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Everything posted by BTM_Pix

  1. No idea, I've been pimping them on here for years !
  2. Yes, the files remain on the card until you delete them.
  3. Yeah, I had a couple of EyeFi cards of different generations and when they worked they were pretty good, if a little slow, but they just weren't reliable enough. Not just the range or interference either but they would often just refuse to work at all. The FlashAir cards are in a different league but mud sticks and the EyeFi cards did the concept of the wifi card absolutely no favours whatsoever.
  4. Yeah, it just shows up as its own network and the phone will auto connect when it detects it again. There is absolutely zero titting about ! There are a bunch of ways you can set it up with scripts to do things so you don't necessarily need to use the app. I used them in the D500 and D810 when shooting games to auto ftp images straight out of the camera to the agency site for someone else to live remote edit. I had the same facility in the D3/D4 cameras via the expensive bolt on transmitters but the only one that worked with the D500 and D810 is the £1000 WT-7 so this was a far more budget alternative !
  5. That is conceptually (minus the Bluetooth) how the FlashAir card works. You switch the camera on, it creates a wifi network which your phone automatically attaches to (or it can connect to your phone if preferred), you take the shots , it transfers them to the phone automatically in the background and they appear on the phone in a folder exactly as if they were taken with the phone. The big upside against all of the native wifi transfer functions built into cameras is that you can carry on shooting while its transferring previous files and that gives the same workflow as the pro Nikon and Canon DSLRs with their dedicated, and expensive, add on network modules. The other big upside is that it works the same on every camera you put it in so you don't have to wrestle with different interfaces on the cameras and a bunch of different apps on the phone for each camera type you are using. In terms of transfer speed, as an example, it gets a 7.5mb jpeg from my fp onto my phone and ready to be edited or shared on social media or whatever about 5 seconds after pressing the shutter with RAWs obviously taking proportionately longer. As its all done automatically and hands-free then it is integrated enough and fast enough for my needs to be as seamless as having the phone built into the camera or the camera built into the phone, whichever way round you want to look at it ! The restriction for some, though. may come in terms of the card read/write speed itself which is 90/70MB/s. Its plenty for stills of course and a lot of flavours of video as well but might not cut it for some formats.
  6. For the billionth time on here, I'm going to pimp the Toshiba FlashAir SD cards as the solution for the travelling/photo sharing situation. It can be wirelessly transferring images in the background to your mobile device while you carry on shooting and even FTPing them into the cloud using the phone's internet connection. It also supports scripts to do all manner of custom functions and means you aren't relying on going into the menu of the camera and doing the often masonic rituals of setting up transfers. Of course for cameras like the Sigma fp which doesn't have any wifi link, it also provides them with that functionality. If thats not enough, it also has probably the most bizarre advert you've ever seen for an SD card.
  7. For a two line post about the possible, albeit impressive, spec of the EVF of an as yet unannounced camera, the sheer quantity and absolute earnestness of the comments that have been generated underneath it is mind blowing. People are fucking insane.
  8. Just a note that I managed to get hold of the BTA-1 bluetooth adapter and it works well with the app. It could be cheaper but its very good for monitoring levels and general hands off control of the H3-VR. I don't have anything else that uses the UltraSync BLUE timecode system so can't comment on that aspect of it.
  9. Fujifilm have certainly brought the goods with this new firmware update even outside of the ProResRAW feature and I'm quite intrigued by the grain effect . https://fujifilm-x.com/es-es/support/download/firmware/cameras/gfx100/ I'm guessing that @Andrew Reid is currently exiting some shop somewhere with a Ninja V under his arm to give this a go ! Although, as with the update announced for the Sigma fp, I do wonder when Atomos will actually release their firmware to allow this to be used.
  10. Not exactly the same thing but a shoutout to the lesser spotted CR-41 remote for the fp which lets you do remote shutter/start/stop through the mic input port whilst still letting you plug a mic in as well. Its very useful for handheld stuff in RAW particularly as you aren't wasting card space with that second or so of the camera settling after you press the record button.
  11. I hope their pizzas don't come out as half baked as their camera did.
  12. Back again with this spamming even after you were collared doing it last time ? Really ? On the off chance you are not spamming then have the courtesy to respond to the people who made the effort to reply to your first thread before starting a new one.
  13. Its not as good as the camera supporting it directly of course but as a workaround, a batch exif editor such as this one will let you insert your own data on the files after shooting. https://www.exifedit.com/for-mac/
  14. I hear they are planning to use the brand awareness to market bespoke package tours to visit large mountains in Greece.
  15. To be fair, that might have been the mice that had obviously been living in your one before it arrived.
  16. Well if JIP are in fact a bunch of cowboys then they couldn't have a more aptly named President & CEO.
  17. Map now has prices for the 3 small primes that were announced and they are more or less the same as they are in other mounts.
  18. I shall certainly be scrutinising that SDK when it comes out next week.
  19. To be fair, I think the Pocket thing was two fold really. Obviously the physical one of you needing the proverbial clown's pocket to fit it in. The other was more philosophical about the contrast to the original. A bit like both of these cars being a Fiat500
  20. From a quick test on mine yesterday, I'd say the answers to your questions are "subtle, if at all" and "not even remotely close". I love this camera but the AF is never going to give the likes of Canon or Sony any sleepless nights but AF is less important to me with the fp so I turn a blind eye to it. Which, coincidentally, what the camera itself appears to do when trying to use face detect mode !
  21. As @IronFilm says, A format will give you the most flexibility as it is a raw recording of each of the four capsules and the Zoom Ambisonics Player app can then convert that to B format (or to stereo, binaural and 5.1 too) for you to then drop in to your editing system. The B format encoder that is built in to the H3VR will save you the step of having to run it through the Ambisonics Player app, something which, due to app not having a batch process capability, can become quite tedious and time consuming if you have a lot of clips. Because I am inherently a lazy bugger, thats why I record on the H3VR in B format to avoid the extra steps and use its internal down mix feature to record a live binaural feed into the camera as often the latter is all I need but can still have the option to tweak it using the B format files during the edit if I need to.
  22. Another one they need to make really is an EVF with in built recorder, something which is much more viable now with the tiny SSDs. Having it in an EVF format would add so much value to a lot of cameras, particularly fixed screen ones like the fp and Pocket4K/6K. In an ideal world, RED would license R3D directly to camera manufacturers to stop the hoop jumping and I'd presumed their link up with Canon over the KOMODO was going to do just that with the R5 but as far as I understand that isn't the case.
  23. Maybe one day Atomos will take the hint about doing a 4K Ninja Star. Of course with the fp being able to record to an external SSD itself you would imagine it might be unecessary to use a full on external system anyway but I'm guessing this might be the only way to currently deal with RED's patent.
  24. Blimey. Thats not just a v2 of the firmware its more or less v2 of the whole camera. A certain someone's YouTube video hasn't aged well has it @Andrew Reid ?
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