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Everything posted by BTM_Pix

  1. Whilst I don't disagree at all with the overall point you're making, I think it is fair to point out that Blackmagic do actually show it in a numerous scenarios in their marketing that would fit into that sort of use, at least in the way they are representing the cameras being used by the operators. Although the detail in the equipment used section for each scenarios belies those illustrations, which is a bit misleading as well. https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/products/blackmagicpocketcinemacamera/workflow
  2. Maybe my whispering friend wasn't as drunk as he sounded a few months ago with that price then. At least for the body anyway as the 24-70mm L mount he was slurring about as being in a bundle with it is still not on the radar so would be a bit of a bombshell if thats how they chose to launch it. The "under 3K" stuff we were being fed by Sigma last month is still a bit of a mystery though. I mean, obviously, this is under 3K but it seems a bit of a daft move from them to be doing that sort of kite flying at the first major public display of it when it could (and did) cool a lot of interest in it so close to the launch. Weird.
  3. I've never seen any of them and, like @Andrew Reid, hadn't even heard of the acronym MCU outside of it being the name of a control surface for a DAW. The closest I've come to seeing something similar would be Aquaman but thats only because it was in 4DX and, as 4DX is my guilty secret, I leave behind all pretence of it being art at the door and will literally watch any old shit as long as my seat is being thrown round, water is spraying on me and blasts of air are coming from the seat in front of me throughout. That confirms Scorsese's view of there being a theme park aspect to this stuff as I would no more watch Aquaman at home again on my TV than I would leap off the wardrobe to simulate being on the Haunted Mansion ride. I don't think there's any problem with both types of film existing though or enjoying both in equal measure as it depends on the circumstances. Its no different to music where I can prefer to listen to Talking Heads or the Cocteaus or the Bunnymen or whatever in the comfort of my own attic but that doesn't stop me shaking my arse to a bit of Abba at a family party. In the case of the latter, it very much is like 4DX for anyone unfortunate enough to be sat in the vicinity of me shaking my fat old arse during Dancing Queen as they do indeed experience a similar effect of chair shaking, liquid dousing and unexpected blasts of wind hitting them.
  4. BTM_Pix

    fave shots...

    Fascinating to see how little there was surrounding Vera in those days compared to how it is today. It looks as naked as the people who now stroll around the beaches there !
  5. For their intended professional live editorial photographer market, they've addressed a couple of big issues with the higher fps mechanical shutter (though 10fps still leaves it quite a way behind the D5/1DXii) and the connectivity options for file transmission. Not sure why its taken them over two years of extremely low (if any) penetration into that particular market to react to what were blindingly obvious shortcomings in the original and I can't see it making much difference against the Nikon/Canon duopoly. The add voice memo has been in Nikon and Canon's pro bodies for years (D3 was the first one I used it on) and its a great feature, particularly when your images are being remote edited. The speech to text aspect with the A9 is very interesting but it ties you in to their app which means another step in the workflow as you have to pass it through that to get to your real editing app. For sports though, the use of key code shortcuts to generate captions (e.g. When I type "l10p sc1 tmi l1 r0 tag" into my caption field it instantly converts it to "Liverpool striker Sadio Mane scores their first goal to make it Liverpool 1 Red Bull Salzburg 0 in the UEFA Champions League Group E match at Anfield stadium, Liverpool, UK on 2nd October 2019") is such a vital part of the workflow that it won't offer any speed benefit at all unless they can tie that facility in to it. As caption accuracy is non-negotiable then I'd also be worried about it getting a few wrong while it was learning my voice !
  6. Currently yes (although we have something of our own upcoming that will be able to talk to the app as well) as it seems to be the most popular budget option. The Moza iFocus would probably be another contender if there was enough demand for it but reverse engineering the protocol takes a bit of time so it would have to be later. Our tiny PBC hardware controller also has this relay functionality built in for the Nucleus Nano.
  7. V2 of our 3C Cinema Camera Control App now includes support for the Tilta Nucleus Nano focus controller. The Nucleus Nano wheel connects wirelessly to the 3C app over Bluetooth LE and enables you to use the wheel to electronically control focus of your native MFT and adapted EF (with smart adapter) lenses on the Pocket 4K without using a motor. Electronic control of the lenses can be a big advantage when using the Pocket4K on a gimbal to keep the weight down or to keep any rig smaller and not require additional powering for the motors. In addition, it also circumvents issues that arise when using the motor with small native lenses that don't lend themselves particularly well to using focus gear straps and often have limited manual throw. It also enables you use the hardware REC button on the Nucleus Nano wheel to control the Start/Stop of the camera and the record status is returned back to the wheel to illuminate the switch when the camera is recording. As the Nucleus Nano wheel is fully integrated into 3C it also enables you use it to create the 6 focus storage positions which you can then choose to automatically switch to either in Snap mode or multi speed Transition modes. The Setup screen of 3C now includes two scanners for easy selection of the camera and the Nucleus Nano wheel once Bluetooth mode is selected in the wheel. V2 will be submitted to the Play Store for publication on the 11th October and will be available as a free automatic update for existing users.
  8. Novoflex do one for about £150 but there are generic ones like this for under £20. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Pixco-Adapter-Canon-Camera-FD-Leica/dp/B07BRCX6W5/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?keywords=fd+to+leica+t&qid=1569155278&s=gateway&sr=8-1
  9. He was right about the patent challenge though, if not necessarily his downbeat view of whether it will stand up. That event he was referencing is an IP conference and they are hosting that day's trials from the US Patent Office . https://www.aipla.org/am19/expand/program The second one being Lectrosonics vs Zaxcom. Whether functionality changes may occur to these new products based on the outcome of that remains to be seen of course!
  10. The Zaxcom patent covers a slightly different situation as it is for a base recorder that is receiving timecode stamped packets of audio from the pocket transmitters with these same packets also being recorded locally on the transmitters. This then enables the master recorded file to have any packets lost in the transmission to be filled in by the locally recorded files. The Tentacle is just purely a transmission of bluetooth audio without timecode embedded so won't infringe. Well, as far as I understand it anyway ! Coincidentally, the Zaxcom patent is actually set to be challenged next month. https://www.ipwatchdog.com/2019/08/13/another-ptab-casualty-emmy-awarded-wireless-microphone-technology-invalidated/id=112135/
  11. My understanding of it is that Zaxcom have a patent that means it won't be able to do it simultaneously on versions they sell in the USA. For the rest of us though, it will be able to, although it too will lack timecode. https://www.newsshooter.com/2019/09/10/deity-introduces-hd-tx-transmitter-with-recorder-built-in/
  12. With regard to heat dissipation, Sigma addressed this at the initial launch announcement of the FP.
  13. I think when you're talking about recording on the T5 drives, rather than unwieldy external screen based recorders, the whole internal/external definition becomes a bit moot. Conceptually, its not actually that far removed from RED drives (aside from the "proprietary" media) and no one considers that to record externally. There are locking solutions for USB-C that could easily enable an after market "cartridge" type of housing and the SmallRig solution is a neat one. Hard to tell without taking it outdoors really but in terms of using it in combination with the loupe, I've used that same on my Sigma SD0 (and even put an LCD in it to make a cheap EVF ) and its very solid and with it on the FP we weren't having any difficulty hitting focus..... Well if they were, then as this was pretty much the response from me and @Andrew Reid when they mentioned the price they'll hopefully take that into account in their final calculations
  14. I think its when people see and, particularly, hold it in this configuration that the GAS kicks in !! Are you watching this @mercer ? Still think people are underestimating how significant a little camera it can be if Sigma are as responsive to feedback as they seem to want to be. They really need to sort the price out though.
  15. Panasonic's 24-70mm f2.8 is due next month so would make the S1 more viable for you.
  16. For the significant majority of users on here, aux LTC will be what they are using as their cameras don't have TC so its going to be relevant to them. The cheapest one that would be in general use on here would be the Pocket4K but Tentacle Sync Studio doesn't yet support BRAW so that is another workflow factor but will hopefully be incorporated as its still a few months from release.
  17. True enough. With the battery life that they are talking about and the size of micro SD cards available today it would indeed be possible to record in a single take for 8-10 hours (providing its exFAT to handle the 4 gig limit or has some other in built spanning solution of course). I've never used their Sync Studio app so I don't know whether there is a performance hit etc if you were using that one continuous 8-10 hour audio file and it then doing the sync to tens/hundreds of smaller video files? I'm guessing not and in some respects it might actually be faster ? I wasn't suggesting it was an either/or situation just that it would be useful to have both. In the controlled situations that you are dealing with where you have a dedicated sound person and multiple units then I can see that it would be an absolute boon. Having said that, in uncontrolled situations, its likely to be even more useful as if it can do the all day takes and sync as easily as if it were multiple takes then removing that possibility of not having put the external recorder into record is an even bigger boon! Right, I'm convinced now
  18. With the 32 bit floating point audio its going to be a great fire and forget device that is going to really appeal to wedding shooters and so from that point of view I can see why they would want to make it even more "groom proof" by not having a record switch but for every other application it seems a bit restricting. Depending on whether this sliding switch here is a physical or virtual one (I'm guessing the latter as it will likely be a "hold it in this position for 5 seconds to switch off" type of control) then they could still build a functionality in before it ships to initiate the recording with some other logic like a double slide up etc. What I'm quite surprised about though is that neither Newsshooter or Cinema5D asked the question when they were doing their interviews about the product.
  19. Technically of course, that would count as the "under £3000" that they were discussing with us. But so would £10 and I don't expect it to be that either. As much as I want it to happen for them, if it isn't under £2000, if not closer to £1700 if I'm honest, then I can't see it happening for them. By the time it arrives (and it will be delayed until the end of the year at least) there will be a lot of more mature options available much cheaper.
  20. A Komode might be more apt as when you see the price of the FP you might well shit yourself. However... We have just been back to have a longer chat with them and something caught our eye on it that might cause a re-think in a good way. More from @Andrew Reid on that upcoming tomorrow or Monday.
  21. I can't laugh at a tragedy The price we were discussing was in pounds so as the camera won't be released before the Brexit date, it could literally be meaningless and you can come to London and buy one with four bunches of bananas, three pairs of nylons, two bars of candy, a carton of cigarettes and a couple of tins of spam like the old days. If I do, it will be in a mount adapter for L mount...
  22. Things can change so its still very much in play but if it does launch at the price that was discussed with us, then as lovely as it is (and it is lovely) it will be a challenge for it.
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