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Everything posted by BTM_Pix

  1. The quality of the image will no doubt be pretty good but its the getting to that point seamlessly that is the challenge based on my experience with the P4K. For a start, the shutter button is too small and too recessed to depress without inducing some shake of the camera body. The next issue is the shutter. Although you can switch it from shutter angle to shutter speed, it is still linked to angle so only goes from a minimum of 1/24th to a maximum of 1/768th and the values in between are also tied to shutter angle so they step in increments that not many photographers will be that familiar with ! In terms of exposure, if you don't go fully manual (and with the false colour its no big deal to do that of course) then you can simulate shutter priority mode if you use the Auto key on the back of the camera and simulate aperture priority mode and full auto mode by turning the Auto on in the shutter menu. Although setting the modes isn't exactly intuitive, it is doable but the big drawback is the lack of exposure compensation control so you are stuck with what the camera decides. In summary, for me, the shutter button is probably an indicator of how much BM really thought people would be using it as a stills camera and the maximum shutter speed and lack of exposure compensation certainly confirms it. As a 'cinema hybrid' for want of a better expression rather than a photo hybrid, its likely that you will have ND to hand anyway so its not as much of a big deal regarding maximum shutter speed and you could argue that shooting DNGs does mitigate the lack of an exposure compensation function to some extent as you have additional latitude. The use of a remote shutter release that has a dedicated mode dial and a sneaky way of creating exposure compensation for people who did want to use it more for photography would probably be of benefit. And when I say 'probably be of benefit' I actually mean 'does anyone want one?'.
  2. Ah, I think we were possibly talking at cross purposes then. To be fair, the power situation isn't nearly the headache it was when we first got them either when BM inexplicably did not have the cable kits ready so we were all having to lash together different clunky solutions. Overall, I actually think the Pocket 4K probably wins the minimum spend on additional accessories to shoot though as the additional power costs are more than offset by how much it costs to get a phantom powered XLR microphone into the other cameras and BRAW has shifted things even further with regard to comparable media costs.
  3. If I were to do this, then the sacrifice of the central part of the hotshoe (at least) to get the cables through would be the logical option and then terminate them with two sockets to plug into. You could use a male connector as the guy has with the LX100 if you wanted and use couplers but I'm not sure why. A mod would remove the onboard mics completely so yes you could either go in just before the pre-amps or if you look at the schematic in the service manual you can trace it and go in after those ( at c7 and c8 on IC9101) providing you have external pre-amps. Or just buy a G85 and be done with it
  4. When you open the Pocket 4K box, you only need to add a lens and a memory card to shoot with it. If you want to add extra power, support, external monitoring, microphones etc to it then the package cost will go up if you don't already own that stuff. But exactly the same could be said of any interchangeable lens camera though. And it won't be any different with the Pocket 6K so I'm not sure what you are getting at here with regard to what I said mate, which was about used prices of the Pocket 4K getting lower ?
  5. Particularly as the 4K is quite likely to become a lot cheaper on the used market.
  6. I'm curious about this to be honest. Its still quite rare to see one out in the wild isn't it? There were obviously a gazillion pre-orders when it was announced but I wonder what percentage of those turned into actual delivered sales after all the delays? How many people cancelled because they got fed up and moved on to another camera (after all people couldn't just put their projects on indefinite hold) or their circumstances changed or they didn't like CDNG being removed? If those people now come back I'm guessing it might will be to the 6K and that the 6K will have a longer life so might well outsell the 4K in the end.
  7. I think the thirst for ever faster lenses is starting to bite as the prices of the equivalent mft ones can't compete. If you look at something like the Sigma 16mm f1.4 for the Pocket 6K then its not far off half the price of the (almost) equivalent 12mm f1.4 Panasonic lens. Far more choice of fast, stabilised (which is obviously important on non-IBIS camera) native lenses from more manufacturers for the 6K than the 4K so you could argue that the difference in price will be recouped in lenses. The lenses are bigger of course but lets be honest the either version of the camera isn't on the compact side anyway.
  8. He said it can take it from any device so it should even be able to jam from an Android app like this for your phone if you want to save a few quid if its just for that feature. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.AaronBernstein.ltctimecodegenerator&hl=en_GB
  9. €3000 puts into a different bracket with different choices doesn't it? When you look at in the cold light of day, its going to be an APS-C EF mount camera with very primitive AF and a (now) compressed RAW codec. If Canon announced something with that spec today there'd be howls of derision I think it makes less sense for a lot of people than the 4K does (not least because the 4K can have EF lenses as well of course) but the choice is there now.
  10. He says its immediately available from stock. Which makes me suspicious about the long term outlook for the 4K considering the lead times he was mentioning for components for it.
  11. Oh well, we might as well start a new thread then. Interesting to see how it fares now its swimming in different if not necessarily deeper waters. Instant availability as well, which is another surprise, so whatever those components Grant Petty referenced that had 72 week lead times in the 4K version that have been crippling deliveries are obviously not in play here.
  12. Dumb luck while looking for some other information. Can't find one for the Olympus but here is a thread about fixing the ibis on the EP-L1 (same internals I believe regarding the sensor etc) https://www.mu-43.com/threads/e-pl1-ibis-problem-fixed-finally.59751/ And these various repair guides for it should put you on the right track regarding opening it up. https://www.ifixit.com/Device/Olympus_E-Pl1
  13. So, I've happened across the service manual for our old friend the GX80/85.... A while ago, a brave soul on DPReview cracked open his LX100, located where the internal mics connected and made a breakout cable. Its documented here https://***URL removed***/forums/thread/3845240 So with the aid of the newly acquired GX80/85 service manual, I had a look to see where the mics were and was there a similar potential. The good news is that there is. The mics themselves are located under the hotshoe . The service manual provides all the information you need to trace the signal and connect a break out to your own connector. You could conceivably do the same for the speaker output and make a headphone port if you were so inclined. You can use this IR mod guide to get you going with the cracking open the case. https://www.lifepixel.com/tutorials/infrared-diy-tutorials/life-pixel-panasonic-lumix-gx85-diy-digital-infrared-conversion-tutorial And then take it from there with the service manual I've attached here to do the rest of the steps to get to the hotshoe removal. LUMIX GX85 Service Manual.pdf Now, I'm no expert on consumer law but I have a sneaking feeling that doing this mod might invalidate your warranty a little bit so its all at your own risk. What we could really do with is someone who already has a completely dismantled GX80 to try this out for everyone eh @Andrew Reid ?
  14. Amazon probably would take it back in that state so I'd buy a new one off them, swap the cases and ram in as much of the debris as you can and send it back ! I'll do a new post about that other thing as it might be useful to some brave souls.
  15. On an unrelated note, do you still have that GX80 in pieces as per your Twitter link picture for this article ? If you do, I've discovered something interesting that you might want to look at if you fancy an external microphone mod for it.
  16. I think that was a really great thing to do. Rainy day projects that I did with my Dad were exactly the same projects that we were supposed to have been doing that day but just done in the rain.
  17. I'm very interested in seeing examples of the 3D models you've been able to make with this setup. Is this one of them by any chance?
  18. I got this cheap and cheerful one off Amazon for £26 and it works perfectly fine for me. The 50mm lens tests that I did at the weekend in the lens thread were all done using it on my SL and it handled the additional stacking of CY>EOS, F>EOS and M42>EOS adapters with no problem. https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07QMVVWV8/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  19. I know that, I was answering a part of someone else's question in which I had been quoted. With regard to the GX85, the mic input and articulated screen of the G7 may well actually trump IBIS and simultaneous HDMI out in many use cases so I don't think its that cut and dried personally.
  20. You need an app but there are numerous ones on the Google Play store like Easycap, USB Camera Pro and others. They are generally used as FPV monitors for drones or as live stream encoders for webcams so don't expect all or indeed any of the bells and whistles of FieldMonitor etc but for low latency secondary HDMI monitoring on a much brighter screen they work fine. Hardware is around £90 if you go for one like this which is the one I have. https://www.amazon.co.uk/DIGITNOW-Card,Full-Streaming-Drive-Free-Compatible-Black/dp/B077YG3P4Z There are complaints on there about audio sync but thats not something I'd ever have need for so I can't say I've even tested it. I keep meaning to do a post about it and I will if there is enough interest but I've got a fair amount on at the moment so it will only be a brief one.
  21. I only do stuff for Android so I suppose that proves your point! There is a similarish product for Android called Gmonitor. I've mentioned it before but for anyone looking for a more seamless integration for social media then the Toshiba FlashAir SD cards are worth a look as they work independently in the background of the camera you have them in to automatically transfer files to your device without having the full blown camera app open. The latency/quality equation of monitoring signals over wifi makes the use of the superior display of the phone a bit of a problem. Not to mention the heat and battery drain for sustained periods of that sort of use. There are some inexpensive wired solutions that use HDMI to USB3 for phones that can handle UVC class devices that can be used though. Think of these as like a roll your own version of the LukiLink. Although on its not as elegant a solution as being wireless it does have a big advantage with regard to latency and an edge in quality. Its a particularly useful device to have in the bag for owners of cameras that might occasionally need external monitoring but have restrictive wireless apps (ie Fuji where the camera can't record 4K when you are remote monitoring) or obviously for the Pocket4K which has none at all. Its particularly useful for the Pocket4K in bright sunlight to be able to use your phone as a brighter screen that can be tilted.
  22. This one doesn't specifically detail it having the upgrade but MPB have sold quite a few FS700Rs (they have 3 now actually) so its worth checking with them as they may well have taken it in with an FS700R kit originally and are selling it separately. https://www.mpb.com/en-uk/used-equipment/used-accessories/used-photo-and-video-accessories/used-other-photo-and-video-accessories/odyssey-q7/sku-863775/
  23. It uses the same stream as the Panasonic Image App, so latency/quality/behaviour when recording will be the same. But it does offer a lot more on the monitoring side, particularly with focus The full details are here https://www.adamwilt.com/fieldmonitor/
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