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Posts posted by keessie65

  1. 20 hours ago, Parker said:

    @lucabutera Hi Luca, thanks for replying! I only have one C/Y lens, the 50mm 1.7, and I have tried two c/y to EF adapters, trying to get it on to the NX-L. The adapters will go on to the lens just fine and lock pretty firmly into place. They will also go onto the adapter just fine, by themselves, but I can't get the lens, with either adapter, to successfully mate with the NX-L. Could be something wrong with my specific lens possibly, I don't know, I was just curious to see which c/y lenses other users had experimented with and if anybody else had any possible solutions. 

    Do you use the thin adapter? It works for me ;-) see eBay http://www.ebay.de/itm/272088667094

  2. 4 hours ago, Dick Sweeney said:

    Just think I've found a great lens for my set up that ticks many boxes - close focus yes - sharp wide open at 2.8 yes - small for its focal length yes - and it appears very little distortion with the Bolex - its the Nikon 100 2.8 E series - also no additional stepping rings from my clamp to lens.... havent tested the character of it yet - just the nitty gritty. I hope this to be my base standard for a solid sharp bright lens on the anamorphot. The Sony Zeiss was holding that position but it was an AF lens that could be easily knocked out of focus etc I'm keen to look at some others in this range - although I know f all about Nikons...... happy to hear some thoughts on similar Nikons with these capabilities. Especially around the 40mm - 60mm mark...


    Looks nice Dick! Perhaps you can use next to the 100mm lens, the pancake version of Nikon, the 50mm f1.8.

  3. I did send 

    13 hours ago, Laser Blue said:

    Hi. I facebook messenger messaged Luca. He replied. Asked him how to pay. Hasn't replied to that question. keessie65, how did you place the order? The crowdfund is closed. SUPER EXCITED TO PURCHASE AN NX-L (or two!)

    I just send a message to Luca with messenger (facebook), did you do that also? ... at friday I received the NXL and I will post some pictures later. But I have to say, it's well build and the first pictures I have taken were very impressive.

  4. 1 hour ago, funkyou86 said:

    Sorry if it's an inappropriate question, but how much does your rig worth now with th HCDNA?

    I had a Moller 19/1.5x in the past, which was a focus-trough. The image and the flares were similar to 16/32/1.5x but the lens was much smaller and was not the best with focusing to infinity. That lens trends for around 700 to 900 eur, depending on the condition.

    I really adore the look and feel of the 1.5x lenses so I'm thinking about reinvesting some dosh to it :D Does the 32/16/1.5x perform according to his price?

    I can answer... but it's actually the same as asking 'how old are you' ...you mostly do not ask that ;-) But, here we go; my setup, the Bolex 16/32 1.100 dollar (yes it can!), the HCDNA, 900 dollar, rig 250 dollar, Ultron 40mm 350 dollar. I had a Iscorama 36 and sold him. This setup is huge and weight a lot more, but the quality IMHO is much better than the Iscorama. And at least, I don't sell my Bolex ever again.


  5. 6 hours ago, SigurdW said:

    @funkyou86 I use the Rectilux HCDNA, can not recommend it enough! It has lived on my Bolex since day 1 and will probably never come of. Real good engineering, feels like and behaves like a tank - not a fragile peace of glass :) 

    I also can confirm that the quality of the HCDNA is superior. But, you need good lenses too. The Bolex 16/32 is a high end piece of glass and also the taking lens takes part of the quality of the film. The HCDNA is well build, easy to focus, build as .... and weight like a tank ;-)

  6. On 2017-6-14 at 4:31 PM, Ian Edward Weir said:

    You will find guys in both camps to which is better. But both camps would also agree that 3k for this lens is stupid high.  Spending about $2.5k ( $1.5k + 1k for a Hard Core DNA ) would give a Iscorama 36 a run for it's money. But you have the light weight of Iscorama and easier use of 72mm diopters vs 86mm diopters for extreme close ups. 

    a normal price for a Bolex 16/32/1.5x is about between  $1,5K and $2K at this moment. Also depending what colour flares it has. The lens in the auction is missing one screw in the front ring, which means that the lens is opened by someone. If that was done by a professional,  you will have all screws. $1K for this lens would be a fair price. If you have luck, you can find higher quality Bolex lenses for less than $1,5K

  7. 42 minutes ago, hotdog said:

    Hey really curious.. why did you sell your  Iscorama pre 36?

    The Iscorama Pre 36 is a fine lens, beautiful flares. There are many ideas about sharpness and performance. I found that the Iscorama was not sharp enough and I also saw that there is more Colour aberration. 

    4 hours ago, Honeamise said:

    How do you think a slr magic rangefinder would go with this kowa ?

    Do not know, I don't have a rangefinder.

  8. On 2017-6-3 at 8:18 AM, Didina said:

    Hello, dear friends!

    I have bought Kowa Prominar 16-A and inspired by anamorphic of pictures, low contrast and highlights
    ( I am using Prominar 16-A with lenses Olympus Zuiko 50/ 1.4 ,Zuiko 50/ 1.2 first versions without multiflexion )
    I am going to buy a Bolex Möller 16/32/1.5x  but it's much more expensive than Prominar ,
    Do someone has both of these attachments and can compare them? Why Bolex Möller 16/32/1.5x  is better than Prominar 16-A ?

    The Bolex is a high end lens and I can recommend that to you. I didn't own a Prominar 16-A but I do have now a Kowa anamorphiC 35. Also highest quality, with the same stretch as the Bolex (1,5x), but less expensive. Both has their ow character, see the forum for more information.

  9. 7 minutes ago, Juank said:

    Nice set up,

    less is more :grin:

    how do you found the Ultron 40mm and the combination with the Kowa?

    did you try Helios?

    no ND?


    Yes, less is more. The lenght is not so much, the weight is more. That makes the combo also more stable. The Ultrom works fine with the Ultron. But be carefull, there only 3 little screws on the back of the lens that holds your camera. You cannot walk aroud, you need a small rig. I don't have helios lenses and at this moment no ND filter. Step by step ... Soon I will sell another lens and then I can spend a little for something news.

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