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Everything posted by BTM_Pix

  1. OK, here is what they're up to. I thought it was weird that the plausible posts didn't have any links in them and initially thought that we had managed to attract the most incompetent spammers on the internet (aside from the Conservative party's latest efforts obviously). What they do is get a second spammer (or themselves) to quote the first post and tag the link for whatever shite it is they're pushing on to the end of the quote. At first it looks like its a legitimate reply but the posts will have positive replies such as "Issue got solved" or "Agreed!" because it entices someone to click the link to find out what the solution was etc. which is what their game is. Here are two recent examples from the "Century Optics" and "50mm" thread. The posts quoted did not have the links in originally. They are obviously wise to the fact that the first posts will get moderated so anything with a dodgy link in will be deleted so thats why they don't put it in that but use the reply system to insert them. I would guess that there are a lot of "clean" accounts set up to do the first post and then they'll just use multiple other accounts to add the links in to replies. This makes it look like the one replying is the spammer when in actual fact they both are. Can I make a request to not ban the one who posts the pieces about chains though as I find it offers a good perspective for when my own life is at its most tedious and dull to think "yeah but at least I don't have to write about chains. Or worse still, be so far down the spamming ladder that I get given that as source material in bot farm when all my other bot mates are out there preaching about penis enlargement"
  2. The only reason the "creator" of this thread would want an f1.4 lens would be to give him this type of subject isolation :
  3. Can't work out whether you missed the '0' of the end of 4K6 or if they really are going to do the ultimate Canon tribute act
  4. It was happening when I was app testing and I only use SD cards when I'm doing that so I can't really give any idea on whether it affects the other media types. I meant to do a bit more of a scientific test on how many files and/or what codec was causing it but to be honest I was just so relieved that it wasn't a bug in my code that I just moved on when formatting the card fixed it
  5. BTM_Pix


    Rule of thumb lately is just google the first few lines of the post and you'll find that they are usually taking them off other forums so they do look believable. I was reading one the other day thinking "this seems a familiar story" and it turned out it was because I'd written it so, yeah, they have started taking them off old threads on here as well.
  6. Had this a couple of times with SD cards that had a lot of clips on them. Seemed more related to the amount of clips rather than the capacity used by them.
  7. There is a cunning plan afoot that makes it better on a phone....
  8. You might want to have a read through this thread @kye It turned into a bit of a bin fire towards the end but useful stuff for you nonetheless.
  9. Well there is the phone holder that attaches to the Nano controller mount so don't forget to budget the extra £4.99 for that.
  10. Fear not mate, I'm not going to flog you anything I'm just adding functionality in 3C that will glue these things together into one cohesive unit if you need to use them now or add them in the future. As with all the other updates to 3C it is completely free of charge for existing users.
  11. Its definitely doing something. But, yeah, whether that something is useful is another matter!
  12. It sounds as if it is doing what it did on the original LX100 then where it does the blank name like it does on the GX80/85 but the actual profile is just about the opposite of a flat profile ! With regard to HLG, this video is a side by side of HLG, Cine D and V Log L on the GH5. I'm guessing from your description, it might be saying its HLG but isn't really ?
  13. Sorry, I meant 709Like rather than HLG. So, 709Like just goes to standard profile but Cine D and V are definitely working ? After you send Cine D or V, when you go into the Photo Style, how is it displayed ? like an edit of Standard, as Cine D or is it blank (which is what it does on the GX80/85) ?
  14. Without giving too much (or indeed anything) away at this point @xzobinx and @scotchtape, what you see in this initial proof of concept and what the reality will be in a couple of months when the "real" version happens will address both of these aspects. As I said early on in the thread after @Andrew Reid revealed the original prototype, it was very much a jumping off point for where this would end up. Hopefully for the better or course !
  15. They don't currently have a desktop app and the streams isn't accessible over a network using something like VLC etc although a workaround would be to use an Android emulator on the PC to run their app.
  16. Yeah, I spent a bit of time looking at the Olympus ones as they were also used for Leica X Vario and M240 so could be compared to Pen 5 etc for more of an insight into reverse engineering. The connector is proprietary and from the it to the board is actually an individually stranded cable that I've highlighted here. So, erm, fuck that ! The last BMPC4K I seriously looked at was a bit tatty so at sub £600 (pre haggle) is probably a bit on the cheap side but even so I can't find many Ursa Minis in the UK at least for quite a bit over double of that. The Ursa Mini is obviously a far better rounded proposition but for a dabble (and the much cheaper media option of not using CFAST) the BMPC4K has the edge for me as the balance could go on lights that it will certainly benefit from
  17. Well I'm russian to get it to work on the Panasonic cameras if that counts.
  18. If that translates as "Oh...hahaha...fucking hell I was expecting it to take much longer than that" then that was more or less my reaction when I got it working
  19. I think the Gnarbox 2.0 has the potential to be a pretty ubiquitous fixit device for this stuff. Being able to put a card in and get auto backup and transcoding to ProRes while you are on your way back to base and have it ready to edit on straight away more or less represents a de-facto addition of ProRes to all your cameras. The only thing in doubt that I can't get a clear answer to is whether this version supports CinemaDNG as I'm pretty sure the first one does. Yep. Another one to consider might be a Ninja 2 which are a bit cheaper, smaller and go straight to SSD. The latter part may be important because if I remember correctly the Video Assists have the same issue as the Pocket/Micro of only being compatible with a very limited range of new SD cards.
  20. Had an interesting afternoon of working on a development that means that functionality will be coming to a right camera near you in the near future.
  21. No, for Pocket4K it addresses the camera directly so no additional equipment required. For other systems, it will use (inexpensive) focus gears.
  22. These ones without the links aren't so bad actually as long as we just take them as discussion topics rather than questions that need answers directing to a specific poster then they are quite useful to stimulate conversation !
  23. Something like this would do the trick if you had the right camera Have a look at the GMonitor app on the Play store. It uses the same wifi stream from your GH5 so its the same lowish 640x480 resolution but the advantage is that full screen and has additional peaking tools that make it a bit easier.
  24. AKA "I'm a spammer who has lifted a post from ages ago off another site to waste everybody's time with.." https://reddup.co/r/Anamorphic/comments/beuj89/century_optics_169_focus_issues
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