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Everything posted by BTM_Pix

  1. I think the appearance of the Pocket 6K has probably forced their hand to get images out of it being used for shooting a bit quicker than they wanted (the pic is from Steven Soderbergh) hence them having to use the Atomos. The kudos of getting Soderbergh to tweet it was slightly undermined by him getting the name wrong and calling it the Kimono. Could be worse, he could have called it the Komode. The last thing they need at the moment is the connotation of it being something they've been sat on for ages that turns out to have a load of shit inside.
  2. Can't see a Hydrogen (maybe the shot was taken on it) as I thought that was going to be how they did the UI?
  3. Vlad changed the "Bayer array to RGB" patent into the "Buyer will pay to KGB" patent.
  4. The hint at the end about what awaits in Part 4 might well actually top it !
  5. And make sure you don't forget your Zippo for when you are setting up.
  6. One option as you are using an mft camera are the Olympus body cap lenses as you should be able to get pretty flat, although the grip will limit just how flat. The 15mm would be the one for the FOV that you are after but I would definitely try and have a go with one to make sure you are OK with the performance. Another option would be the Osmo Pocket as you can get that butted up right to the grille and the big advantage is that you can remote monitor it with a phone so it makes it easier to set up. The FOV is wide but closer to what you are after than that of a GoPro. The other one would be a 1" compact like the Panasonic LX10/15 which you could mount slightly above and use the optical zoom to get through the grille. As with the Osmo, the advantage there is that you can use the phone app to monitor as well as control the lens. The LX10/15 can take the Cinelike D hack as well so you could match it better to the GH5 if you are using Cinelike D on that too.
  7. Whoah...hang on there you two. You are doing forums wrong if you agree to agree. Splitting hairs, clinging on to a semantic rock and repelling all boarders...that is what it is all about. Now, lets get this back on course and start trading petty insults.
  8. Yeah, I mentioned his latest video in the BM thread last night. If what he is saying about the patents stands up (and I have no idea either way) then it will be interesting to see the response from companies that have fallen foul of infringing them. The whole "Made In The USA" aspect should at least no longer be a stick to beat the likes of Kinefinity and Z Cam with any more.
  9. A re-post of my findings from another thread but I have found these Sony cards to be a currently available card that works with both my Pocket and Micro. It is the UZ designation that is important to ensure that you have the right one. Here is a link to the exact one that I have https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00YOKOJOU/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1
  10. Erm... The new video from Jinnitech thats come out tonight about those patents has...well... Obviously have to be careful regarding discussing anything about RED in that regard but if (and its a big if) its as he claims then I'll just have to use this image again
  11. Oh well, at least this is a quicker way to find out none of them work So thats G80 and GX80 done and dusted. Hopefully we can get something back from owners of the newer cameras.
  12. By doing nothing until after the S1H, the Sigma FP and the ProResRAW update for the Nikon Z6 are released? Or in the case of the last one, waiting for Elvis to re-appear saying "Fooled ya !" whichever comes first.
  13. BTM_Pix


    By which I presume you mean "can you get the booze bottles out and do a comparison with your Samyang 85 f1.4 and the 7Artisans that we all know you will be too weak to resist buying when it arrives" Physically, its slightly smaller and about 20% lighter than the Samyang. For using it on my SL, the overall dimensions will be much smaller as the L to M path adapter wise is much smaller than the L to EF path. And its obviously a little bit faster but a little bit less reach.
  14. I felt this was the most likely explanation too. Unless RED are just re-housing a job lot of unsold EOS-RPs and adding RAW Be interesting to see how they react to the Z Cam releasing Z Raw today
  15. The sort of announcement that makes RED's lawyers do this : Here is a very quick clip that someone has done with it presumably straight after downloading it judging by the timing.
  16. BTM_Pix


    No but have we seen the price of the Leica version ? The 7Artisans is 3.5% of the price of it Based on my experiences with the 50mm f1.1 and the 28mm f1.4 it will hopefully be decent enough for me at least.
  17. Interesting comparison in this tweet between the field of view of a Sigma 18-35mm lens on Pocket 6K and the same lens with 0.71 speed booster on Pocket 4K.
  18. BTM_Pix


    Oh, hello. Looks like its about ready to start shipping. $449 for a full frame 75mm f1.25
  19. What will have stunned them is that BM were able to deliver the camera the day after the announcement while RED are only in the position to show off teaser pictures of theirs. I don't know how long RED intend to let this routine of putting out teasers go on for but if it continues much longer we'll have to start calling it the Komodo Drag On.
  20. OK for @jase or anyone else who wants to prod about in a bit more of a structured manner on their Lumix device, I have just knocked up this rough and ready Lumix Video Format Explorer app for Android. Usual story, attach your camera to your device over wifi and then open the app and hit the CONNECT button and your camera should clear its wifi screen and show that it is under remote control. If you want to see if the 709Like profile works on your camera then just hit the 709Like button and see what happens. Certainly does nothing on the GX80 but it seems to on the GX9 so its worth a go on similar later cameras. The next 4 buttons switch the video format of the camera and the MP4ED appears to populate the GX9 with additional options but again, nothing on the GX80. Next up, we have the SELECT FORMAT button. When you press that, you get this list (which scrolls to several pages). This is the list of every format returned from a probe of the GH5 so select the one you want to try and it will return you to the main screen with that one now shown in the blue banner beneath the SELECT FORMAT and SEND button. Obviously to send the currently selected recording format you then hit SEND. Beneath the blue banner are the PREVIOUS and NEXT buttons which will select the next recording format in the list and then automatically send it to the camera. The reason for the two different methods is obviously so you can use the list selection to get to a specific one you want rather than scrolling through and the PREVIOUS/NEXT auto method is better for stepping through regions of formats (i.e just the AVCHD ones). Finally, the RECORD button is a bit self explanatory and switches between red and green depending on status. The purpose of having the file name in the bigger banner is so that for testing you can point the camera at the phone (on a stand or propped up ideally) and then when you review the recorded file you will have a visual indicator of what file format you had told it to record in for easier confirmation. If you send the camera some file formats it really doesn't like then certainly on the GX80 this can sometimes result it in de-populating its list inside the camera (i.e. you can select MP4 but there are no different formats listed) but this can easily be resolved by choosing a known working format from the list and sending it which will restore the list. For the GX80 an example of this will be mp4_24p_100mbps_4k As this contains the full list of all 202 GH5 format variants, I'd probably say this is the definitive last hurrah for anyone trying to find any hidden type inside their Lumix cameras and is obviously fastest and the most structured way to do it so will be less painful than having to paste hundreds of commands into a browser. I think that this will be more fruitful for the latter cameras based on what seems to be happening with the GX9 so if you have one of those then using this you might be able to find more gold with that one a bit quicker. Also, if you come across someone with an LX100 Mark 2 then this app will let us quickly establish if there is anything in there as I now have a sneaking feeling there might be. Usual caveats regarding use of this app is that it doesn't send any commands other than those sent by the Panasonic app but obviously use of it is at your own risk. Your Android device should auto install the attached apk file when you download it but make sure you have your security settings set to allow installation of apps from “Unknown sources“. LumixVideoFormats.apk
  21. That whisper may well prove to have been drunken slurring but I think its on the money. I think I've said to you before but the FP has the potential to be the full frame version of the BMMCC. For a few reasons, I await it with probably a little more interest than most
  22. OK, give me a couple of hours to write an app to do something.
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