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Everything posted by BTM_Pix

  1. I do wonder what the reaction would be at a Nikon or Fuji product meeting if someone put their hand up and said "I think we should make an s35 camcorder with an integral 8 x optical zoom lens". Probably this, unfortunately.
  2. Glad to hear you are enjoying it ! To make sure that the PBC starts up as fast as possible, it goes into a hibernation mode when you switch it off or if it senses that the camera has been switched off so essentially it already is in (ultra) low power mode. In order for the PBC to re-connect automatically when the camera switches on, it would need to be in a constant BLE scanning mode which would drain the PBC battery (and faster than it would during normal operation actually) so you'd then end up with two power problems instead of one There is some scope to make the scan to be periodic to reduce the power consumption but then the issue becomes at what interval the scan is done as if you switch the camera on in the non-scanning period you would have to wait until it was caught by the next one so its then much quicker to just reboot the PBC. With regard to the USB-C port on the camera, its a no go really unfortunately as so many people use that to connect their recording media. Ideally, of course, BM would have a power saving setting for the camera to switch the screen off etc which would be a big help in general to all users not just those with PBCs but I obviously have no knowledge of whether they have that in the works.
  3. Speaking of the XC10/15, its interesting that in 2020 where full frame and RAW are now seen as must haves that the five year old 1" sensor fixed slowish lens XC10 still maintains such a relatively high portion of its original selling price on the used market. Fuji do have the component parts to do a s35 approximation of it and its a product that, judging by how it has held its value, clearly does have the right feature set for a lot of people.
  4. The original page with the quote is here. Google translates it exactly as FujiRumors prints it. "First of all, the XH series is not only characterized by camera shake correction, but it is made very tough, such as increasing the affinity with the telephoto lens with a large grip, increasing the thickness of magnesium and increasing the rigidity and robustness of the body Camera. As a result, the size and weight will increase compared to other models, but after all professional quality and what seems to be over quality to maintain high specifications, such a camera Is necessary. The X-Series offers a lineup of cameras that have the same characteristics, while maintaining the same image quality, according to the shooting scene and style. Therefore, we would like to make the XH series a camera with a clearly different concept from the XT series. It is intended for users who have different shooting purposes and shooting scenes, including the video function. The mere difference in design and operability does not make it possible for the two series to coexist. We are currently studying these issues, and we hope you will have some more time." The context would be akin to something like the Nikon dF and D4 for example with the same sensor and image processor but completely different target applications which mean they have to be separate independent products. https://news.mapcamera.com/maptimes/【fujifilm】x-t4-インタビュー-vol-3/
  5. I'd only know through the relentless promotional mails I'm still getting off camera dealers. Seems particularly pointless buying anything here at the moment as any delivery courier would have to launch the parcel by catapult from outside our urbanisation to save himself from being hit by molotov cocktails hurled by the increasingly militant neighbourhood watch.
  6. I think in time my memory will be shown to have been pretty accurate over this. But why on earth would I have taken a photograph of a camera that wasn't mine ? However, I did take a few photographs with my phone of a camera that is mine when it arrived new and sealed with debris in the sensor, scratches on the lens mount, damaged internal packaging and a hastily re-applied screen cover with thumb prints all over the screen. And I can indeed provide you with the receipt. I didn't return it because I was busy creating a product for it and I never bothered revealing how shoddy a condition it was in because I'd already seen with my own eyes that this was a known issue. Is this enough provenance for you to accept that this might well be a thing and is not related to who and who didn't go to a party ? I'll repeat again that the only skin in the game I have with Blackmagic is that they sell as many cameras as they possibly can.
  7. How deep have I gone? I went straight back to the date last year that I remember personally using it because it needed no more than that really. But, fair enough, don't take my word for it as it proves absolutely nothing. Have a good day.
  8. Right, so now we're both liars. For what its worth, I have a vested interest in everyone on the planet buying Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Cameras so colluding in some sort of fabricated denigration of them would be completely self defeating. Because of that vested interest, it doesn't make me blind to facts and it also doesn't serve my purpose for them to alienate customers either. Sometimes the emperor is stark bollock naked and it needs pointing out for his own benefit as well as ours. The post was blank so was just confirming.
  9. I re-edited it to make it easier to follow. So not sure if you were making a comment there ?
  10. Sigh... On the basis that the next level to this will then likely be to say that any purchase receipt has been fabricated, I'll give you some additional provenance. I've literally had said camera of his in my hand and can confirm what was wrong with it. It was not long after this post on Twitter when he seems quite excited to receive it. And this one shortly after that when he unboxed it and found the damage. In point of fact, I was using it just before this one when he was marching on to their stand at IBC with said camera in his hand to have a row with them about it.
  11. Just clarifying before I respond in full to this but are you saying that he has never owned said camera?
  12. If they have a sense of humour they'll announce the A7S IV instead.
  13. To return to the original question in the post... Ultimately, of course, everything is about money and with the WTO saying today that we are likely looking at 1930s Great Depression era levels of financial crisis when we emerge from this then its not looking great. In such a time, you would think that realtive frivolity such as films, music, books etc would be the first to go but there has been a huge recognition during these lockdowns how much more difficult people would have found it to cope if they hadn't had those things to distract them so their importance has actually been amplified. Whilst that importance means they will go on, they can't exist in a financial vacuum so budgets will inevitably be tighter as a potentially bigger appetite for content will have to be served from a much reduced overall sum. As we are looking to financial times from the past then we might see TV processes from the past returning too such as when the BBC for example used to do a lot of live productions of drama etc. There is some interesting stuff going on in much lower cost emulation of the virtual production techniques showcased in The Mandalorian and that will become very important in cutting costs. As with everything, change will bring new opportunities. One of which might well be shooting background plates/modelling environments for productions using these virtual techniques to save on location shooting.
  14. Really? OK, in the interests of not being drawn into this any further I've deleted the picture but I'm going to reply to the criticism. What I'll say is that my knowledge of him goes way back to when I was one of the original RED ONE owners so if you think this is some fleeting and very recent random encounter with his "work" then you are very mistaken. If you want to go in to bat for this innocent, harmless dreamer and talk of bullying then go and re-read the page for his latest film. I don't mean just read the synopsis, read the detail, consider what it actually means and put yourself in the position of a young actress desperate to get a break into films. As for REDUser, again, go and have a look at the reaction on there to this latest project. Having said all that, I'm sorry if any of you were offended by the photoshopping of Joe Exotic's hair onto the head of a man ostentatiously posing in front of his collection of camera equipment. I blame this momentary lapse of taste and decency on that bitch Carole Baskin. End.
  15. He does have form when it comes to controversial themes. I remember he was always going on about a feature he was going to make and then I think RED loaned him an early DRAGON to do a short version of it. Not sure how successful product placement has ever worked out for any company in a film about, erm, rape but it didn't end well and all trace of it has now disappeared. http://www.dvxuser.com/V6/showthread.php?315091-I-don-t-even-know-where-to-begin-with-this-Overreaction-or-delusion
  16. They state that is PDAF only but it does actually work on CDAF but work is very relative term as its slow and doesn't alway lock. So I'd call it shit and miss rather than hit and miss ! Fotodiox did their own "version" of it which was so, erm, similar to the TechArt one that you could use the same firmware on it..... So with the release of this new L mount adapter its clear they've got the camera end of the puzzle as well so it may well be that they can produce an L mount version. Incidentally, I now have a suspicion about how they might have (sneakily) achieved this feat of getting around Leica's outright rejection of the MC21 and it has tempered my optimism of Sigma releasing a firmware update to make my MC21 do similarly.
  17. The TechArt PRO E mount AF adapter will give you the same thing without optics and although its meant for smaller lenses, with a larger lens, like your Sigma, which has a tripod collar it still works very well. Here it is with a bit of an extreme example ! If TechArt could make this in L mount (2mm less to play with) then they would get a lot of sales off Leica owners wanting AF of their M mount lenses.
  18. I remember him from Reduser back in the day. He didn't so much drink the RED Koolaid as got a franchise for his own bottling plant. I'm presuming he's going to shoot his latest film at his "Tree Of Life" campus...
  19. So it looks like Fotodiox have managed to do what Sigma couldn't (or more likely Leica wouldn't let them) achieve and make an EF adapter that actually works with the SL/T/CL cameras. There are quite a few disclaimers in the product description regarding varying performance with different lenses so buyer beware but varying performance is still some advance on the zero performance that Leica allows with either MC-21. Hopefully this might encourage the actual members of the L mount alliance to sort their shit out and make the MC-21s compatible. At $200 its 20% cheaper than the Sigma too. https://fotodioxpro.com/collections/leica-t-tl-sl-adapters/products/ef-lt-fsn
  20. Unless you include a Foveon camera on a slightly overcast day.
  21. We've got a buddha statue somewhere so I could put some wheels and a lead on him and claim I'm a dyslexic taking his dog for a walk.
  22. We are not allowed out for exercise but you can go to the most local shop closest to where you live. You can go walk there but what with the pitchfork wielding vigilante neighbours shouting out of the window at anyone on foot and calling the Police on them its absolutely not worth it. The anomaly is if you are walking a dog then you are allowed out to do that. But of course we don't have a dog. With three weeks completely locked in already and now another three to go I'm sat here staring at a bunch of motors, servos, control boards and my 3D printer and my other half's faux fur hat and getting ideas.
  23. Well the total lockdown has now been extended here in Spain again so I've officially got until April 26th to finish all those projects in my initial post that I haven't even started. Phew.
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