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Everything posted by BTM_Pix

  1. BTM_Pix


    The former, unfortunately ! I usually find it by accident by leaving it in Cine mode! I haven't done a full on comparison but after messing about with the files then if it was the only option available then I wouldn't be crying into my beer about it completely. The thing is though, with the tiny SSD drives for it (I got one in Japan that makes the Samsung T5 look like a brick in comparison) I think even for stills the SD card might become a bit defunct for me so I'm not sure how often I'd use 8 bit mode. The difference in file size is about 2mb per frame between 8 and 10 bit and from what I understand of other's tests the difference is there between 8 and 10 bit but less so between 10 and 12 bit so 10 bit would be the sweet spot. Its about 3gig per minute more storage but you're already in to fairly hefty storage requirements anyway so it may be a false economy to stick to 8 bit. The elephant in the room whichever flavour of CineDNG you choose of course is the editing workflow and thats something that I've got to tackle.
  2. I'm guessing this must be the size of the cup of tea @Andrew Reid must be finishing off before he give us some more images from the GFX100.
  3. BTM_Pix

    Scanning film

    Whoah there, I thought it was only me that was assisting with this project. Who the hell is this other character who was helping you ?
  4. BTM_Pix


    I'll try my best to make it as comprehensive as I can. With regard to 8bit CDNG in B&W with a vintage lens, this is one with an elderly Leica Elmarit R 28mm f2.8 which, again, was the result of an accidental pressing the shutter while still in Cine mode moment ! This is from my upcoming short "When Jet Lagged Wives Attack"
  5. NAB is officially off now. https://nabshow.com/2020/attend/onsite-services/coronavirus-update-and-resources/
  6. BTM_Pix


    A very low budget one made by interns though ! They are stills but its not exactly full moot but certainly moot-ish when it comes to this camera because not only are the CinemaDNG files very much in the same ballpark quality wise but its 440Mbps ALL-I mov mode is pretty malleable as well. This is not exactly a great content example at all and is far from being a deliberate A/B test (it happened because I accidentally had it in Movie mode when I was meant to to take a still ) and it has different framing and in motion etc but hopefully offers some sort of illustration. The top frame is a DNG still and the bottom one is sourced from a screenshot JPEG of the UHD mov file in VLC and then they're coloured to sort of match. I'm taking my time with it before I come to any sort of conclusion and will likely do a review thread when I have. My time with it has been complicated/compromised by the circumstances in Japan as the whole permanent facemask thing is, whilst absolutely necessary, a real pain in the arse when it comes to operating a camera. Particularly one with no EVF as I'm having to hold it at arms length which means I have to put my glasses on which means they are prone to steaming up in the damp weather we had with the breath from the mask etc etc. So now I'm back home I'll be able to look at it in more depth. The initial impression is that the quality is certainly there and that my original view of it when it was first announced as it being the spiritual full frame successor to the original BMPCC has been borne out. But of course, that succession also comes with the same sort of quirks and caveats so its not all golden !
  7. BTM_Pix


    A couple from the 7Artisans 35mm f2 M mount on its new friend the Sigma FP. This is a pretty good value for money lens and its diminutive size makes it a good combination with the FP.
  8. On the upside, I've learnt a lot more about Easyrigs I don't think there's been much more information anywhere about the Canon camera other than source of the initial post to be honest. It was touted as a pre-NAB announcement which made it sound like a spoiler for other manufacturer's launches at the show but world events have rather taken over in the meantime so I think its debatable whether there will actually be an NAB show at all so who knows when/if it will be announced. The irony of course would be if Easyrig are making a special edition for this camera though !
  9. BTM_Pix

    Panasonic GH6

    Only if @Andrew Reid pops in and ups the ante with some GFX100 MF trolling of the FF trolling
  10. I can't offer you any advice as I have zero experience but I can offer you a link to where you can have a look at 21 examples from real shows. https://screencraft.org/2019/08/12/21-series-bibles-that-every-tv-screenwriter-should-read/
  11. Builders tea is more an approach than an actual brand but that looks like it will do the trick
  12. We grew up drinking PG Tips in our house but that was primarily because we loved the ads for it with the chimps in. As my preference is for builders tea, most greasy spoon cafes hit the spot, although that could also be because of the accompanýing sausage and bacon sandwiches.
  13. I think I speak for all of us in expressing the hope that you have been using it though !
  14. Depending on how much it vignettes, a Canon 24-70mm f2.8 (as there are AF adapters for it) would get you a long way with that sort of additional punch in power. I don't know whether we could do a vlog as deep down we'd know we could never top the camera shop incident of which we can never speak. As for tea, you need to google "builders tea" for the preferred approach to tea. The way you are doing tea would count as a dessert where we are from
  15. So the downside is that the camera costs ten grand but the upside is you only need to buy one lens!
  16. Well we are meeting up again (in a different country) later this month but considering our last escapade involved forgetting to bring lens adapters, cables, doing deep focus shots with a lens adapter that didn't focus to infinity on the only lens that was common to all cameras we were supposed to be comparing and only having a tripod that would struggle with the weight of a postage stamp then three minutes of shooting is quite optimistic. As I've just managed to pick him up his very own Contax Zeiss 35-70mm that I will be handing over to him (so I can stop him using mine) then it might well become an homage to that lens. Although I wouldn't rule out me forgetting to bring both of them.
  17. I did a comparison of it a few pages back with the OG BMPCC sensor coverage wise. Its close enough for jazz.
  18. Lennon and the rest of The Beatles were on to this shit years ago.
  19. I'm too busy obsessing over stats to build even a tin foil beret at the moment let alone the full hat. Thus far I'm comforting myself with "You're in a city with 14 million people and they take 8.5 million subway rides per day and they only have 60 cases". Doesn't stop me convincing myself I'm nailed on to be number 61 of course.
  20. No need to wait, the tinfoil was already in full effect on here over a week ago
  21. What I'm getting from that is that I should just stay here and buy more shit, right? Gotcha.
  22. To be fair, it is having a big impact here and two events I was definitely going to (CP+ obviously and New Order) have been cancelled but its because they are taking steps on an official basis whereas the UK and its absent leadership is basically just saying go home and take a lemsip.
  23. I landed in Tokyo about 90 minutes ago, my body clock thinks it 4:30 am and I'm off to buy a Sigma FP. So pretty much normal addiction service is ongoing but the only difference is I'm wearing a mask. Which looking at me after 24 hours with no sleep will come as a relief to the shop assistants.
  24. We'll make sure we give you a heads up when the first epsiode of 'Apertureholics Anonymous' is available then. I'm hoping we can re-enact the camera shop incident from this most recent trip as it really did set the benchmark for what can happen when you have lens choice overload.
  25. At the time, it blew me away and truth be told if I dug it out again now it probably still would. The criminal lack of use it has had is a long boring story and I now don't live in the same country where it is in long term storage so I can't imagine that will change any time soon! Its ironic that RED named their phone after the lightest element because God knows they built the RED ONE case out of some yet to be declassified alien type of heavy element. Thats one aspect that kills it for a great many people that could really benefit from how cheap you can get a used setup for now as its not something you can just pick up (literally and figuratively) and go out shooting with on a whim really. I think pride in ownership and sharing common ground and knowledge with other users of the same product/brand, whether its cameras or cars, was always OK in principle but the internet has warped the fuck out of it really. Or maybe just fully exposed the undertones that have always been inherent in it ! I think Apple was the template for that. And I always blamed Steve for that
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