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Everything posted by BTM_Pix

  1. BTM_Pix


    Cheers I have to confess I didn't really check what it was called. "Somewhere in Brugge by that place with the nice stew" is about as precise a note that I have for it. They are all part of the focus pull demo collection for my controller so will have been fairly wide. The statue one was definitely wide open and the London one would probably have been around f4. I'd love to pretend that it was some studiously considered technique but its mainly just random messing about with settings so any similarity to anything decent is purely coincidental!
  2. BTM_Pix


    A couple of grabs from some things I was doing last week with the Canon EF 50 mm-f/1.4 USM c/w Metabones 0.71x on the Pocket4K.
  3. Plot twist.... Tried it on yet another OTG cable on an Android phone and got it to mount, view and play files. Used the unmount option, unplugged it, plugged it into the Mac and now it is fine. So I now know the solution if not the cause.
  4. Yeah what I meant was that I'll look into a bit further when this time crunch has gone away as its not about this single drive (not now I've got the data off that I needed anyway ) but about the T5s in general as I used quite a few of them so I want to get to the bottom of it to see what's caused it. I think this is God's way of telling me to buy a Gnarbox if I want to edit on the iPad.
  5. Its now launch eve eve and our second to last window reveals a reminder that although the PBC can do a lot of tricks - and is the hub to which other tricks will connect to in the future - it can still be used as just a wireless remote Record Start/Stop switch on a rig if that is all you currently or will ever need.
  6. To be fair, the Apple products are all working fine and its the Samsung one thats fucked. Oh, tell a lie, its done its best to take the WD Wireless Pro drive with it now. Although that thing is so flaky that trying to work out exactly whats caused it to not be currently working is like trying to establish which particular baked bean in the tin made you fart.
  7. There is a First Wave package that adds up to a 33% discount.
  8. Thanks for all the input. I'm tempted to just say "oh well its fucked" and throw it away after I've got everything off it but its spooking me a bit about whats happened. These T5 drives are becoming ubiquitous for me because of the Blackmagic cameras and editing on LumaFusion as well as just as general work portability so I have quite a few of them so I'd like to get to the bottom of what's caused it. Oh well, I'll have some free time at some point in 2024 so it will have to wait until then.
  9. No, there is no need to in terms of data recovery now as the drive is visible to the WD Wireless Pro on its USB expansion port so I'm able to copy the files to that. I'll ponder why it won't mount on anything else when I'm through with actually using the files it was holding hostage
  10. Yeah, absolutely no sign of it in Disk Utility. I've tried it with multiple cables, multiple Macs, multiple Android devices with multiple OTG adapters, through USB3 hub, USB2 hub, Pocket4K, Pocket6K and the only devices it wants to play ball with is the iPad and ,somewhat inexplicably considering how crap it usually is, the WD Wireless Pro. As it happens of course, this gives me the chance to (slowly) back up the T5 directly to it so for once in its miserable existence its actually proved its worth. Definitely seems like some sort of issue related to there not being a defined eject procedure on the iPad but its worked perfectly well thus far as have 2 different T5s I've used for the same purpose.
  11. Absolutely nothing other than the drive light coming on. Doesn't show up in Finder or System Report. On Android it doesn't show up as an OTG device as it should be doing. Yet there it is in iOS bold as brass in Files and also as an external source on the WD Crankdrive which often has trouble finding its own internal one let alone an external one connected to it. Previously, the T5 had happily been trundling around between Mac, iOS and Android without any issues whatsoever. Its very unusual and I can't find anyone else online having a similar problem with it although being able to mount and use them in LumaFusion etc is a relatively recent development so I'm not sure there is a big sample out there.
  12. Well... The recovery software route didn't work. Attached the drive to a PC and...nothing. Even connected it the Pocket4K and Pocket6K who were equally unimpressed. Connected it to the USB port of the WD Wireless Pro (aka the worst wireless backup hard drive in western Europe 2019) and it welcomed it with open arms. I'm currently copying the vital stuff onto that. If my previous backup efforts with that drive are anything to go by then it will take another 3 or 4 attempts to get them all across but I'll take that in this instance. Really weird problem though.
  13. I'll take a look at that tomorrow when I've calmed down! Cheers
  14. So I've been using a T5 drive with an iPad to import some footage without any problem for a while. Tonight (when I really, really fucking need it obviously) the drive is no longer readable in anything OTHER than the iPad. Tried on different Macs and different Android devices and the drive LED lights up but it doesn't show up. Put it back in the iPad and its fine. Seems like the iPad has put some sort of lock on it but as there is no eject disk option I've tried different approaches such as completely powering down the iPad with it connected, closing the File app and just yanking the power out and absolutely nothing STOPS it working again in the iPad or MAKES it work in anything else. If anyone has a fix then to say I would be grateful would be an understatement. I can't stress enough how much I do not want to hear any sort of variation of "have you backed up the data onto another device"
  15. 72 hours to go... When you are using either the Nucleus Nano wheel or our now PXP expander to pull focus using the PBC, you can store A and B focus points and then activate the focus Limit function to enable you to pull focus between the two points at your own rate without worrying about overshooting. Works for both native and adapted EF lenses as in this example using a Sigma 18-35mm f1.8 on a Metabones adapter. More tomorrow.
  16. I'm up to something that could yet result in the GH5 not needing to have to use gears and motors either....
  17. T minus 4 and we welcome our upcoming PXP expander module to the party. The PXP wirelessly connects to the PBC to give you five more hardware switches to assign controls to and a focus control wheel for your native and adapted lenses. As they are wirelessly linked, you can use them separately so the PBC on top of the camera as a status monitor and the PXP on a tripod/rig handle or combine both units into a single comprehensive hand controller. As well as acting as a hub for the Tilta Nucleus Nano wheel and the PXP, the PBC will also be the central hub for our other upcoming control modules such as the Auto Focus system. More tomorrow.
  18. And through window 5 we have the Tilta Nucleus Nano integration to give you wireless focus control without gears, motors and additional power. They work in tandem so you can now have full aperture and focus control from a gimbal. More tomorrow. You can test it next week when we do our election special from Waterstones cafe!
  19. USB-C is for charging/powering and the comms to/from the camera is Bluetooth
  20. You get a free USB-C cable with it. Can't get more generous than that.
  21. Well I did have a couple of early prototypes that left a lot of white smoke in their wake so its not too different.
  22. And through the 6 day countdown window today we have this. The PBC has two buttons but with their three operation modes (single click, double click, long click) you can assign up to 6 different controls to them so you can have aperture up and down on single click, record start/stop on a long click etc. Or not. Its up to you so you can just use it as a simple record start/stop controller if thats all you need. The status screen also takes care of syncing settings that you have made on the camera as well as on the PBC so, again, there is no restriction on how you use it so if you want to just use it as a pseudo top plate display then thats fine. And talking of status monitoring, the PBC features a very unsubtle tally indicator method so you will be left in no doubt whatsoever if the camera is in record mode Another window opening event tomorrow.
  23. I haven't really been paying attention to the price in the meantime but at launch it was £2430 in the UK including VAT. Its now available pretty much everywhere at £2199 and I paid a bit less again after some negotiation. Its not super duper end of line price slashing levels of course but the 15% price fall in just over 3 months, not to mention the readily available stock, struck me as quite the significant contrast to the Pocket4K.
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