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Everything posted by BTM_Pix

  1. That test was on a Leica SL so it was just a dumb SL to EF adapter and then a C/Y adapter. Same story for Pocket 4K but you have the added option of using a Speedbooster.
  2. It certainly held its own against the far more expensive Contax Zeiss 85mm f1.4 in my side by side.
  3. I don't spend £7.99 including postage lightly so they need to earn their keep somehow
  4. With regard to h264 costs, I'm just going to bump this again for anyone who wants to look at the actual figures.
  5. The FP is 112.6mm wide and 69.9mm tall. Here is my Pocket Cinema Camera for you for some context to those dimensions. On that basis, I'm going to stick with "ultra compact" as being a fairly reasonable description for a full frame camera
  6. I don't have an F8 but the Pocket 4K does jam sync to LTC. Just to check that the BNC converter cables aren't an issue, you can test it like I've set it up here with a free LTC app and a simple 3.5mm stereo jack to jack cable. Make sure you then press the screen where the timecode is displayed (as it defaults to showing record time so should be 00:00:00:00) and if the camera is receiving a valid signal the EXT and TC indicators should light up and it should start displaying the incoming timecode. If they don't light up, you can monitor the signal by selecting the 3.5mm mic input as the source in the Audio setup to make sure its getting in and tweak the level at the phone end if needed. If it works in that test with a phone then at least you'll know the camera end is setup correctly and then you can start troubleshooting the F8/BNC converter end.
  7. To be honest, I don't think the FP is actually that far off topic in this instance really. For people looking for an X-T3/A7iii/Z6/RP/S1 type of camera it might not be all that but what is it about the ultra compact, full frame, shallow mount, RAW to SSD camera that you think is going to be such a disappointment to people that are looking for a new generation version of the original Pocket Cinema Camera? Unless they try and sell it for $4000 at which point, yeah, I'll be sat outside the camera shop like this fella.
  8. The ongoing Z6 nonsense over ProResRAW means that the used price of a Z6 will not be far off £1000 by the time it actually happens which might well finally persuade me to get one as it has a lot going for it. The FP is still "Autumn" so it can't be far off. I was surprised the S1H has such a short gap between official spec announement and delivery so hopefully the FP will be the same.
  9. I think its a bit like the Pocket6K launch which made the "enoughness" of the Pocket4K and £1200 to spend on lenses look like a better bet in many respects. As much as the S1H does, I gulped a bit at the price and considered whether the now heavily discounted S1 and the big chunk of change would be the better play. I can't help thinking that it would probably be possible to hustle a deal and get an S1 and a Pocket 6K for not far off the same price. Keep the faith, the FP will save us all !
  10. I think if you are in the area then there should certainly be enough to keep you amused for a day, particularly if you go and watch a few of the booth demos of editing/colour correcting/lighting stuff but just be aware with it being a broadcast show its obviously heavily biased towards that. Have a look at the exhibitors list and make a plan though as its a lot of halls to be traipsing through if you have no interest in broadcast encoders, cloud playback servers etc ! https://ibc19.mapyourshow.com/8_0/explore/exhibitor-alphalist.cfm#/ NAB is similar in a lot of respects with it being a broadcast oriented show but traditionally has had a better balance of things that will interest more people on here and has a lot more product launches and small booths with quirkier products. Again though, I'm not sure if in this more connected world where there are so many "accidental" leaks and you can watch product launches live on YouTube I'd be inclined to make the trip over there any more. Photokina has got more to offer these days, I think.
  11. I've been there variously as an exhibitor, journalist and a visitor on and off for the past 20 odd years. Its never exactly been a riveting experience in any of those capacities to be honest. If you can get there for the day and don't have to deal with the eye watering hotel prices in Amsterdam for the duration its on then its just about worth visiting but unless you're into broadcast/transmission stuff there's probably not enough to really justify doing two days there. I'll be going again this year though obviously
  12. The TechArt adapter does seem to be working very well with a lot of the 3rd party E mount lenses (except for the cheaper Samyang 35mm f2.8) on the stills side but not sure how people are getting on with it for video.
  13. Are they going to include the mod in newer Z6 cameras I wonder? AKA "Stop buying them cheap used ones and boost our sales figures by buying this huge stockpile of them that we've pre-modified for you by flashing the new firmware on it." If anyone in the UK has ever sent anything in to Nikon UK for service they'll know how long this mod could take. They had one of my D4s for so long for a shutter change I was on the verge of asking them to take a picture of it in front of a newspaper as proof of life. I think we can guess where any money for a paid upgrade to enable RAW might end up.
  14. I suppose it says something about the degree of mistrust of Canon's motives and excuses that even jokes like that have enough of a whiff of authenticity about them to be taken seriously
  15. Its a bit behind schedule as the expander controller that works with it has had a re-design but it will be on Kickstarter in a few weeks with delivery pretty much straight after the end of the campaign. The basic unit will be €60 and the expander will be €45. More info here https://www.newsshooter.com/2019/06/22/cda-tek-pbc-pocket-bluetooth-controller-for-bmpcc-4k-ursa-mini-pro/
  16. No, for a wrist based Record solution you'll have to wait for the release of our PBC.
  17. The standard Peli that can just about fit size wise for most carry on allowances is the 1510 but its 6kg before you put anything in it so it can easily fall foul of the 10-15kg allowance. If they then make you put it in the hold then you have a potential new problem because baggage handlers see them and almost see it as a challenge to see if they can break them. There is also the conspicuous nature to them that says "expensive gear in here" which means you need to make sure you get to the baggage carousel first but also marks you out as a bit of a target for theft in a lot of countries. All those factors ended up progressively making them more trouble than they were worth for me as time went on and I stopped using them on most trips. They make decent temporary seats whilst sat in accreditation queues though.
  18. Looks like they finally bowed to the fashion police and discontinued it ! I also have one of these more generic ones which is ostensibly designed for fishing (as were Billingham bags so its perfectly fine to use them for other things) that I got because of the mesh for working in the summer at cycling etc. It doesn't have the capacity of the Domke but can still carry a lot, looks slightly less ugly (but not by much) and it is way, way cheaper. I used to use the big zippable compartment at the back for carrying my laptop and the looped clips are useful for attaching additional lens carriers or drinks bottles when trekking up mountains to shoot TdF etc. https://www.amazon.co.uk/KEFITEVD-Lightweight-Fishing-Photography-Waistcoat/dp/B07MW7QMPL
  19. Thank you! It doesn't do it at the moment. I'll look at it for v1.2 The one in the pictures is the Pixi 4 which is £30 on Amazon. Its not exactly state of the art when it comes to phones but its perfectly adequate for this or the 3C app as well. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Alcatel-Android-Smartphone-SIM-Free-Renewed/dp/B07N4P18DG
  20. Not that anyone should really need a user guide for an app with only one button but, just in case, here it is. User Guide For 3B v1.1 by CDA-TEK Ltd .pdf
  21. BTM_Pix

    Sigma FP

    Only that potentially drunken whisper I had that it would be ¥180,000/$1700 for the body and ¥300,000 in a bundle with the yet to be released 24-70mm f2.8. That 45mm f2.8 is ¥55,000 so a bundle around ¥225,000/$2150 would seem likely if the body price is right. I fully expect this message from my source though when the actual prices are officially announced though
  22. BTM_Pix

    Sigma FP

    So, I've been reading that Sigma had one of their new product introduction meetings at a small Tokyo gallery yesterday where people could have a look at their latest lenses and have free 60 minute rentals of them. They also showed prototypes of the FP in various guises of flexibility. It looks very neat with the 45mm f2.8 (launch bundle perhaps?) in the bottom picture and quite well balanced with the Loupe with the 14-24mm f2 in the top picture. The middle one with the 35mm f1.2 looks a bit lens heavy though !
  23. Sigma have certainly had some steep pricing with their previous cameras but I think the FP will be a different story than the Foveon stuff, which has always been a bit of a passion project for them, and will be a lot more competitive if for no other reason than as a platform to shift more L mount lenses. And I think it will have to be as well as, on the surface, to the average punter looking at one in a shop it will be offering less (no EVF, no mechanical shutter) than the other mirrorless full frame cameras sat next to it from Nikon, Canon and Sony and has what to most people is a new mount as well. With those negative points against it, I think it will struggle at much over $2000 and probably die on its arse at anything close to or exceeding $3000. I hope Sigma think the same though as I really, really want one
  24. If you want to abandon all sartorial elegance in pursuit of greater camera carrying capacity then I recommend this Domke vest. I used to use one for working events as it is has enough capacity to essentially be a wearable camera bag but used to routinely use it to travel on planes to the events when a few airlines started to get anal about weighing carry on and the standard Peli 1510 took up 30% of the allowance before you put anything in it ! As well as the outside pockets it has inside panels that close with velcro and you can store a ludicrous amount of gear in them. I used to carry a couple of D4s, 14-24mm f2.8, 24-70mm f2.8 and 70-200mm f2.8 in mine and the vest was still like
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