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Everything posted by BTM_Pix

  1. Well, inspired by your post, I thought I might sort out a setup today. Nowhere on the same level as your ones but here is my very compact L mount full frame RAW anamorphic setup. Taking lens is the Sigma 45mm and the (currently) less than ideal anamorphic element is provided courtesy of a pretty fucked SLR Magic Anamorphot-40 1.33x Compact. I got the Anamorphot-40 very cheap used about 18 months ago and it literally fell apart like a clown car the second time I tried to use it and as you can see it hasn't fully been re-constructed as yet ! Obviously, when picking up the separate parts of it I managed to get barrel grease all over the elements (front and back of both of them no less) so it needs a proper clean as well as a few more screws. I think I might persevere with that though as I think it will be worth the effort as even in its current smeary condition its got some promise from the couple of quick tests I did.
  2. The beauty of this though is that because this combo is £12K you can lust all you want over the next combo but you'll be too skint to afford it A sub 3x zoom doesn't bother me though to be honest. None of the high end zooms I used for work (14-24,24-70,70-200,120-300,200-400 and 300-800) are 3x or above and I could live with this as I did with them as a "this lens plus one prime" kit with the additional one being a wide or long some distance focal length wise from the range that the zoom covered. Its obviously not going to cut it range wise as an ENG lens of course but then, to be fair, neither is the camera its going to be mounted to. Its a pity that the 1.4x TC isn't compatible with the 45-100 as having that in my pocket would cover a multitude of sins as well because when you are £12K in whats the difference in another £800 between friends
  3. Yeah, the external ND thing is a lot less of a pain in the arse if you just have a single zoom like that and can just leave it on without titting about with different sizes and step up/down rings. I didn't realise that Fuji have just released that GF45-100mm f4 OIS though so ignore everything I said about the FZ2000 and buy that for your GFX100 instead. That combo is definitely a contender for "and then turn the internet off" status
  4. BTM_Pix


    I'm presuming you are looking at the Leitax adapters ? I've never installed them myself and it looks straightforward enough but I think the path of least resistance (or prospect of damage!) would be to enquire with a camera repair place like Sendeans and ask them if they can quote to install the Leitax adapters for you if you source them. https://www.sendeancameras.co.uk/free-estimates Other places to consider would be ApertureUK and Fixation.
  5. Maybe get yourself a cheap 2nd hand Panasonic FZ2000. Its got everything needed Big lens range with OIS Internal NDs VLOG Flip out articulating screen Decent battery life Decent codec Then just restrict yourself to using that and only that for a month or whatever. The restriction will probably get you going again creatively as it takes the "what if?" factor out of the equation and at the end of the month you'll have likely gained a clear set of requirements of what it is you actually need and can then put those packages together out of what you've got. Seems counter intuitive to buy another camera to stop you buying more cameras but spending £500 on that one will get you closer to enlightenment than buying another lens ! Then when you're done with it, it'll make the perfect camera for your upcoming series of YouTube rants
  6. BTM_Pix

    RED Komodo

    Ah right. Blimey.
  7. BTM_Pix

    RED Komodo

    Stormtrooper price ? At the risk of sounding like this guy, what on earth is a stormtrooper price ?
  8. I very nearly bought the Leica housed version of it but then came across the Minolta one for under £30 if I remember rightly. Using it here with the Leica T and its a very nice compact setup.
  9. Many moons ago I had a pair of these Olympus Eye Trek video glasses and they were OK actually. Would work in this context if you converted to composite video and are very cheap on eBay !
  10. In all honesty, I think you are opening up yourself to a world of clunky lashing stuff together ugliness trying to do this. I'm not going to recommend any specific monitors etc but here is one example way to do it by basing it on the sort of 3.5inch monitor used for reversing cameras in cars. This will take in power and composite video and you'll then need one of these extension cables that carries both. This then connects to an HDMI to composite converter like this Then you will have to run power to the converter and also of course up to the monitor. The converter can run directly off USB so a dual outlet power bank would do it if you use one of these to supply power to the monitor on the other port as the monitor can run off 9v. And then you just need to add a DSLR loupe that will cover 3.5 screen to the monitor and have a way of attaching it, so try and find one of those that has the magnetic frame type of attachment. Typical prices for this sort of stuff on Aliexpress would be Monitor €12-15 Cables €8-12 HDMI>Composite €6-10 USB>9v step up €3-5 Loupe €10-14 So somewhere between €40-55 plus the cost of the power bank. Now there is no doubt at the viewing end of this that it will be relatively neat and compact but there is a price to pay at the other end for that (same as there will be in the part of the original photograph that isn't visible) but with enough velcro and gaffer tape I'm sure it could be made to work.
  11. It looks like a BNC connector but that doesn't necessarily mean its SDI and in this case it will be regular analogue composite video. If you trace the cable down it disappears below the bottom of the photograph where I would suspect there to be a VGA>Composite converter taking VGA from the camera to it and the same cable can also carry the power to it. In which case the monitor itself could be anything from a repurposed CCTV check monitor to a reversing camera screen which they have then lashed a loupe to. So whilst it looks intriguing in the picture, there is likely a bit of a mess that you can't see and the quality itself may not be all that but probably adequate for the job in hand at that time. There is nothing to stop you lashing your own equivalent version together for modern cameras with a reversing camera screen etc, a loupe and an HDMI>Composite converter for probably under €40-50. Converting to composite will give you the advantage of having a much thinner and more flexible cable running up to your eye than HDMI would. I think the Cinemizer glasses are around €600 but have seen them on eBay for less than half that. Considering VR headsets like the Oculus Go or PSVR are under €200 even those prices seem steep.
  12. The monitoring output on the S2K is VGA if I remember correctly so it is likely a custom/lashup version of a small monitor. In more contemporary times he has been sporting a pair of Carl Zeiss Cinemizer OLED glasses.
  13. BTM_Pix

    Fuji X-T4

    Well that particular cyclist certainly did. And had plenty of carry space left for a few prescriptions. The stuff on his prescriptions certainly helped with the weightless thing. Without sacrificing any power.
  14. To spare the expense of buying one, I think you could use a single GH2 if you wanted a video challenge with it. Start with someone who doesn't mind being parted with it for a while, they make a film over two days with it and then they post it on to the next person who does the same over two days and then sends it on etc until it gets back to the original owner. Even for people who don't own any MFT lenses there are plenty of adapters on eBay for under £10 so its not going to break the bank to take part. As forum members are spread out all over the world, it would be quite an interesting project even if the subject was just "one day where I live". If no one fancies parting with their own GH2, it wouldn't exactly be difficult to throw £10 each into the PayPal account of someone trusted to group buy one off eBay. I know of a cheap one for sale in Cairo.
  15. I agree. In the new normal, ANY camera over $3K (or possibly even less) is going to be a tough sell/niche product for a very long time so I think the people who want it and can afford it won't be overly sensitive to a price variance of $1000, particularly as there won't be anything out there matching the spec. On that basis, if Canon can't get this camera down to that sort of $3K level then they might as well take the extra profit by going the other way. Specs wise, this camera is really approaching the "my forever camera" candidate for a lot of people as well so, combined with an impending global depression, it might well be the last chance to have a dance for Canon to make worthwhile money from these sort of cameras.
  16. @Andrew Reid Looking at their specs on the website there is enough to make a claim under the Sale of Goods Act as it not being fit for purpose. The only restriction noted to video is an overall record time limit with nothing being described about power. You have to give the retailer the opportunity to fix it so, well, that won't be happening of course so you should be able to get a full refund.
  17. The person in question detailed it himself on Instagram to be fair.
  18. BTM_Pix

    Fuji X-T4

    Judging by how few examples I've seen of people using it, I'm guessing they might not need a van to carry it. Or even a car. They could probably just send someone they know and trust over on a bike to get it.
  19. BTM_Pix

    Fuji X-T4

    Call me cynical but I think you pay the fee for the "upgrade", send it to Nikon, they clean the sensor so it looks like they've done something and then send whatever you've paid them straight on to RED as a royalty payment before sending your camera back
  20. You are also hereby licensed to use the phrase "the forgotten art of using a few lights now and again" as well !
  21. BTM_Pix

    Fuji X-T4

    Do the new ones come ready equipped for ProResRAW straight out of the box now or do you still need to send them in to be modified?
  22. Its produced naturally (intentionally or otherwise) by refraction when using narrower apertures. You can buy filters such as this cheap and cheerful set which will create the effect without having to stop down. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Fotover-Filter-Pieces-Olympus-Cameras/dp/B07LF8KY4F
  23. BTM_Pix

    USB 3.2 ?

    I started with the unexpanded (1K of RAM) version of the ZX81. Of course, we were happy then, even though we were poor.
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