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Everything posted by BTM_Pix

  1. It will but as you have EF lenses as well, you would likely be better off buying an EF>Fuji X adapter and then using an F>EF adapter between them when you want to use the Nikon lenses. The F>EF adapters are thin so you shouldn't get any play like you would from stacking other adapters. Doing it this way saves you money obviously in not having to buy two adapters but also not having to carry them. For a little bit more than the price of that Kipon adapter you should be able to pick up a smart EF>Fuji X reducer such as the Viltrox EF-FX2 which will give you the speedboost functionality for both lens types but will also mean that you will be able to benefit from Auto Focus when your Canon lenses are attached to it.
  2. Thats not been my experience at all to be honest. I've no idea why someone would need a receiver when the Android device itself is the receiver, although I could maybe see why someone would need an additional wifi router in the middle for extra range or to act as a form of signal conditioning. There was an initial issue regarding decoding on some Samsung phones (of which mine was one) but this was solved with a new app. This is where they did themselves no favours as it is referenced in the Play store but has to be downloaded from their website. This is the problem with creating for Android as not only are there a wealth of different target devices but because the OS is "tinkerable" even the same ones can be in vastly different states depending on what the owner has been up to. This makes a tech support minefield, which is why Sony, Panasonic et al stay away from making one. I think for the facilities it offers, picking up a cheap few gen old used iOS device to run it on still makes it a good value if people are wary of using it with Android.
  3. By the way, I didn't go for officially supporting that type of HDMI>USB dongle in the app in the end due to the prospect of people trying to use it on so many different Android devices that it would become a tech support nightmare due to UVC compatibility. The better all round solution IMO for Android is to spend the money on the CineEye so you can use it as it is here with the Tilta support in 3C for completely wireless control and monitoring of the camera. The CineEye app has all of the monitoring controls you need built in and is extremely low latency. It remains a bit of a mystery to me why it isn't more popular, particularly as it offers things like false colour which few cameras do and also breaks away from having to use the manufacturer's often flaky or restrictive apps for remote monitoring.
  4. One thing to be cautious of is if the particular Android device you are using it with has UVC drivers as not all of them do. With regard to performance, I have used a similar one for about 12 months or so to give a live view function to my 3C Blackmagic Pocket4K app and it was OK to provide a reference and the lag wasn't too bad. Within that expectation of it not being a Ninja V killer etc it is still very useful with something like the Pocket4K which can have its monitoring tools such as false colour etc applied to the HDMI output as obviously the very simple apps that have to be used for viewing on the phone do not have them. Being able to add a high brightness, tiltable screen to the Pocket4K, even if there is a lag and a resolution hit, is a real boon, especially for outdoor shooting, and particularly for so little money, footprint and power requirements. The one I have been using is much bigger, not to mention more expensive, than this so I I'll order one of these smaller one and see how it fairs against that and if there is any additional lag etc. As I say, these are not going to replace a real monitor but within the parameters they do operate they can still be very useful indeed. I'll let you know.
  5. I've now completed the inaugural Sunday "Name That Film Title" picture quiz. What do I win ?
  6. Yeah, the absence of the ubiquitous SquareSpace intermission is also a big bonus !
  7. I've been watching a bit of his stuff lately myself and I really enjoy the fact that although he has a ton of gear he also has a fun DIY sensibility. HIs contraption for vlog lighting (complete with forward facing camera and monitor so he can do walk and talks with it !) was a typical example and actually yielded some impressive, if slightly impractical, results. And his "My Camera Gear For Travelling Europe" video is an essential reference to be used in mitigation when your other half says you're packing too many lenses on your holiday !
  8. Camcorders when they found out they were invited to a heat test 110f in Las Vegas according to the description.
  9. Well, the current Ursa Mini Pro can already be driven by the PBC so this one will be no different as it also has BLE with the same protocol. Which means that as a consequence the two AF system add ons will also be able to work with it, with the PBC controlling all the other functions such as ISO/WB etc remotely too if required. If people use the EF mount, then the focus can be driven electronically but PL mount would obviously require motors.
  10. With the amount of punching in this camera allows, all cats can be big cats!
  11. The announcement ones tend to, certainly. The A7Siii one at the end of the month will likely spontaneously combust before the end of the first slide in the presentation.
  12. When he showed that first clip in 4K, then pulled out to 6K, then 8K and then 12K ... I was like "OK Grant, thats plenty now"
  13. Its likely to be anxiety, I used to get it from time to time. I imagine some people at other camera companies have shoulders that have spasmed so hard they are having to retrieve them from the ceiling round about now though.
  14. Life comes at you fast doesn't it ? "No one needs 8K" lasted about a week before being dethroned by "No one needs 12K" 🙂
  15. People are going to need a bitcoin scam to be able to buy all the cameras announced this month.
  16. Its officially happening then.....
  17. Of course its worth remembering that in Manchester, Toneh is taken so seriously that the potential issue caused by there being too much Toneh almost stalled the launch of the club night that spawned the city's most important record label.
  18. I think the important thing is that the heat issue is out there now but also that its present performance should be considered the worst case scenario. Canon may be able to improve it before launch or may be able to improve it during its life cycle. Third parties may come up with mitigating options. User's may find workarounds. But if none of that happens and this is as good as it gets on the heat issue then it will still be a hell of a camera for an awful lot of people and the decision to buy one or not is now far more informed than it was a week ago. For everyone else, it is just better to sit and observe what the next few months brings when real buyers are using real models with real finalised firmware on them and uses them in different climates. Its arguable that no one really needs 8K today so even if you have to wait those few months to see how it pans out then you've not lost anything really. And will likely save yourself a few quid into the bargain.
  19. Hang on, are you referring to my comment here ???
  20. They'll be releasing the Pocket16K before I finally get that fucker out.
  21. Way beyond sneaking now. Funnily enough, in Manchester, Toneh is exactly how his name is pronounced so mein host was calling him that long before it was fashionable.
  22. And call it "Liar, Liar, Your Camera's On Fire"
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