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Everything posted by BTM_Pix

  1. Although Blender is primarily a 3D package it does have a video editor that supports scopes and histograms. How it runs on your laptop isn't something I could guess about but its free so worth a go. https://www.blender.org/features/video-editing/
  2. Only if you promise to test it using your new faux military bros phone
  3. Samsonite have a very useful guide to airline hand luggage sizes. https://www.samsonite.co.uk/hand-luggage-size-restrictions-dimensions/ According to that, with Air France it is 55CM X 35CM X 25CM | 12 KG The external dimensions of the bag are 52CM x 36CM x 22CM So you are 1cm over in one dimension but a couple under in the other dimensions so you should be fine. The weight limit with Air France is a couple more KG than budget airlines but its still something to be aware of in case you get a particularly officious check in person. I routinely carry way more than that and the key is to try and not walk up to the desk looking like its breaking your back to carry it ! In my experience, it is wheeled cases that get most scrutiny at the boarding gate so backpacks are generally not given much of a second look unless its a big 100L traveller type one.
  4. What camera is it ? Are you just trying to see if you have blown something out or something more elaborate? What version of Windows does your laptop have on it?
  5. So, the list of 487 ongoing projects can now officially be reduced to 486 with the launch of this new app for Android. Whilst the 3C app offers Comprehensive Camera Control of all of the parameters of the BlackMagic cameras, there are some users who just need a Bloody Big Button to control the record start/stop so welcome to 3B. Intended for handheld or mounted via a phone adapter on a rig/gimbal/tripod handle, 3B is a simple way to activate and monitor the Record Start/Stop on your Blackmagic camera but also provides a live status view of the following parameters from the camera. Aperture ISO Shutter Angle Temperature Tint White Balance Preset 3B is a single screen, no menu app and features an oversized record button to enable easy activation and the screen provides high visibility confirmation when the camera is in record. As 3B provides a much reduced feature set compared to 3C, it also comes with a much reduced price and is available for €1.99. So if you don't need all of the bells and whistles of 3C and just need a simple start/stop controller and monitor for your Blackmagic camera that has a record status indication that is visible from the moon, 3B is now available on the Play store on the following link. https://tinyurl.com/CDATEK-3B
  6. BTM_Pix

    Panasonic GH6

    To be fair to the P4K, its Preset function does store many more of those complete camera setups (12 as opposed to 3) that you can switch to easily enough off the touch screen. They can also have meaningful names attached to them such as "Slow mo" or "Indoor Interview" or whatever so its a bit more intuitive than having to remember what the generic C modes mean. They can also be imported/exported from any of your attached media which is useful for sharing between multi camera setups. Against that, you don't have the comfort factor of being able to quickly reference which setting you are using by glancing at the top panel like you do with a Panasonic.
  7. What a fanboy Might I suggest the phrase "bite their hand off" then as this was somehow able to be interpreted by someone one the Micro camera thread to mean something so bad that they down voted me for saying it.
  8. I don't disagree with the overall issue with the internal batteries being poor but just as an FYI really, the BMPCC can use the usual cheap SmallRig NPF sled which mounts on the top hole if you did need to have a longer run time so I've took a quick snap of my cameras to show you the form factors. The overall package is much smaller depth wise with the BMPCC but at the expense of doubling the height of the whole package but this can be offset by using those smaller capacity NPF batteries which reduces the form factor. The additional big gain for keeping it small also comes in it having the integrated LCD and, much as I love the expansion capabilities of the Micro, having to wire the connector just to get a LANC start stop is a bit of a pain when the Pocket can have one plugged directly in. For travelling, this LANC grip, an EVF loupe and the two cheap tiny Panasonic collapsible zooms (the 12-32mm and 35-100mm) which both have OIS make it a pretty good modern day impression of an old school cine camera. The Micro wins for image due to it higher fps and lower rolling shutter and the expansion possibilities make it brilliantly customisable but the Pocket, for me, is more practical to do casual stuff with. One word of caution regarding what is a very cheap price for the one you are looking at, make sure you check the HDMI port works.
  9. Woah there, you can't just say "grab it". If someone can interpret my comment as an incitement to literally bite the vendor then yours will be construed as an encouragement to steal it. We'll end up with enough red arrows to have a celebratory fly by for The Queen.
  10. The MediaTrans app that I linked to in the previous post has a Windows version (not sure why they have an entirely different site for it) https://www.winxdvd.com/mediatrans/
  11. A couple of my lenses go out to as far as 96-97% on my LS300 so in terms of the actual size of the sensor on the Pocket 6K being closer to a 1.6x then it would get quite close to full coverage on those but a as I say 90% windowed mode would have taken care of it in one fell swoop. No, I was only kidding. As above, I'm not advocating VSM as that would be a whole different can of worms for BM to do scaling but just a straightforward 90% windowed mode would have sufficed IMHO.
  12. Yet Canon seem to manage it with the video modes on most of their cameras though Yep. When you consider that the price of the Pocket 6K is already cheap in relative terms then adding even a $200 non-focal reducing smart adapter onto the price and marketing it as a dual mount camera with no emphasis on either mount would have been no hindrance to sales of it. It would also have left the customer the option of using a focal reducing one if they wished as well. Because he doesn't have to put his hand up in the "War Room" and tell the emperor that his arse is clearly visible through those fine silk robes everyone else is pretending he's wearing?
  13. Well their own higher end cameras have EF mount of course so there is the gateway drug/B camera aspect to it as well. Also, as has been seen with the LS300, this is the sort of reaction that you get from a lot of people when explaining that you can have a larger sensor sat behind an MFT mount. The connection between lens mount and sensor size is so fixed in so many minds that it would actually present a bit of a challenge to market it. If you've only got EF mount lenses (and I've actually got more of those than MFT ones) and never intend to put PL lenses on it or need the option of smaller MFT lenses then its likely not worth a second thought. BM have far more research data than any of us about what people want in a camera and it might well be that the unbreakable link in a lot of people's minds between mount and sensor isn't a battle worth having for them. I'd be curious to know whether JVC would do it again either as, even though for the people that did buy it that aspect of it was genius, it likely put off an equal or more number who didn't get it or need it. If the Pocket6K had an MFT mount, did a simple 90% crop when you put on an MFT lens (and it can auto detect this) and did 100% otherwise then I doubt it would've raised nearly as much debate though. Which is why we will see exactly that in the version they release at NAB
  14. Just as an FYI in terms of costs, these are the license fees for products incorporating AVC/H.264 https://www.mpegla.com/programs/avc-h-264/license-agreement/ This is from their FAQs Q: Do the same licensing terms apply to all profiles of the AVC/H.264 Standard? A: Yes, the same terms apply whether one or more profiles is used. * There is an interesting quirk involved in the licensing but I'm not going to aid and abet the transition of EOSHD into the internet's pre-eminent camera and patent law fusion forum so you can research that one yourselves
  15. Scientists produce a handy identification guide.
  16. MacX MediaTrans is the most iTunes like alternative to iTunes and has a couple of extra tricks. Its a paid app but has a free trial. https://www.macxdvd.com/mediatrans/
  17. Google "Benidorm" and "Brits abroad" and you'll find loads of stuff of a beach covered in trash Anyway, this site has what you need https://www.videvo.net/video/plastic-trash-in-idyllic-beach-scene/455510/
  18. Many thanks for doing this. Unless you have something else running in the background on the phone that is trying to use the wifi intermittently for updates (email etc) then my guess regarding the connection issues are that they've implemented a keep alive watchdog like they have in the Leicas which I had to implement. Not really worth it for a prodding app like this but certainly good to know for "other" projects. I don't know enough about the spec of the G9 to know if the higher bitrate 1080p and PCM audio are a win, I'm presuming it doesn't have them already ? Did the HLG profile work by the way?
  19. No thats for the built version. The DIY version is $399 Plus glue.
  20. Should have got this one. Samsung really are determined to get 8K into people's homes one way or another. And yes, that is a real product
  21. It is a custom one, detailed in this very useful thread by @shijan on the BM forum. https://forum.blackmagicdesign.com/viewtopic.php?t=59874 If you already have an existing LANC controller and don't mind a bit of soldering this is the pin out for the expansion port on the camera. If you do mind a bit of soldering then BM do the expansion cable which comes out to individual sockets you can just plug in to which is useful for power input etc but may be a bit clunky if all you need is the LANC.
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