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Everything posted by BTM_Pix

  1. As @Video Hummus says, 10 metres is sufficient to form part of a braking system that can be supplemented with shorter range sensors. I was just making a joke that leaving a 10 metre gap in front of you where I drive is an open invitation for a 20 metre vehicle to attempt to fill it.
  2. I'll bring the Ninja V then so you can see how the 10 bit 4:2:2 stacks up against the 4:2:0 internal. Also having the Ninja V means we'll have a fighting chance of actually seeing anything on the P6K in the sunshine
  3. I'll defo bring some Bluetooth tools and have them sniffing harder than Michael Gove coming out of the House of Commons toilets. Have you got an EF adapter?
  4. Hahahaha! You are officially a mad fucking bastard! This better be making the trip out with you next week.
  5. I've recently taken to only watching YouTube on my TV. Its absolutely transformational just watching the content without it being a small window embedded in all the "CLICK ME, CLICK ME!!" shit. I very rarely scrub through stuff now and tend to watch the whole thing as I'm far more engaged. It also completely and utterly removes from view all of the inane and borderline insane trolling comments from dullard wankers. So I heartily recommend viewing YouTube in a format where if there is a way to turn all that shit back on, I sure as hell can't find it ! A very happy accident.
  6. I doubt a 10 metre minimum distance is going to be too effective for cars either in most urban environments !
  7. I use this one, although its becoming quite tricky to source now. Its great with things like RX100 but it will also take an A6500 without expiring. You have to really tighten the ballhead when its got any weight on it as its a bit flimsy and you have to be careful when using the two track pieces together that it doesn't have a bump when it crosses between them. Aside from that though, its really far better than it should be for the price as long as you manage your expectations about what to mount on it. The big plus is how small it is so you can set it up and use it in really confined spaces such as it is here predominantly inside a tabletop light tent (although the outdoor shot was done with it as well) where on a few moves it started outside the tent and went in through the front flap opening. Even with the A6500 on it is still able to do the angled climbing shots although gravity does give it a help on the way down ! Its nowhere near as sophisticated as the other solutions but it does basic A<>B cycles at different speeds and breaks down to go in any camera bag.
  8. I think these sensors will be for other applications such as automotive and factory automation so it will be a while before we see it in a camera.
  9. Not to mention MapCamera having to issue a profit warning if my trip next week gets cancelled.
  10. Or Panasonic, who make some of the very best fancy multi function toilets. Panasonic - Great for IBIS, Great for IBS. Have that Saatchi & Saatchi !
  11. It depends on the country you are in but here is an example from the UK. TeamWork have embedded a calculator for Photolease in their webpage which you can just fill in the amount you want and the term needed without having to tell them your life story. https://www.teamworkphoto.com/photolease-finance-calculator Leasing is rental of specific equipment rather than purchase though so its a pass/fail on the credit score rather than sliding scale interest rates based on circumstances.
  12. I'm not necessarily advocating it either for every use case but more curious about where it has gone. The two upsides it would offer though are more convenient edit ready files with ProResRAW (for FCPX at least) and freeing up the USB-C port for external control. Those things obviously don't particularly chime with the stripped down pocketable aspect of the FP but as modularity is a big draw of the system, for me at least, they could be appropriate in a more built out setup and would also address the monitoring issue.
  13. Interested to know whats happened with the RAW over HDMI that Sigma were talking about as a firmware update. https://***URL removed***/news/8516367576/sigma-confirms-log-picture-profile-raw-over-hdmi-coming-to-its-fp-camera-via-firmware-update
  14. From our conversations with Sigma at IBC, the SDK will be for building remote control solutions so as per Blackmagic, Sony, JVC etc won't give access to anything not already available. Obviously this was a primary interest of mine in the camera so that aspect is welcome, if a little belated as we understood it would be at launch. The elephant in the room though is what you have to give up in order to use anything that is developed for it as it will be addressed through the USB port, either directly or wirelessly through a USB to BLE adpater. I did explicity ask about whether a hub could be used so you could record to the SSD at the same time and the answer was No which certainly cooled my interest in developing something for it. Hopefully in the intervening period they have found a way around that.
  15. I've already done one for the Zoom and Tascam recorders integrated into a wifi controller for the Panasonic cameras so this is a bit less comprehensive and a lot more DIY. The PBC will have a small general purpose I/O add on module soon that will have outputs for the audio recorders and a tally light and an input for a latching record start/stop switch. That module will also work with the......<<drum roll>>..........PWC
  16. No, unfortunately the GH3 won't trigger from HDMI. The solution is a custom one but isn't too daunting or expensive to do. Adafruit make a tiny board called a Trinket M0 which amongst other things can be used to emulate a USB keyboard. The way this would work is to get a standard generic cheap remote release controller for the GH3 like this one Then split it out to the Trinket so that when you press the record switch on it the camera receives it but so does the Trinket and then you have it send out "CTRL+R" on the USB port to the MixPre to start recording and then "CTRL+S" when you stop. With this, you'd never have to remember to press record or stop on the MixPre. If there are enough people interested I don't mind doing a thread on how to do it and throw the code up as because it uses a simple trigger people can modify it for different camera types. Would be a few weeks though as I've got quite a bit on.
  17. He's made it himself as a Photoshop comp of the FP and the SD-Q
  18. The short answer is no. https://www.atomos.com/cameras/panasonic-dmc-gh3 The (much) longer answer is that it would be possible to create a record trigger that fired the camera and simultaneously the MixPre 3 using its USB eyboard input which allows you to put it in and out of record using specific keystrokes (CTRL+R and CTRL+S)
  19. Yeah, he could do himself a serious injury there ! What they don't really explore in that video is that when the bar rotates around fully, you can use a central mounting point for a monopod instead of using the two outlying ones for tripod legs. If you put a gimbal on a short monopod in it then I could see how you would get some pretty good jib shots from this by leveraging the stabilisation and pan/tilt controls of the gimbal with it. Discontinued though by the looks of it.
  20. Sounds like you all need a HipJib I suspect my overhanging fat bastard stomach would interfere with smooth operation.
  21. No, there is no custom white balance so as @mercer says, you'll have to do it by eye. The manual gives you the ballpark ranges for different light sources. https://documents.blackmagicdesign.com/UserManuals/BlackmagicCinemaCamerasManual.pdf They suggest to pick from 2500, 2800, 3000, 3200, 3400, 3600, 4000, 4500 and 4800K for indoor/artificial light so if this is for a repeatable test setup then I'd be inclined to shoot a couple of seconds at each one then eyedrop the colour of the grey card in whatever editor you're using to determine which one has the most neutral RGB values for your lighting setup.
  22. Just under £8K new, Map have a used one for just over £7K
  23. Map have quite a few of the SD1-Ms for £400 that I've got my eye on, which is a saving of about £9K on its launch price !
  24. I've got the regular one rather than the H and was about to post a cheap one that MPB had today for just over £300 but its obviously so much of a bargain that someone has just bought it ! I think the DP1m, DP2m and DP3m compacts will become the coveted ones if this is the end of the road for Foveon as looking at used prices at Map they are already pretty much at parity with the Quattro versions. Of the compact Quattros, I think the DP0 will be the one that will find a niche as a poor man's digital X-Pan with its 21:9 mode. I didn't know until recently that Sigma do a shoe mounted OVF for it so I'll be on the hunt for a cheap used one of those on my trip !
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