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Everything posted by BTM_Pix

  1. BTM_Pix

    Panasonic GH6

    For our American readers, this is what I mean by pie and chips. The type you're thinking of would be cake and crips. Which is equally popular with me obviously.
  2. I'm thinking about the sort of test that you might consider to satisfy this objective that you described in the post. "If we make a film and someone watches it and can't tell if you used an Alexa or not then it's job well done. The fact they might be able to tell between your camera and an Alexa in a side-by-side test is irrelevant when they're watching your film." I honestly think that the only two options that are required as responses in that context would be : I don't care what it was shot on, I like it. I don't care what it was shot on, I don't like it. You might possibly learn more about the cameras themselves with the greater granularity of answers but you'll learn far more about the reaction to what you are doing with them with only those two options. There's nothing to say you can't do both but I would give serious consideration to doing this simpler subjective test first and then use the more elaborate optioned answer version to make it more objective for whatever it is you want to find out about the cameras.
  3. BTM_Pix

    Panasonic GH6

    I got frustrated that I skipped the Alpha and Beta test phase and went straight to extensive amounts of Pi testing. With chips.
  4. No, it is still MIA with the fP update. They had some issues with the S1H originally so I'm guessing that put the whole queue back but now that is out there might be some movement.
  5. If you mean has anyone ever been prosecuted for falsely claiming their goods were made in the USA then the answer is most definitely yes. This whole can of worms - or can of overseas made components in this case - has been opened by using the "proprietary" and "made in the USA" angle as a way to attack Jinnitech for counterfeiting and making low grade products with low spec components that will fail in the field etc. In this case, the kettle has quite rightly pointed out the very dark shade of grey of the pot itself when it comes to the components. The relevance of the "$50 limited warranty" in the last video by the way also speaks to the fact that if the costly "proprietary" and "made in the USA" mags fail, chew your data and write off a day of shooting then you actually have no more recourse (and actually less depending on the country of sale) than you would with 3rd party ones.
  6. Ricoh did a modular system called the GXR over a decade ago where you could swap out lenses with integrated sensors or have a fixed sensor with interchangeable lenses and of course a shoe mounted EVF. The mad bastards.
  7. Whilst the latest instalment was largely focused on the administrative aspects and an implied interpretation of them, I think its worth remembering how this all started and what caused Jinnitech to go down this rabbit hole in the first place. This is one of my own "Made In USA" 128g REDMAGs. According to the Federal Trade Commission, for a product to qualify as "Made In USA" .... "The product should contain no — or negligible — foreign content." https://www.ftc.gov/tips-advice/business-center/guidance/complying-made-usa-standard That Toshiba SSD being made in the Philippines and it representing far more than a "negligible" part of the product clearly suggests that it disqualifies it from being able to use that claim. And thats before we get to the issue of the modern MiniMAGs having misleading definition of their actual capacity. Everything else that has flowed or been explored about RED in the subsequent videos has stemmed from the revelations about the drives. So, amongst the rest of it, don't lose sight of the fact that in the short term at least, the drives are the real story here because contravening the FTC regulations is actionable and the Lanham Act gives individuals and companies the right to sue anyone making such a false claim if they have been impacted by it. How RED have conducted themselves regarding patents and corporate structures and so on are one thing but if anyone can explain why the use of "Made In USA" isn't anything but deceptive then I'm all ears. Also, if any of you have your own opened REDMAGs that you can show pictures of to demonstrate that a claim of "Made In USA" is viable for your one then, of course, I'm all eyes.
  8. Its referenced by someone else in the comments too so I'd rather keep the name and details off here. Its the internet after all so someone else could have been making the comments under a user name that was purporting to be the person in question but may not have been. The name of the person who it may or may not have actually been would be what you would do if I told you to make sure the Netherlands wasn't empty.
  9. A curious thing that happened in the comments under the YouTube video last night was that someone mentioned in commented to refute what was said about him and threw in a couple of additional remarks. Wish I'd taken a screenshot because lo and behold the person in question has subsequently deleted the comment.
  10. Bride : Did you have any prior warning that it might be prone to overheating and not being able to record for more than a few minutes ? Film maker : Absolutely not, no. The Internet:
  11. The new designed for mirrorless versions do at least have a couple of advantages over the old ones.
  12. BTM_Pix

    Panasonic GH6

    We need to get past the "why won't this fucking thing compile" stage yet.
  13. I don't entirely disagree that there may be some major discrepancy between "possible" and "probable" in this case but I'm conscious of the potential problems stating something like that definitively here can bring to @Andrew Reid personally as the host of the site. If you asked me in person though ....
  14. If you don't mind a bit of DIY, you can knock together an effective remote yourself for £20. Its four channels so you could control Aperture/ISO/WB/Focus with it for example.
  15. If we equate the R5 to the Dead Parrot sketch from Monty Python, then we're roughly at the " it's pining for the fjords" stage at this point.
  16. I think the love that dare not speak its name regarding a genuine hybrid is that we won't get there until we have cameras with internal variable NDs. The fact that in the vast majority of lighting situations you need an amount of ND to make the video exposure and none to do the still exposure in the same light is something that needs to be addressed before we can say we've achieved it. Obviously, I'm aware that some people will leave a level of ND on that would give them a compromise shutter speed of say 1/100th or 1/250th for both so that they could have a bearable speed for stills and a bearable degree of crossing of the 180 degree rule for video but it will only ever be a compromise. From my point of view, particularly with variable NDs, if it doesn't genuinely need to be on for the correct stills exposure then I wouldn't really want the side effects of colour casts if I could help it. Because of this I'd say the only "real" hybrid I've got in my camera collection is the lowly Panasonic FZ2000 because it has an internal 2-6 stop ND filter (as well as "clear") which is operated by a physical selector switch, meaning that even in bright sunlight it can be switched from a "real" stills camera to a "real" video camera instantly. Everything else I've got is a stills camera that can shoot video or a video camera that can shoot stills but not without what I would technically refer to as "some dicking about". Canon kind of maybe sort of offer this with the R cameras with that ND adapter but it does limit you to using EF lenses and does mean that if you wanted no ND you'd have to pop the clear filter in. Sony are the ones who could do it of course but while they are stuck in that A7 form factor they've got no space or inclination to do it.
  17. There are numerous non-suspicious reasons for a company to alter its composition or even where it is domiciled so I don't think in and of itself its definitive. For example RED Europe is a UK company but I'm guessing that they, like myself and many others, will be creating a new corporation in one of the EU27 countries in preparation for doing business in Europe post Brexit. The significance in this case, if indeed there is any, may lie with a lawsuit against the "old" company involving named parties who were on the list of officers of that company but are not on the list of officers of the "new" company. Like I say, there may be numerous perfectly straightforward reasons for that which are completely unrelated to any legal action. Or, there may not. And I'll guess we'll see in December if a specific allegation is made and proven about why that is. Personally speaking, I found the patent stuff to be potentially more curious.
  18. Well it doesn't fully meet the needs or wants of the eleven of us either 😉 For me personally, if I can then add those missing things then I'm OK with that because the moral of the tale of the last however many years with hybrids is that the only perfect camera is actually two cameras. I can add the missing pieces of stabilisation and screen myself so I'm more inclined to look at what I couldn't add myself which in this case is a full frame sensor, smallest possible size, heat management, the shallowest possible mount and 12bit uncompressed RAW. Its that baseline of the fP that is the most important to me.
  19. RED's license agreement for the camera makes you agree that all of its software is used at your own risk and that they do not guarantee it does anything at all in terms of functionality. If you then try to go after them for any consequential damages for the impact of it not having not done something (i.e. anything from not working or corrupting data on its media) then you will have agreed by accepting the license that the maximum amount of compensation will be $50. The claim is that this puts it in violation of the USA's Universal Commercial Code as this makes the contract "Unconscionable" as it represents "Unequal Bargaining Power" and "Limiting Warranty". The opening of the floodgates for claims against RED for damages over losses sustained by malfunctioning cameras by those contracts being declared null and void would be the implication but that remains to be seen. Similarly there is a clause on the sensor upgrade programme where if RED (and RED alone) determined your camera was not in good condition they could charge you the whole value of the new camera for the upgrade and only give you $1 compensation for your camera. I'm guessing there are a lot more cases involving the $50 one than the $1 one but you never know. The meat of the rest of it was about potential chicanery over morphing corporate structures that might be taken to imply that RED is in preparation for shielding the "new" company from lawsuits that may occur from the previous revelations about the "old" company. Oops, I wish I'd read it before typing mine as it would have saved me some time !
  20. It was a comment about the cooling system of the camera so I wasn't actually advocating it as an alternative for anyone let alone everyone as people's needs are different. If 4K60 is an absolute requirement for you then that is game over when it comes to the fP, although I wouldn't rule anything out with Sigma when it comes to firmware updates as it already does 12bit RAW at 100fps in HD mode in Full Frame so they would be able to do 4K60 in its APS-C mode which would then exceed the GH5's smaller sensor and of course would be 12bit RAW rather than 8 bit 4:2:0. With regard to the size of it, it can be built up to whatever size is needed so, for some people such as myself, that is an advantage as you can't make a bigger camera smaller. As for L mount, again, its not a particular disadvantage because there are electronic adapters for EF mount and as it is one of the shallowest mounts you can get then it can be adapted to take even more lenses than the MFT mount (such as Leica M lenses) and obviously consequentially more than EF mount cameras where the particular achilles heal is its inability to take most PL mount lenses. So, its not for everyone, but for anyone that does need a modular full frame camera that can mount any lens you care to mention on it, shoots 12bit RAW to sub £100 media, can shoot BRAW externally, is less than half the price of the two cameras du jour on here and doesn't overheat, I'd give it a cautious recommendation to be on their shortlist. The lack of a tilting screen or EVF is wank though.
  21. Ah but all 10 of us are trotting around in the bright sunshine shooting internal RAW without oven mitts, ice cubes, fans, thermometers and stopwatches. So, swings and roundabouts 😉
  22. Jerry, Jerry, Jerry... Why are you still not including a link to the software you have shilled in 100% of your posts on here? It so amateur. Or Spamateur in your case.
  23. BTM_Pix

    Panasonic GH6

    Considering pre-orders are supposed to open on September 1st, FAF would currently stand for Fucking August Already?!?
  24. The two empty SDRAM slots that I've highlighted here on this teardown of the ATEM Mini Pro are likely to at least be part of the answer to what they've added to the Mini Pro ISO.
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