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Everything posted by BTM_Pix

  1. Played with a Sigma FP today. Its a thing of potential beauty but as it stands it raised more questions than answers for me to be honest and I definitely think a couple of things might have to change between now and the release. My whispering source needs to stay off the sauce as well.
  2. Should only be a week to go now before we find out if there might be a contender for that one. My guy said he'll let me know a bit more when he gets home from work.
  3. BTM_Pix

    Sigma FP

    Well, theoretically only a week to go before we have some pricing information and a look at a real functioning one but in the meantime, someone has made a very detailed virtual one to look at ! https://www.turbosquid.com/FullPreview/Index.cfm/ID/1444516
  4. Each lens is profiled to calibrate real distance and focus position. The camera's internal AF is bypassed completely and the lens is operated as though it were under manual control which allows instant switch or ramped changes as it is tracking. In terms of manufacturers making it better, then Panasonic et al will implement this in a different way and will definitely improve on it by virtue of having far, far smarter people than me involved in its development and having far more of them. In terms of speculating how they will do it internally whether its incorporated into the sensor itself or as part of the image processing pipeline through AI then they could go either way really. I've mentioned a couple of times in this thread that what I've shown thus far is very much a jumping off point for this and by the time the commercial product version of it becomes available in early 2020 it won't have changed conceptually in terms of it being an outboard system that can be added to different cameras but how that is achieved will and, without giving too much away at this stage, already is changing. I'll drip a couple of things into this thread between now and then.
  5. Buying the adapter direct from TechArt and the MC11 from Amazon UK, its about £390 (200+190) which is about €450 so you can shave the price a bit. You can also either pick up a used MC11 or get a cheaper version like a Viltrox or Commlite to probably get that below €400. Kipon's AF adapters usually for for around €300 so if its the same sort of price then the two adapter solution will be more expensive but one advantage is that you get access to E mount lenses as well as EF and the other advantage is it is available now whereas I haven't seen a release date for the Kipon as yet.
  6. My love for that song was greatly diminished when I had it on the car and my brother thought it was about this particular brand of confectionary that I'm not sure you have in the US. He claimed I needed to get a better car sound system and I claimed he needed to get a better education. I hope I haven't ruined it for you and that, unlike me, you will still be able to listen to it without hearing "Hey Jack Caramac"
  7. The C500 had separate EF and PL mount versions of the camera but the Mark II has a simple 4 Allen bolt swappable system between EF, PL and Canon's EF Cine mounts.
  8. You can use the TechArt Pro E to Z adapter and stack the Sigma MC11 on it to get AF and IS for EF lenses. Check with @Andrew Reid but I think I recall him saying that IBIS is supported as well. https://www.eoshd.com/2019/07/first-look-techart-tze-01-sony-e-to-nikon-z-mount-adpater/
  9. Use the one from this post It has a separate Handshake and Connect function so will be more reliable if there is a timing issue.
  10. BTM_Pix

    Sigma FP

    Not since he sobered up.
  11. Where did I mention anything about the Lucadapter not being a real product? He is a member of this forum so I'm well aware of his products. Where did I mention anything about the Bezamod never having been a real product? He closed sales on the original version when the PL mount of the Ursa was released a long time ago so it had ceased to be a product you could buy. So the only version that you could buy now would be the new Pocket6K which is a new announcement, is still not fully funded and its earliest availability is listed as being February 2020. Hope that clarifies everything.
  12. BTM_Pix

    Sigma FP

    Sigma will have a working FP in its cine guise for hands on demos at the IBC. I was a bit more "meh" than usual about going this year so this will make it a bit more interesting. https://www.sigmaphoto.com/article/sigma-participate-in-ibc-2019/
  13. Where did I say it was an adapter rather than a mod? The clue that it is a mod is in the actual name of the product. I didn't produce his list though, I showed the list of the existing adapters. His mod fleshes that list out pretty well which reinforces the original point I made about the limited choice with an adapter. The announcement of the Bezamod being available for the Pocket6K was post the discussion you've quoted by the way and I'm not sure it would've moved the needle much as it does not have a release date and remains some way short of being funded and even then only carries an estimated earliest shipping date of February 2020. It forces it with one specific lens type. The same way that Blackmagic have announced a Super16 windowed mode for the Pocket 4K if you want to use those lenses where, again, you need an adapter. If you want to use it with EF lenses then it won't be cropped and you can use a speedbooster as well if you want. Without a mod. And you can use it with PL lenses with a simple adapter. Without a mod. Or Leica M lenses for fast, compact lenses with a simple adapter. Without a mod. I can see we won't agree on this (and nor do we have to so thats fine) so I'll leave it here but I can see one negative of retaining the mft mount versus several negatives to the EF mount. BM have access to way more data than I do so I'm sure they've made the most logical choice for their needs based on that data.
  14. I'm completely relaxed thanks. I was debating a point with a complete idiot that was reducing the collective IQ of the forum every time he posted but if you want to open up the subject again.. From my experience with the JVC LS300, most lenses are able to do 90-94% coverage of the sensor so the windowed mode would be minimal (both in terms of FOV and resolution loss) and a fair compromise for the ability to use lightweight mft lenses. I don't know where the E mount or RF mount come into it as I never mentioned those as being a viable option for BM to incorporate. Its a fair point about the original BMCC but that was also at a time when electronic mft EF adapters didn't exist so people were buying them because it was a shallower mount and more adaptable. There is no reason why the new mount would not be active as per the Pocket 4K and there are now plenty of electronic EF adapters on the market though so its a bit of a moot point in the context of the point about this camera today. The lens landscape in terms of quality and range for mft lenses is also significantly different between now and then. For a camera with such rudimentary AF, there is no loss of performance in using an adapter versus native, only a loss of flexibility in having the option of both. For the sake of a 90% windowed mode only when using the small lightweight lenses, I don't think there would have been a huge pushback at that compromise, particularly as it would also then allow the use of PL lenses amongst others. With regard to PL compatibility, this is a list from the SLR Magic PL Adapter and is actually quite a bit more extensive than other adapters that carry the same core list SLR Magic SLR Magic ANAMORPHOT-CINE 35mm/50mm/70mm SLR Magic APO-HyperPrime 25/50/85 Century Optics Century Optics S2000 150-600mm - Canon Century Optics 200 mm T 2 - Canon Nikkor Nikkor Micro 200 mm T 4 Nikkor 800 mm T 5.6 Nikkor 300 mm T 2 Nikkor 200 mm T 2 Cooke Optics Cooke 18-100 mm T 3 Canon Canon 800 mm T 5.6 Canon 400 mm T 2.8 Canon 300 mm T 2.8 Canon 20-35mm T4 Angenieux Angenieux 20-120 mm Angenieux 7-81 mm T 2.4 HR Angenieux 17-102 mm T 2.9 Angenieux 24-290 mm T 2.8 Angenieux Optimo 24-290 mm Angenieux Optimo 28-70 mm Angenieux Optimo 17-80 mm T 2.2 Angenieux Optimo 15-40 mm T 2.6 Angenieux Optimo 45-120mm Angenieux Optimo 28-340mm Angenieux Optimo 19.5-94mm Focus Optics Ruby 14-24mm T2.8 AllStar Allstar 135mm T1.9 Allstar 80-200mm T3 Allstar 50mm T1.5 Allstar 18-35 T1.8 Hang on, you're asking if I'm sure "a lot of the PL mount lenses will not work with the PL mount adapter?" and then immediately talking about a product that exists purely to address that issue! With regard to the speed booster, I don't know who's original quote that is as it's not mine, but there is a big difference between that statement and the Lucadapters solution. Both products, as smart as they are, are offering solutions that need not have been there had BM continued with the mft mount and are nowhere near as convenient as the solutions on offer if they had. I'm not saying that EF was a flat out bad choice (and it might actually have resulted in more attraction for people who don't like the mft mount) but it was certainly the less flexible and I don't recall a massive backlash towards the Pocket 4K for having an mft mount in terms of lack of sales of it. By the way, for what its worth, I'm quite an advocate of thinking outside the box when it comes to BM cameras. Way outside of it
  15. I've had this with the Pocket 4K SD card this week funnily enough. I had a LOT of small clips on there from testing and it took increasingly longer to read the card on bootup.
  16. I have no interest in getting one but will likely be forced to as nothing to do with remote focus on the Pocket6K works as it does with the Pocket4K. If BM don't resolve it then there will need to be two versions of everything, switchable to whatever camera you have. In addition, if they keep it as is, then it won't play nice combining remote and manual focus as it only drives to offsets of the current position rather than absolutes. This is more or less how Panasonic's remote protocol works which makes it an absolute bastard to make a focus system for. So, yeah, I will likely have to reluctantly get one to make everything work with it. At which point they will no doubt fix it.
  17. Well he liked one of my tweets so that immediately makes him have suspect judgement. I'm not going to amplify what I'm referring to and to a large number of people the politics of someone will have no consequence when it comes to gear so I'll get back in my box.
  18. Nah, go and have a look at the stuff he likes on Twitter and tell me what sort of pros and cons he focuses on there. Toy? Harsh.
  19. I'm going to take a wild guess that the clue that it was S1, A7iii and A7sii may have been secretly hidden in the thread title ?
  20. I've heard that, inspired by RED's old 3K for $3K scheme, Canon UK are planning a paid upgrade and will be doing a 24p for 24p offer.
  21. I am nowhere near hip enough to support Union.
  22. Are you suggesting Canon have negotiated a deal with more restrictions in return for a reduction in price ?
  23. That is my reading of it from the document itself as well as their FAQ. Worth bearing in mind that h.264 is licensed in really cheap stuff like the Raspberry Pi where margins are tighter than a duck's arse.
  24. That test was on a Leica SL so it was just a dumb SL to EF adapter and then a C/Y adapter. Same story for Pocket 4K but you have the added option of using a Speedbooster.
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