'm utterly baffled why they would make a video about something with that many caveats in it without closing with "and of course we won't be taking any orders for these until all of these issues are at the very least clarified by Canon".
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