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Everything posted by BTM_Pix

  1. They fixed the link . You have to register here https://www.atomos.com/firmware/ninja-v#PRBsigmafpFB
  2. In good news for owners of cameras that don't cause internet rage wars, Atomos have announced v10.53 pre-release Beta version for ProResRAW on the Sigma fp and Fuji GFX100. Slight snag is the link in their tweet just goes to the usual Ninja V firmware download page where the new firmware or a sign up option to apply for it is nowhere to be seen ! I'm sure they'll sort it out though. If I ever get round to using a camera again for actually making images with rather than testing a product with it then I'll be really looking forward to trying this with the fp.
  3. No it doesn't. It reads the temperature status from the API. This is an entirely different thing to the temperature as a value, which is being read from the EXIF in the exposed image. The temperature status is the camera's own interpretation of its internal temperature with relation to what restrictions it will apply to camera operations. When this is "normal" everything is, well, "normal" and the camera is reporting that there is no cause for alarm or any restrictions. It then goes through an escalation process of different inhibitors including, amongst other things, restricting fps, reducing image quality and prohibiting recording. There is no interpretation other than by Canon of that status as it is being reported through the API. The temperature in the exif is being used as a comparative indicator of what the actual internal temperature (or one of them) is and provides a visual reference (as it is pointed at the screen of the app) to cross reference which inhibitors are activated and deactivated as time progresses. The rate at which the camera is commanded to take an image is variable so I'd probably stay tuned for a few more tests at different rates.
  4. My wife hates opera so I make her happy by not taking her. Then I use the savings made on the tickets to buy more lenses.
  5. Don't know what happened there but I couldn't put this in the proper reply.
  6. I think the E2 is likely the best option to be honest as it ticks the boxes for being compact, doing 4K60p and being easily synchronised. The Master/Slave modes will take care of the sync-start and synchronisation You would need to absolutely double check with them but this should then mean that their Android/iOS phone app can be attached to the master (front camera for example) to give you monitoring and pressing record on that screen will start the recording on the front and rear cameras. Again, you'd need to absolutely confirm it with them but you should also be able to use another Android/iOS device on the rear camera and have them back to back if needed. As it can run on Android it won't cost a fortune to have two devices if you want to set it up like that.
  7. Well my ATEM Mini Pro ISO has shown up already. I know the clue is in the name about its size but it really is very, very compact. Major hassle is I need to change its IP address so I'm having to do a 1.4gig download to get their software. And then upgrade the OS on my Mac to be able to install it. I really don't understand why a device with 60+ hardware buttons and an output screen shouldn't be able to fashion a menu system to be able to do this directly. I get that no one wants a menu screen being brought up accidentally during a broadcast but it wouldn't have been beyond the bounds of possibility to do this as a startup option by holding down two or three specific keys on power up. Mind you, that would also have highlighted the niggle of not having a power on/off switch. Oh well, at least it doesn't overheat.
  8. I've got a bit of an old fashioned view on this which is that instead of everyone else running round like blue arsed flies that perhaps Canon themselves might want to have a go at it themselves.
  9. OK but after you've finished doing your 9 1/2 weeks remake perhaps you could do some more testing of the R5.
  10. There is also a relative relationship between the exif data temperature and the inhibitor triggers that are read from the internal temperature status monitor object. When the temperature goes up in the exif files the inhibitions increase in the camera. When the temperature comes down so do the inhibitions. Its like an inverse of a beach holiday to Magaluf.
  11. Without pre-empting the next blog post too much, it is fair to say that we have noted some curiosities between the internal temperature status monitoring from the camera and the removal of recording inhibitors that have been previously triggered. It is unusual but also quite frustrating from a testing perspective to get it back to a clean state for each iteration.
  12. BTM_Pix

    Panasonic GH6

    It can in my imagination but clearly that doesn't chime with the actual facts ! I've no idea how I've got it into my head that it was shallower. In my defence I was primarily thinking of chips at the time.
  13. These people you mean ? They can get to fuck over this to be honest after dismissing this issue out of hand and instigating that Twitter pile on when @Andrew Reid raised it. After that, any "article" they write about this should always open with "As pointed out by EOSHD but completely ridiculed by us because it was ruining our launch bliss and for which we now unreservedly apologise..." Maybe you just need to throw those ice cubes away and be more positive and it will go away @Andrew Reid
  14. The Mac Pro actually contains components made by a dozen different US companies so it is a different situation to the REDMAGs. It also benefits from this somewhat opaque dispensation from the US government which allows it to satisfy the "Made In The USA" criteria. "The US manufacturing of Mac Pro is made possible following a federal product exclusion Apple is receiving for certain necessary components. " https://www.apple.com/newsroom/2019/09/apples-new-mac-pro-to-be-made-in-texas/
  15. Apple are also very protective of that trademark due in part to the the nigh on 30 year series of legal disputes they had with Apple Corps (aka The Beatles) over the right to use it in the first place which eventually ended up with them paying a reported half a billion dollars to the loveable mop tops. Not before Apple had flouted previous agreements through that period though. The eventual settlement led to a fantastically awkward moment for BBC News when they invited an expert on to their live broadcast to give his insight into the case. He shared the same name as the expert, Guy, and arrived at the BBC at the appointed hour for an interview. Except it was for an interview for a job in the IT department.
  16. If you look at their posting history its the same pattern all the time. Ask a question, get a reply, then they modify their original post so it has a link in it and/or reply to themselves including the link. The numeric user name is always a clue as well, as it is on social media although in this case they haven't even bothered putting a real christian name in front of it as they usually would on there. As is reviving two year old zombie threads about headphones which I see has just happened as well..... The problem becomes when they build up a history of posts that seem legit on the surface as people can be suckered by the veneer of credibility. Fortunately they don't usually last that long on here after the ridiculous long con that happened a few years ago by Ebrahim Saadawi has put people on their guard.
  17. So he can hide spam links in his bio and the subsequent follow up posts he does. I'm pretty sure I know his brother 117273led8 from twitter 🙂
  18. Again, like the R5 three, get to fuck with lifting stuff off Reddit so you can hide your spam in it.
  19. Get to fuck with lifting stuff off Reddit so you can hide your spam in it.
  20. I'd be very confused in the David v Goliath hot dog analogy if the vendor had one of these carts.
  21. BTM_Pix

    Panasonic GH6

    That was where I was going with it, that there might not actually be a GH6 and that the new "highest end without being a full frame" hybrid will actually be the bottom of the S range rather than the highest of the MFT range. A camera that would act as a gateway drug into the L mount full frame range that you can adapt your existing MFT lenses to would be more useful to Panasonic than trying to squeeze the last pips out of MFT for a new flagship GH. EDIT > THIS FALLS APART WHEN FACTS ARE INTRODUCED REGARDING FLANGE DISTANCE
  22. BTM_Pix

    Panasonic GH6

    I was only fabricating a post to shoehorn a callback to the chips really but you never know, the GH6 might be L mount with an electronic MFT adapter so you could adapt M mounts, or use the new Sigma APS-C L mounts or your existing MFT lenses. Is there an unbreakable GH rule that says it can't be APS-C and L mount ? It could use different portions of the sensor for each option so you could have thrice cropped clips. I'll get my coat.
  23. BTM_Pix

    Panasonic GH6

    Sorry to have derailed a camera thread so badly. Back on topic.... When the GH6 does finally come out, people will inevitably be looking for quirky vintage lenses to adapt to it. If you find yourself in Berlin, I've found the Sunday flea market at Mauerpark to be a bit of a treasure trove. While you are there, go to the food part where there is a truck selling what are hands down the best thrice cooked chips you'll find anywhere.
  24. To be fair to the R5, I had somewhat fucked up the code for connecting to it in the first version of the app he was poking it with so it was waiting for that connection for a while !
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