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Posts posted by keessie65

  1. The chance that I will buy an upgrade for my NX1 this autumn is huge. If it is the A7SIII, A6700, Nikon mirrorless or later XH2(?), I have to decide jet. That Samsung left the market is their biggest problem. I really, really like the NX1, but they have to bring news that they really come back soon, otherwise i will never buy Samsung again. Or they do it NOW, or they definitive stop rumour and develop new washing machines or so. 

  2. Andrew, I think Samsung will make big mistakes when they don't come back in camera business. Now they only have mobile phones and camerachips. Imagine what happen with their phone marketshare when Canon/Nikon/Sony are going to cooperate with mobile phone producers. How does it sound to you if you buy a mobile phone with a 'Canon inside' camera as second next to your Canon mirrorless. Same colourprofiles and art of menu. I am still happy with my NX1, but I love to see the news about all improvements. If i decide to buy Nikon FF mirrorless or A7SIII this autumn, the chance that I'll buy a Samsung camara again would be very very small. Note..., for filming I am not a Canon fan ?

  3. What a news! waiting for A7SIII and now Nikon. I didn't find a good replacement for my NX1, but perhaps now the choice between these camera's. ... And yes, I can consider GH5, but I do also photographing and NX1 is still superb as hybrid.


  4. Still difficult what to do now. Looking forward to a camera with IBIS, for filming and photographing. A7III, BMPC4K, GH5 are interesting but does not have that extra IMO. The a6700 rumour would be the most exciting replacement for my NX1. Now this news. I think I will wat a few months for upgrading.

    this was posted 5 days ago, Old news or did this guy knew more a few days ago? 


  5. Sorry for the long shots, I should have filmed more yesterday evening. Movements at the railway in my neighbourhood Oostzaan. Filmed with the combo NX1 + Yashinon 45 f1.4 + Bolex 16/32/1.5x + HCDNA. Graded with the lut from Casey Wilson, The NX1 DC Kodak and Filmconvert. 


  6. I like the performance of the Cookie Cutter ladies. Great music and choreographic. You're walking from outside to inside and you probably have inside different colours of light. AWB will always look for the best - but that is not the best for you. Better is when you focus on a white board with the most lights on it and do manual WB, or choose the best standard there is. Nice filmed, thanks for sharing!

  7. 4 minutes ago, Parker said:

    Here's a quick little spot I shot for a local restaurant's facebook cover yesterday, very quick turnaround because those Sammy colors are so gorgeous! This is basically right out of camera, only a tiny bit of tweaking on a few shots. Normal gamma, color sliders at 1.99, sharpness -10, contrast -4, saturation -2, on both the NX1 and NX500 (the only difference being the master black level on the NX1 was at 15 and obviously the NX500 doesn't have this setting). While this isn't showcasing of increased dynamic range per say, I do really like the way it came out looking. 

    password is jacks


    WOW, looks good, great colours. Great spot to film. 


  8. 1 hour ago, Kisaha said:

    What ISO was that? I wathced in 2K, there is a lot of noise in the image, the darks are very dark (my monitor is supposedly color corrected). I usually have contrast in -4, to be compatible with FilmConvert color profiles too. 

    Your DIS occasionally plays some tricks on you also! Amazing place, you are very lucky living there (or near there!).

    I usually have Master Black at 5, but I would lie if I said I have seen big differences between different settings. What Master Black anyone use?

    Was filmed with a tripod, no DIS, only 2 shots what you can see. ISO between 100 and later 1.600. Don't know if the 1.99RGB causes banding and or noise. I added grain with FilmConvert. I have MB on 10 ... because others do.

    and agree, I do not live there in that touristic area. I live in the neighbourhood 5km from there. But nice to film it is.


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