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Everything posted by BTM_Pix

  1. Just popping in to say that I quite like Deep Impact. Coincidentally, this thread couldn't have been more destroyed if it had been hit by a giant comet either.
  2. I think where this board might of interest is maybe not with the Pi itself but with more powerful SBCs such as the Jetson Nano which can also accept the same camera boards as the Pi. The RockpiN10 is another one that is compatible and has the advantage of having eMMC to boot off (waiting for the Pi to boot off its MicroSD will get very old very quickly in a camera application) but it also seems to have a decent Android distro for it which could be a boon in terms of the decent video apps already out there. Essentially, it would then become what people have been after which is a smartphone (minus the phone ) with an interchangeable lens. A big advantage to doing something like this would actually be the "on camera" rather than "in camera" processing as you could easily have other apps such as transcoding available on it as well so, for example, all your footage could be automatically converted to ProRes etc while you are on your way back from a shoot. Standalone live field streaming from it with a 4G/5G dongle would also be easy to incorporate. So it would be interesting to tinker with this stuff but your expectations would certainly have to be managed though as it won't bear much fruit performance wise to the level that people on here would be after.
  3. Any excuse to pick it up again ! Here are variants of the Portrait with the different Tone settings. PORTRAIT - NO TONE PORTRAIT - AUTO TONE (MILD) PORTRAIT - AUTO TONE (STRONG) PORTRAIT - AUTO TONE (MANUAL) With the manual one, I'd set quite a big boost in the shadows and the highlights and you can see here I was able to pull everything back even on a jpeg into something sensible. PORTRAIT - AUTO TONE (MANUAL) - GRADED One of the good things about the Colour and Tone functions of the camera is that they are both on dedicated buttons on the camera so you don't have to dive through menus to get to them which makes it easy to quickly tweak the curve for a shot.
  4. Desperate for any excuse to actually use my fP again, I've just gone outside to shoot this very quick, non-scientific and, indeed, slightly not focused on the ColorChecker test to show you the different profiles. I actually quite like the Portrait one as a flatter profile myself. STANDARD VIDID NEUTRAL PORTRAIT LANDSCAPE CINE TEAL&ORANGE SUNSET RED FOVEON CLASSIC GREEN FOVEON CLASSIC BLUE FOVEON CLASSIC YELLOW MONO
  5. My camera of 2025 is likely to be the Leica SL as I'm pretty sure it won't be back from its repair at Leica until then.
  6. BTM_Pix

    RED Komodo

    So if RED are to feature reduce the camera so as not to undermine their higher end followers then perhaps they've licensed Canon's DPAF technology and their Cripple Hammer ™ .
  7. It is a standard UVC compliant source like a webcam so as long as the application and your hardware supports it then it is no different. There are caveats to using it that I have outlined in this post here regarding using it in this way with a phone as an external monitor and not being able to change settings and those apply too if you are using it as a source for OBS etc so its not particularly flexible As a standalone way to get high quality easily in to the computer for streaming, as @Andrew Reid is using it for, it is ideal but for anything multi-camera, I'd look in a different direction.
  8. Looks like great detail on that sim though. All it needs is a couple of dickheads at the first corner who've forgotten to bring the right lens adapters and are wielding a tripod that is about as sturdy as three lolly ice sticks.
  9. You can use it with your phone so can broadcast live from somewhere if need be. Or use it as a bit of an emergency monitor. Fucking hell !
  10. BTM_Pix

    RED Komodo

    And RED also get to include the phrase "NOW INCORPORATING CANON" in their marketing as we know they are very partial to military based allusions with their product styling
  11. BTM_Pix

    RED Komodo

    I think having R3D compressed RAW could be a price worth paying to lose some of those battles at the higher end but enable them to win the war not only in the DSLR market but also the EOS300 and downwards cinema market. I'm guessing its not beyond the bounds of possibility that their existing latter cinema cameras are not inhibited from a processing power point of view to do R3D compression but legally obviously they can't so if that is the case then the potential profits on offering this as a paid upgrade is pretty considerable.
  12. BTM_Pix

    RED Komodo

    I think Canon will be quite happy to be their own Sigma when it comes to their lenses. My fp is pretty much exactly what I thought it was going to be, which is a full frame version of the original Pocket. It is one firmware update and one price cut away from being a wider hit
  13. BTM_Pix

    RED Komodo

    I think they are on their way towards a Panasonic and Leica style association.
  14. I thought "Worldwide Plague" would be the winner but whoever had "The Pentagon Will Release Footage Of UFOs" in the "Things That Will Happen Before Canon Release An 8K RAW DSLR" sweepstake is sitting pretty this morning.
  15. From what I can gather, it can be externally powered with a power bank as long as it is USB-C PD spec like this one. Hardly ideal but worth a go for 12 quid ? https://www.amazon.co.uk/10000mAh-Portable-External-Delivery-Compatible/dp/B07ZPP6R1K
  16. Yes, just remove the two screws at the base of the hinge next to the battery and the whole door mechanism comes off. And goes back on again.
  17. No, its a bit of a Henry Ford "Any colour you like as long as its black" situation
  18. I've grown weary over the past couple of years of every speculated camera from any Japanese manufacturer being tied in to the Olympics to bolster the rumour's credibility but I think in Canon's case this might actually be more likely than the others. They are one of the Gold level sponsorship partners for Tokyo2020 (basically the de-facto photography partner) so I'm guessing they didn't want to take any chances of someone undermining that by having better specced cameras.
  19. BTM_Pix

    Step Back

    Its a thing of beauty
  20. BTM_Pix

    Step Back

    That's the spirit ! Which one ?
  21. No, they don't include Resolve with it. The Mini-Pro is definitely worth springing the extra money for purely for the multi-view function alone. There are workarounds with HDMI splitters and quad viewers that can give you the same thing, albeit in a more limited fashion, if you have the Mini and add around £150 to the total but it is a bit clunky. In a world where the Mini-Pro didn't exist this was perfectly OK and might still be if budget is an issue but its a more clunky solution and gives you more points of failure which is the last thing you need in a live situation so I'd say absolutely get the Mini-Pro if you can. The functionality of the Mini and Mini-Pro to turn the Pocket4K/6K cameras into studio cameras is something that puts the Mini range way ahead of the more expensive ATEM Studio HD that I have. Being able to control the cameras and colour match them is a very big deal and with the Pocket4K you also have the option of a few servo zoom lenses that you can control which again is a big deal if you are working on your own. Another big advantage of the Mini range is that they run off 12v so you have the option to be truly mobile if needed.
  22. It locks into the PBC case and has a 1/4"/20 thread on the bottom to mount it onto anything you need. It can be locked on the bottom or the side of the PBC depending on what you need it for.
  23. There will be a small glimpse of the current development of that on here in the not too distant future....
  24. Yes, you can configure it to to do AWB as well as cycle through the WB presets and individual Temperature and Tint values too. You can download the full user guide here https://www.cdatek.com/ It is available for order from here but shipping is delayed until the 10th May due to the current restrictions. https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/pbc-bmpcc4k-6k-camera-controller-part-ii
  25. This is a fascinating long read about the QV1000C. https://www.nikonweb.com/qv1000c/ For a pretty obscure not to mention very rare camera (I have actually only ever seen one of the less than 20 still in existence when I was at the Nikon museum) it racked up a couple of serious firsts in being the first electronic image used in a UK newspaper and the first electronic image distributed by the Associated Press. A couple of interesting stories along the way in that article as well particularly about it secretly being used at Photokina !
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