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Everything posted by BTM_Pix

  1. Voted. I could have saved myself a lot of clicking if there was a "Shamefully, an awful lot of the above" option
  2. Really weird about the Techart E to Z not being stackable with their M to E AF adapter. Don't really understand why they just haven't made a dedicated Z mount version of that adapter anyway but maybe thats the plan ?
  3. By default, I'm a deviant so Safe Search is always turned OFF
  4. Ffordes have got a few. This one described as being "ALMOST AS NEW" for £239 https://www.ffordes.com/p/SH-18-016844/lenses-contax-slr/28-70mm-f35-45-mm
  5. I've a feeling you might end up with some less than optimum results if you sorted using those parameters. Most of them not safe for work.
  6. No substitute for real testing of course but there is a way to mine Flickr using exif tags that can be useful. If you use this link that I've just created https://flickr.com/search/?exif_min_aperture=4&exif_max_aperture=4&exif_min_focallen=24&exif_max_focallen=24&sort=relevance&tags=cinematic Then this will find all shots taken at f4 on 24mm lenses. If you want to change the range to include shots from f4 to f5.6 then just change exif_max_aperture to be 5.6 Ditto if you want to change the lens range to be from say 18 to 50 then just change exif_min_focallen to be 18 and exif_max_focallen to be 50 etc I've added the tag "cinematic" as whilst not being a very accurate description in many cases, it makes the search a bit more relevant as it at least shows what the creator was aiming for If you just want to search for all images that match the lens parameters then just chop off the &sort=relevance&tags=cinematic off the end.
  7. As its all a ploy to sell increasing numbers of ever wider aperture and ever more expensive lenses to people then an easy way to remember how to pronounce it is : Bokeh makes you broker
  8. I think this should be de rigueur for travel vloggers * You can carry all your gear in it It goes 10kmh and has a range of 25km so you quickly can get to the nearest coffee shop even in quite remote areas to do the upload It has a power outlet to run the cameras You can put a mount on the handlebars to turn it into a ride on dolly and completely remove the Z axis bounce from your gimbal shots Plus, of course, you can do the obligatory riding through airports shots without people sarcastically shouting "Hey look everyone, its not Casey Neistat". Though, to be fair, you won't look any less of a tit. * CONFESSIONAL NOTE Not just for vlogging really as I can see a use for this in plenty of other video/photo jobs.
  9. Yep, they do seem to be holding up very well both in terms of price and interest. Meanwhile, the thread about the 6K one here has been relatively dormant over the past four months.
  10. Seems plentiful stock of them new as well, unlike the Pocket4K. As someone who has been working his bollocks off creating an intricate workaround to get remote focus over bluetooth working for the 6K this doesn't please me at all !
  11. I wonder whether the deluge of used/and or discounted P4Ks that many (not including me by the way ) thought would happen as people "upgraded" to the P6K ever materialised?
  12. No, they are dng stills. I've attached them if you want to have a closer look. Just pressed record in all BRAW modes with a Sandisk Extreme 128 v30 U3 10 SD card and it didn't explode. Archive.zip
  13. OK, this is a quick and dirty test so ignore the framing and white balance differences ! So, the Computar 12.5-75mm f1.2 isn't strictly a Super16mm lens but we can use it as a guide to sensor coverage versus the OG BMPCC. This is it at 12.5mm with the Pocket4K in 4K DCI so you can see how much its covering. This is it in the 2.6K 16:9 mode And this is it on the OG BMPCC If you look at the vignetting, you can see that the BMPCC has a fraction more than the Pocket4K so the conclusion is that a lens worked for you on the BMPCC it will be fine on the Pocket4K in the 2.6K 16:9 mode as it appears to have a marginally bigger crop.
  14. Let me go and dig out the worst lens in the world and put it on my Pocket4K Back in 10
  15. Based on the split of Canon's overall income I'd say their answer should be that its more of an office equipment company as its the Office division where the majority of it comes from. Cameras are actually the problem child of their Imaging Systems division (which also includes Inkjets and Scanners) which in total only accounts for 25%, and falling, of their overall income. That is always held up as a reason why Canon can/could/should/will get out but its difficult to imagine that in, say 5 years, Canon wouldn't be making cameras or had sold the camera part to another company but then again I could never envisage Hasselblad being owned by a model aircraft company either so who knows really.
  16. I wouldn't take the average quoted earnings of professional photographers as a guide to the affordability of this, or any other, camera. There is a key difference with a self employed professional photographer buying a camera like this that mean you can't equate it to an individual buying it from their net salary in the same way you can't equate a taxi driver's car with an individual's one. Its a business product so in the vast majority of cases it will be leased which not only spreads the payments but means it is 100% tax deductible. The working life of the camera will be 3-4 years so the monthly payment is about £130-150 and can be upgraded throughout the term of the contract. The cost of the upgrade for a leased Mark ii to a leased Mark iii means a manageable increase in monthly payments rather than having to find a £3K lump sum.
  17. Yes, the focus motor is to the left of the bottom screw on the bayonet ring.
  18. Funnily enough, I was looking for bigger pieces again yesterday to resurrect it. There is scope to do some interesting stuff with it linking the aperture to it as well so you can automatically maintain the same exposure. It can then link into the ISO as well for when you run out of road in terms of the amount of ND that can be applied. The whole "PBC as a central hub" thing is designed for these sort of expansions to be incorporated so its already in there from a control point of view but is back burnered until I can find a supplier for a suitably sized piece of glass.
  19. I can't remember whether I did the build along in the end but it is a piece of piss to make but the trick is finding a supplier for a piece big enough for front mounting. As well as being easy, its very cheap.
  20. I think the RF mount has legs and has already has great options for non FF cinema cameras like Komodo with the Variable-ND adapter and the EF>RF Speedbooster as well as just the shorter flange distance in general so you can put PL and M mount lenses on it. It has 43 discrete steps compared to 97 for an EF 18-35mm f2.8 and over 200 for the Sigma ART 18-35mm. Although the Tokina 18-300mm is currently king with over 400! I haven't ventured into Z-Cam yet as I don't have access to one but from their API its pretty straightforward. I'm taking a risk and buying the small Crane M2 for my upcoming FP as with the diminutive Voigtlander Color Skopar 21mm M that I'd put on it for such shots its only about 70% of the rated capacity. As its not massively bigger than a pistol grip so keeps within the overall minimalist vibe ! The used price of the Z6 is now flashing a serious amount of ankle at me now they've finally delivered ProResRAW. As far as I understand it doesn't, at least not at launch. I don't know what the Atomos exclusivity period is with Nikon, if indeed there is one, so I've no idea if its even a viable option. Looking at MapCamera in Tokyo they currently have 85 pre-orders for the 1DXiii which isn't bad for one store in one day !
  21. Hahaha Honestly mate, I was being genuine! There are definitely people who prefer using DSLRs or their mirrorless equivalent over cinema style cameras and I think its a perfectly valid way of working. I think they'll be selling the existing EF lenses for as long as its financially viable to do so, which considering how long ago the design and tooling would have been recouped, will likely be a very long time yet. Funnily enough, I'm literally having a major fight with calibrating the existing version on a Pocket6K as it has about 1/2 the AF resolution steps as other Canon lenses and about 1/4 of the Sigma ART lenses. They seem to have filed a patent recently for IBIS for the EOS M range so how far behind a full frame version is would be anyone's guess but they could make a very decent interchangeable lens XC-10 style camera based on the M if they had the inclination. The only way to get anywhere near what you are after today from an existing product is probably the Z6 as TechArt PRO have just released an EF to Z mount AF adapter that does AF-C, Face and Eye Detect and the demo I've seen of it doesn't look too bad. You'd need the Ninja V of course but if you mount it on top with a fold down bracket to make a clamshell type of affair it can be left in place so its not too cumbersome when moving between places. There would definitely be a market for Atomos to make a specific Ninja Star style unit to take that ProRes RAW HDMI out of the Z6 to small SSDs without having to have the screen though.
  22. Well, that escalated quickly “As you know, last year we launched the RF mount and EOS R system," said Richard Shepherd, pro product marketing senior manager at Canon Europe. "To date we’ve launched ten critically acclaimed lenses, and as it’s a new system we plan to continue this, launching more RF lenses while still fully supporting the EF lens system. And of course, should the market demand it, we are ready to create new EF lenses. But for now, our focus is on RF.” https://www.digitalcameraworld.com/news/our-focus-is-on-rf-says-canon-no-new-ef-lenses-unless-market-demands-it It doesn't mean that they'll stop making the existing EF lenses of course but it does suggest that its closed for ongoing development.
  23. For the flagships, I think this is the last hurrah as the next squeezing target for Nikon and Canon will be the lenses. Nikon will obviously be more than happy for me to buy the D6 but they're earning no additional revenue from me still using my 400mm f2.8 which will be 15 years old by the time a D7 would happen in 2023/24 and ditto for Canon sticking with EF. Nikon's S line range for the Z cameras is rounding out now with the 14-24m and 70-200mm f2.8 lenses joining the 24-70mm f2.8 so they are now only a 400mm f2.8 and 600mm f4 away from overcoming the lens objections and in 2023/24 they will be looking towards us changing over the entire system rather than just the body. They've sold us it all on vinyl and now they want to sell us it all again on CD. And by that point, its difficult to see how the objections to shooting with mirrorless won't have been overcome. Of course, Nikon still manufacture the F6 film SLR 16 years after its launch so you can never rule anything out and they might well still manufacture the D6 beyond 2023/24 too but I'd say that that is where new development will end.
  24. It certainly helps and the monitoring advantage to mr isn't just the extra size but also the extra features like false colour and monitoring LUTs. On the upside for the 1Dx3, though, it doesn't require someone fucking about with lasers to make it do continuous autofocus !
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